Figure 4: A clustered network with one collapsed cluster.
ily compared. We remark that centrality indices make
sense only for nodes representing the actors of the net-
work, like persons, companies, and banks. Hence, in
order to compute the centrality of these actors, we run
the algorithm on a different suitable network consist-
ing only of actors. Namely, we add an edge between
two actors if the length of the shortest path between
them is at most d (for a pre-set constant d), and then
we remove all nodes that are not actors.
The database of the system will be loaded with an
anonymized anti-money laundering archive. In the
demonstration, the user will be given an evidence of a
possible suspicious person or company. An evidence
can be for example a set of suspicious transactions
made by a person or by a company. Starting from this
seed entity, the task will be that of exploring and ana-
lyzing the related network using the tools provided in
the system. User’s impressions and comments will be
recorded by means of an interview.
Figure 5: A user interacting with VIS4AUI by a touch-
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IVAPP 2012 - International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications