A Conceptual Model
Donato Barbagallo
, Cinzia Cappiello
, Alberto Coen Porisini
, Pietro Colombo
Marco Comerio
, Flavio De Paoli
, Chiara Francalanci
and Sabrina Sicari
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
Dipartimento di Scienze Teoriche e Applicate, Universit
a degli Studi dell’Insubria, Varese, Italy
Dipartimento di Informatica Sistemistica e Comunicazione, Universit
a degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy
Non-functional Properties, Privacy & Security, Quality of Service, Quality of Data, Service Contract.
This paper describes the work done in the project MoseForAgrofood (Ms4A) whose goal is to take advantage
of mobile technologies to develop augmented Web services for the agrofood domain. The use of personal
devices, such as smart phones and tablets, brings in specific issues such as the need to consider quality of
protection, quality of services, quality of data at any stage of the service life cycle. In this paper we propose a
conceptual model that aims to support the service development and provisioning addressing the above issues
by managing suitable non-functional properties.
Information Technology has already met the food in-
dustry and various applications have been developed
for supporting products traceability and offering ad-
vanced information services to the final users. Re-
cently, some contact-less services accessible via mo-
bile phone have been proposed in the agrofood do-
main. They mainly supply users with augmented
information on products (e.g., certifications, product
provenance and description). An example is the Dy-
namic Wine labels service provided by the Adegga
social network
that allows users to get more infor-
mation and recommendations starting from the QR-
Code on the labels attached to the bottles of wine. A
limitation of such innovative services is that they pro-
vide the same information to any user, often with an
unknown quality level. Services could be more ef-
fective if they would be able to offer costumized re-
sults according to user preferences and context. Cus-
tomization requires the management of user personal
data (e.g., preferences, allergies) and consequently it
introduces the issue of Quality of Protection (QoP)
to ensure a satisfactory level of privacy and security.
Moreover, the fact that data are often collected from
different sources introduces the issue of Quality of
Data (QoD) that needs to be addressed in order to
make the user aware of the dependability of the re-
trieved information. Finally, services are provided via
technological channels and it is necessary to consider
the issue of Quality of Service (QoS), to let the users
evaluate if the service fulfills the desired requirements
and constraints.
In this paper, we address these issues and we refer
to QoP, QoD, and QoS with the comprehensive term
of non-functional properties (NFPs). In particular, we
describe the work done in the project MoseForAgro-
food (Ms4A) whose goal is to deliver a framework
for the development of personalized and integrated
services that are accessible via mobile devices with
contact-less interaction style. The paper provides a
comprehensive conceptual model as a foundation for
handling NFPs in a single framework. This approach
considers the quality aspects since the beginning of
the development process and incorporates such issues
in the development framework and related platform.
The adoption of the proposed model supports the au-
tomatization and generalization of discovery, selec-
tion and filtering activities, which is a pre-requisite
to support new types of interaction with minimized
user involvement, as in the case of contact-less inter-
Barbagallo D., Cappiello C., Coen Porisini A., Colombo P., Comerio M., De Paoli F., Francalanci C. and Sicari S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003935102640267
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 264-267
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
action with mobile devices. In fact, the model will
drive the design of the MS4A platform that will be
able to (i) handle the contracts (i.e., agreements on
NFPs) defined with the users; (ii) select the proper
services to be provided in order to both satisfy the
quality requirements and enforce the privacy and se-
curity policies specified in the contracts; (iii) monitor
the NF conditions under which the services are pro-
vided at run time; (iv) enforce proper actions in case
the agreements are violated.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 proposes the comprehensive conceptual model.
Section 3 contains a short state of the art of NFPs
management in service-based solutions. Conclusions
and future work end the paper in Section 4.
The model proposed in this paper introduces the con-
cepts needed to drive the development of a platform
that enforces the NFPs discussed so far. Figure 1
shows the model by means of a UML Class diagram.
Each concept has been detailed to give evidence to the
involved elements.
Abstract class Service models the evident concept
of service. Service providers and service users repre-
sent the stakeholders involved in the service domain.
Abstract class ServiceProvider represents a generic
entity that supports the provisioning of services. Class
Ms4APlatform extends ServiceProvider and is aimed
at modeling the provider of the services defined for
the Ms4A Project. Similarly, ExternalProvider mod-
els the provider of additional services required by the
Ms4APlatform to provide its services.
In order to enable the personalization of Ms4A
services, users have to provide information related to
their identity, life style and interests. The consumer of
the services is modeled by the ServiceUser class and
the associated data by the abstract class UserData.
The classes Identifiable, Sensitive, and Generic. in-
troduce specific categories of UserData. Identifiable
deals with data referred to the identity of a user (such
as family name). Sensitive deals with attributes re-
lated to the user’s private life such as health conditions
and religious creed. Generic defines general informa-
tion that do not belong to previous classes.
Considering Ms4A platform, class Frontend mod-
els the client side of a Service, while class Backend
the server side. The client side manages (i) the mobile
device used by the user; (ii) the part of the service ap-
plication that is executed on this device; and (iii) the
user’s profile data that need to be forwarded to the
back-end for the execution of the requested service.
The abstract class FrontendData models generic
data that are handled by the frontend. Profile extends
FrontendData by defining data types required at ser-
vice execution time. Particularly, a profile includes
1) identifiable, sensitive and generic data concerning
personal characteristics of the user, 2) the user’s pref-
erences on the use of the service, 3) the acknowledged
contract, and 4) the encryption keys that are used to
address protection issues. Moreover, a service may
provide various functionalities, but the user might be
interested only in part of them. Therefore, class Pref-
erenceOnService is used to customize the service use
on the basis of the users’ preferences. In particular,
customization regards both the preferred usability set-
tings and the selection of the basic functionalities.
Contract specifies the NFPs the service provider
considers to provide the service and the actions that
will be executed on the users data. The user must con-
sent to the contract in order to use the service. Class
ConsentData models the acceptance of the agreement
that is established with the service provider, that in-
cludes also the consent to handle his/her data.
Due to the sensitive data that can be exchanged
between user and service provider, encryption keys
are used to protect the transmitted information. Class
Key models the encryption keys that are used 1) to ex-
change messages and 2) to encrypt the sensitive data
that refer to instances of identifiable data.
Some basic functionalities need to be supported
by the service client side. These functionalities in-
clude: 1) to access data stored on the mobile device,
2) to handle the interaction with the server-side via
message passing, 3) to encrypt data, and 4) to han-
dle visualization and rendering activities. Class Fron-
tendActivity models the basic functionalities of the
client-side service. Advanced client-side activities are
defined on top of these basic functionalities. For in-
stance, ConsentAcquisition models the acceptance of
the agreement that enables the user to use the service,
and the provider to handle users data according to
the policy specified in the contract. ProfileDefinition
models the acquisition of the user’s data required for
the execution of the service, and his/her preferences
with respect to the enjoyment of the service function-
ality. This activity generates data of type Profile.
The Backend side collects all the services used to
provide the desired functionalities, including the con-
trol activities that are modeled by class BackendActiv-
ity. A control activity introduces the actions that are
taken to monitor, correct and report of violations of
conditions during and after the execution of a service.
Class Obligation models the actions that the proces-
sor guarantees to perform, after the data have been
processed in case particular conditions are verified.
Frontend Backend
On Service
Figure 1: The main concepts of the conceptual model.
The abstract class BackendData models generic
data used during the execution of a service by the ser-
vice provider. This generic data type is refined into
some concrete classes. Class HistoricalInteraction
models information about the execution of the ser-
vice. Class SupportingData models data owned by a
service provider that are required to support the exe-
cution of a service. Finally, class EncryptionKey mod-
els the encryption keys that are used to satisfy protec-
tion requirements included in the contract.
Both frontend and backend services may depend
on each other. We can identify three types of depen-
dency: i) Functional Dependency models the depen-
dencies in the execution of services; ii) Data Depen-
dency models situations in which there is a data flow
between services and therefore a service relies on data
generated by another service; iii) Control Dependency
models the situation in which a service is the supervi-
sor of another one and has to check the satisfaction of
NF and functional constraints. This is the case of the
Ms4A platform that governs and monitors the execu-
tion of the external services.
Class Contract models the agreement that is es-
tablished between the platform, which is responsi-
ble for providing the services, and the user(s). The
agreement is said Generic when it is offered to a
wide group of potential users, and Personal when it
is signed between a provider and a single user that
also specifies preferences on the provisioning. The
agreement specifies the NFPs the Ms4A platform un-
dertakes to provide the service. Abstract class Non-
FunctionalProperty models a generic NFP. Concrete
extensions of NonFunctionalProperty are introduced
to model properties belonging to different NF cat-
egories. More specifically, class QualityOfService
models provisioning requirements that concern per-
formance and use of resources. QualityOfProtection
models security and privacy requirements. Quality-
OfData models the state of completeness, validity,
consistency, timeliness and accuracy of the data man-
aged by the service. Finally, Cost models the financial
terms and conditions (e.g., price, insurance and com-
pensation agreements) associated with the service.
All the NF dimensions are evaluated by means of met-
rics. Class Metrics has been introduced to specify the
assessment algorithms used to measure the NFPs.
Besides all these aspects, the contract specifies the
general service aims and functionalities. Class Pur-
pose models the service aims including the descrip-
tion of 1) the service functionalities, 2) the user’s data
that are required during the service execution and 3)
the activities that will be performed on such data.
Moreover, if a service includes an Obligation, Pur-
pose will describe it together with the conditions un-
der which the functionality is executed. Finally, Pur-
pose specifies the service provider that is in charge to
execute the service. Finally, a service can be thought
for a specific category of users. Class Applicability
models the conditions under which the contract can
be offered to a specific class of users.
In the literature, the mutual understanding between
providers and consumers is typically established by
specifying policies (Bajaj et al., 2006) and Service
Level Agreements (Keller and Ludwig, 2003). Poli-
cies and SLAs are commonly referred to as Service
Contracts (Comerio et al., 2009). Besides a func-
tional description of the service, a service contract in-
cludes the specification of contractual terms that are
constraints on NFPs that can include QoS, QoD, and
QoP aspects. However, QoS, QoD, and QoP are not
typically considered together. The literature provides
a variety of QoS models and QoS-based Web service
discovery and selection approaches. Proposals such
as (Wang et al., 2006) tackle the discovery by defining
specific sets of quality dimensions to consider. Due to
the fact that the authenticity of the advertised QoS in-
formation may be questionable, some papers in the
literature (e.g., (Xu et al., 2007)) propose a model of
reputation-based Web services discovery. The QoD is
another aspect that must be checked during the service
selection. Data quality literature provides a thorough
classification of data quality dimensions, e.g., (Batini
and Scannapieco, 2006). Several architectures for the
data quality management have also been proposed. In
particular, in (Scannapieco et al., 2004), a scenario
similar to the one proposed in this paper is consid-
ered: user needs are satisfied by integrating data gath-
ered from heterogeneous sources.
Finally, users want to subscribe a service also tak-
ing into account the satisfaction of their QoP needs.
As regard the research efforts in the QoP field, re-
quirement engineering methodologies, such as Kaos
(Lamsweerde et al., 2000) and Tropos (Liu et al.,
2002), can be used for the analysis and specifica-
tion of security & privacy requirements. Moreover,
several techniques such as anonymizing mechanisms
based on data suppression or randomization (Mieliki-
nen, 2004; Narayanan and Shmatikov, 2005) have
been proposed to protect private data from unautho-
rized accesses. All these techniques do not require
the definition of any privacy policies; rather they can
be used as building blocks for realizing them. Finally,
papers such as (Coen-Porisini et al., 2010) presents a
conceptual model aiming at supporting the specifica-
tion of privacy policies. In the present work, we adopt
a similar approach to (Coen-Porisini et al., 2010) to
define our conceptual model but we want to capture
not only privacy but different NFPs, such as QoS and
This paper proposes a comprehensive conceptual
model to handle multiple NFPs in order to support
design, selection and composition of added-value ser-
vices in the Ms4A scenario. An innovative feature of
our model is the capability to capture several types
of NFPs, i.e., QoS, QoD, QoP, and the relationships
among them. Future work focuses on the investiga-
tion of the requirements for the service design and on
the development of a set of tools for the management
of service contracts and for the description of NFPs
associated with the services and the platform.
This work is partially funded by the regional (Lom-
bardy) MoseForAgroFood project.
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