Stan Kurkovsky
Central Connecticut State University, Department of Computer Science, New Britain, CT, U.S.A.
Keywords: Mobile Augmented Reality, Requirements, Navigation, Location Tracking, Interaction Design, Usability,
Content Creation, User Evaluation.
Abstract: Equipped with powerful processors, cameras for capturing still images and video, and a range of sensors
capable of tracking user location, orientation and motion smartphones offer a sophisticated platform for
implementing handheld augmented reality applications. Despite the advances in research and development,
implementing handheld augmented reality applications remains a challenge due to many unsolved problems
related to navigation, context-awareness, visualisation, usability and interaction design, as well as content
creation and sharing, which are surveyed in this paper.
Augmented reality (AR) refers to a real-time
representation of the real world that is digitally
augmented by adding graphics, sound or video (van
Krevenlen and Poelman, 2010). Handheld
augmented reality systems often utilize smartphones
equipped with powerful processors, high-resolution
cameras, and a range of sensors including Global
Positioning System (GPS), accelerometers and
magnetometers. Unlike other AR systems, handheld
AR applications do not require the users to carry or
wear any special equipment and do not constrain the
applications to any specialized physical area.
Handheld AR systems that utilize location and
position information are often used to augment the
view of the real world with relevant information
about the currently visible points of interest (POI).
Interaction design challenges exemplified by the
“magic lens” metaphor present just a small sample
of issues and open research problems related to
navigation, context-awareness, visualisation and
content creation in handheld AR applications. These
challenges need to be addressed before AR systems
can make a transition from research and academic
labs to the domain of everyday users. This paper
outlines many of the open design questions that
developers and researchers might encounter building
handheld AR applications using currently available
technologies and tools.
The architecture of a typical handheld AR
application consists of three components: the mobile
AR browser for end-user interaction, the AR server
responsible for identifying and querying one or more
POI repositories/servers. AR browsers provide the
user with a choice of information channels; upon
selecting a channel, the browser sends a query
requesting relevant POIs, which are bounded by the
channel selection, current location and a certain
spatial range. The AR server acts as a broker and
selects an appropriate POI provider/repository to
which the query is forwarded. Similarly, POI content
is returned to the mobile AR browser via the server.
Finally, the mobile AR browser overlays the POI-
related content over a real-time view of the physical
The task of scene identification to determine the
correct location and orientation of the user is
fundamental to any AR application and may be
implemented on the mobile device, on the AR
server, or distributed between the two. Marker-based
scene identification techniques rely on previously
placed artificial visual tags (e.g. Kan et al, 2009).
Non marker-based scene identification relies on
computer vision (e.g. Gammeter at al, 2010),
geopositioning (e.g. You et al, 2008) or a
combination of these two techniques (e.g. Seo et al,
Kurkovsky S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003937007990802
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 799-802
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Careful examination of the existing AR platforms
and applications reveals a number of open research
problems, each with a number of alternative
solutions offering a specific set of trade-offs. The
remainder of this section outlines these open
research problems and challenges, along with
different promising ways to address them.
3.1 Indoor and Urban Navigation
Continuous localization of the user is a key
component of any AR system. The vast majority of
outdoor handheld AR systems utilise GPS for
navigation because of its wide availability and
relatively high accuracy. Indoor navigation for AR
systems does not have a similar commonly accepted
solution. Satellite signals used by the GPS are too
weak or unavailable indoors unless special High
Sensitivity GPS (HSGPS) or Ultra-wide Band
(UWB) location sensors are used. Furthermore, it
has long been recognized that no single sensor
technology is currently capable of providing robust
tracking with high enough precision both indoors
and outdoors (Welch and Foxlin, 2002). Deploying a
specialized hardware infrastructure could be costly
and unfeasible, in which case developers of
handheld AR systems may resort to using the
sensors already available on the mobile device.
Images or video captured with the built-in camera
can be processed to recognize the features of indoor
environment or previously placed QR (or similar)
codes (e.g., Kan et al, 2009). Multiple WiFi signal
triangulation could be used for approximate
localization (Arth, et al, 2009). Finally, localization
can be achieved by combining sparsely placed ‘info
points’ whose precise location is known,
accelerometer and compass data, with activity-based
instructions, such as “walk five steps and turn right”
(Mulloni et al, 2011). Gee et al, 2011, describe an
approach where GPS and UWB-based location
sensing is combined with vision-based tracking that
offers a reliable platform for both indoor and
outdoor handheld AR applications.
3.2 Computer Vision-based Tracking
Although a tracking solution based on computer
vision could offer the best precision, real-time object
recognition from a live video feed may be too taxing
for a smartphone CPU. Wither et al, 2011, propose a
compromise solution, Indirect AR, which replaces a
true AR based on the live camera feed with a
previously captured panoramic view of the
environment. A solution suggested by Gammeter at
al, 2010, suggests using a remote server to split the
tasks of object tracking and recognition: tracking is
performed on the mobile device that periodically
sends still images to the server, which is responsible
for object recognition. Such an approach could have
several advantages: instead of keeping a database on
the device, objects can be retrieved from large
server-side databases in close to real-time; the
bandwidth usage is reasonable since only still
images are transmitted to the server instead of a
constant video feed. An approach suggested by
Takacs et al, 2008, performs on-device object
recognition using a local database of previously
captured location-tagged images, which helps to
limit the search only to the objects in the close
proximity to the user. In case if no match is found,
the system offers an option to send the image to the
server along with a label describing the relevant
POI. It is possible to extend this approach by
equipping the server with a larger image database
and/or a more robust content-based image retrieval
algorithm that would be impractical to implement on
a mobile device. Unlike GPS-based tracking,
computer vision could offer accurate information
about the user location, as well as the pose of the
user, with a refresh rate exceeding that of a GPS-
based solution. Langlotz et al, 2010, propose a
computer vision-based solution that enables high-
precision tracking and object registration without the
need to construct a 3D object database. Instead, this
approach takes advantage of natural-feature mapping
performed on the device that enables tracking with
three degrees of freedom. Natural features of the
surrounding environment are mapped to the
panoramic view captured by the device in real time.
3.3 Content Creation
In many existing handheld AR systems, only the
application developers can add new content because
this requires access to the application backend along
with programming skills for linking existing systems
to he data sources. A truly mobile AR system would
allow regular users, such as tourists and small
business owners, to add their own content on the go
with a minimal technical effort. Such a system could
also provide an easy way for the users to mash up
user-created content from multiple sources into a
uniform handheld AR view. Belimpasakis et al,
2010 describe a handheld AR system that addresses
these concerns by creating a generic Mixed Reality
Web Service Platform enabling users to geo-register
new content without a substantial expertise in AR
Platforms like Wikitude and Layar help solving
the problem of location tracking and visualization.
However, AR applications will not be able to gain
much traction with the end users without a broad
availability of diverse sources of content. Active
user participation in content authoring is leading the
evolution of the Worldwide Web. A similar trend
could be applied to the AR applications. Schmalstieg
et al, 2010, introduce the concept of AR 2.0 or
Social AR, in which regular user can actively
participate and create their own content instead of
only consuming the content authored by a select
group of professional AR modellers and developers.
Langlotz et al, 2011, describe a handheld AR system
for on-the-go, on-device content authoring and
sharing. Using this system, end users can create 2D
and 3D content on a mobile device and publish it to
their private library on a remote server that supports
ARML (described below). Users are then free to
share this content with others or reuse the objects
they created for marking other real world locations.
3.4 Integration and Reuse of Content
In a typical AR application utilizing multiple POI
repositories, the AR server acts as the only point of
interaction between the POIs from different
repositories. For example, the only connection
between a bus stop and a nearby restaurant will be
their close proximity that will only become apparent
when the AR server processes both sets of POIs.
There is no logical or symbolic relationship between
such two POIs, although it could be of a great
benefit. A possible solution to this problem could be
to utilize the Linked Open Data (LOD) principles
(Berners-Lee, 2007), which suggest using URIs as
names for all data elements, including POIs, as well
as cross-referencing among them. Augmented
Reality Markup Language (ARML) used by
Wikitude provides a native LOD support and it is
gaining traction among AR system developers as the
Open Geospatial Consortium uniting over 440
international industry, government and academic
organizations has established the ARML 2.0
Standards Working Group in September 2011.
3.5 Using Context Information
One of the key features of AR applications is the
ability to present a subset of available information in
the current geospatial context. Research in context
awareness focuses on creating intelligent systems
that can adapt to the surrounding environment and
the user behaviour, thereby reducing information
overload and providing the user with the services
and information are relevant in the current context.
Although all AR systems take advantage of the user
location context, it should be possible to provide the
users with a more personalized experience by
utilizing other contextual dimensions, such as user
intention based on the past behavioural profile (e.g.,
Lee and Woo, 2008). In addition to improving the
level of personalization, context-awareness in
handheld AR applications could facilitate sharing of
personalized content and social collaboration among
the users (Suh et al, 2007).
3.6 Usability Issues
Current applications address only the most obvious
and simplest challenges that could be solved by
handheld AR systems. Nack, 2010, notes that many
of them take advantage mainly of the contextualized
user position and orientation, provided that the
correct information channel is available. Smartphone
GPS sensors have the accuracy of about 20 meters,
while the magnetometers enable compass orientation
within about 20 degrees. This could lead to problems
with calculating the correct camera field of view
making real and digital objects not perfectly aligned.
Consequently, current mobile AR systems may not
offer the precision necessary to identify the specific
location of the entrance door or even distinguish
between different entrances to a building.
Although modern smartphones are equipped with
high-resolution cameras, they provide a limited field
of view, which is significantly smaller than that of
the human eye. Consequently, current handheld AR
applications can only augment a small portion of the
mobile user’s field of view The “magic lens” design
of the current handheld AR applications requires the
user to stretch out their hand while holding the
device and pointing it in various directions. This
problem could possibly be resolved by “freezing”
the augmented view to allow the user to see it in a
more comfortable position.
In order to see the augmented view of real-world
objects that are currently to the sides or behind the
user, the user needs to either change their orientation
or use a mini-map showing all nearby POIs that is
typically displayed on the screen by many current
handheld AR applications. Having to rotate around
while holding the phone in an outstretched hand may
be rather awkward, while interpreting the POIs on
the mini-map and matching them to the augmented
view and the rest of the unfamiliar real-world
surroundings might require a substantial mental
effort. Schinke et al, 2010, suggests using arrows
embedded in the AR view to point at the
surrounding off-screen POIs, which can make the
task of interpreting such information much less
demanding for the user.
Although the concept of AR was first developed
over four decades ago, wide availability of mobile
devices with adequate processing power and a
multitude of sensors is attracting an increased
interest to handheld AR applications. However,
many ongoing research projects and off-the-shelf
handheld AR solutions limit themselves to
leveraging only the user geographic location and
orientation information. Today, smartphones are
already quite capable of providing tracking services
using computer vision algorithms, fusing different
methods of location tracking for robust indoor and
outdoor navigation, providing tools for easy on-
device content creation and sharing, leveraging user
and location context, using heterogeneous sources of
POI and other data, and providing more unobtrusive
user interaction than what is currently offered by the
existing handheld AR applications.
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