Guglielmo De Angelis
, Antonia Bertolino
and Andrea Polini
CNR– ISTI, Via Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy
Computer Science Division, School of Science and Technologies, University of Camerino, 62032 Camerino, Italy
Service Choreography, SOA Governance, V&V Policies, On-line Testing, Ranking, Reputation, Service
Oriented Architecture.
The Future Internet (FI) sustains the emerging vision of a software ecosystem in which pieces of software,
developed, owned and run by different organizations, can be dynamically discovered and bound to each other
so to readily start to interact. Nevertheless, without suitable mechanisms, paradigms and tools, this ecosystem
is at risk of tending towards chaos. Indeed the take off of FI passes through the introduction of paradigms and
tools permitting to establish some discipline. Choreography specifications and Governance are two different
proposals which can contribute to such a vision, by permitting to define rules and functioning agreements
both at the technical level and at the social (among organizations) level. In this paper we discuss such aspects
and introduce a policy framework so to support a FI ecosystem in which V&V activities are controlled and
perpetually run so to contribute to the quality and trustworthiness perceived by all the involved stakeholders.
The Future Internet (FI) is changing the way software
is conceived, implemented and used: many research
projects are undertaken from all over the world (Pan
et al., 2011) to re-design the FI architecture so to ad-
dress the various emerging needs for trustworthiness,
security, mobility, scale, flexibility, content distribu-
tion, adaptation, and so on. As highlighted in (Pan
et al., 2011), the FI cannot be achieved by “assem-
bling different cleanslate solutions targeting different
aspects”, but a coordinated comprehensive approach
addressing new design principles is required.
Still today, by reading the reports and roadmaps
(e.g., (Pollak, 2006; Fiedler et al., 2011)) produced
by such widespread research effort, it is evident that
analysts and experts do not yet agree on a common
vision for, or are not yet able to precisely predict, the
shape of the next-coming FI. Nevertheless, from the
above mentioned documents some underlying com-
monalities can be already identified. One of such
common thinkings concerns recognizing the growing
importance in the engineering of the FI architecture
of social aspects over those merely technical (Fiedler
et al., 2011), due to the inherent inter-organization na-
ture of the FI. In particular, we claim that one of the
biggest challenges concerns the capability of introdu-
cing some form of discipline in new forms of collab-
orative software development and management, so to
permit the effective integration and definition of in-
dependently developed service-based applications, as
foreseen in the Service-oriented Architecture (SOA)
paradigm. Thus, we need to conceive methodologies
and approaches that will permit the smooth integra-
tion of independently developed pieces of software in
order to derive and provide users with more complex
composite services, according to their changing re-
In this line two main proposals can be identified.
The first one concerns the introduction of application-
level global protocols that service providers can take
as a reference in the development of their own ser-
vices. These specifications, typically defined and
managed by third party organizations, are generally
referred to as Choreographies. Specifically a service
choreography is a description of the peer-to-peer ex-
ternally observable interactions that cooperating ser-
vices should put in place (Barker et al., 2009). Such
multi-party collaboration model focuses on message
exchange, and does not rely on a central coordina-
tion of the described activities. Therefore, service
choreographies can be one of the right instruments
to solve “technical and social” issues posed by FI, as
they model a higher level of abstraction with respect
Angelis G., Bertolino A. and Polini A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003936200580070
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 58-70
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
to those of services.
The second proposal is the introduction of a clear
and explicit SOA governance (Woolf, 2007). Gen-
erally speaking, governance is the act of governing
or administrating, and refers to all measures, rules,
decision-making, information, and enforcement that
ensure the proper functioning and control of the gov-
erned system. SOA governance addresses specific
aspects of SOA life-cycle (Woolf, 2007). Specifi-
cally, SOA governance approaches include: SOA pol-
icy management and enforcement; registry and meta-
data management; data collection for statistical and
Key Performance Indicators; monitoring and manage-
ment; application and service life cycle management.
Choreographies and SOA governance are also
needed in order to support the progressive moving
of traditional Software Engineering activities from
the only pre-runtime phases towards “also at run-
time” (Trossen et al., 2009), i.e., during normal oper-
ating of deployed services. In this line, some authors
(Greiler et al., 2010; Bertolino et al., 2012) elaborated
in particular on the possibility, as well as the opportu-
nity, of extending to on-line the SOA testing activities,
also based on appropriate governance approaches for
In this paper, we continue the investigation on
such topic proposing a V&V policy framework aim-
ing at sustaining the governance of on-line V&V.
Policies are at the heart of governance: they define
the rules according to which systems and their owners
should behave to ensure the mutual understanding, in-
teraction and cooperation. More specifically, the con-
cept of a policy has been introduced as representing
some constraint or condition on describing, deploy-
ing, and using some service (MacKenzie et al., 2006).
When such constraints or conditions are agreed be-
tween two or more parties, they become a contract.
Indeed, SOA governance asks for the definition of
policies and supporting tools to take into account the
social and runtime aspect of FI above highlighted. It
is worth noting that the framework we propose mainly
focuses on V&V aspects, nevertheless a FI infrastruc-
ture will have to include mechanisms for governing all
the other aspects related to service and choreography
lifecycle. At the same time policies and mechanisms
we propose should not be considered exhaustive. In-
stead they permit to define a “border” in which a set
of rules need to be observed and monitored. It is cer-
tainly possible to imagine that in a given context the
defined policies and rules to observe are constituted
by a different set.
In this paper the focus is mainly on V&V poli-
cies on which governance of choreography is based,
specifically to support V&V on-line activities. Of
course, these policies cover only part of the complex
task of choreography governance, and other policies
are needed to support overall choreography manage-
ment. The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 introduces some background material in
particular with reference to on-line testing and SOA
governance, then Section 3 introduces a classification
for policies enabling V&V activities. Successively in
the following sections 4, 5 and 6 we respectively illus-
trate policies for activation, rating and ranking both
of services and choreographies. In Section 7 we in-
troduce some policies related to Choreography enact-
ment and in Section 8 policies for test case selection
are discussed. Then the paper closes with Section 9 in
which policies are illustrated with real examples and
Section 10 in which we draw some conclusions and
opportunities for future work.
The motivation behind V&V Policies for Service
Choreographies relies on two main concepts: On-line
testing (Section 2.1) and SOA Governance for V&V
activities (Section 2.2).
2.1 Testing in the SOA Setting
Due to the high dynamism and the multi-
organizational characteristics of SOA, the traditional
testing process is not anymore adequate to guarantee
acceptable levels of reliability and trust. Specifically,
during the last years, various research works (Greiler
et al., 2010; Bertolino et al., 2012; Ghezzi, 2011)
argued in favor of extending testing activities from
the laboratory to the field, i.e., towards run-time.
This is in line with the emerging trend of a sur-
rounding open world (Baresi et al., 2006), in which
software-intensive systems are more and more per-
vasive and evolve at unprecedented pace, the bound-
aries between software and the external world become
fuzzy, and no single organization is anymore in con-
trol of a whole system. In the future, SOA develop-
ment is going to be decentralized and multi-supplier,
and services are going to be pervasive, dynamic, au-
tonomic, multi-tenant. Quoting (Baresi et al., 2006),
developers recognize that they must shift from the
prevailing synchronous approach to distributed pro-
gramming to a fundamentally more delay-tolerant
and failure resilient asynchronous programming ap-
proach. Global behaviors emerge by asynchronous
combinations of individual behaviors, and bindings
and compositions change dynamically.
In such a context, where it will be the norm that
services that are “stranger” to each other dynamically
connect and collaborate, how can the behavior of a
SOA system be validated?
SOA on-line testing foresees the proactive launch-
ing of selected test cases that evaluate the real system
within the services’ real execution environment. By
extending testing from the laboratory to the field dur-
ing normal operation, on-line testing can help in the
timely detection of unrevealed inconsistencies as well
as of functional and non-functional failures. For ex-
ample, as shown in (Bertolino et al., 2012), on-line
testing can be used to assess an access control sys-
tem’s resilience. In this case, test cases consist of ac-
cess requests under different roles and to different re-
sources. If the system grants unauthorized access, the
tester will report a security breach in the audit log;
if the system denies a supposedly authorized access,
the tester will report this as well, permitting a quick
and proactive solution of problems that might affect
legitimate users. An on-line testing session can occur
periodically or after some relevant event, according to
the established SOA test governance process.
Choreography-based applications yield distin-
guishing characteristics such as adaptiveness, dy-
namic execution environment, limited controllability
on the execution environment, and late service bind-
ing. All such characteristics demand new testing
strategies both for development time and for run-time.
In this paper we focus on on-line testing of choreogra-
2.2 SOA Governance for V&V
In the introduction we anticipated that two means to
address FI challenges are choreographies and SOA
SOA governance is meant as a set of best prac-
tices and policies for ensuring interoperability, ad-
equacy, and reuse of services over several different
platforms (Woolf, 2007) and among different organi-
zations. Both design-time and run-time governance
are usually considered in SOA governance solutions.
Achieving SOA governance is a complex and ar-
ticulated task that involves many different and orthog-
onal domains (i.e., technical, legal, standards, internal
procedures). In the most abstract formulation, SOA
governance is realized through a cycle consisting of:
policy definition, auditing and monitoring, and finally
evaluation and validation.
As people would formulate decisions in terms of
policies (e.g., design policies, development policies,
run-time policies) that would be audited, monitored,
and validated, it is necessary to clearly state the scope
of their activities, and their responsibilities. With re-
spect to V&V activities for choreographies, we iden-
tify the following main actors: the Choreography De-
signer, the Service Provider, the Service Consumer,
and the V&V Manager.
Briefly, the Choreography Designer is the respon-
sible of a given choreography specification. For each
choreography specification, he/she may foresee a set
of policy templates that actors playing within the
choreography have to abide by. The Service Provider
roughly represents both the developer, and the main-
tainer of a set of services; while the Service Consumer
discovers and then uses such services by querying a
repository/registry. Both the Service Consumer, and
the services offered by a Service Provider would play
a role in a given choreography specification.
In this scenario, the V&V Manager is responsi-
ble for the definition and the implementation of the
V&V strategy within the established governance set-
ting. For example the V&V Manager is in charge of:
the selection of a suitable test strategy (e.g., driven by
the choreography specification); the analysis and the
management of the impact of the V&V results on both
the choreography and the service life-cycle; the defi-
nition of the V&V policies that will be applied in the
governance settings (e.g., how often V&V activities
are performed or after which events).
In the following we present two relevant scenarios
for that area of the SOA Governance regulating V&V
activities. Specifically, each scenario describes both
the respective responsibilities of the actors introduced
above, and the their mutual interactions.
The first scenario is referred to as Choreography
Registration Use Case. Specifically, when the de-
sign of a choreography is completed, the Choreog-
raphy Designer can make it available by registering
a specification of such choreography on a dedicated
registry. With reference to such registration, the life-
cycle at run-time of the choreography is regulated by
means of a set of policies that are mainly defined
by the V&V Manager. For example, a policy may
concern the rules under which a choreography is en-
actable, another deals with the criteria and the param-
eters for evaluating the quality associated with of a
The second scenario concerns the Service Reg-
istration Use Case. We consider that the Service
Providers promote their services (i.e. either develop,
or adapt) as participants “fitting” one or more roles
to be played in a given choreography. Specifically,
this scenario is conceived to fit the case that a chore-
ography specification is already available, and ser-
vices can dynamically enter and exit the choreogra-
phy, playing one of the specified roles.
From a testing perspective, these are the most
challenging scenarios, as the V&V Manager would
refer to them in order to check whether a service
can comply to the role, by testing it for conformance
against the choreography specification.
As part of the choreography V&V process would take
place at run-time, thus also the V&V activities should
refer to a set of rules, policies, and mechanisms gov-
erning the validation of both the choreography enact-
ments, and the implementations of the services they
The policies governing the V&V activities we are
proposing in this paper extend the work on on-line
testing earlier proposed in (Bertolino et al., 2006)
and (Bertolino et al., 2012). These policies are meant
to regulate the testing of a service implementation in
order to validate if it actually behaves according to
the role the Service Provider claimed at the time of its
registration. Furthermore, such policies are equally
important for governing “perpetual” V&V activities;
in other word V&V policies can regulate when to re-
test a service (i.e. either periodically, or event-driven)
that has been already registered in order to guarantee
that its behaviour did not change over time.
In the next sections we propose and discuss a set
of policies and rules that could be adopted and imple-
mented within a given V&V governance framework.
For clarity of exposition we organize such policies ac-
cording to the following classification:
1. V&V Activation Policies that describe rules for
regulating the activation of the on-line testing ses-
sions. As described in the following, such acti-
vation could be either periodical, driven from the
events about the lifecycle of a service, or linked to
some kind of quality indicator;
2. V&V Rating Policies that prescribe which as-
pects have to be considered for rating the quality
of both choreographies, and services.
3. V&V Ranking Policies defining the rules and the
metrics for computing the quality parameters ex-
pressed into the V&V Rating Policies;
4. Choreography Enactment Policies that pre-
scribe rules for deciding when a service choreog-
raphy could be enacted;
5. Test Cases Selection Policies regulating the test-
ing strategies that can be applied at run-time.
The rest of the paper describes such policies in de-
tail by considering a given choreography C.
The idea of V&V governance was originally proposed
in (Bertolino and Polini, 2009) to support an on-line
testing session when a service asks for registration
within a registry. In this vision, only services pass-
ing the testing phase are logged in the registry. As a
result, the registry is expected to include only “high-
quality” services that passed the validation steps fore-
seen by a more general governance framework. In
addition to the registration of a new service, the on-
line validation process could be also extended to other
events, like the release of a new service version.
Note that when entering a new service registration
in a registry, the service provider is naturally wishful
to promote the service and therefore can be explicitly
willing to submit it to on-line testing. On the other
hand, the notification of a service upgrade could be
notified only sporadically. The governance mecha-
nisms oriented to V&V activities could mitigate this
aspect by means of specific policies and obligations
that the service providers should abide by, when bind-
ing their services to a choreography.
During the life-cycle of a choreography C, a ser-
vice that was originally registered to play a given role
in C could be modified or become deprecated. This
event might impact on the regular progress of some
of the activities described in C. Thus, the V&V gov-
ernance should support rules that verify if the registry
still points at one or more active services that could
play all the roles subscribed by the removed service
in C.
Besides, the service provider might omit to no-
tify the deprecation of a service to the service registry.
For these cases, the monitoring system infrastructure
of the V&V governance architecture could cooperate
with the Service Registry in order to verify and notify
if any registered service is not reachable anymore.
Within a choreography a service may play one or
more roles. Also, the same service may be involved in
several choreographies. Service provider may decide
to change the roles that their services are playing in
the choreographies in order to fulfill new needs, new
business requirements, or the evolution of the techni-
cal solutions offered by the service. In all these sce-
narios, one of the V&V governance rules we propose
is that any modification (i.e. activation, modification,
cancellation) to the role of a service in C should acti-
vate a new testing session. Specifically:
Activation: when a new role A is added to a service
S in C, execute the integration test suite for A in
C and run it through S. Evaluate the impact of the
result of such on-line testing session on the test-
ing scores of the choreography C (as detailed in
Section 5).
Cancellation: when a role A is deleted from the roles
that a service S in could play in C, verify that the
service registry still points to at least one active
service that could play A in C.
Modification: this step could be processed as a se-
quence of a cancellation and an activation of a role
for a service in C.
V&V activation policies could also regulate on-
line testing sessions by referring to rating manage-
ment architectures (e.g. based either on trust, or rep-
utation models). As an example, they can specify the
admissible ranking rates that each service participat-
ing in a choreography must yield, and then trigger on-
line testing sessions whenever the rank of a service
decreases below such thresholds. We introduce rank-
ing policies in Section 6.
Finally, in addition to the event-driven activation
of the on-line testing sessions (e.g. service registra-
tion, etc), V&V policies can also regulate the “perpet-
ual” testing of software services either periodically, or
when a specified deadline is met.
Section 4 describes how the on-line validation of a
service that is indexed by a service registry can be ex-
ploited in order to build a trustful environment. This
section describes the V&V governance policies rating
both a single service that is bound to a choreography
C, and also C as a whole. We partition these poli-
cies in two main categories: rating policies based on
objective testing scores; and rating policies based on
subjective evaluation (i.e. feedbacks).
Concerning the first category, we refer to a sce-
nario implementing some perpetual validation tech-
niques, e.g. (Bertolino et al., 2006; Bertolino et al.,
2012). The results of the testing sessions somehow
allow us to quantify the service trustworthiness val-
ues according to the testing goals. Thus, we can use
such results to determine what service is trustable ac-
cording to an objective estimation (i.e. test passed VS.
test failed). Several trust models could be associated
to V&V governance aspects; in Section 6.2 we detail
a metric based on testing results.
Similarly to the rating of trustworthiness for single
services the V&V governance framework could refer
to some objective trust models in order to estimate the
potential trustworthiness score for the whole choreog-
raphy. In particular, for each role A defined in C, the
trust model could consider the trustworthiness based
on testing score of all the services on the registry that
can play as A. The trustworthiness of the whole C is
a function of the testing scores computed for all the
roles, and it could be interpreted as the resulting and
objective potential quality state (e.g. a benchmark) of
the whole choreography. A concrete metric that in-
stantiates this trust model is described in Section 6.1.
Concerning the subjective category, we refer to
service reputation. As argued in (Jøsang et al., 2007),
in this context we consider service reputation as a
metric of how a service is generally perceived by its
users. Thus, differently from the testing-based trust
systems described above, that are based on objective
measures, here reputation systems are based on sub-
jective judgments.
We consider reputation as an interesting indicator
to be referred within governance policies for V&V ac-
tivities. The basic idea of a reputation system is to
let parties rate each other, for example after the com-
pletion of an interaction, and use the aggregated rat-
ings about a given party to derive a reputation score,
which can assist other parties in deciding whether or
not to interact with that party in the future (Jøsang
et al., 2007). Currently, reputation systems represent
an interesting and significant trend in decision sup-
port, service provision, and service selection (e.g. the
Google’s +1 Button, the eBay’s feedback forum, the
Facebook’s Thumbs Up button, the LinkedIn’s Rec-
ommendations). Several and configurable reputation
models could be associated to this V&V governance
aspect; in particular Section 6.3 describes a model im-
plementing this kind of reputation rule.
Finally, V&V governance policies could refer to
some compositional model of the user’s feedbacks in
order to estimate a potential reputation score for the
whole choreography. In particular, for each role A de-
fined in C, the trust model could consider the reputa-
tion score (i.e. positive feedbacks VS. negative feed-
backs) of all the services on the registry that can play
as A. The reputation score of C (as a whole) is a func-
tion of the feedback scores computed for all the roles.
Thus here, the reputation score of C is interpreted as a
benchmark of subjective judgments for the choreog-
Rating policies rely on some metrics to evaluate the
choreography as well as its participating services. In
this section we propose some possible ranking rules
for this purpose. In particular, Section 6.1 describes a
rule for ranking a service choreography according to
both the topology of the choreography itself and the
ranking of the available/known services that can play
a role specified by the choreography. Then, according
to the V&V Rating Policies described in Section 5,
we provide two possible strategies for calculating the
service ranking function. Specifically, Section 6.2 de-
scribes an objective ranking strategy that is based on
the results of the testing sessions, while Section 6.3
describes a subjective ranking strategy that is based
on a reputation model.
Other different criteria for service ranking could
be considered in future extensions, for example an in-
teresting way to complement our proposed numerical
rankings could be to also take into account ontological
matching, as proposed in (Arroyo and Sicilia, 2008).
6.1 Choreography Rank
The ranking metric for a service choreography de-
scribed in the following is based on the well-known
PageRank algorithm (Page et al., 1999) used by
Differently from the other web search engines that
have been used until year 2000, Google dominated the
market due to the superior search results that its inno-
vative PageRank algorithm delivered. As described
in (Jøsang et al., 2007), the PageRank algorithm can
be considered as a reputation mechanism because it
ranks the web pages according to the number of other
pages pointing at it. In other words, the algorithm in-
terprets the collection of hyperlinks to a given page as
public information that can be combined to derive an
objective reputation score.
In the original definition (Page et al., 1999) (Kam-
var et al., 2003), the PageRank algorithm considers a
collection of web pages as a graph where each node
is a web page, and the hyperlinks of the pages where
modeled as outgoing edges of the graph. In this
sense, the strategy proposed by PageRank algorithm
can be applied to any problem that can be formulated
in terms of a graph.
Our interpretation of the PageRank algorithm con-
siders both the services involved in a choreogra-
phy, and the graph that the choreography subsumes.
Specifically, let us denote S as a set of services. We
define :
= {A|A is a role in C} (1)
as the set of all the roles defined in C, and:
(A) = {ω S|A A
, ω plays A in C} (2)
as the set of all the services in S that can play the role
A in C. Also, given a relation of dependency among
the roles in a choreography, for each role A in C we
denote both the set of roles in C on which A depends
(i.e. N
(A)), and the set of roles in C that depend on
A (i.e. N
(A)). Specifically:
(A) = {B|A A
, B A
, dep. from A to B in C}
(A) = {B|A A
, B A
, dep. from B to A in C}
Note that the definitions above are given in terms
of an abstract notion of dependency that can occour
among the roles belonging to a choreography. Sec-
tion 9.1 will present an example by using a specific
dependency relation.
Let us denote R as a ranking function for a given
service (see either Section 6.2, or Section 6.3), thus
Equation 5 defines the ranking function of a role A in
a choreography C.
R (A,t, C) =
Specifically, Equation 5 gives rank values based
on the ranking of all the services that are implement-
ing A in C: the more the services that can play A in C
rank well, the better A will perform in the choreogra-
phy. The effect of such impact is normalized accord-
ing to the number of services playing the role A. On
the other hand, the equation computes a poor ranking
for A if there exist only few and poorly ranked ser-
vices that can play A in C. In other words, this means
that A could be considered critical for the enactment
of C.
Nevertheless, the role ranking in Equation 5 does
not take into account the context where the role is
used. Equation 6 introduces a correction factor of the
ranking R taking into account the role dependencies
implied by a choreography specification.
Given a role A in choreography C, the case t = 0
in Equation 6 defines the initial condition for δ, while
the recursive definition for the case t 1 is an in-
terpretation of the PageRank algorithm (Page et al.,
1999) (Kamvar et al., 2003). Specifically, such defi-
nition is composed by two terms: using the terminol-
ogy adopted within the PageRank algorithm, the first
term of Equation 6 is the source-of-rank which is a
parameter influencing the final rank. In our case the
source-of-rank is R , giving rank values based on the
evaluation of all the services that are implementing A
in C.
The second term in Equation 6 gives rank values
as a function of the other roles in C on which A de-
pends. In other words, we consider that if the be-
δ(A,t, C) =
λR (A,t, C) + (1 λ)
R (B,t 1, C)
for t 1
ϕ otherwise
haviour foreseen for A in C relies on the actions per-
formed by another role B (e.g. B is the initiator of a
task with A), then the rank values scored by B should
impact the ranking of A within the whole C. This met-
ric is generally helpful, however we consider it partic-
ularly significant when B is badly ranked, for example
because most of the services playing B are not reli-
able. Note that, as the metric in Equation 6 does not
take into account the enactment status of the chore-
ography C, the effect of how much B impacts on A is
proportionally calculated by considering the number
of all the roles that depend from B.
The parameter λ can be used to tune the contri-
bution of each term in the computation of the role’s
ranking function; in the literature on the PageRank
algorithm, typically its most cited value is 0.85 (Kam-
var et al., 2003).
Finally, we denote the ranking function for the
whole choreography C as:
R(C,t) =
δ(A,t, C)R (A,t, C) (7)
6.2 Testing-based Service Rank
As described in Section 5, in those scenarios includ-
ing perpetual V&V activities, the analysis of the re-
sults of each testing session can be used for building
a trust model for services.
The very general idea of this assumption is that
data from testing results (i.e. both test passed, and
test failed) represents quantitative facts that permit to
determine how much a service playing a given role is
trustable according to an objective estimation. For ex-
ample, if the testing sessions that are executed focus
on integration issues, the testing-based service rank
explains how a service is behaving with respect to the
scenario foreseen by a choreography.
Furthermore, as service behaviour may continu-
ously evolve (e.g. change in the implementation,
dynamic binding with other services), a trust model
should consider that the closer in time a service has
been tested the more reliable are the results obtained
from the testing session. Thus the definition of a
testing-based ranking for services should decrease
over time.
The logistic function is a well-studied mathemati-
cal function that was originally proposed in (Verhulst,
1838), and is often used in ecology for modeling pop-
ulation growth. Specifically, in one of its most com-
mon formulation, the logistic function offers a non
linear evolution of the population function P over the
parameter t (e.g. the time) depending on the two pa-
rameters: the carrying capacity K, and the growth rate
The testing-based ranking we propose defines a
function of trust basing on the logistic function, where
K is interpreted as the highest admissible level of
trust, while for each service w, r is the number of the
tests passed over the total number of test executed (see
Equation 8).
For a given service ω
(A) that can play the
role A in C, Equation 9 defines a test-based trust
model based on the logistic function.
T (t, ω) =
K + v
Specifically, in Equation 9, the h
, and the v
are configurable parameters useful for translating, and
fading the values returned by the trust model. In addi-
tion, as the trust model T is actually an instantiation
of the logistic function, the setting of the parameters
for T must keep satisfying the stability criteria fore-
seen by logistic function (e.g. K > 1).
Finally, Equation 10 defines a testing-based rank-
ing function for a given service ω playing a given role
A in C (i.e. ω
(A)). As introduced in Section 6.1,
such service-level ranking function can be exploited
in order to compute the testing-based rank of the role
A (see Equation 5), and consequently the testing-rank
of the whole choreography C (see Equation 7).
R(t, ω) =
T (t, ω) if t < h
0 else
According to the definition in Equation 10, the config-
urable parameter h
is interpreted as the maximum
observation period (e.g time, hours, days, week, etc.)
after which the testing-based service rank is consid-
ered not sufficiently reliable, and then a new testing
session for the service is recommended.
As an example, Figure 1 depicts the evolution of
the function R(t, ω) with respect to t (i.e. time), and
by considering different values of r
. Specifically the
Figure 1: Examples of the evolution of the testing-based
service rank function.
figure shows the case all the test cases passed (i.e.
= 1), the case some of the test cases passed (i.e.
= 0.75), the case half of the test cases passed (i.e.
= 0.50), and the case most of the test cases failed
(i.e. r
= 0.25).
6.3 Reputation-based Service Rank
The testing-based service rank proposed in Sec-
tion 6.2 offers a quantifiable, and objective metric
evaluating how a service is behaving; for example
with respect to the scenario envisioned by a service
choreography. Differently, reputation systems based
on feedbacks provide a widely adopted solution in or-
der to share subjective evaluation of a service after the
direct experience of its users.
In the literature several ranking models have been
proposed in order to combine user’s feedbacks and
derive reputation ratings (Jøsang et al., 2007). Among
the others, in this section we will refer to a reputa-
tion model based on the Beta Density function (β),
and originally proposed in (Jøsang and Ismail, 2002).
Specifically, the authors in (Jøsang and Ismail, 2002)
argue how reputation systems based on the β function
are both flexible, and relatively simple to implement
in practical applications. Furthermore, such systems
have good foundation on the theory of statistics.
Let us consider a service ω playing a given role
A in C (i.e. ω
(A)). Than, we denote f
, f
0 as the number of positive and negative feedbacks
collected by the service ω, respectively.
According with the formulation given in (Jøsang
and Ismail, 2002), the β function can be written as
reported in Equation 11, where Γ is the well-studied
Gamma function.
Figure 2: Examples of the β function.
β(p, f
, f
) =
Γ( f
+ f
+ 2)
Γ( f
+ 1) Γ( f
+ 1)
(1 p)
The interesting consideration about the β function
is that its mathematical expectation is trivial to com-
pute; it is given by the Equation 12.
E(β(p, f
, f
)) =
+ 1
+ f
+ 2
In other words, the feedbacks that the users reported
during past interactions with a service ω are inter-
preted by Equation 12 as the probability of collecting
a positive feedback with ω on average in the future in-
teractions. For example, if E for the service ω is 0.8
means that is still uncertain if ω will collect a positive
feedback in the future (i.e. due to a positive interac-
tion), but it is likely that this would happen.
Figure 2 depicts three instantiation of the β func-
tion: the case most of the feedback are negatives (i.e.
= 2, f
= 8), the case half of the feedback are pos-
itives (i.e. f
= 5, f
= 5), and the case most of the
feedback are positives (i.e. f
= 8, f
= 2).
Finally, Equation 13 defines a reputation ranking
function based on user’s feedbacks for a given service
ω playing a given role A in C (i.e. ω
R(t, ω) = E(β(p, f
, f
)) (13)
As introduced in Section 6.1, also such service-level
ranking function can be exploited in order to compute
the reputation-based rank of the role A (see Equa-
tion 5), and consequently the reputation-rank of the
whole choreography C (see Equation 7).
When the design of a choreography is completed, it
could be made available by registering its specifica-
tion on a dedicated Choreography Registry. In ad-
dition to the canonical registry functionalities based
on service choreographies (i.e. store and retrieve
choreography specifications), a Choreography Reg-
istry should also store meta-information; for exam-
ple about the status of a choreography, i.e., if a given
choreography C is enactable or not.
Thus, from the registration of a choreography
specification on a Choreography Registry, the lifecy-
cle at run-time of the choreography could be regu-
lated by means of a set of V&V governance policies;
among the others, some concerning the rules under
which a choreography could be considered enactable.
Many kind of strategies could be applied in order
to classify a choreography as enactable. For example,
a policy defines a choreography C enactable if for any
role A in C, it is possible to point to a set of services
(i.e. one or more services) that can play A in C.
In addition, Section 5 describes some V&V gov-
ernance policies based on rating mechanisms for both
services and choreographies. Thus, enactment poli-
cies for C could be also regulated in terms of the rating
scores evaluated for the choreography. For example,
C is enactable if and only if it scores either a minimal
trust (i.e. based on tests), or a minimal reputation (i.e.
based on feedbacks) level.
In literature various policies have been proposed in
order to identify a proper test suite for testing a third
party service. For example in (Tsai et al., 2003), the
authors suggested that for testing a service implemen-
tation, integrators should directly access and use test
cases provided by the same Service Provider.
In (Eler et al., 2010) and (Bartolini et al., 2011),
the authors proposed testable services as a solution
to provide third-party testers with structural coverage
information after a test session, yet without revealing
their internal details.
The main drawback of such approaches is that
both integrators, and service testers, do not have
enough information to improve their test set when
they get a low coverage measure because they do not
know which test requirements have not been covered.
In (Eler et al., 2011) the authors propose an approach
in which testable services are provided along with test
meta-data that will help their testers to get a higher
Nevertheless, all these ideas could fit well with the
specification of both governance policies, and rules
enabling V&V activities. Specifically, policies could
require such meta-data as complementary documenta-
tion that service providers should supply for making
their service testable.
All the policies described above select test cases
from the test suite provided by the Service Provider.
In some cases, such approaches could not provide
completely objective test suites focusing on integra-
tion aspects.
An alternative approach is the definition of test
cases selection policies that enable the derivation
of test cases from models provided by the Service
Provider, for example during the registration of the
service. Specifically, similarly to (De Angelis et al.,
2010), it could be equally useful to derive test cases
from the service choreography. In fact, a choreogra-
phy specification defines both the coordination sce-
narios in which a service under registration plays a
role, and the abstract behaviour expected by each
Most of the policies proposed in the previous sections
are quite intuitive and we have given simple examples
while introducing them. For lack of space we pro-
vide in the following more detailed examples of im-
plementations only for ranking policies (Section 9.1)
and selection policies (Section 9.2).
9.1 A Simple Example about Rankings
Section 6.1 defines the ranking function of a role in
terms of an abstract notion of dependency that can
occour among the roles belonging to a choreography.
Specifically, for each role A in a choreography C, such
dependency is referred in order to compute both the
sets N
(A), and N
(A). In the following we de-
scribe a dependency relation that will be implemented
within the V&V governance framework.
Let us consider a choreography C, and let us de-
note the set of tasks defined within C:
= {τ|τ is a task defined in C} (14)
the set of roles participating in a given task of C:
Part(τ, C) = {A|A A
, τ T
, A is involved in τ}
and, for each task τ in C, Init(τ) is the role that initi-
ates a task τ.
Thus, given A, B roles in C, the dependency defi-
nition we propose relates A with B if and only if B is
the initiator of a task were also A is involved. In other
words, in order to accomplish a given task in C, A re-
quires some action from B. More formally, we denote
Figure 3: Example from the passenger-friendly-airport choreography.
this dependency relation on C as
× A
, so
A2 τ T
, and
A1 6= A2, and
A1, A2 Part(t, C), and
A2 = Init(τ)
For example, Figure 3 depicts a simple service
choreography modeled with the BPMN Choreogra-
phy Diagram notation. With respect to this example,
the sets described above are instantiated as it follows:
= { Passenger, Airline, TBA}
= {¬, , ®, ¯, °, ±, ², ³,}
In addition, for each task τ T
, Table 1 reports both
the set Part(τ, C), and Init(τ); while Figure 4 depicts
the dependency graph resulting from the instantiation
of the relation
on this simple example. Finally,
according to the definitions given in both Equation 3,
and Equation 4, Table 2 reports the sets N
(A), and
(A) resulting form the specific instantiation of the
dependency relation here adopted.
Figure 4: Dependency graph according to the relation
Table 1: Instantiation of Part, and Init.
Task Part Init
¬ Passenger, Airline Airline
Passenger, TBA Passenger
® Passenger, TBA TBA
¯ Passenger, TBA Passenger
° Passenger, TBA Passenger
± Passenger, TBA TBA
² Passenger, TBA TBA
³ Passenger, Airline Passenger
Table 2: Examples of N
(A), and N
(Passenger) Airline, TBA
(Passenger) Airline, TBA
(Airline) Passenger
(Airline) Passenger
(TBA) Passenger
(TBA) Passenger
In the following, the example will only focus
on the testing-based service rank described in Sec-
tion 6.2; however similar results, and considerations
can be achieved by using the reputation-based service
rank presented in Section 6.3.
Figure 5: Results of the ranking simulation on the passenger-friendly-airport choreography.
Thus let us assume several services can implement
each role in C. Specifically, this example considers : 2
services acting as Passenger, 4 services acting as Air-
line, and 5 services acting as TBA. In this scenario, the
example foresees that each of these services is asso-
ciated with a specific test suite, whose periodical exe-
cution provides the index r
presented in Section 6.2.
Clearly, for each service, the experiment can refer
to a specific timeout simulating the execution of a new
testing session, and thus the definition of new values
for the indexes r
. Also, for each of service, the ex-
periment can also use the parameter h
in Equation 9 in order to control the decaying process
of the results from the latest testing session simulated.
Nevertheless, in order to keep the presentation of
the results simple, the simulation we run over this ex-
ample considered for all the services involved both
the same h
, and the same timeout for launching
the new testing sessions.
Figure 5 depicts the results of the simulation we
executed. In particular, the up-most diagram of the
figure depicts the rank for the whole choreography
computed according to Equation 7; while the other
diagrams show the computed rank for the three roles
(i.e. Passenger, Airline, TBA). In each diagram, the
vertical green bars denote when the execution of a
new testing session occurred. After each testing ses-
sion, the ranks of each role can either grow or de-
crease depending on the results collected from the
testing of the services playing it. Between two testing
sessions, each role fall-off in ranking as prescribed by
Equation 10.
9.2 A Simple Example about Test Cases
This section describes how a V&V Manager can de-
fine V&V policies concerning the derivation test cases
from the service choreography. Specifically, the V&V
Manager could define test cases selection policies by
using a counter-example approach similarly to (De
Angelis et al., 2010).
The very general idea of test cases selection poli-
cies assumes that the V&V Manager specifies the
characteristics that a test case should have through
a test purpose. Often, a common objective in deal-
ing with service choreography is trying to derive
test suites for the choreography participants that are
strongly focused on integration issues. For example,
Figure 6: Interfaces associated with the participants the
choreography at Figure 3.
the V&V Manager can define the test case selection
process by means of the formulation of test purposes
in form of reachability properties. According to the
choreography specification introduced in Figure 3, a
simple property defined as a test cases selection pol-
icy, could be:
“The test cases must include task , fol-
lowed (in a future) by task °, and then
either by task ±, or ²
As detailed in (De Angelis et al., 2010), such a
policy can be expressed in a temporal logic formula
(such as in LTL, CTL, Hennessy-Milner Logic) so
that it could be automatically processed by a test cases
generation framework.
Nevertheless, as more participants are involved in
a choreography task, from the same property the pol-
icy can select different test suites; usually one for each
service participating in the choreography. Thus, in ad-
dition to the property in (17) driving the generation of
test cases over the service choreography, a test cases
selection policy also has to specify the target of such
generation process. This process is usually referred
as projection of a trace on a service test case.
In this specific example, we assume that any par-
ticipant to the choreography in Figure 3 implements
one of the interfaces depicted in Figure 6. Listing 1,
and Listing 2 show the projection of two integration
test cases that could be derived for a service that is
willing to play as TBA from the property in (17). If
a service candidate to TBA fails one of such tests, it
cannot be integrated within the choreography at Fig-
ure 3.
Concluding, the V&V Manager can plan the test
cases generation process by means of the test case se-
lection policies. The section shown how a test case
can target in revealing potential integration issues of
the service choreography. Indeed, the test cases val-
idates if the usage of a service implementation as
participant of a choreography is compliant with the
service pre-conditions or with service protocol. The
V&V Manager can refer to the test cases selected by
such policies as an acceptance validation for the im-
plementation of the choreographed services.
1 b = searchBus(p1);
2 if (! isValid(b) )
3 return TestFailed;
4 h = searchHotel(p2);
5 if (! isValid(h) )
6 return TestFailed;
7 r = bookBusHotel(b,h);
8 if (r.isAKindOf(BookingInformation) || r.isAKindOf(
9 return TestPassed;
10 else
11 return TestFailed;
Listing 1: Example of integration test case derived for TBA.
1 s = searchBusHotel(p1,p2);
2 if ((!isValid(s.b)) || (!isValid(s.h)))
3 return TestFailed;
4 r = bookBusHotel(b,h);
5 if (r.isAKindOf(BookingInformation) || r.isAKindOf(
6 return TestPassed;
7 else
8 return TestFailed;
Listing 2: Another integration test case derived for TBA.
Choreography and SOA governance are important in-
struments to enable the dynamic and flexible interop-
erability among independent services which is at the
basis of the FI. Our work concerns the on-line V&V
of services and choreographies, which relies on a dis-
ciplined policy-based governance approach. Imple-
mentation of such a framework is a huge undertaking,
facing theoretical and technical challenges. We have
identified in this paper a set of policies, including ac-
tivation, rating, ranking, enactment and test case se-
lection policies. We have discussed how such policies
can support V&V and provided some preliminary ex-
amples. The policies illustrated here are undergoing
implementation in the context of the European project
Future work will include the implementation of
a governance registry for the management of such
policies, and their instantiation within the CHOReOS
demonstration scenarios.
Furthermore, another important motivation for
V&V policies is to enable the scaling up of online
testing as the dimensions of the tackled choreogra-
phies increases. Indeed, within the FI any software
will be by nature characterized as an Ultra-Large-
Scale (ULS) software system, where a ULS sys-
tem is ultra-large in size on any imaginable dimen-
sion (Pollak, 2006), like in the resulting number of
lines of codes, in the number of people employing
the system for different purposes, in the amount of
data stored, accessed, manipulated, and refined, in
the number of hardware elements (i.e. heterogeneity),
and finally in the number of possibly cooperating or-
ganizations. Therefore, future work will also include
the identification of further policies to help mitigate
ULS effects in V&V of FI choreographies.
This paper is supported by the the European Project
FP7 IP 257178: CHOReOS, and partially by the Eu-
ropean Project FP7 NoE 256980: NESSoS.
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