Cesare Bartolini
, Antonia Bertolino
, Andrea Ciancone
, Guglielmo De Angelis
Raffaela Mirandola
CNR – ISTI, Pisa, Italy
Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
Choreography, BPMN, Non-functional Requirements, MDE.
The growing interest in the Service-oriented Architecture paradigm carries along an increasing popularity
of choreographies, a flexible form of service composition to manage interactions within a business process.
The BPMN provides and intuitive graphical notation to model choreographies, however there are aspects that
BPMN choreography diagrams are unable to display, related not to what the participants must do, but to how
they should do it. These non-functional requirements are usually expressed using separate, though connected,
models. This paper introduces Q4BPMN, an approach that aims at improving the expressiveness of choreogra-
phy diagrams by enhancing them with non-functional annotations. This way, the participants in the choreogra-
phy will be eased in knowing what is expected from them, and designers can exploit the underlying formalism
to support analysis and monitoring facilities.
The Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) paradigm is
widely adopted for the development of software sys-
tems through the dynamic composition of network-
accessible loosely-coupled services. In SOA, the de-
velopment focus shifts from in-house custom design
and implementation of system components, to those
activities concerning the identification, selection, and
composition of services offered by third parties. At
the same time, the environment in which software sys-
tems operate is highly changing and evolving; hence,
the service compositions should dynamically adapt,
while meeting both functional and non-functional re-
quirements concerning the required quality of service
(QoS) levels.
Whereas the orchestration composition (Peltz,
2003) connects services together using ad-hoc lan-
guage and execution engines, a service choreogra-
phy only describes the expected collaboration and
the messages exchanged among services. In the fol-
lowing, we will be referring to the notation for ser-
vice choreographies defined by OMG in the stan-
dard Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN)
version 2.0 (Object Management Group, 2010). In
that specification, a choreography establishes a “pro-
cedural contract” among the participating services,
but this definition only concerns functional aspects.
Given the increasing importance of quality aspects in
service-based systems, we claim that a choreography
specification should also establish quality contractual
agreements, or Service Level Agreements (SLAs), at
the choreography level. Such SLAs would not en-
tail a specific concrete service, but rather the abstract
description of participants. In other words, SLAs at-
tached to a choreography description would postulate
the expected quality levels to be guaranteed between
participants playing the choreography roles. As intu-
itive and simple as such an idea is, we have not found
any proposal for it in the literature.
The current practice, in the presence of quality
constraints over a choreography, is to use the BPMN
language for functional specification of actions flow,
and, separately, other languages for the specification
of existing quality constraints. Although this ap-
proach allows the specification of the requirements to
be traced back to the functional specification, such a
process requires to be managed by a modeling expert,
and does not make the SLAs immediately visible.
In this paper, we propose an approach to di-
rectly annotate the BPMN Choreography Diagram
with quality requirements the services entering the
choreography will have to abide by. The benefit of
this improvement is twofold: on the one hand, the
Bartolini C., Bertolino A., Ciancone A., De Angelis G. and Mirandola R..
DOI: 10.5220/0003936401430148
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 143-148
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
choreography designer can clearly and easily state
which are the requirements for the choreography and
its roles, at the same level of abstraction of the tasks’
flow, and without the need to make use of separate
models; on the other hand, services willing to partic-
ipate as actors in the choreography are immediately
aware of what is requested from them. The annotated
choreography will then act as a binding contract be-
tween the entity managing the choreography and the
service providers acting in it.
In the following, we refer to the augmented BPMN
notation with its underlying implemented transforma-
tion as the Q4BPMN (Quality for BPMN) approach.
The work presented in this paper builds atop BPMN
choreography diagrams. The purpose of a choreogra-
phy diagram is to give a very high-level overview on
how the various companies, business units, partners
etc. (depending on the actual scope of the business
process) relate among themselves. However, BPMN
“as is” does not cover non-functional properties.
An interesting related work remarking the need
to overcome such a lack of notation is (Boccia-
relli and D’Ambrogio, 2011). This paper intro-
duces PYBPMN (Performability-enabled BPMN), a
notation for the description of a business process in
terms of both functional and non-functional proper-
ties, specifically addressing the performance and reli-
ability characterization of a business process. In par-
ticular, PYBPMN is a lightweight BPMN extension
that addresses the specification of both performance
and reliability properties of a business process.
Even though the approach in (Bocciarelli and
D’Ambrogio, 2011) and ours look similar, they actu-
ally differ for some relevant technical aspects. First
of all, the extension provided by PYBPMN only
involves those elements of BPMN modeling busi-
ness processes, those elements natively conceived and
used for modelling service orchestrations. Q4BPMN
allows to annotate service choreographies with non-
functional aspects to provide a binding contract be-
tween the entity managing the choreography and the
service providers acting in it; thus the BPMN model-
ing elements that Q4BPMN extends are not covered by
PYBPMN. Also, PYBPMN only deals with annota-
tions concerning performance and reliability proper-
ties, while Q4BPMN natively supports the definition
of both new quality properties, and new metrics eval-
uating them.
Our approach also relies on a language called
Property Meta-Model (PMM), which was defined
for specifying observable properties of the system.
PMM (Di Marco et al., 2011; Bertolino et al., 2011)
describes a property that can be ABSTRACT, DE-
property indicates a generic property that doesn’t
specify a required or guaranteed value for an observ-
able or measurable feature of a system. A DESCRIP-
TIVE property represents a guaranteed/owned prop-
erty of the system. A PRESCRIPTIVE one indicates a
system requirement. In the two latter cases, the prop-
erty is defined taking into account a relational opera-
tor with a specified value.
Properties are grouped into classes, differing on
which features of the system they address. In the no-
tation proposed in this research, the property class is
a feature that allows the classification of the proper-
ties into several groups, which generally correspond
to the requirement types in the metamodel of some
languages designed for this purpose. With respect to
this work we will focus on the following classes of
properties that PMM defines: performance, security,
dependability (Di Marco et al., 2011).
Q4BPMN aims at leveraging the introduced non-
functional annotations to apply model transformation
methodologies for the generation of analysis-oriented
target models (including performance and reliability
models). A growing interest focuses on model-driven
development, starting from domain-specific source
models, possibly augmented with suitable annota-
tions. Many proposals focusing on a particular type
of source design-oriented model and a particular type
of target analysis-oriented model exist, with the for-
mer including, for example, UML, Message Sequence
Chart, Use Case Maps, formal or ADL languages,
and the latter including Petri nets, queueing networks,
layered queueing network, stochastic process alge-
bras, Markov processes (see (Balsamo et al., 2004;
Koziolek, 2010; Bartolini et al., 2006)). To have an
overview the topic, see for example the WOSP con-
ference series (ACM, 2011).
The idea envisioned in this paper aims at changing the
way a BPMN choreography diagram looks, to high-
light its quality requirements in addition to the work-
flow and the interactions between the participating ac-
tors. Of course, this change is not supposed to be just
a fancy visual change, but its objective is to be an aid
for several of the stakeholders:
the choreography designer will be facilitated in
expressing the quality requirements, without the
need to create a separate model for them;
the service provider willing to participate in the
choreography under a specific role will have a
more immediate understanding of what is re-
quired on his/her part;
the testers, monitors and in general all the stake-
holders in charge of verifying that the require-
ments are met will more efficiently compare the
requirements with the properties of the service
provided, and will thus be able to easily detect any
violations in the contract.
The proposed Q4BPMN annotation must therefore
be supported by an underlying model, capable of
expressing the quality requirements. The annotated
BPMN model can be then used to derive different mod-
els using an MDE (France and Rumpe, 2007) ap-
proach. The so-obtained Q4BPMN model can be an-
alyzed to obtain information useful both to highlight
intrinsic features of the choreography and to detect
possible model criticalities. A model designer can
use the Q4BPMN information about quality require-
ments for tasks and participants to evaluate their im-
pact on the overall quality requirements. At the same
time, possible participants can use this information to
understand what is the quality level required oh their
3.1 Q4BPMN Annotations
The annotations we introduce mostly concern chore-
ography tasks. A choreography task is not a task
in the traditional definition from programming lan-
guages, but rather an interaction between two or more
actors. A choreography task can generally be split
into a set of activities in an activity diagram, or a set
of tasks in a BPMN orchestration. This means the non-
functional requirements encompass not the single ac-
tivity executed by one of the partners, but their whole
interaction, including the whole set of messages ex-
changed between them. So, for example, if a require-
ment states that an activity has a maximum execu-
tion time of 100 ms, it means that the whole inter-
action must occur within that time, starting from the
instant the activity is fired. However, it is also possi-
ble that an annotation is not related to an activity, but
to one of the roles participating in it. For instance,
if a specific service is expected to be very reliable, a
non-functional requirement could state the maximal
admissible rate for the failures the service can raise.
Finally, quality requirements might be related to
the whole choreography and not to a single task. In
this case, the requirement will involve the choreog-
raphy as a whole, which could mean that every sin-
gle task must be compliant with the requirement (in
case of requirements that are independent through-
out tasks, such as a specific security protocol), or that
there is no particular requirement on the single task,
as long as the whole choreography requirement is ful-
filled (as in the case of cumulating properties such as
response time).
Some additional information can be carried along
with the annotations. A quality requirement might
have an isHard attribute, representing the importance
of that requirement. An isHard attribute set to true
means that that is a hard requirement. Hard require-
ments are those that must necessarily be met by a ser-
vice willing to participate in the choreography, lest
it be rejected altogether. On the other hand, non-hard
requirements are called soft, and although they are not
strictly mandatory, the respect of these requirements
would constitute a preference criterion in the case of
two or more services applying for the same role.
3.2 Implementation within MagicDraw
The aforementioned quality annotations have been
successfully applied to a BPMN diagram inside the
commercial tool MagicDraw
. While there is cur-
rently no specific BPMN implementation to display
the annotations in a clear graphical format (an is-
sue which is currently being discussed with the Mag-
icDraw developers), the current implementation of
Q4BPMN is a UML profile that implements the feature
of PMM (see Section 2), by defining a set of stereo-
types and tagged-values for introducing the quality
requirements inside the BPMN diagram.
In the graphical view of the diagram, annotations
will be displayed inside the task boxes. The chore-
ography tasks will display the stereotype «Q4Task»
or «Q4Participants», and additional details will be
shown about the instance representing the require-
ment. The specific content of the requirement will
be expressed in an associated diagram.
To highlight a requirement meant for the whole
task, the task will be extended with the «Q4Task»
stereotype. Examples of the various annotation types
are shown in Figure 2, whereas Figure 3 contains
the details of the requirement. The Accept Re-
quest task shows an example of annotations relat-
ing to a choreography task. A requirement meant
only for a participant and not for the whole task,
on the other hand, will be shown by applying the
stereotype «Q4Participants», as shown in the Request
Taxi Service task. Quality requirements aimed at the
whole choreography are shown with the stereotype
«Q4Choreography». This kind of notation is also
extended to those choreography tasks representing a
In the properties of each requirement the (lack of)
presence of an isHard attribute shows if the require-
ment is (not) hard, in the meaning explained above.
Table 1 summarizes all Q4BPMN stereotypes and
their meaning on different BPMN elements.
Table 1: Stereotype summary.
Stereotype Target Meaning
«Q4Task» Loop task Every single execution of the
task must be executed under
the required circumstances.
The requirement is not related
to the whole execution of the
«Q4Task» Sequential
Every single instance of the
task must be executed under
the required circumstances.
The requirement is not related
to the whole execution of the
multi-instance task.
«Q4Task» Parallel task All instances of the task must
be executed under the required
circumstances. The require-
ment is therefore also related
to the whole execution of the
multi-instance task.
«Q4Task» Sub-
The whole sub-choreography
must be executed under the
circumstances mentioned
«Q4Participants» Participant The participant must fulfill the
requirement. The requirement
is not task-wide.
«Q4Choreography» Start event The whole choreography must
be executed under the required
Figure 1 shows a sample choreography, developed
using MagicDraw. The process depicted in there is
an excerpt from one of the demonstration scenar-
ios under development in the CHOReOS European
; it represents a taxi request to a system con-
nected to a number of taxi companies.
The process starts with a citizen requesting a taxi
using a Mobile Internet Device (MID participant).
Initially, the MID asks the requestor for confirmation
about his or her need for transportation. Once the re-
questor has confirmed that he or she is still in need,
Figure 1: Taxi request example.
the MID tries to forward the request to a taxi com-
pany. At this point, the taxi company can either ac-
cept or deny the request; in the latter case, the MID
will try to forward the request to another taxi com-
pany. As soon as a taxi is found, the MID will pro-
vide the details to the citizen, and when he or she is
on the taxi the route information will be sent to the
taxi navigation system.
This simple example hides some issues, not appar-
ent in the diagram, that should be taken into account
when deploying the system. For example, the MID
participant will expect the taxi company to respond
in a rather fast time. A taxi company should have a
minimum number of available taxis to be contacted.
There might be some requirements on the route set,
secure storage of requests, and so on. These require-
ments are additional to the system’s functionality, but
the diagram only displays the process flow.
Figure 2 and Figure 3 show the quality require-
ments annotations in Q4BPMN applied to the referred
The Confirm taxi request task is a direct inter-
action between the MID and its owner, so it does
not have any specific requirement regarding perfor-
mances, security, or dependability. Request taxi ser-
vice, on the other hand, is surrounded by the follow-
ing contraints. First of all, the request should occur
in a limited time, say 5000 milliseconds: the citizen
might be in an urgent need of transportation, and sev-
eral companies might deny the request before he/she
can find one which accepts it. However, a matter of
seconds is unlikely to be a problem, so this will be a
soft constraint.
The communication between the MID and the taxi
company should be encrypted, to protect both the cit-
izen from unauthorized access to personal informa-
tion, and the company from other companies inter-
cepting the call and “stealing” the customer.
The taxi company known to the MID is supposed
to have a minimum number of taxis among its assets.
Figure 2: Q4BPMN: Annotated choreography diagram.
For example, the company will be contacted if it has
a minimum of 20 functioning taxis at any time, and
possibly at least double that (these would be two sep-
arate requirements, one hard and one soft).
Also the Deny request task is supposed to happen
within a limited amount of time, such as 5000 mil-
liseconds, so that the MID can keep on contacting
other companies; but again, this will not be a hard
requirement. The same holds for Accept request.
Once the taxi company has accepted the request
and a car is going to pick up the customer, he or she
will need to be informed about the booking informa-
tion. For the aforementioned reasons, this communi-
cation must be encrypted in a secure way.
The Board taxi task must have a temporal require-
ment which represents the minimum time the taxi car
must wait, in case of the passenger not being present,
before being considered available again for another
request. Since this requirement defines a behaviour
that must be kept by a participant, it is a participant
requirement, not a task requirement. The maximum
delay time will be 15 minutes; after this, the request
is considered no longer valid.
Set route involves an interaction between the MID
and the taxi car’s navigation device. This involves a
communication that should (soft requirement) occur
on a protocol known by both devices (Bluetooth in our
example), therefore the MID and the taxi car must be
equipped with an interface compatible with that pro-
tocol. This implies that the communication will be se-
cure based on Bluetooth’s pairing procedure, so there
will not be a separate requirement for encryption.
In the annotated example, quality requirements
are provided also for the choreography as a whole.
Specifically, we assumed that a MID cannot fail more
than 4 times per 1000 operations; while the depend-
ability requirement for the Destinator Device is set
to 5 failures over 1000 operations. With respect to
the whole choreography, this example assumes that
global execution must complete in 20 minutes, and
that the choreography is considered dependabile if it
fails no more than once every 100 enactments. Even
though Figure 3 shows the specifications of such qual-
ity requirements, due to space limitations, images de-
tailing their annotation have been omitted.
This work supports the adoption of non-functional
annotations within a BPMN choreography diagram.
The paper discusses how all stakeholders can benefit
form such annotations : the choreography designers,
the service providers interested in playing a role, the
monitors, and so on. Then, it details some types of
non-functional annotations, retrieving them from pre-
vious literature, and provides a possible implementa-
tion of the approach.
There is currently no graphical notation which al-
lows to easily distinguish the annotations from the
tasks. An ongoing collaboration with NoMagic aims
at improving the implementation and the frontend to
annotate the diagram, possibly adopting the Magic-
Draw Open API (No Magic, Inc., 2011).
A useful improvement to this work would be to
leverage MDE techniques to automatically derive dif-
ferent quality models starting from BPMN models of
the system. Thus, existing analysis methodologies
concerning performance, reliability and security, for
example (Balsamo et al., 2004; Becker et al., 2009;
Woodside et al., 2005; ACM, 2011), in turn may be
readily applied “as is”.
Figure 3: Q4BPMN: Specifications of the quality requirements.
This paper is supported by the the European Project
FP7 IP 257178: CHOReOS, and partially by the Eu-
ropean Project FP7 NoE 256980: NESSoS.
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