Tsoumas, Dritsas, and Gritzalis (Tsoumas, Dritsas,
and Gritzalis, 2005) present an ontology-based ap-
proach that manages security of information sys-
tems. The authors argue that the approach is struc-
tured to support the process from policy and Risk
Analysis (RA) documents to technical controls. The
authors state that the result is a knowledge-based,
ontology centric security management system that
may bridge the IS risk assessment and organization-
al security policies with security management
(Tsoumas, Dritsas, and Gritzalis, 2005).
Gorodetski et al. (Gorodetski, Popyack, Kotenko,
and Skormin, 1999) propose a multi-agent model of
an information security system that is based on on-
tology. Authors use the ontology to structure the
distributed knowledge. Nodes and relations defined
in ontology are used by an agent that aims at solving
the entire multitude of problems related to particular
In our work, we propose the usage of ontology
based techniques for security knowledge representa-
tion and multi-agent system that enables mapping
between security requirements, security threats and
security controls. We develop the security ontology
that supports security management during the devel-
opment of new software systems and maintenance of
the existing systems. The ontology is general and
can be applied on different types of organizations.
For mapping of ontologies we apply multi-agent
We have proposed security ontology that aims to
support engineers during software engineering proc-
ess and improve the security of software systems.
The security ontology provides holistic view over
the security concepts and relationships between
those. We presented taxonomy of the security ontol-
ogy and discussed the necessity, importance and
usefulness of using security ontologies. Furthermore,
we presented electronic invoice presentment and
payment models and demonstrated electronic in-
voice presentment scenario. In the scenario, the pos-
sibilities of utilizing multi-agent system with on-
tologies for automatic mapping between threats and
countermeasures, which can provide traceability and
facilitate to the development of more secure soft-
ware systems is demonstrated.
This research is supported by Sweden-Korea re
search Cooperation Programme funded by STINT,
The Swedish Foundation for International Coopera-
tion in Research and Higher Education. http://www.
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