A Unified Reference for Search Engines
Li Weigang and Zheng Jianya
TransLab, Department of Computer Science, University of Brasilia-UnB, Brasilia, Brazil
Keywords: Baidu Weight, Information Theory, Sogou Rank, PageRank, W-entropy Rank.
Abstract: Baidu, Sogou and Google are three main utilized search engines in China reported by Chinese Internet Date
Centre (CNZZ) recently. During daily search in the Internet, it is easy to find that there are significant
differences among the search rank indexes such as Baidu weight, Sogou rank and PageRank. As a result, the
sequence of the search lists is totally different for a same keyword. On the other hand, some valuable
articles in web as blogs in ScienceNet.cn are ignored by Baidu, Sogou and others. It is impossible to unify
these ranking systems to a same level due to the business models from multi-enterprises. This paper studies
the difference of ranking indexes of these search engines by analyzing 4 kinds of 42 websites in China. With
the analyses of the correlation among these ranking indexes, averaged and weighted indexes, W-entropy
rank index using information theory is proposed as a search ranking reference. With the property analyses,
this new index demonstrates the ranking reality of Chinese websites. After the publication of this main idea
in our blog, Baidu and Sogou adjusted their ranking indexes of some websites, achieving a better match
with W-entropy rank index.
According to the recent monthly report from
Chinese Internet Date Centre (CNZZ, 2011), Baidu,
Sogou and Google are three main search engines
with 93.50% using rate in China. At the same time,
some statistic results show that 70% of people use
search engines to find the product or service that
they want to buy; and 90% of web searchers never
make it to the second page of search results. This
means that to get a potential business and a better
propagation in the Internet, it is important to be
listed at the top of major search engines. In China,
there is no doubt, in Baidu, Sogou and Google.
Every search engine has proper criteria and
evaluation system to rank the feature of web pages,
such as Baidu weight (by Baidu search), Sogou rank
(by Sogou search), and PageRank (by Google search,
Brin and Page, 1998) and so on. However, the
difference of the ranking algorithms and criteria
systems makes the same web page have the different
importance values by above search engines. In some
especially situations, the Baidu weight and Sogou
rank are lower than PageRank for universities and
research institutions and Google has lower
PageRank than others for Chinese financial
institutions. As a result, the sequence of the search
results is totally different even for the same
keyword. Some valuable articles in web, such as
blog papers by some famous scientists in
ScienceNet.cn (ScienceNet, 2011) may be not well
classified and further propagated on the Internet,
even not be indexed by Baidu and Sogou search
In order to adjust the inequality of the inquiry
from different search engines, this paper firstly
analyzes the ranking indexes such as Baidu weight,
Sogou rank and PageRank for 42 websites from 4
categories institutions in China: Internet media,
universities and research institutions, financial
institutions and some enterprises to show the
problems. Then use statistical method to find out the
correlation between every two search engines, such
as Baidu weight with PageRank, etc. And further to
establish the mean index among these three ranks
and weighted index based on statistic result by
CNZZ. The paper also describes the model of W-
entropy rank using the information theory and the
application for the 42 websites mentioned above.
The W-entropy rank is proposed as a reference to
adjust the gap among the Baidu weight, Sogou rank
and PageRank. With the property analyses, this new
Weigang L. and Jianya Z..
W-ENTROPY RANK - A Unified Reference for Search Engines.
DOI: 10.5220/0003936306160624
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 616-624
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
index demonstrates the ranking reality of Chinese
websites. After the publication of our main idea in
our blog of ScienceNet.cn, Baidu and Sogou
adjusted their ranking indexes achieving a better
matching with the result of W-entropy rank index
and reality.
The paper is organized as following. Section 2
explains the problem of the heterogenic ranking
indexes of search engines in China. Section 3
analyzes the different search engines return the
different results for the same query keywords using
the example of a blog article in ScienceNet. Section
4 studies the correlation among the ranking indexes
from these search engines by comparing various
website samples. In section 5, the paper presents the
information theory briefly and proposes a new index
called W-entropy rank to unify the existed search
ranking indexes as a reference. And in section 6, it
analyzes the property of the new index to be used as
a reference for the search engines. The application
results of W-entropy Rank are illustrated in section 7
and the section 8 is the conclusion of the paper.
As mentioned by the report from CNZZ, in October
2011(CNZZ, 2011), Baidu search engine remained
in the top shot with a commanding 81.10% market
share in China, Sogou earned 7.52% share and the
third place Google had 5.49% share. This paper
takes these three most popular search engines to
study the ranking index, a measurement of
importance of the web pages.
Table 1 shows the rank indexes by the search
engines for some websites in China and there are
two rank values in the last columns: Averaged rank
is the average of rank indexes from these three
search engines. Another is Weighted rank, where
every search engine is assigned a different weight in
accordance of market share. Baidu is weighted as
81.10%, Google and Sogou both are weighted as
9.45%. The distribution of the weights is still a
research topic. It may use the Analytic Hierarchy
Process – AHP (Saaty, 1989) to further study the
effective weights to reflect the reality.
1) The website of Baidu gets 9/10 score from every
one of these three engines. For Google’s site, 8
score was weighted by Baidu, ranked 9 by
Sogou, and PageRank 10 by itself, so the
Averaged rank of Google is 9, but its Weighted
rank is 8.28. For Sogou’s site, the rank index
from both Baidu weight and Sogou rank is 9, its
PageRank is 8, the Averaged rank of Sogou is
8.33 and Weighted Rank is 8.81. These data
present the basic scenario of Chinese search
engines and the market share distribution.
2) From the collected data, Baidu weighted 4/10
score for the websites of both Zhejiang
University and Chinese Academy of Science
(CAS). Sogou rank is 6 for them. However,
Google’s PageRank for Zhejiang University is 9,
and for Chinese Academy of Science is 8. This
result shows the Baidu search engine classified
the websites of the most universities
unreasonable systematically till now.
3) There is also some inequality classification for
the web sites of financial institutions. For the
website of Industrial and Commercial Bank of
China – ICBC, its Sogou rank is 9; Baidu weight
is 8; Google’s PageRank is only 7. In an especial
case, Baidu just weighted the website of Unipay,
the biggest credit card company in China, as 2,
and 1 by Sogou rank. It should be mentioned
that, Unipay is the biggest credit card company
in China. This situation shows the importance to
develop a unify index system as a reference for
these search engines in China.
Table 1: Rank indexes of Baidu, Sogou, Google for related web sites (2011-11-14).
URL Field Baidu
Google PR Averaged
Baidu baidu.com search 9 9 9 9 9
Google google.com search 8 9 10 9 8.28
Sogou sogou.com search 9 9 7 8.33 8.81
zju.edu.cn education 4 6 9 6.33 4.66
CAS cas.cn science 4 6 8 6 4.57
ICBC icbc.com.cn financial 8 9 7 8 8
Unipay unionpay.com financial 2 1 7 3.33 2.38
In this section, some propagation and search results
in the Internet are discussed concern to a blog article
of Shi Yigong, a famous scientist from Tsinghua
University. In September 9th, 2011, he published an
article “How to be an excellent PhD student?” (Shi,
2011) in his blog hosted by ScienceNet. Using the
title of the article as the keyword to search in Baidu,
Sogou and Google, there are some interesting results
to be analyzed:
1) The first three results listed in the first page of
Baidu search engine are respectively: a) the
article re-published by Baidu Online Library; b)
the article re-published by Douban online
community; c) the article re-published by
Dingxiang forum. This sequence basically is
ordered by the Baidu weight, a rank index of
Baidu to classify the importance of websites. The
website of both of Baidu Library and Douban
online community is with 9 of the Baidu weight
and Sogou rank; and the website of Dingxiang is
with 6. Even the version of the article was re-
published in Baidu Library by someone rather
than the original author, Baidu indexed very fast
and took the snapshot on September 14th.
Whereas the original version from the blog of
SicenceNet, was listed in 24th place on the third
page and didn’t take the snapshot until
November 13th.
2) In Sogou search engine, the first three results
were listed as: a) the article re-published by the
Sina iask site; b) the article re-published by
Baidu Online Library; c) the article published in
the 1000plan net. For Sina iask site, the Sogou
rank is 5, for Baidu Library and 1000plan, both
of them is 4. Although in the first 8 search pages
(with 80 results), all the links are totally with the
re-published version of the article, and there is
no exist the original version from ScienceNet. It
can be explain reasonable, Sogou ranked 2 for
the website of the blog of ScienceNet.
3) The results from Google search engine are: a) the
original version of the article in the blog of
ScienceNet; b) the related article “How to be a
good PhD student (continue)” (Shi, 2011) in the
ScienceNet; c) the article republished by Sina
iask site. Google classified ScienceNet as PR 9
and the blog of ScienceNet as 7. According to
this high ranking index, the original version and
the related article are certainly listed in the first
two lines by Google, see figure 1.
Figure 1: The search result of “How to be a good PhD
student” by Google.
Compare with the results of this example, it can
be found that the different ranking indexes are main
reason of the scenario of heterogenic search results.
The search engines of Baidu and Sogou focus on the
popular sites and Google gives more weight to the
innovation pages.
As mentioned above, the different search engines
with different search reports. How about the relation
among the ranking criteria from the different search
engines? Correlation coefficient (R) (Pearson, 1896)
is used as an indicator to measure the relationship
among these indicators. The range of R is [-1, 1], the
abstract value of R bigger, the correlation between
these variables stronger, otherwise the correlation is
weaker. Usually when the |R| >0.8, it is considered
that these two variables have strong correlation.
Table 2 listed the ranking indexes from Baidu,
Sogou and Google for some websites of the Internet
media in China. The data were collected in Nov. 14,
The correlation is defined syntactical by 5 levels:
|R| between 0~0.2 is no correlation, 0.2~0.4 is little
correlation, 0.4~0.6 is ordinary correlation, 0.6~0.8
is fine correlation, 0.8~1.0 is linear correlation.
Table 3 shows the correlation among the ranking
indexes form Baidu, Sogou and Google search
engines. It is also analyzed the correlation among the
ranking indexes with the Averaged Rank and
Weighted Rank indexes. The |R| between Baidu
weight and Sogou rank is 0.0663, so there is no
correlation between the ranking indexes from these
two search engines; also they don’t have correlation
Table 2: The ranking indexes for some websites of the Internet media (2011-11-14).
Website URL
Baidu baidu.com 9 9 9 9 9
Sohu sohu.com 9 9 8 8.67 8.91
Sogou sogou.com 9 9 7 8.33 8.81
Google google.com 8 9 10 9 8.28
Sina sina.com 9 9 8 8.67 8.91
Tencent qq.com 10 9 8 9 9.72
Sina micro-blog weibo.com 9 1 8 6 8.15
Net Ease 163.com 9 9 8 8.67 8.91
Youku youku.com 10 8 8 8.67 8.62
Tianya tianya.cn 9 8 8 8.33 8.81
Douban douban.com 9 8 7 8 8.72
Mop mop.com 8 7 7 7.33 7.81
Table 3: The correlation analyses among the ranking indexes from Baidu, Sogou and Google.
Baidu Weight Sogou Rank PageRank Averaged Rank Weighted Rank
Baidu Weight - 0.0663 0.1768 0.2311 0.8978
Sogou Rank No - 0.1406 0.9329 0.4749
PageRank No no - 0.4085 0.0447
Averaged Rank Little Linear Ordinary - -
Weighted Rank Linear Ordinary No - -
Table 4: The ranking indexes for some websites of the education institutions (2011-11-14).
Website URL
Tsinghua U. tsinghua.edu.cn 5 7 9 7 5.57
Peking University pku.edu.cn 6 7 9 7.33 6.38
USTC ustc.edu.cn 5 5 8 6 5.28
Nanjing U. nju.edu.cn 6 5 9 6.67 6.19
Fudan University fudan.edu.cn 5 6 9 6.67 5.47
Zhejiang U. zju.edu.cn 4 6 9 6.33 4.66
SJTU sjtu.edu.cn 4 7 9 6.67 4.76
RUC ruc.edu.cn 5 6 8 6.33 5.38
Sun Yet-Sen U. sysu.edu.cn 6 5 8 6.33 6.09
CAS cas.cn 4 6 8 6 4.57
ScienceNet sciencenet.cn 6 5 9 6.67 5.38
1000plan 1000plan.org 3 4 7 4.67 3.47
Table 5: Correlations among three search engines.
Baidu Weight Sogou Rank PageRank Averaged
Baidu Weight - 0.0709 0.4737 0.6947 0.9874
Sogou Rank No - 0.6285 0.7326 0.2204
PageRank Ordinary Fine - 0.8798 0.5890
Averaged Rank Fine Fine Linear - -
Weighted Rank Linear Little Ordinary - -
with PageRank of Google, the |R| values are 0.1768
and 0.1406 respectively. Baidu weight has little
correlation with the Averaged Rank, but has linear
correlation with the Weighted Rank, obviously the
reason is that the weight of the ranking index of
Baidu is 81.1% when calculation the Weighted Rank
value. Sogou rank has linear correlation with the
Averaged Rank value and ordinary correlation with
the Weighted Rank value; Google has ordinary
correlation with Averaged Rank value and has no
correlation with the Weighted Rank value.
Table 4 listed the ranking indexes from Baidu,
Sogou and Google for some websites of the
education institutions in China. The data were
collected in Nov. 14, 2011. In table 4, USTC is the
abbreviation of the University of Science and
Technology, and SJTU is the Shanghai Jiaotong
University. And RUC is the People’s University.
Table 5 presents the analyses of the correlation
among the ranking indexes from Baidu, Sogou and
Google for the websites of some Chinese education
institutions. Baidu weight has no correlation with
Sogou rank, the |R| between them is 0.0709; it has
ordinary correlation with Google PageRank
(0.4737), fine correlation with Averaged
rank value (0.6947) and linear correlation with
Weight rank value. Sogou rank has ordinary
correlations with PageRank of Google and Averaged
rank, little correlation with the Weighted rank value.
Google PageRank has linear correlation with
Average rank value and fine correlation with
Weighted rank value.
Analyzing above studies, some interesting points
should be mentioned:
1) Heterogenic sequences of presentation the search
results of the same keyword from the different
search engines should be noted in Chinese
Internet search scenario. The main reason is that
every search engine has its own criterions and
algorithms to determine the rank of web pages.
This is a difficulty factor in the Search Engine
2) The Averaged rank indexes of Tencent, Baidu
and Google are 9, but distribution manner of
ranking index from the every search engine is
different. For example, for Tencent,
its Baidu weight is 10, its Sogou Rank is 9 and
its Google PageRank is 8. The Weighted rank
index can distinguish this difference.
3) According to the correlation analyses, in
Averaged rank case, Baidu weight has linear
correlation with the Averaged rank, and Sogou
rank too. Google PageRank has little correlation
with Averaged rank. In Weighted rank case, only
the Baidu weight has linear correlation with
Weighted rank index. Sogou rank has fine
correlation with Weighted rank value and Google
PageRank has no correlation with it. So, there is
a necessary to develop a new ranking index with
the advantage from both of Averaged rank and
Weighted rank.
The information theory is introduced firstly in this
section. Based on this theory, W-entropy rank is
5.1 Brief Introduction of Information
The concept of Shannon's entropy (Shannon, 1948)
is the central role of information theory sometimes
referred as a measurement of uncertainty. Let X be a
discrete random variable taking a finite number of
possible values x
, x
with probabilities p
respectively such that Δn = {P = (p
, p
: p
0, p
= 1, i = 1, 2…n}. Let h be a function
defined on the interval (0, 1] and h(p) be interpreted
as the uncertainty associated with the event X = x
, i
= 1, 2…n. For each n, a function H
, p
) is
defined as the average uncertainty associated with
the event {X = x
}, given by
Let H
:Δn IR (n2) be a function satisfying the
following axioms:
1) H
, p
… p
) is a continuous function of p Є
[0, 1].
2) H
, p
… p
) is a symmetric function of its
3) H
, p
… p
) = H
, p
… p
) + (p
/( p
+ p
), p
/( p
+ p
) ), p
+ p
> 0.
Then H
, p
) is the formula as Shannon
Where C > 0, b > 1, with 0*log
0 = 0.
Weigang presented a practical application of the
entropy, where the entropy of information was
applied to measure the degree of disorder and an
application algorithm was proposed (Weigang,
1988), also adopted this theory to measure the
influence of individual among the different social
networks (Weigang et al., 2011a).
5.2 Definition of W-entropy Rank
Suppose a ranking index for a web page is P
, j =
1...n, there are n these indexes from related search
engines. The weights of these indexes are {a
}, a
=1, which are selected as 1/n for every
search engines as mentioned in section 4. Because
the ranking index is usually divided in 10 levels, so
there is p
= P
Then the Averaged rank index of this web page is:
The Averaged rank is a very simple and intuitive
method to present the unified rank index for a web
page. As discussed in section 4, it cannot identify the
difference cases between the distribution of rank
indexes in 10, 9, 8, and in 9, 9, 9. The entropy
concept of information theory can be employed to
quantify this distribution. Firstly, there is a
transformation for p
to q
)1/( += npq
Where q
presents a numeric value of the
information of j
ranking index from j
engine. On the other hand, q
is a percent that
presents an absence of information of all n ranking
indexes of the related search engines. The entropy is
defined as a correction coefficient to reflect the
distribution of the ranking indexes of these related
search engines, in briefly distribution coefficient:
Based on the formulas (3) and (6), W-entropy
Rank, a new index to class the importance of a web
page can be defined as:
W-entropy Rank = h * m (7)
In order to simplify this formula for application
purposes, the value from formula (7) was scaled in
relation to maximum W-entropy Rank, and
multiplied by 100, which results in the following
W entropy Rank
W entropy Rank
W entropy Rank
Generally, the Relative W-entropy rank index is
simply presented as W-entropy rank.
As calculated in equation (6), the distribution
coefficient for imbalance during the transmission of
information is defined as entropy of information
(Weigang et al., 2011b). This coefficient, h, must
present the following attributes: when all the
elements, q
, j=1,2…n, are equal to 1, it means that
the information of this individual is being
transmitted evenly among social networks, so the
distribution coefficient is set to 1. On the other hand,
when all the terms, q
, j=1,2…n, are equal to 0, it
means that transmission is uneven, therefore the
distribution coefficient is set equal to 0. The value of
the elements range from 0 to 1, thus the distribution
coefficient value also varies between 0 and 1.
To verify the validity and effectiveness of the
modified coefficient h, the following parameters
were used: n = 3 and six sets of data were selected:
Set1: p
[0, 0.1, 0.2...1], p
[0, 0, 0...0], p
[0, 0, 0...0]
Set2: p
[1, 1, 1...1], p
[0, 0.1, 0.2...1], p
[0, 0, 0...0]
Set3: p
[1, 1, 1...1], p
[1, 1, 1...1], p
[0, 0.1, 0.2...1]
Set4: p
[1, 0.9, 0.8 ...0], p
[1, 1, 1...1], p
[1, 1, 1...1]
Set5: p
[0, 0, 0...0], p
[1, 0.9, 0.8 ...0], p
[1, 1, 1...1]
Set6: p
[0, 0, 0...0], p
[0, 0, 0...0], p
[1, 0.9, 0.8 ...0]
Based on the data, it can be seen that in the first
three sets of data, the trend of the imbalance during
transmission went from 0 to 1, so the distribution
coefficient h also assumed a value that ranges from
0 to 1. The last three sets of data shown were used to
illustrate an opposite scenario, where the trend went
from 1 to 0 and the distribution coefficient also
ranged from 1 to 0. Thus, h*w and the W-entropy
rank will have the same monotonic trend. Figure 2 is
a plot of h as a function of w. These results illustrate
the property of generality of the distribution
Figure 2: A graphic of Entropy and h and h*m with m.
different for these lines, the values of the distribution
coefficient h = 0.4056 and h*m = 0.1352 are the
same because of symmetry in m. If the values of
, p
, p
} are {0.3333,0.3333,0.3333}, then the
value of m is also 0.3333; in this case, h = 0.6037
and h*m = 0.2012, which are greater than the values
for the third and eleventh line. This result further
supports the validity of the modified coefficient
This section presents the application of W-Entropy
rank to the web sites of the Internet media and
education institutions of China. There is some
difference of the ranking indexes of Baidu, Sogou
between tables 2 and 7 (4 and 8 too) because the
companies of these search engines changed the
ranking indexes during this period.
7.1 W-entropy Rank for Some
Websites of the Internet Media
Table 6 shows the W-entropy rank indexes for some
websites of the Internet media in China. For the
website of Baidu, its ranking index is 9/10 by Baidu,
Sogou and Google. The Averaged rank index is 9
too. The distribution coefficient h is 0.9863, the
absolute W-entropy rank index is 8.88. This is the
largest value in this moment, so, the relative W-
entropy rank index of Baidu is defined as 100.
In case of Google, its website is classified by
Baidu as 8, Sogou as 9 and proper as 10, The
Averaged rank index is 9 too. The distribution
coefficient h is 0.9829, the absolute W-entropy rank
index is 8.85. According to Baidu, the relative W-
entropy rank index of Google is defined as 99.78.
As in table 6, for websites of Tencent and
Youku, Baidu changed the weight for them from 10
to 9, which is the maximum Baidu weight value in
China now. So, the relative W-entropy rank index of
Tencent together with Sina, NetEase and Sohu is
95.48, Youku is 90.91 together with Tianya.
In an especial case, Baidu re-classified Unipay’s
website from 2 to 4, the adjustment reflected the
affection of our proposal. As the result, the relative
W-entropy rank index of Unipay is defined as 28.41.
7.2 W-entropy Rank for Some
Websites of Education Institutions
As an indicial study in table 4, Baidu and Sogou
classified the websites of education institutions with
lower indexes. In the later of November, these
search engines changed the rank indexes for these
websites. As presented in table 7, the Baidu weight
of the websites of Shanghai Jiaotong University and
Zhejiang University were re-classified from 2 to 4.
And the websites of Tsinghua University, People’s
University of China, Nanjing University, Sun Yat-
sen University and University of Science and
Technology of China ware modified from 5 to 6. For
Chinese Academy of Science, its Baidu weight was
also increased from 4 to 5.
As the results, in the Shanghai Jiaotong
University, Peking University and Tsinghua
University, their websites were classified by Baidu
as 6, Sogou as 7 and Google as 9, The Averaged
rank index is 7.33. The distribution coefficient h is
0.9309, the absolute W-entropy rank index is 6.83.
According to Baidu, the relative W-entropy rank
index of them is defined as 76.28.
The Fudan University, Nanjing University and
Zhejiang University shared fourth place with the W-
Entropy rank index 71.33. Sun Yat-sen University,
Chinese Academy of Science, University of Science
and Technology of China, ScienceNet are also listed
in the same level with the W-Entropy rank index
more or less 62.
Comparing the results in table 7 and the Internet
traffic records of Alexa (Alexa, 2011), the rank
sequence of the websites is listed as the Shanghai
Jiaotong Unviersity, Fudan University, ScienceNet,
Tsinghua University, Peking University, Nanjing
University, and Zhejiang University. This means
that, probably, Baidu and Sogou search engines
adjusted the classification for this institutions using
W-entropy rank as a reference.
7.3 Correlation Analyses of W-entropy
Rank with Others
In this section, 42 websites from some Internet
media, education, research, finance institutions and
telecommunication enterprises were selected to
analyze the correlation between the W-entropy rank
index and the rank indexes from every individual
search engine. The indicial results are presented in
table 8.
1) With the comparison, the correlation between W-
entropy rank index and Baidu weight is 0.8657,
i.e, linear correlation. For Sogou rank, the
correlation coefficient is 0.8647 and also as
linear correlation. For the PageRank of Google,
the correlation coefficient is 0.3402, even it is
with little correlation, but is still better than
PageRank with Weighted rank. This result
reduces the gap between the PageRank with
other two ranking indexes.
2) Comparing the correlation study among the
Baidu weight, Sogou rank and Google PageRank
Table 6: W-entropy rank for some websites of the Internet media (2011-12-01).
Website URL
Baidu baidu.com 9 9 9 9 100
Google google.com 8 9 10 9 99.78
Tencent qq.com 10/9 9 8 8.67 95.48
Sina sina.com 9 9 8 8.67 95.48
9 9 8 8.67 95.48
Sohu sohu.com 9 9 8 8.67 95.48
10/9 8 8 8.33 90.91
Tianya tianya.cn 9 8 8 8.33 90.91
Sogou sogou.com 9 9 7 8.33 90.70
Douban douban.com 9 8 7 8 86.10
Mop mop.com 8/9 7 7 7.67 81.79
Sina weibo weibo.com 9 1 8 6 52.40
Visa China visa.com.cn 1 5 6 4 28.71
China-Unipay unionpay.com 2/4 1 7 4 28.41
Table 7: W-entropy rank for some websites of education institutions (2011-12-01).
Website URL
SJTU sjtu.edu.cn 4/6 7 9 7.33
Tsinghua U. tsinghua.edu.cn 5/6 7 9 7.33 76.28
Peking U. pku.edu.cn 6 7 9 7.33 76.28
Fudan University fudan.edu.cn 5/6 6 9 7
Nanjing U. nju.edu.cn 6/6 5/6 9 7
Zhejiang U. zju.edu.cn 4/6 6 9 7
Peoples university ruc.edu.cn 5/6 6 8 6.67
CAS cas.cn 4/5 6 8 6.33 61.78
Sun Yet-sen U. sysu.edu.cn 6/6 5 8 6.33
USCT ustc.edu.cn 5/6 5 8 6.33
Science Net sciencenet.cn 6/5 5 9 6.33 61.22
1000plan 1000plan.org 3 4 7 4.67
Table 8: Correlation analyses of W-Entropy rank with the indexes of Baidu, Sogou and Google.
PageRank Averaged
Baidu Weight - 0.5648 0.1530 0.8796 0.9957 0.8657
Sogou Rank Ordinary - 0.1044 0.8438 0.6297 0.8647
PageRank No No - 0.3442 0.1968 0.3402
Averaged Rank Linear Linear Little -
Weighted Rank Linear Fine No - - -
W-entropy Rank Linear Linear Little - - -
The average of correlation coefficients between each search
engine and different rank value
0.6956 0.6074 0.6902
with the Average rank, Weighted rank and W-
entropy rank in table 8. The sum of the column
of the correlation coefficient of Average rank is
0.6956, the sum of the column of W-entropy
rank is 0.6094 and the Weighted rank is 0.6074,
this result shows that the W-entropy rank index
has a better presentation.
3) The W-entropy rank index is developed to
synchronize the information distribution of the
ranking indexes from the different search
engines. For example, in case of the websites of
Baidu and Tencent, both of them get 9 in
Average rank, but Baidu is also with a better
distribution of the classification: 9, 9, and 9 by
Baidu, Sogou and Google. As the result, the
distribution coefficient h is 0.9863, the absolute
W-entropy rank index is 8.88, and, the relative
W-entropy rank index of Baidu is 100.
Otherwise, in case of Google, the ranking
indexes are classified as 8, 9 and 10, the
distribution coefficient is 0.9829, so W-entropy
rank index is 99.78, lesser than Baidu.
As the national Internet search engines, Baidu,
Sogou and Soso take the main market share in
China. There is still a space for Google search too.
In order to adjust the gaps among the Baidu weight,
Sogou rank and PageRank of Google and other
search engines, a new concept, W-entropy rank is
proposed as a reference. This index unifies the rank
indexes from above research engines to smooth the
gaps among them. It is also better than simple use
the averaged rank because of using the entropy
concept of the information theory to reflect the
distribution of the information from different
ranking indexes of the related platforms. This index
unifies the rank indexes from above research engines
to smooth the gaps among them. It is also better than
simple use the averaged rank because of using the
entropy theory to reflect the distribution of the
information from different ranking indexes of the
related platforms.
W-entropy rank can also be used as to rank the
websites according to their importance. Based on the
study of 42 websites over 4 kinds of the sectors such
as Internet media, education/research, finance
institutions and telecommunication enterprises, the
sequence of these websites according the W-entropy
rank is well listed comparing with the Internet traffic
rank list by Alexa.
It should be mentioned that, the W-entropy rank
is not proposed to substitute the existed ranking
indexes, but just to be a reference for all search
engines in China. After the publication the main idea
in our blog in ScienceNet.cn about this reference,
Baidu and Sogou even changed their ranking
indexes quickly, especially for education and
research institutions.
The further study of this research is to develop
an automated system to produce frequently a W-
entropy rank list to cover the important websites in
China even worldwide to establish a public domain
for reference to any kinds of the users, especially,
search engines. It is very important with a
democracy and quality in the website ranking by any
search engine over the Internet.
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