Dhiego Carvalho
, Carlos Tadeu Queiroz de Moraes
, Dante Barone
and Leandro Krug Wives
PGCC, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
PGIE, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Keywords: Recommender Systems, Collaborative Filtering, Moodle.
Abstract: This paper proposes a recommender system for the Moodle platform that uses Apache Mahout as a
recommendation engine. In this system, students receive personalized and adaptive recommendations based
on forum discussions and learning materials available in the environment, according to their interactions.
The recommendation method developed is based on the Moodle's activity log. In this paper, we compare
four different ways to process user's preferences and present recommendations. Three of them exist in the
literature, and one is proposed by us. The test set uses data from a real case scenario, i.e., the activity log
from a graduation course that is given in our institution. We have found that the proposed approach
produced the best set of recommendations.
Recently, due to the increasing demand from the
Industry and to the academic effort, new
Recommender Systems’ (RS) technologies were
developed. The interest in this field is very high
because of its many applications, including helping
users cope with information overload and receiving
personalized recommendations. Some examples
include the recommendation of books, products,
scientific papers, movies and so on (Amazon, 2011)
(NetFlix, 2011).
In the educational context, recommender systems
help students be more efficient. For instance,
learners get recommendations about relevant topics,
discussions, learning objects or other students with
the same interest. RS help Virtual Learning
Environments (VLE) like Moodle (Modular Object
Oriented Developmental Learning Environment) to
provide better interaction.
This paper proposes a recommender system for
the Moodle platform. The RS uses as engine the
Apache Mahout. In this system, students receive
personalized and adaptive recommendations based
on forum discussions and learning materials
available in the environment, according to their
interactions. The recommendation method
developed is based on the Moodle's activity log,
which is stored in a relational database, and is used
as the basis to generate the computation of the
recommendation utility, also based on users`
preferences on items.
The paper is structured as follows. In the next
section we discuss some related works. After, in
section 3, we present the proposed recommendation
module for Moodle, describing its components,
algorithms and recommendation model. Then we
provide some evaluations that are performed on
synthetic data. Finally, we present some concluding
remarks, stating current limitations and future work.
The first recommender systems appeared in the
decade of 1980 and 1990, (D., 1981), (Resnick et al.,
1994) and (Hill et al., 1995). Later, many studies and
articles related with VLE recommendation were
For instance, Olga (2008) describes a
recommendation model that is applied to learning
scenarios. Such model was conceived based on
empirical results considering some usability and
accessibility criteria. It not only presents
recommendations, but also explains to the user why
the recommendation was performed. This is an
important feature in terms of systems focused on e-
learning, since it helps learners to have a better
understanding of what is going on and have a better
learning performance. The system proposed here,
Carvalho D., Tadeu Queiroz de Moraes C., Barone D. and Krug Wives L..
DOI: 10.5220/0003939802410246
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 241-246
ISBN: 978-989-8565-06-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: RecMoodle´s general view.
i.e., RecMoodle, uses statistical metrics to generate
recommendations and can generate
recommendations for users and items.
Another interesting tool is described by Fischer
(2005). He developed a tool that can recommend
postings in a discussion forum. The idea is that users
in a forum sometimes post questions that were
already answered or discussed. Then, before posting
the question again, the system is able to detect and
recommend messages with similar content. If the
user is satisfied with the recommendations, the
message is discarded. If the user is not satisfied, then
the message is posted. The tool considers only the
contents of the messages and not the user profile
(i.e., interests). In this sense, RecMoole provides
recommendations that are based on each user`s
interaction with the system.
Barcellos (2009) presents a system that is able to
identify users` interests implicitly, using data mining
techniques. Our system makes recommendations
based on the user profile, but also according to their
Finally, Cazella (2009) presents a learning object
recommender system that is based either on contents
and user competences. Its underlying recommender
model allows a user to receive recommendations
about learning objects that are related to their
interests and competences that must be better
developed. These competences are stated in a course
plan. The main problem of this approach is that the
user should explicitly mention their interests.
However, any intelligent recommender system
must be able to adapt to the users´ needs in a
collaborative manner (Tang & Mccalla, 2005). That
means that the user opinion has great value.
According to McSherry (2004), the research on RS
has a growing conscience that the recommendation
process must be more transparent to its users.
RecMoodle not only analyzes activity logs, but
also makes use of the Apache Mahout as a
recommender engine, thus generating relationships
of students and disciplines by the means of adaptive
suggestions using techniques that are based on a
utility function.
E-learning systems like Moodle store different
information about the activities performed by the
learners in the environment. Specifically on Moodle,
any activity can be logged, e.g., the page being
displayed, a message in a forum, the activity being
accomplished, etc. The system stores this
information in a database containing user
information organized by access and activity. Based
on this, it is possible to recover the sequence of steps
performed by any given user in the environment.
Due to the amount of data daily generated by the
system, teachers need specific tools to aid them
manage courses. Moodle provides a report tool that
shows all the user activities. Such data can be used
to understand user interaction but as there is too
much information, especially considering the
amount of students, it is complicated to manually
analyze it.
Data Mining (DM) and Recommender Systems
techniques aid the teacher in this process. DM is a
pattern identification process that can be applied on
large datasets (Maimon & Rokach, 2005) , and can
be used by instructors to understand student
patterns and also to evaluate their activities. A RS
generates suggestions to learners about the activities,
resources, paths or other users who may be relevant
to them.
The proposed system was developed as an
extension to Moodle. It is composed of the Moodle
itself, a database and Apache Mahout (Figure 1).
The database, as already stated, is used by Moodle to
store information about the users. Apache Mahout is
a powerful framework to perform mining techniques
such as clustering and classification, and is used by
the recommender module as explained in section
The processing steps of our approach are the
1. Data cleansing: information from the database
is transformed into a format appropriated to be
processed by Mahout using an automated task that is
triggered when there is any inclusion of an activity
in the log table of Moodle;
2. Mining: once the data is transformed, the
recommendation module activates Mahout, which
analyses the data and generates recommendations
that are stored again in the database;
3. Recommendation: according to the action that
the user is performing on Moodle, the
recommendation module use the data generated by
Mahout to show recommendations to the user.
3.1 Preprocessing
Moodle follows a structure based on topics for the
courses. When organizing a course, one is able to
add personalized modules, static material (e.g., web
pages, hyperlinks), interactive material (e.g., tasks,
blog, questionnaires) and cooperative activities (e.g.,
chat, forum, glossary, wiki). Each user access to
these activities is logged into the database. In our
case, MySQL was used.
RecMoodle does not use the Moodle database
directly. Instead, it uses specific tables that are
prepared in a format that Mahout understands. Thus,
a preprocessing must be performed. This is
conducted by specific triggers programmed by us to
collect data and store in a table named Tab_rec
(Figure 2).
In this table, course_id identifies the course
accessed by the user. User_id is the user
identification. Item_id represents the element
accessed by the user inside Moodle. Preference
represents the user preference on this item, and
timestamp corresponds to the date and the time the
user has accessed this item.
By this table we are able to know the order of
access or sequence of items the user has followed in
a give curse. We are also able to know the most
accessed items and the items the user has not
Preference means how much the user liked or not
a specific item or element in the course. It is based
in a five points’ Likert scale, in which the least
significant is 1 and the most is 5.
In Mahout, the values of de preferences can be
omitted (e.g., like or dislike, accept or not accept,
access or not access or even without a score), or he
value’s preference can be an implicit preference
(when the user simply states that he likes something
given a score).
Figure 2: Pre-processing table.
In the left size of Figure 3 we show a situation in
which the user has single visit to an item. In this
case, it may be a Boolean value. In the right of the
figure, the user scored that his preference for the
item clicked.
In the case of RecMoodle, four types of
preference representation were taken into
consideration. None of them is implicit. The first
one is based on the order of item access followed by
each student and the resulting performance of this
student on the course. Table 1 gives an example of
this kind of representation.
Each time a user access one item, this item is put
on this table, in order of access and do not recount
the times they were accessed. Based on this table, it
is possible to infer the similarity among users. For
instance, in Table 1, users A1 and A3 have
Figure 3: User values omitted left and values’ associations
on the right.
accessed similar items, but at different orders. Then,
these users have no similarity. Comparing these
sequences is a difficult task because there may be
many differences between the logs. An example of
this kind of problem can be seen while comparing
U1 and U2 in Table 1. They access the same items,
but they are different because the sequence of
accesses is distinct. However, it allows us to, for
instance, recommend a successful path (order of
activities) to new users or to users that are following
a path that is known to lead to a bad performance.
The second model consists on stating the items
that were visited by the students, independently of
their order of access or how many times they were
accessed (see Table 2).
Table 1: Users vs sequence of items accessed.
Seq_1 Seq_2 Seq_3 Seq_4
U1 Item1 Item1 Item2 Item3
U2 Item1 - - -
U3 Item3 Item2 Item1 Item1
Table 2: Items accessed by each user.
I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7
U1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
U2 1 1 0 0 1 1 1
U3 0 1 0 1 1 0 0
The problem of the representation used in Table
2 is that it is impossible to know the most visited
item by each user neither how many times a specific
user visited any given item. So it's not possible, for
example, know what the five most accessed by the
user or which items are most accessed. Another
problem is the accuracy of the recommendations,
which, in our case, was only 47%.
The third representation model takes into
consideration the number of items accessed by each
user and normalizes the number of access of each
item using Equation 1.
In this equation, for each user, x
represents the
number of times item i was accessed. P is the
frequency of each item, and n is the number of
items. For instance, given the values presented in
Table 3, Table 4 shows the result of the application
of Equation 1.
Table 3: Users versus number of accesses on each item.
I1 I2 I3 I4
U1 3 1 0 4
U2 3 1 0 1
U3 2 0 0 0
Table 4: Results of the application of equation 1.
I1 I2 I3 I4
U1 0,375 0,125 0,000 0,500
U2 0,600 0,200 0,000 0,200
U3 1,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
We associate items to users by computing their
similarity using Equation 1, which is applied to the
data in Table 3, and generating Table 4.
Based on this information, it is possible to assess
the similarity among users and perform
recommendations. The more data we have, the better
will be the assessment. This assessment is explained
in the next section.
3.2 Users’ Similarity Assessment
RecMoodle can be seen as a utility-based
recommender system, following (Burke, 2007)
As already stated, Apache Mahout is the core of
our system. It is used to analyze the user versus item
matrix explained in the previous section, and, thus,
generate recommendations based on users or items.
Mahout is a complete framework for the
generation of recommendations. It accesses the data,
processes and generates recommendations based on
the algorithms chosen by the application developer.
In order to generate recommendations with
Mahout, four steps are needed: Mahout must access
the DataModel containing users’ preferences about
the different items (i.e., the matrixes explained in the
last section). Then, item or user similarity is
assessed based on this DataModel. The items or
users are clustered based on its neighborhood.
Finally, recommendation is performed based on
similar items or users (Owen et al., 2011).
The system access the DataModel table
containing the users’ preferences by a JDBC
Mahout provides different similarity and
recommendation algorithms. We have used the one
named Generic User Based Recommender (GUBR),
based on the Euclidean Distance Similarity. The
result of this process is as follows:
user_id [item_id:score, item_id:score, ...].
In this case, user_id is user identification,
item_id:score are the ids of the items accessed by
this user and its corresponding scores of preference
(by the specific user).
3.3 Frontend Application on Moodle
While the user interacts with Moodle,
recommendations are generated based on his/her
navigation. A frontend module is responsible by
showing recommendations to the user. It shows the
Top 5 (the five best) recommendations made by
Figure 4: Example of recommendation in RecMoodle.
Figure 4 shows a screenshot of a
recommendation made by the RecMoodle module.
The black circle at the bottom left is (1) a list of
personalized recommendations as messages on the
discussion forum of Moodle or links to materials.
The circle (2) shows what users are logged on the
course and circle (3) the materials that students can
Evaluations were performed based on the precision
assessment that is provided by a Mahout’s tool that
is known as Recommender Evaluator. The data set
used in this evaluation was built based on a real
scenario in which the students’ interaction logs from
a course given at University Federal of Rio Grande
do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil, in the period of March
2009 to October 2009. We have recorded the logs
from five different classes, summing up 24,986 log
lines, 282 items, 158 users and a table of users
versus item interaction, as described in Table 4, with
3,422 lines.
For the evaluation of the recommendation
algorithm, we have used data as specified in Table 4.
We have analyzed some similarity metrics and the
quality of the neighborhood algorithm. The Average
Absolute Difference was used to assess the various
user-based recommendation algorithms for n users,
and using their neighborhood. The closer to zero, the
better the evaluation.
Table 5: Average absolute difference to assess the types of
similarity using different amounts of neighbourhood.
Similarity n=2 n=5 n=10 n=20
Euclidean 0,0231
0,2837 0,2891
Pearson 0,1880 0,2709 0,2897 0,2877
LogLikel 0,5301 0,2848 0,2741 0,2820
Tanimoto 0,4987 0,2438 0,2597 0,2763
We have also tested other kinds of
neighbourhood assessment, i.e., User Threshold
Neighbourhood. Its computation is based on all the
similarities between users.
Table 6: Average absolute difference to assess different
types of similarity threshold using threshold-based.
Similarity t=0.95 t=0.80 t=0.5 t=0.20
Euclidean 0,0289 0,0289 0,0289 0,0289
Pearson 0,0292 0,0332 0,0288 0,0287
LogLikel 0,0323 0,0265 0,0281 0,0281
It was concluded that the best recommendations
for this database are generated through the user-
based recommender, using the Euclidean distance
and the fifth-nearest neighbourhood. The
recommendations accuracy considering this
approach was around 98%.
Finally, it was found that the most frequent
recommendations from users are:
Item recommendation: Internet use in school;
Forum recommendation: The use of Internet
services in the School;
Item recommendation: Registries and domain
on the web;
Item recommendation: Internet at school.
User preferences can be represented in different
forms such as access, grades, etc. In proposed
approach, it was possible to reach 98% of accuracy,
while using the Boolean approach the accuracy was
only 42%.
In the future, we will use different strategies to
achieve better recommendations. Besides, we also
want to take into consideration the courses’ contents
besides users' preferences.
We’d like to thank the Institute for Informatics,
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, for the
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