An Empirical Study
Bernd Zwattendorfer, Thomas Zefferer and Arne Tauber
E-Government Innovation Center (EGIZ), Inffeldgasse 16a, 8010 Graz, Austria
Security Assertion Markup Language, SAML, Authentication, eID, STORK.
Various European countries have set up national eID infrastructures that allow citizens to securely authenticate
at e-Government or e-Banking services. In a converging European society, interoperability between national
eID solutions becomes an important issue. The EU large scale pilot STORK tackles this issue and implements
an interoperability layer that connects national infrastructures. The secure, reliable, and efficient exchange of
identity information is thus a key feature of the STORK interoperability layer. Several protocols exist that
are basically able to implement this feature. In private sector applications, SAML is frequently used for the
exchange of identity and authentication data. To verify whether this protocol has also proven itself in the
public e-Government domain, a survey on existing national eID solutions based on SAML has been carried
out. The survey was based on a comprehensive questionnaire that was sent out to 14 Member States of the
European Union. The collected results revealed that SAML is prevalently used in most national eID solutions
and hence perfectly suitable to build the basis of the STORK interoperability layer.
The Internet plays an important role in many aspects
of our daily life. During the past years, an increas-
ing number of security sensitive services have been
mapped to the digital world and are now provided
online. These services have in common that they
usually require a reliable user identification and au-
thentication process with a certain level of assurance.
Reliable user identification and authentication over
the Internet is no trivial task. For several reasons,
common username and password based authentica-
tion schemes have to be regarded as weak (Kessler,
1997). Hence, security sensitive services usually rely
on stronger two-factor authentication schemes that in-
corporate some kind of cryptographic hardware token
(e.g. smart card, mobile phone) often supported by
public key infrastructures (PKI).
Most European countries use strong authentica-
tion schemes and appropriate PKI solutions for their
national eID infrastructures. National eID infras-
tructures provide citizens a unique electronic ID that
allows for secure and reliable authentication in e-
Government or e-Business processes. A comprehen-
sive overview of existing national eID solutions is
provided by (MODINIS, 2006), (IDABC, 2009) and
(Siddhartha, 2008).
Identity management becomes even more complex
in cross-border scenarios, in which parties from two
or more different countries are involved. During an
authentication process, involved parties need to ex-
change identity and authentication data. Depending
on the authentication process, this data can be consid-
erably complex. It is thus reasonable to have a com-
mon understanding and to appropriately structure the
data to be exchanged according to a well-defined stan-
The need for a standard that facilitates the struc-
tured exchange of identity and authentication data
has been recognized early. Therefore, the Security
Assertion Markup Language (SAML) (Lockhart and
Campbell, 2008) has been introduced in 2002. It
is an XML based framework, which is heavily used
by the industry and aims to facilitate the exchange
of identity information (Naedele, 2003). Although
SAML is quite popular, also alternative standards and
frameworks exist. Especially WS-Federation has to
be mentioned in this context.
In a converging European economy and society,
country specific eID solutions hinder the development
of eID based cross-border services. This aspect is em-
phasized in the Digital Agenda for Europe (European
Commission, 2010) and has also been confirmed by
a recent report of the (OECD, 2011) highlighting the
Zwattendorfer B., Zefferer T. and Tauber A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003938005710576
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 571-576
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
need for governments and other stakeholders to cre-
ate solutions for mutual recognition of national digital
identity management approaches. To overcome this
issue, the EU LSP STORK (Leitold and Zwattendor-
fer, 2010) has been started in 2008 as a 3-year project.
STORK aims to establish an interoperability layer for
national eID solutions in order to facilitate eID based
cross-border services. The capabilities of the devel-
oped STORK modules have been demonstrated by
several pilot applications (Tauber et al., 2011) (Knall
et al., 2011).
The (cross-border) exchange of authentication
data is one of the key features of the STORK in-
teroperability framework. The selection of an ap-
propriate standard or framework was therefore one
of the key decisions during the conceptual design.
SAML was known to be a popular industry standard.
However, it was unclear if SAML was also able to
meet the requirements of the public sector, particu-
larly in a cross-border context. To get an overview of
gained experiences with SAML in public sector ap-
plications, an assessment and study has been made
covering all European countries participating in the
STORK project. The basic findings of this study, the
followed methodology, and consequences of the ob-
tained results are discussed in this paper.
In the current identity and authentication landscape
the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)
plays a major role. For being able to follow the em-
pirical research and study that has been carried out in
this paper, a brief introduction to SAML and its archi-
tecture is given.
2.1 Basics
SAML constitutes an XML-based standard that has
been developed by OASIS
and especially designed
for the secure exchange of authentication and autho-
rization data of a given subject. A subject in SAML
terminology defines the main actor for whom identity
and authentication data needs to be exchanged. Usu-
ally this term concerns a natural person but it can also
be a web service or a system in general (Lockhart and
Campbell, 2008).
According to the general SAML architecture, au-
thentication or authorization data is typically ex-
changed between one identity provider and one or
Organization for the Advancement of Structured Infor-
mation Standards, http://
more service providers. The identity provider is usu-
ally responsible for the subject’s authentication and
the issuance of so-called SAML assertions for authen-
tication requesting service providers. A SAML asser-
tion is an XML-based security token, which assures
that a certain subject has been successfully authenti-
cated using specific means at a certain point in time
and owning specific attributes if authorization is re-
quired. Service providers that receive such assertions
verify it and grant or deny access to the resources that
have been requested by the subject. In SAML ter-
minology, identity providers are also called asserting
party or SAML authority, service providers can also
be named relying party.
Summarizing, the most important features of
SAML are:
Single Sign-on (SSO).
Identity Federation.
Web Services and other Industry Standards.
2.2 Architecture
SAML highly profits from its modular architecture.
Due to this modularity, various components can be
put together and appropriate solutions for different
use cases can be modeled. In the nested architectural
model statements (as part of assertions) specify the
most detailed and profiles the highest abstract level.
The following sub-sections give a brief introduction
into the individual SAML components (Lockhart and
Campbell, 2008).
2.2.1 Assertions
So-called SAML assertions (Lockhart and Camp-
bell, 2008) constitute the core component of SAML.
SAML assertions contain specific information about a
subject, e.g. related special attributes or information
indicating that the subject has been successfully au-
thenticated. In typical scenarios, assertions are issued
by an identity provider and consumed by a service
provider, which uses the included information for ac-
cess control decisions for the subject.
Basically, three different types of SAML asser-
tions can be distinguished although the wrapping
XML-fragment is common to all of them. A dif-
ferentiation on the assertion is made based on the
statements included. The SAML specification distin-
guishes between the following three statements: Au-
thentication Statement, Attribute Statement, Autho-
rization Decision Statement.
Authentication statements are usually created by
an identity provider if a subject has been authenti-
cated successfully. The statement contains informa-
tion at what point in time and by which means the
subject has authenticated and specifies the validity pe-
riod of the assertion. Attribute statements wrap spe-
cific attributes belonging to the authenticated subject.
Additionally, authorization statements can give infor-
mation whether the subject is permitted to gain ac-
cess to a certain resource or not. Although autho-
rization statements have especially been designed for
access control, in practice mainly attribute statements
are used for authorization. There is also no strict regu-
lation to use only one statement per assertion. Hence,
different statements can be mixed. However, there is
a limitation to one authentication statement only.
2.2.2 Protocols
SAML Protocols (Lockhart and Campbell, 2008) de-
fine the next layer in this modular architecture. They
specify which assertion is transmitted between two
providers or entities and also define how this trans-
mission takes place. SAML assertions can be either
pulled from or pushed by an identity provider. If
pulled, the service provider requests an assertion from
the identity provider. If using the push method, the
identity provider sends unsolicited assertions to the
service provider without any further request.
2.2.3 Bindings
SAML Bindings (Lockhart and Campbell, 2008) de-
pict the transport protocol used for carrying the
SAML protocol messages. These protocols remain
untouched by the SAML specification and are just
used for transportation. Typical examples for such
transport protocols are HTTP or SOAP web services.
2.2.4 Profiles
SAML Profiles (Lockhart and Campbell, 2008) com-
bine all inner parts of the modelling architecture to
model certain use cases. The most popular use case
or profile respectively depicts the so-called Web Sin-
gle Sign-On Profile, which enables users SSO by us-
ing web browsers.
The main objective and hypothesis, respectively, of
this paper work has been the verification to what ex-
tend SAML is used in national eID systems. To
approve this, an empirical study based on question-
naires, which had been distributed to specific Euro-
pean Union Member States was chosen as adequate
Before starting any empirical analysis, an agree-
ment on the underlying sample must be obtained. To
achieve the best results, actually no sample should
be taken but in contrast the whole basic population
should be explored. However, in most cases such ex-
plorations are not very economic and are very time
intensive due to a huge population basis. Therefore,
usually a representative sample out of the basic popu-
lation is extracted which saves costs and time but cer-
tainly is not as accurate as a census and hence gives
probabilistic results only.
3.1 Sample Selection
Basically, sample extraction does not define a triv-
ial task and must be chosen carefully. According to
(Kaya and Himme, 2009), sample extraction must be
carried out by applying the following steps:
1. Determination of the basic population.
2. Determination of the basic selection.
3. Definition of the sample.
4. Definition of the selection process.
5. Carrying out the selection.
Mapping these steps to our analysis, the general
basic population would be defined by all countries
over the world (Step 1). However, since probably not
all countries have national eID solutions deployed, we
limit the basic population to countries that have al-
ready national eID infrastructures in place or are plan-
ning to do so in the next years (Step 2). Because
for the whole world this would also not be a feasi-
ble and trivial approach, the basic selection is nar-
rowed down to European countries as a sample set
(Step 3). Out of this sample set, the actual sample
has to be chosen and analyzed. In theory, a sample
should be selected completely random. However, in
practice this usually can never be achieved and one’s
sights must be lowered. Hence, the underlying sam-
ple of an empirical study can be selected on various
aspects. For that, several approaches exist, e.g. based
on random or non-random selection. For our analy-
sis, an approach based on convenience sampling
chosen (Step 4). This approach has been chosen due
to practical aspects. Since this work was carried out
within the STORK project, all countries participating
in this LSP were chosen for building a representative
(Step 5). In fact, this final sample consisted
of 14 countries, involving Austria, Belgium, Estonia,
France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands,
Convenience sampling defines a non-random selection
method where elements of the sample are readily available
or nearby. (Black, 2010).
Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom,
and Iceland (as the only non EU country).
3.2 Structure of the Questionnaire
After selecting the appropriate sample and before be-
ing able to do any analysis, information and data must
be gathered. This section briefly describes the struc-
ture of the questionnaire that had been sent out to the
STORK partners for information gathering. Actually,
the questionnaire can be divided into two parts. The
first part containing administrative questions request-
ing contact details in case any questions arose as well
as motivating the questionnaire, the second part ask-
ing specific questions to SAML implementations and
specifications. Besides contact details, the adminis-
trative part concluded with a short introduction into
SAML. This introduction overviewedthe architecture
and the most important parts of SAML giving a con-
cise definition on the various SAML terms used in the
SAML specification to gain a common understanding
amongst all partners.
The actual questionnaire is built upon 17 ques-
tions, involving both closed (offering the recipient
predefined questions) and open (possibility to enter
free text) questions. Basically, both general ques-
tions as well as more technically detailed questions
regarding SAML were asked. For instance, gen-
eral questions concerned the national eID system and
its use of SAML, or practical details or issues dur-
ing SAML adoption. In addition, detailed questions
specifically focused on the SAML specification, e.g.
asking which SAML versions are deployed or - re-
garding to the SAML architecture - which protocols,
bindings, or profiles are in use. The order of the de-
tailed questions were aligned according to the natu-
ral nesting of the SAML architectural components,
hence a top-down approach was followed. According
to this approach, questions regarding to the use cases
(SAML profiles) were asked first. Referring to section
2, SAML profiles constitute the outermost part of the
architectural model. Following the intuitive structure
of this model, questions concerning bindings, proto-
cols and assertions as the innermost part were stated
next. In the following, details on the assertion struc-
ture or whether parts are signed or encrypted were
questioned. At the end, open questions rounded up
the questionnaire in order to give the participants the
Please note that this work has already been carried out
during the first project phase of STORK when no Member
State enlargement had been defined. An enlargement of ad-
ditional ve Member States was negotiated in the second
year of the project phase only, hence those ve countries
are not part of our analysis.
possibility to provide hyperlinks for further informa-
tion beyond the scope of this questionnaire.
This section reports on the results extracted and syn-
thesized from the returned questionnaires. The com-
plete analysis and evaluation of the questionnaires is
based on common descriptive statistical methods.
All of the sent out questionnaires were returned,
thus we could rely on a response rate of 100% for our
. Although a sample of 14 countries does not
represent all European Union Member States, at least
a very good approximation can be given for the com-
plete EU. However, the derived findings could deliver
a complete picture of the use of SAML in the STORK
Member States and built a fundamental basis for the
standards chosen in the STORK specification.
In general, 11 out of 14 countries are either using
SAML (Austria, Belgium, France, Portugal, Spain,
UK, and Iceland) or are planning to do so (Italy, the
Netherlands, Slovenia, and Sweden) There, SAML is
used in broad context on domestic or regional level
in the national eID systems. This finding corresponds
to a quota of about 80% of SAML using countries
and can be seen as an evidence for the prevalence of
SAML in the European Union. The only countries of
the interviewed sample that do not rely on SAML are
Estonia, Germany and Luxembourg.
The first country deploying SAML in its national
eID infrastructure has been Austria which has started
the adoption of SAML (version 1.0) already in 2002.
Belgium and France were next having started in 2003
and 2004 respectively (version 1.0 and 1.1). A cou-
ple of countries have been deploying SAML in 2008,
mostly based on the SAML version 2.0. Most coun-
tries rely on national guidelines for their SAML im-
plementation. However, there exists also a number
of countries which have deployed SAML on regional
level only (e.g. Catalonia in Spain) and hence rely on
sector/application specific policies.
Besides general questions on the use and the adop-
tion of SAML, more detailed questions affecting the
SAML specifications were asked to the participating
countries. The aim of those questions was to get in-
sight which out of the box SAML profiles, bindings,
or protocols are in place in the Member States. The
dominant version of SAML (planned or already de-
ployed) is the current version 2.0 used by app. 61%
of the asked countries. 23% use SAML version 1.1
and 15% still version 1.0.
Not all questionnaires were completely lled out
though as some countries do not rely on SAML.
Concerning the different types of used SAML pro-
files we limit our evaluation to the profiles offered by
SAML version 2.0, as only two profiles are standard-
ized in the versions 1.0 and 1.1. SAML 2.0 provides
13 standardized profiles in total where only seven are
used over all Member States. The most popular pro-
file constitutes the Web Browser SSO Profile which
is implemented by six countries. The country, which
bases its eID implementation on the most profiles,
is Belgium with eight deployed planned profiles (all
SAML versions). All other countries use or plan to
use between one and four standardized profiles. The
average profiles used per country are 2.66.
In comparison, the average number of SAML
bindings used per country is 2.4. The number of bind-
ings per country is nearly equally distributed, reach-
ing from one to four bindings per country, having
again Belgium leading together with Slovenia. The
most common binding is the HTTP Post Binding with
seven mentions, followed by the HTTP Redirect Bind-
ing with five, the SAML SOAP Binding with four, and
the HTTP Artifact Binding with three. All those bind-
ings refer to the SAML 2.0 specifications. As only
few countries still use earlier SAML versions we skip
again a detailed analysis on them.
Additionally, all countries rely on SAML proto-
cols for the transport of SAML assertions. Again,
Belgium uses the most predefined SAML protocols,
namely four. All other countries rely on between one
and three out of the box protocols. The most popular
protocol is the Assertion Query and Request Protocol
in version 2.0 succeeded by the Authentication Re-
quest Protocol, the Artifact Resolution Protocol and
the Single Logout Protocol. Taking profiles, bind-
ings, and protocols together, all countries just rely on
predefined SAML components and did not implement
any country specific solution for SAML adoption.
Digging a little bit deeper into the modular SAML
architecture, after analyzing profiles, bindings, and
protocols we evaluated the use of SAML assertions
and its statements. Nearly all responding countries
(87.5%) have an authentication statement included
in their assertion (except Austria). Thereby, for au-
thentication different authentication methods are in-
voked in all countries, reaching from simple user-
name/password mechanisms to more secure and high
sophisticated smart card and PKI based solutions. In
contrast to that, all participating countries include at
least one attribute statement in their assertion. Bel-
gium, Italy and the UK even include more than one.
In our questionnaire, we also asked which kind of and
how many attributes are wrapped in an attribute state-
ment. Most countries use SAML assertions only for
identification of natural persons (in Austria, France,
and Spain legal persons can also be authenticated in
the national eID infrastructure), hence the most com-
mon attributes are a unique/sectoral identifier, first
name, last name, and date of birth. Regarding the
maximum number of attributes (mandatory or op-
tional) within an attribute assertion, UK’s assertion
can take up to nine attributes, Autria’s seven, and
Italy’s six. The average number of attributes in one
assertion is 4.75.
Concerning section 2, besides authentication and
attribute statements also authorization statements can
be incorporated in a SAML assertion. However, this
feature is rarely used amongst the participating coun-
tries. Only Belgium is planning to regulate access
control using this SAML possibility.
All Member States take care about the security of
the identification and authentication data transmitted.
In fact, all countries sign their SAML assertion using
XML-DSig as signature syntax and processing algo-
rithm. However, in contrast no country actually en-
crypts the assertion. Also no encryption algorithm is
used for encrypting single attributes. To additionally
improve security, SAML assertions have only a cer-
tain period of validity. However, this validity period
greatly varies between the Member States, reaching
from 5min (Belgium, France, and Spain) to a couple
of hours (Iceland and UK) or even severaldays (Italy).
The aim of the work carried out in this paper was to
prove if SAML is also a dominant standard for ex-
changing identification and authentication data in na-
tional eID concepts across the European Union. To
verify this, a questionnaire containing general ques-
tions to the national eID infrastructure and addition-
ally more detailed questions regarding the structure
of SAML components (profiles, bindings, protocols,
and assertions) was sent out to all 14 partners of the
STORK project in its early phase. All partners repre-
senting a Member State replied to this questionnaire,
hence the evaluation of those questionnaires is based
on a response rate of 100%. Based on these results
and findings, SAML can be seen as an important stan-
dard in the field of eID across Europe. The prevalence
of SAML amongst the interviewed Member States led
also STORK to set up its interoperability framework
for cross-border identification and authentication on
SAML 2.0. According to the findings resulting from
the described empirical study, the Web Browser SSO
Profile and the HTTP Post Binding were chosen as
basic SAML components as they are used most fre-
quently. Although the Assertion Query and Request
Protocol was stated most in the returned question-
naires, the protocol of choice in STORK was the
Authentication Request Protocol. The reason was
because the Authentication Request Protocol espe-
cially focuses on the transfer of secure authentica-
tion data. The SAML assertions transmitted within
STORK contain one authentication statement and one
attribute statement, giving the possibility of includ-
ing a large number of various personal attributes.
Since STORK focuses on authentication of natural
persons only, support for legal persons is not given
. As sensitive data is transmitted within STORK,
the SAML messages are digitally signed but not en-
crypted according to the current status of the partici-
pating Member States. However, to further improve
security the use of the so-called SAML Holder-of-
Key Binding (Lockhart and Hardjono, 2010) has been
Although SAML plays an important role in Eu-
ropean eID related applications and authentication
processes, still some gaps could be identified in this
work. First, although OASIS specified a high num-
ber of profiles, bindings, and protocols, only a small
number of those SAML components are really used
in production. Hence, a couple of ”exotic” speci-
fications only exist on paper and not in real envi-
ronments. Second, SAML only specifies protocols
for either attribute transfer or authentication. There
does not exist a SAML protocol handling both pro-
cesses in one request/response interaction yet, hence
currently for supporting such a use case the imple-
mentation of two protocols is required. In STORK,
this gap was overcome by using the SAML extension
mechanisms in the protocols and introducing new
XML elements in the Authentication Request Proto-
col (Alcalde-Morano et al., 2011). By doing that,
the exchange of authentication data AND attribute
data for a specific subject within one request/response
message interaction becomes possible. This gap and
its according solution are currently reported to OASIS
for standardization discussions (Reible, 2011).
Summarizing, the results of our study have shown
that SAML defines a key component in the European
Union eID landscape when data exchange is required.
Nevertheless, although the SAML specification has
been amended and improved over a couple of years,
still lacking capabilities can be found and identified.
One main objective of the STORK successor project
STORK-2 will be the cross-border recognition of legal iden-
tities (European Commission, 2011).
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