First, contrary to the Input, Output, Precondition
and Effect paradigm it features the business and func-
tional characteristics which consumers are mostly in-
terested in and which are specified in their requests.
Second, our meta model can deal with capabilities
at different abstraction levels in a uniform way. In ad-
dition, it establishes relations between Capabilities at
different abstraction levels. In particular, it provides
the required declarative specification to dynamically
generate concrete Capabilities from abstract ones.
Furthermore, our meta model defines semantic
links between Capabilities. By using these relations
Capability owners can rapidly and easily define new
Capabilities by reusing previous definitions. In ad-
dition, these relations define a cloud of Capabilities
where navigation techniques can be developed as an
alternative to goal based discovery techniques.
A cloud of capabilities description can be easily
queried using SPARQL. Actually, we use RDF as a
lightweight language for describing and linking capa-
bilities descriptions whereas we can use SPARQL for
advanced querying including the usage of SPARQL
as a rule language (Axel Polleres, 2007).
Finally, since our meta model is RDF based it
can be easily extended, while preserving the attribute-
featured principle, by considering other types of at-
tributes (such as optional and mandatory attributes)
and other types of attribute values.
We did not give much attention in this paper to
the concept of Action Verb. We do not want to tight
the use of this concept to a simple verb. It can be an
expression describing the actual service action. It is
also possible to enrich this concept by other related
terms such as synonyms. Natural Language Process-
ing (Sugumaran and Storey, 2003) can be applied to-
gether with WordNet verb synsets for generating pos-
sible synonyms to enrich the action verb concept of
the capability description.
It is possible to use concepts from a domain re-
lated ontology/taxonomy or a categorization schema
like NAICS
for this Action Verb in or-
der to be more compliant to the domain vocabulary.
Otherwise, as it has been stated by (Oaks et al.,
2003), we can use the MIT Process Handbook (Mal-
one et al., 2003) for determining the action verb of a
service capability. A capability can be matched to a
particular process in the process handbook. We can
also use the meronymy and the hyponymy relations
described in that process handbook for creating the
hierarchy of capabilities.
North American Industry Classification System,
United Nations Standard Products and Services Code,
As part of our future work, we plan to:
• investigate other relations that might be useful for
creating the capabilities hierachy/cloud. The pos-
sible other relations under definition are: share,
shareSame, shareDifferent, differMore and differ-
Less. Some of these relations do not bring much
information on themselves. They are used in fact
to compute other relations.
• explore what we call extended relations in con-
trast to basic relations that we are currently con-
siderering. Basic relations are coarse-grain rela-
tions/links while extended relations are more fine-
grained. An extended relation specifies which at-
tribute the basic relation, it derives from.
• provide an automation support for maintaining the
capabilities hierarchy. We aim to provide an au-
tomation support to add or remove any capability
from the hierarchy/cloud.
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