Vincenzo Deufemia, Massimiliano Giordano, Giuseppe Polese and Genoveffa Tortora
a di Salerno, Via Ponte don Melillo, Fisciano, SA, Italy
Learning from User Behavior, Implicit Feedback, Mouse Tracking, Search Engines, Display Time, Logging
Quality of search engine results often do not meet user’s expectations. In this paper we propose to implicitly
infer visitors feedbacks from the actions they perform while reading a web document. In particular, we propose
a new model to interpret mouse cursor actions, such as scrolling, movement, text selection, while reading web
documents, aiming to infer a relevance value indicating how the user found the document useful for his/her
search purposes. We have implemented the proposed model through light-weight components, which can be
easily installed within major web browsers as a plug-in. The components capture mouse cursor actions without
spoiling user browsing activities, which enabled us to easily collect experimental data to validate the proposed
model. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model is able to predict user feedbacks with
an acceptable level of accuracy.
The goal of Information retrieval (IR) is to find rele-
vant documents as response to users queries. In finite
and controlled information sources, such as document
collections, the vector space model based on the pop-
ular Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency
(T f Id f ) measure is traditionally used to find rel-
evant documents (Salton and Buckley, 1988). How-
ever, this approach is impractical in huge and uncon-
trolled environments like the Web, where large quan-
tities of resources constantly compete to draw user
attention. The sheer size of the Web does not al-
low for presenting the entire set of related documents
to the user. In such an environment the quality of
documents plays an important role, and measuring it
merely based on page contents is difficult and may
also be subjective.
One way to derive an objective measure of docu-
ments’ usefulness is to exploit the linked structure of
the Web. PageRank is the most famous method using
link structure analysis (Page et al., 1999). The idea
behind PageRank algorithm is to exploit the macro-
scale link structure among pages in order to capture
the popularity of documents, which can indirectly be
interpreted as an index of their quality. According to
this approach, the popularity of a page is determined
on the basis of the size of a hypothetical user stream
coming to the page. However, link-based algorithms
have currently many disadvantages (Mandl, 2006).
For example, they are vulnerable to spamming, and
links may have several meanings or purposes.
With the advent of Web 2.0, social bookmarking
systems have started showing the potential for im-
proving search capabilities of current search engines.
In these systems, the popularity of a Web page is cal-
culated as the total number of times it has been book-
marked, which is interpreted as the number of users
voting for the page.
There are several differences between “classic”
ranking systems like PageRank, and explicit ones
based on explicit feedbacks (Yanbe et al., 2007).
Explicit ranking systems capture the popularity of
resources among content consumers (page readers),
while PageRank is a result of author-to-author eval-
uation of Web resources. Generally, explicit rank
is more dynamic than PageRank, and social book-
marking systems often ensure shorter time for pages
to reach their popularity peaks (Golder and Huber-
man, 2006). However, despite many advantages of
social bookmarking services, relying on them alone
is currently still not possible due to the insufficient
amount of bookmarked pages available for arbitrary
queries. Furthermore, explicit ranking is subjective,
since users need to explicit vote a web content to
rate it, and not all the web users are keen on voting
Deufemia V., Giordano M., Polese G. and Tortora G..
DOI: 10.5220/0003938406530662
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 653-662
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
each site they visit. Thus, despite the rapid growth
in the number of bookmarked pages, the combination
of link structure-based and social bookmarking-based
page ranking measures seems to be currently an opti-
mal strategy.
Alternatively, methods that are able to implic-
itly capture user interests are potentially more use-
ful, since there is no noise in the ranking process in-
troduced by subjective evaluations (Agichtein et al.,
2006; Fox et al., 2005). Thus, we have started ex-
ploiting methods for logging user interaction actions
in order to derive an implicit index expressing the web
page usefulness with respect to user interests. In par-
ticular, we propose a new model to interpret mouse
cursor actions, such as scrolling, movement, text se-
lection, while reading web documents, aiming to infer
a relevance value indicating how the user found the
document useful for his/her search purposes (Chen
et al., 2001; Mueller and Lockerd, 2001).
We have embedded the proposed model in a rank-
ing system for the web. In particular, we have im-
plemented the YAR (Yet Another Ranker) system,
which re-ranks the web pages retrieved by a search
engine based on the relevance values computed from
the interaction actions of previous visitors. YAR ha
been implemented by means of light-weight compo-
nents, which can be easily installed within major web
browsers as a plug-in (we used it experimentally with
Google, but any other search engine could be eas-
ily adapted). The implemented components capture
mouse cursor actions without spoiling user browsing
activities, which enabled us to easily collect exper-
imental data to validate the proposed model. The
experimental results demonstrate that the proposed
model is able to predict user feedbacks with an ac-
ceptable level of accuracy.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 de-
scribes the metrics for deriving the web page rele-
vance from mouse tracking logging data. An imple-
mentation of the proposed metrics in the context of
ranking systems is presented in Section 3. Section 4
presents an experimental evaluation with analysis of
the results. A comparison with related work is de-
scribed in Section 5. Finally, conclusions and future
work are discussed in Section 6.
In order to compute the web page relevance value we
consider several metrics. The application of all these
metrics will be used to produce a value between 1 and
5, as usually done in social bookmarking systems. In
particular, we have defined the following metrics:
permanence time,
reading rate,
scrolling rate.
The overall rate is obtained through a weighted
sum of the considered metrics. Linear regression has
been used to find the weights for metrics that best ex-
plain the observed user feedback.
2.1 Permanence Time
The Permanence Time (PT) is defined as the differ-
ence between the loading and the unloading time of a
web page. Obviously, PT is heavily influenced by the
way the user reads a text within a document and by the
number of words composing it. Several studies prove
that there are different ways of reading a text, each
corresponding to a different speed, also depending on
reader’s language and age (Hunziker, 2006). Rates
of reading are measured in words per minute (wpm),
and include reading for memorization (less than 100
wpm), reading for learning (100 200 wpm), reading
for comprehension (200 400 wpm), and skimming
(400 700 wpm).
In general, being aware of the reading style seems
to be essential in order to correctly relate the time the
user spends on a page with his/her hypothetical in-
terest. In spite of all those kind of different reading
strategies, the way user reads on the web seems to be
different with respect to the way they read a printed
text. Usually, web users rapidly find key elements
of a document, and they usually highlight sections,
paragraphs, and keywords by using the mouse cur-
sor. The web user only reads a small portion of a
web page, usually between the 20% and 28% of it
(Nielsen, 2008).
Furthermore, experimental data show that web
pages containing from 30 to 1250 words are read shal-
lowly, and that the estimated time a user will stay on
the web page, before making a decision about its use-
fulness, is at least 25 seconds plus 4.4 seconds for
each block of 100 words (Nielsen, 2008).
Starting from these results, we define PT as:
PT =
· (3/Tre f
) + 1 if pT
Tre f
· (2/Tre f
) + 4 if pT
> Tre f
is the average permanence time and it is de-
fined as pT
= (pw · 0.044) + 25, with pw repre-
senting the number of words composing the page;
Tre f
is the maximum reference time and it is
defined as Tre f
= (pw/150)60. We assume
the reading for learning rate (about 150 wpm in
the average case) as its lower bound;
Tre f
is the average reference time.
Tre f
is defined to support fast reading strategies,
typical of web users, and when the number of words is
between 30 and 1250 (Nielsen, 2008). Thus, for this
kind of pages the Tre f
is defined as the average per-
manence time. However, for longer documents this
equality might be inaccurate. In these cases we rede-
fine Tre f
Tre f
= pw/v
· 60 (2)
where v
is the reading speed rate corresponding to
the selected reading strategy. As default, we assume
an average rate of v
= 300wpm, which corresponds
to the reading for comprehension strategy.
In conclusion, we associate an average relevance
value of 3 to a document on which the user spends a
time equal to Tre f
. For a shorter permanence time
the relevance value is computed by using the aver-
age time as upper bound. In case of permanence time
greater than the average time, we use Tre f
as up-
per bound. In this way, the metric is more sensible to
the different reading strategies.
Notice that the resulting value for PT is in the
range [1,]. However if it is greater than 5, we re-
duce it to 5, because we have empirically verified that
above 5 the user interest does not increase consider-
2.2 Reading Rate
A common user activity on the web is text filtering.
As shown in many usability studies performed by us-
ing eye tracking, users are often interested in some
portion of the text, and only in some of its contents
(Nielsen, 2006). S/he follows a “standard” reading
schema, called the “F” reading pattern. Thus, by an-
alyzing the mouse activities, we can review the same
reading pattern, and use it to understand how much
the page is useful to the user.
In particular, experimental data show that many
users navigate through the page by pointing with
the mouse cursor near the rows they find interesting
(Huang et al., 2011). However, this behavior is not
common to all users. Alternatively, some users might
highlight text either to facilitate reading, to copy it,
or just to print the selected portion. Obviously, these
can all be interpreted as measures of interest. Thus,
we can use such mouse actions to derive a measure,
called Reading Rate (RR), estimating the amount of
text the user reads in the document, which is com-
puted as:
RR = 5 ·
rw + sw
+ 1 (3)
rw is the number of words followed by the mouse
pw is the total number of words in the document;
sw is the total number of selected words.
Notice that the number of words followed by the
cursor is added to the number of words selected dur-
ing the page exploration. In fact, often the user moves
the mouse over each selected word to facilitate read-
ing. This can also be taken as a further demonstration
of user interest.
The resulting value for RR is also in the range
[1,]. Thus, we normalize it in the range [1,5] for
reasons similar to those used for PT value.
2.3 Scrolling Rate
During a navigation session the web user might not
necessarily read all the contents inside a page. Often,
users scroll the page looking for interesting contents,
or merely to have a complete overview of it.
The main reasons to scroll a page are:
to navigate from the current section to the next
to find a paragraph, or just some more interesting
to skip the entire content of the page and reach a
link to the next one, like for the classic End User
Licensing Agreements (EULA) pages.
We believe that scrolling should be considered as a
measure of interest for page contents. In other words,
a relevant scrolling activity might witnesses that the
user is interacting with the web page, and that s/he
has not left the browser idle, because s/he is doing
some other activity, leaving the value of the perma-
nence time grow inappropriately. On the other hand, a
highly frequent scrolling activity might convey a low
interest, because the user might be skimming over the
page without finding contents of interest to him/her.
In these cases, we apply a penalty to the relevance
value. To this end, we need to measure the scrolling
activities during the navigation. We call this measure
Scrolling Rate (SR) and define it as the following nor-
mal distribution:
SR = 4 ·
x µ
+ 1 (4)
x = (N
/PT )·60 is the scrolling frequency ex-
pressed in terms of number of scrolls (N
) per
µ is the mean value (the peak of the curve), which
represents the scrolling frequency in case of high
interest for page contents. We have empirically
determined an optimal value of 25 for this param-
is the variance and it represents the range of
scrolling frequencies revealing some interest for
page contents. We have empirically determined
an optimal value of 7.
Thus, the function SR contributes to increase the
relevance value when the scrolling frequency is in the
range 25 ± 7, as also shown in Figure 1. Beyond such
range there is little interest, either because of too fast
or reduced scrolling.
Figure 1: The SR function.
Implicit feedbacks have a wide range of applications.
In this section, we present an implementation of the
proposed metrics in the context of web page ranking.
In particular, we present the YAR system whose ar-
chitecture is depicted in Figure 2. It is based on a
client/server model, where data concerning user inter-
actions are collected on the client side by the Logger,
and evaluated on the server side through the Log Ana-
lyzer. The Logger is responsible for “being aware” of
the user’s behavior while s/he browses web pages, and
for sending information related to the captured events
to the server-side module. The latter is responsible
for analyzing the collected data, applying the metrics,
and deriving relevance values to be successively used
for ranking purposes.
The following subsections provide details on the
modules composing the YAR system.
3.1 The Logging Module
One way to collect data concerning users interac-
tions is to track their eyes’ movements. However,
this would require the use of expensive tools, which
would make it difficult to run large-scale simultane-
ous experiments. Nevertheless, it has been shown
that similar results can also be inferred by tracking
mouse movements. In fact, it has been experimen-
tally proved that in more than 75% of cases the mouse
cursor closely approximates the eye gaze (Chen et al.,
2001; Mueller and Lockerd, 2001). This important
result suggests that mouse tracking might replace eye
tracking, allowing the extraction of many useful infor-
mation about the user interest regarding a web page.
This finding is also confirmed by a recent study on
the correlation between cursor and gaze position on
search result pages (Huang et al., 2011).
In light of the above arguments, our logging mod-
ule tracks user interaction actions through several de-
vices, but it does not perform eye tracking. In par-
ticular, the logging module tracks the overall and the
effective permanence time over a web page, mouse
cursor movements, page scrolling events, text selec-
tion, and so forth. It is based on the AJAX technology
(Murray, 2006) to capture and log user’s interactions
with a web system through a pluggable mechanism,
which can be installed on any web browser. Thus, it
does not require modifications to the web sites, or any
other legacy browser extensions. In particular, the ar-
chitecture of the Logger is graphically represented in
Figure 3.
It is structured in the following three main sub-
Page handler: it handles page loading and unload-
ing events.
Mouse handler: it handles mouse events.
Text handler: it handles keyboard related events.
These generic handlers could be overridden with
ad-hoc specializations letting the system filter differ-
ent kinds of events, so that it can be adapted to many
different application domains.
An important property of the Logger component
is flexibility. The JavaScript code for event captur-
ing may be dynamically configured in order to record
several kind of events occurring during the user nav-
igation. Each class of events is handled by a specific
Figure 2: The YAR system architecture.
handler. Among the parameters that can be config-
ured for the logger we have:
list of events to capture;
sub-set of attributes for each event;
sections of the web pages (divs or table cells) to
be monitored as event sources;
time interval between two data transmissions from
the client to the server;
sensitivity for mouse movements (short move-
ments are not captured).
By acting on these parameters we have the possi-
bility to affect the size of the collected data.
3.2 The Log Analyzer
The Log Analyzer is a server-side module providing
two main functionalities: rating and reporting. The
former is accomplished by the Rater, which rates the
currently opened documents by using data that the
Logger has collected on the server during navigational
sessions. To this end, the metrics adopted for ranking
depend on the application domain. For example, we
can derive metrics for web search applications, met-
rics to evaluate usability of software systems, or to
evaluate the satisfaction of a user while using an au-
tomatic Help Desk system or an E-testing system. The
overriding mechanism used to specialize the Rater is
illustrated in Figure 4.
Figure 3: The logging module.
Figure 4: The rater’s overriding mechanism.
The reporting subsystem ensures the access to the
gathered data by means of domain specific visual
metaphors. In the web search context, this module
uses a simple graphical pattern to show the rank pro-
duced by the ranker components, and mixes such re-
sults with those provided by the underlying search
engine. All the reporting facilities are accessible
through a web-based application or as a service, as
in the case of information ranking.
3.3 Integration into SERPs
Thanks to the availability of reporting services, we
can ask the system to provide the relevance value for
each link already visited by other users. Thus, apart
from collecting human computer interaction data, and
calculating/updating the implicit rank, we integrate
the rank information within a Search Engine Report
Page (SERP). In particular, we show this in the con-
text of Google search engine, but any other search en-
gine could be used.
The integration with SERP is done by means of
the same technology used to log user interaction data.
We prepared a JavaScript function directly installed
on the user browser in the same way as we integrated
the logging facilities. However, in this case, instead of
logging user interactions, the script scans the SERP
and inquires the implicit rank for each link it con-
tains. Finally, the script modifies the Document Ob-
ject Model (DOM) of the web page in order to show
the rank beside each result. In particular, the rank is
shown by using a simple visual metaphor by depict-
ing as many Star” symbols as the rank value. Thus,
the system associates from 0 to 5 star symbols to each
link. After each search, YAR shows the new page
instead of the standard SERP page, and all the links
originally found by the search engine are re-ranked
by using the ranking information, if available.
In Figure 5 we can see the Google SERP page
(Figure 5(a)) and the YAR re-ranked page (Figure
5(b)). In particular, the two pages result from the
query: “html5 xhtml2”. Notice that pages that were in
the middle of the original SERP, after YAR re-ranking
are positioned on the top of the list. This means that
they better captured the interest of users who had pre-
viously visited them.
In this section we validate the proposed implicit feed-
back measure through a user study. The latter has a
twofold goal. On one hand, we need to understand
how the single metrics should be weighted when de-
riving the global implicit feedback measure. On the
other hand, we need to evaluate the effectiveness of
such measure. One way to do this, is to compare the
computed implicit feedbacks with respect to the user
provided ones.
4.1 Evaluation Method
The evaluation was accomplished by two independent
groups of participants. They were prescribed the same
tasks. However, the first group (20 participants) ex-
ercised the system in a basic configuration, and the
results where used to derive an optimal parameter
settings for the proposed implicit feedback method.
Based on such settings, the second group (6 partici-
pants) produced results that were used to validate the
effectiveness of the proposed measure.
4.1.1 Participants
We selected twenty-six participants between 22 and
31 years old. Sixteen of them had a bachelor in com-
puter science, four a technical high school degree,
two a gymnasium high school degree, two a master
in linguistics, and two a bachelor in chemistry. Nine
of them were female and seventeen were male. All
the participants had sufficient computer and World
Wide Web experience, and an average of 7.6 years
of searching experience. Each of them underwent a
week time period of search experiments.
4.1.2 User Tasks
In order to evaluate our system, we asked users to
perform web searches and to explicitly rate the use-
fulness of the retrieved web documents. Then, we
needed to compare such rates with those implicitly
derived through the proposed approach. However,
given the magnitude of the web, to have a significant
amount of experimental data, we needed to narrow the
scope of user searches in order to guide them towards
a restricted set of web contents. This has been accom-
plished by assigning users specific webquests (Dodge,
1995). A webquest is a short description of a spe-
cific topic, on which a user should write an essay by
mainly investigating through web sources. They are
frequently used in e-learning contexts to give learners
a clear purpose and objective when searching through
web sources of knowledge.
Ten webquests in italian language were prepared
for the experiment. They regarded well-known top-
ics such as for example retirement plans, anxiety, and
Each participant was requested to select three out
of the ten available webquests, and to solve them. For
each visited page, they were requested to express a
vote representing how they judged the page useful
to solve the specific webquest. The votes were ex-
pressed in a Likert scale [1, 5] where 1 represented
not useful and 5 useful.
4.1.3 Instruments and Procedure
Each participant had his/her own computer on which
we installed the YAR software. The latter also in-
cluded a module for expressing a vote when leaving a
visited web page.
Other than the twenty-six participants, six com-
puter science students, one undergraduate and five
graduate, participated in the organization and supervi-
sion of experiments. The undergraduate student pre-
pared all the webquests as part of her bachelor project,
whereas each graduate student was requested to select
four participants, and had the responsibility to con-
duct experiments with them in order to derive an opti-
mal system tuning. After one week of experiments,
they had a meeting with us to analyze and discuss
experimental data, and to reach an agreement on the
proper parameter settings to be used for the exper-
iments with the remaining six subjects. The latter
were selected among computer science students at-
tending a graduate course on web engineering. They
also worked one week, after which they had a final
meeting with us to summarize and analyze the exper-
imental results.
(a) Google rank. (b) YAR rank.
Figure 5: Comparison of web search results without and with relevance values.
4.1.4 System Tuning
The goal of system tuning was to construct a model
that given in input data on implicit user feedbacks
was able to predict the explicit rate that would be
given by the user. To this end, a proper system param-
eter setting was derived by performing a regression
analysis in order to compute optimal weights for the
single metrics: PT, RR, and SR. In particular, we
accomplished regression analysis on the following
five models:
Model 1: r
= α
+ α
· RR
Model 2: r
= α
+ α
· RR + α
· SR
Model 3: r
= α
+ α
· RR + α
· PT
Model 4: r
= α
+ α
· PT + α
· SR
Model 5: r
= α
+ α
· RR + α
· SR + α
· PT
Starting from the user provided explicit rates r
the goal here was to derive appropriate values for the
constants α
producing an optimal combination of the
metrics RR, S R, and PT to achieve a value close to r
Table 1 presents the results of the regression anal-
ysis based on the experiment accomplished by the first
group of twenty participants, which produced 650
data records. The adjusted R
values show the pro-
portion of variance of the dependent variable, namely
the explicit rate of the subjects, with respect to the
independent variables, namely the proposed metrics.
We can observe that by including all the three met-
rics (model 5) we gain the maximum amount of vari-
ability of the dependent variables with respect to the
independent ones. We also observe that the single PT
and SR metrics have more impact on the variance than
RR metrics. This means that the PT and SR are more
strongly related to the explicit rate.
4.1.5 Evaluation Metrics
The quality of the implicit feedback computed by
YAR was evaluated by using the data produced in
the second round of experiments, in which the sec-
ond group of six participants was requested to solve
three webquests on the topics: economy, politics, and
healthcare. Afterwards, we have compared their ex-
plicit rates with respect to the implicit ones by means
of the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE).
4.2 Results
The experiments performed by the second group pro-
duced a set of 213 data records. Figure 6 shows the
number of web pages visited by each subject to solve
each webquest. Notice that for the same webquest
different subjects visited a highly variable number of
pages. Nevertheless, to this end, we can observe that
some subjects tend to follow their own trend. As an
example, to solve each webquest Subject 1 has visited
a number of pages in a restricted range from 6 to 12,
whereas Subject 3 has visited few pages except for
webquest 1.
Figure 6: Visited web pages per webquest.
Figure 7 shows the distribution of explicit rates
for each subject. This figure allows us to elicit the
attitude each subject has exhibited while rating web
pages. As an example, Subject 4 has evenly assigned
all the different available rate values, whereas Sub-
ject 5 has shown less variability by assigning all rates
close to 3.
Table 2 shows the RMSE between the implicit
feedback predicted through the proposed model and
the explicit rate provided by the subjects. We can
observe that the combination of all the three metrics
Table 1: Regression results.
Model adjusted R
F-value p-value α
1 0.375 F(1, 648) = 390.39 <0.001 1.164 0.531 - -
2 0.571 F(2, 647) = 433.15 <0.001 0.649 0.538 0.291 -
3 0.592 F(2, 647) = 472.66 <0.001 0.570 0.291 0.387 -
4 0.693 F(2, 647) = 732.44 <0.001 0.220 0.422 0.349 -
5 0.857 F(3, 649) = 1293.42 <0.001 -0.126 0.372 0.340 0.337
Figure 7: Distribution of rates per subject.
produces the best performances, reducing the error to
the minimum average value of 0.286. Moreover, as it
occurred in the regression analysis, also here the pair-
wise combination SR and PT produces errors that bet-
ter approximate the best RMSE value based on all the
three metrics, whereas the RMSE for model 1 and 3
shows that not using SR metrics yields the worst per-
formances. Similar considerations hold by analyzing
RMSE for single subjects, except for Subject 1 where
the model 2 is worst than model 3.
Table 2: The RMSE values for the analyzed models.
Model All 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 0.800 1.109 0.787 0.772 0.762 0.693 1.019
2 0.460 0.719 0.458 0.427 0.447 0.458 0.472
3 0.709 0.688 0.686 0.764 0.771 0.647 0.837
4 0.300 0.410 0.283 0.312 0.490 0.298 0.301
5 0.286 0.283 0.250 0.257 0.339 0.283 0.279
A well-known strategy to collect data concern-
ing users activities is the think-out-loud method
(Bath, 1967; Best, 1979; Johnston, 1977; Paul and
Rosenkoetter, 1980; McClain, 1983). However, this
method is quite invasive, which can significantly in-
fluence user’s behavior. Further, it is difficult to use
it in practice, since it requires considerable efforts in
terms of staff personnel to analyze tape-recorded data.
In the scientific literature several other approaches
were presented to collect data on user activity (Arroyo
et al., 2006; Atterer et al., 2006; Mueller and Lockerd,
2001), especially in the field of web usability studies.
However, in these cases the web-site codes need to be
modified in order to capture the user interactions, or it
is necessary to change the web browser configuration
by redirecting all the traffic to an ad-hoc proxy sys-
tem. All these solutions lack in scalability and cannot
be used in large scale experiments, conceived to po-
tentially involve any web users.
One of the first uses of mouse interaction data is
in the field of usability studies. Several works exploit
user interaction data in order to analyze user behavior
and improve usability Cheese (Mueller and Lockerd,
2001), MouseTrack (Arroyo et al., 2006), UsaProxy
(Atterer et al., 2006). They all track user activities by
logging mouse movements, and produce some visual
representation of gathered data highlighting “more in-
teresting” parts of a web page. These data provide
useful insights for web designer about the need to re-
arrange the page layout in order to improve usability.
With the increasing popularity of search engines
several relevance measures have been investigated
(Kelly and Teevan, 2003; Yanbe et al., 2007). In par-
ticular, the increasing number of Social Bookmarking
systems have suggested that their advantages might be
combined with “classic” search tools. A prototype of
a system combining PageRank, social bookmarking
ranking metrics, and general statistics of user “feel-
ings” is described in (Yanbe et al., 2007). In the same
direction, also Google has shown interest for social
bookmarking as witnessed by the launch of services
like “SearchWiki” and “Google Plus”.
However, asking users to explicitly rate web
page contents might somehow disturb their activi-
ties, which can affect the reliability of the rates they
provide. In order to tackle this problem, many ap-
proaches have been proposed to implicitly infer user
rates. For instance, there are approaches on how to in-
terpret click-through data accurately (Joachims et al.,
2005; Jung et al., 2007; Radlinski and Joachims,
2005), or to identify relevant websites using past user
activity (Agichtein and Zheng, 2006; Bilenko and
White, 2008). Behavioral measures that can be used
as evidence of document usefulness include the dis-
play time on documents, the number of clicks and
scrolling on each content page, the number of vis-
its to each content page, further usage of content
pages, time on search result page before first click,
and so forth (Agichtein et al., 2006; Claypool et al.,
2001; Kelly and Belkin, 2004; Konstan et al., 1997;
Xu et al., 2008). Our approach extends these ones
by introducing the reading rate metrics, yielding a
threefold combination of rating metrics, which has
so far proven to sufficiently approximate explicit user
ratings. The importance of reading rates is also
witnessed by several studies on the different strate-
gies that humans adopt during the process of reading
(Hunziker, 2006). By exploiting eye-tracking systems
it has been shown that web users adopt peculiar and
original reading strategies (Nielsen, 2006; Nielsen,
2008), which differ from those used for printed text.
We have presented a new model to infer user interests
about web page contents from his/her mouse cursor
actions, such as scrolling, movement, text selection,
and the time s/he spends on the page, while reading
web documents. We have embedded the proposed
model in the YAR system, a ranking system for the
web, which re-ranks the web pages retrieved by a
search engine based on the values inferred from the
actions of previous visitors. YAR captures mouse cur-
sor actions without spoiling user browsing activities.
This is an important issue, because often users are not
keen to explicitly rate the usefulness of retrieved web
pages, as requested in social bookmarking systems. In
order to validate the proposed model, we run several
experiments involving a group of twenty-six selected
subjects. The results demonstrate that the proposed
model is able to predict user feedbacks with an ac-
ceptable level of accuracy.
In the future we would like to perform further in-
vestigations on how mouse movements relate to user
interests in the page contents. For instance, we would
like to produce a classification of websites based on
typical standard structures (e.g., news sites, blogs,
and so on), so as to differentiate the interpretation of
mouse movements depending on the type of page be-
ing explored. Moreover, we are currently investigat-
ing methods to correlate the implicit feedback to the
semantics of the original search query, so as to reduce
false alarms due to the lexical similarity of words with
completely different meanings. Finally, we are plan-
ning to exploit user actions to select portions of a web
page that could be used as metadata of the pages.
Regarding the experimental evaluation, this is
an ongoing process, and there are many issues that
should still be faced in the future. First of all, although
the results seem to be encouraging, for a complete val-
idation of the proposed model huge experimental data
would be necessary. In particular, the system should
be used on a large scale in order to track a conspic-
uous number of user interaction actions for a larger
set of web pages. Furthermore, the explicit rank is
heavily spoiled by subjectiveness. Thus, the distance
between explicit and implicit ranks should not be the
unique metrics to measure the effectiveness of an au-
tomatic ranking system. For this reason, we are also
investigating alternative test criteria involving domain
experts rather than naive users in the explicit evalua-
tion of web contents.
Finally, we would like to explore the application
of our approach to other application domains, with
particular emphasis on usability studies and mashup
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