Themistoklis Mavridis
and Andreas L. Symeonidis
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
Informatics and Telematics Institute, CERTH, Thessaloniki, Greece
Keywords: Search Engine Optimization, LDArank, Semantic Analysis, Latent Dirichlet Allocation, LDA Gibbs
Sampling, LDArank Java Application, Webpage Semantics, Semantic Analysis SEO.
Abstract: The added-value of search engines is, apparently, undoubted. Their rapid evolution over the last decade has
transformed them into the most important source of information and knowledge. From the end user side,
search engine success implies correct results in fast and accurate manner, while also ranking of search
results on a given query has to be directly correlated to the user anticipated response. From the content
providers’ side (i.e. websites), better ranking in a search engine result set implies numerous advantages like
visibility, visitability, and profit. This is the main reason for the flourishing of Search Engine Optimization
(SEO) techniques, which aim towards restructuring or enriching website content, so that optimal ranking of
websites in relation to search engine results is feasible. SEO techniques are becoming more and more
sophisticated. Given that internet marketing is extensively applied, prior quality factors prove insufficient,
by themselves, to boost ranking and the improvement of the quality of website content is also introduced.
Current paper discusses such a SEO mechanism. Having identified that semantic analysis was not been
widely applied in the field of SEO, a semantic approach is adopted, which employs Latent Dirichlet
Allocation techniques coupled with Gibbs Sampling in order to analyze the results of search engines based
on given keywords. Within the context of the paper, the developed SEO mechanism LDArank is presented,
which evaluates query results through state-of-the-art SEO metrics, analyzes results’ content and extracts
new, optimized content.
Over the last decade, search engines have evolved
from mere indexing tools to a necessity, to all types
of web users. Apart from elaborate architectures and
computing power, search engines have incorporated
a plethora of metrics in order to provide satisfactory
results. On the other side of the coin, Search engine
Optimization (SEO) techniques appeared. Gradually,
with the incorporation of personalized results from
the engines, the explosion of Social Media and the
creation of real time search engines, SEO has
become a field with a multitude of approaches and a
great added-value, since it directly affects the Search
Engine Result Pages (SERPs). Currently, the
majority of web traffic is driven by the search
engines of Google, Bing and Yahoo!, which
compete towards returning the most relevant results
to a user query through the improvement of their
web crawling technology and the addition of
sophisticated quality factors. SEO works the other
way round, trying to optimize websites in order to
increase the traffic they receive from search engines
and, thus, achieve better rankings. Due to the nature
of the web, though, there will be always some
technique producing better results and some wrong
SEO “action” that may harm website ranking.
Search engines (SEs) explore the web in order to
find all the content they can access. Content is in the
form of webpages, containing text and links to files,
images etc, as well as javascripts and flash content.
SEs have specially designed mechanisms called
“crawlers” and use the web’s link structure in order
to perform the crawling. Based on the content
retrieved, information is stored and indexed for later
reference. When a query is performed, the search
engine returns the most relevant results and ranks
them according to their importance, which is
interpreted as popularity. The popularity of a
document containing some content is determined
through complex algorithms comprising hundreds of
components called ranking factors.
Mavridis T. and L. Symeonidis A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003937302720275
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 272-275
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The major search engines provide guidelines to
web content developers, in order to be SE-friendly.
They advise them to: a) create webpages targeting
the users and not search engines, b) include
keywords that are possible queries related to the
context of the webpages, c) follow a clear hierarchy
and architecture in the website and include links in
the text of the webpages and, d) keep a reasonable
number of outgoing links from the page.
Nevertheless, search engines do not have an
inherent metric for the evaluation of quality. They
can promote popularity but they are not able to
generate it.
2.1 Search Engine Ranking Factors
Within the context of the 2011 SMX Advanced
Conference, the correlation of critical SE ranking
factors (excluding social media related factors) with
Google rankings was presented (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Correlation coefficient of various ranking
Within Figure 1 the following metrics are
identified: a) Page Authority (PA), a calculated
metric on how high a given webpage is likely to
rank in search results regardless of its content, b)
Domain Authority (DA), a metric similar to PA, but
applicable on a domain level, c) mozRank (mR), a
logarithmic scaled 10-point measure of global link
authority/popularity (and RD means root domain), d)
mozTrust (mT), which quantifies the trustworthiness
of a webpage to all the other webpages, e) the well
known PageRank (PR) and f) Latent Dirichlet
Analysis (LDA). In fact, LDA (Blei, Ng & Jordan,
2003) appears to have drawn a lot of attention as far
as SE ranking is concerned.
Based on this observation, authors argue that
content analysis should also be considered
significant for webpage ranking and its potential is
explored within the context of this work.
2.2 Semantic Analysis of Web Content
Tf-idf (Salton & McGill, 1983), LSI (Deerwester S.
et al, 1988), and pLSI (Hofmann, 1999) have been
widely applied for performing text processing and
analysis. Based on their primitives, Latent Dirichlet
Analysis (LDA) was proposed for the probabilistic
modeling of collections of discrete data such as text
corpora. Each collection item is modeled as a finite
mixture of topics, which, in turn, are modeled as an
infinite mixture over an underlying set of bayesian
probabilities. The parameters of the model can either
be defined empirically, or can be identified by
employing Gibbs sampling (Griffiths & Steyvers,
LDA was first reported as a possible factor in
SEO by Bishop (Bishop, 2004) and then by Grubber
in his GoogleTechTalks (2007). Since SEOmoz
experiments have indicated a satisfying correlation
between LDA and search engine results, we have
developed LDArank, a mechanism that employs
LDA in order to identify the most important topics
related to a query. Incorporating these topics into a
website corpus would lead to search-engine-
optimized content and, thus, higher rankings of the
webpage/website in the SERPs of queries related to
its topic. Discussion on the mechanism is provided
The developed mechanism provides a generic
framework for collecting query results from the top
search engines and employs all state-of-the-art
metrics in order to perform webpage evaluation and
select the top results to perform LDA analysis upon.
The facets of the LDArank mechanism are depicted
in Figure 2:
Figure 2: The LDArank mechanism.
During the first iteration the queries are defined
by the user and are submitted to Bing, Yahoo! and
0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,3
Google search engines through their APIs. The
results are extracted in JSON format and are
analyzed in order to extract the returned URLs.
Consequently, evaluation is performed against PA,
DA, mR, sR (simple Ranking), and the Visibility
ScoreVS (combined ranking), and the top λ results
are retained. Next, webpage analysis is performed;
the body of the content along with the anchor text
and metadata are extracted, stemming and cleaning
is performed, while regular expressions and stop
words are removed.
Semantic analysis via LDA is performed on the
text of the retained results for a given query, in order
to recognize the dominant words that compose the
dominant content for this query. The output of the
semantic analysis is a list that contains the most
probable words for the given queries. Based on the
most dominant words of the list, a set of queries is
designed. All the possible combinations of words are
formed, but only the l most powerful combinations
are retained. This is based on the observation that a
user query typically contains a finite number of
words. The similarity of the new queries with the
original query is calculated in means of NGD-
Normalized google distance (Cilibrasi and Vitanyi,
2007), and the top Κ queries are selected.
The above process (of creating queries and
identifying dominant words) is repeated until list of
words from the current round of semantic analysis
contains at least β% of common words with the
previous round.
All the mechanism parameters are defined
through a configuration file, which is parsed during
the initiation phase of the mechanism. Table 1
depicts the configuration parameters:
Table 1: LDArank configuration parmeters.
‐LDArankprobabilitythreshold (ξ)
In order to provide evidence on the applicability of
our model, we discuss an indicative test case. Let’s
assume that a web content provider would like to set
up a website on Software Engineering practices. In
order to increase website visibility, and given the
preceding analysis on the importance of website
content in SE ranking, he/she would like to identify
the dominant keywords that he/she should use, in
order to achieve his/her goal. To this end, LDArank
is employed. The following analysis provides a set
of experiments and conclusions; nevertheless one
may perform an even wider range of experiments, by
tuning any of the LDArank mechanism parameters.
4.1 Experiment Setup
Various alternatives have been explored in order to
illustrate LDArank versatility and ease-of-use (some
omitted due to space limitations). The aims of the
experiments were to: a) identify whether the size of
the resulting word cloud is related to SE ranking of
webpages, b) identify whether the type of words in
residing in a webpage (generic or more specialized)
affects SE ranking and, c) to evaluate the
convergence capabilities of all the metrics
To this end, two sets of terms are considered for
the analysis: a) a set comprising 15, more generic
terms on Software Engineering and b) a set
comprising 40 terms, more focused on software
engineering processes.
Parameters M, K, l, cl, and pl were kept constant
in the performed LDArank experiments. The
experiments performed had varying values with
respect to α, λ, ξ and τ, and were evaluated against
the core SE metrics identified: sR, mR, PA, DA, VS,
mR with merged engine (mRm), PA with merged
engine (PAm), and DA with merged engine (DAm).
4.2 Results
Experiments run on the first set of terms (generic)
resulted into three groups, according to the size of
word cloud generated, with respect to the values of
the number of topics, number of top words and the
probability threshold. These groups are: a) Group A
– a small scale group, b) Group B – a medium scale
group and, c) Group C – a large scale group.
Group A produced a total of 44 words, group B
554 words, and group C 921 words. Comparing the
top words of group A against the top words of the
other two groups (Figure 3) it can be argued that the
groups are well separated.
Group C produced more content than the group
B, which produced more content than group A.
Moreover, group C’s produced content is
characterized by more variety in contrast to the other
two groups and the top words of the content
produced, in terms of occurrences, in the small-scale
case are top words in both the medium and large-
scale cases.
Figure 3: Group A, B and C word clouds.
Group D was built from the second set of terms
(specialized) and produced a total of 143 words.
Comparing group D to group C, 39, 14, and 12
words are the same, out of 100, 40, and 20 top
words, respectively. It is, thus, obvious specialized
content leads to different rankings in search engines.
Figure 4: Group D word cloud.
From the mean value and the standard deviation
of convergence of each evaluation metric per group,
it could be stated that using merged results led to
lower convergence percentages. PAm presented the
highest convergence percentage and PA led to high
convergence percentages in the medium scale cases.
It should be mentoned that sR led to high
convergence percentages in small-scale and large
scale cases, mR had high convergence percentages in
the medium-scale cases and DA had high
convergence percentages in the medium and large
scale cases. Therefore, Pam and sR seem to be the
most efficient evaluation metrics that confirm the
high value of Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
of them and the new search engines’ trends and
In this paper, a new mechanism for the optimization
of website ranking in search engines based on Latent
Dirichlet Allocation with Gibbs sampling. LDA is
used in a different approach in our model and the
results of the experiments run using the proposed
model confirm the search engines’ latest trends
regarding the Google Panda Updates towards a more
content based ranking and a focus on domains by
considering domain-level metrics to be equally
important to page-level ones. Furthermore, the
model reveals a detail about the engines’ algorithm
about the top results of their search engine results
The next step for the evaluation of the proposed
mechanism is the application of it on a website in
order to confirm the level of benefit it provides to
the production of optimized content and the effect of
it on the website’s rankings in the SE results pages.
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