algorithm finds an exact or similar EMM, it is rec-
ommended to the user, avoiding the whole process of
composition. In the absence of an EMM that satis-
fies the user’s request, the EMM is composed based
on retrieved operators and the LMM obtained (be-
tween lines 10 and 22). Finally, the EMM generated
is stored in a Repository of abstractness EMM.
The result of our research indicates that there is still
a lack approaches to provide a feasible solution for
end-users to mash the great diversity of existing re-
sources. In this paper, we proposed an hybrid inte-
gration of different types of available web resources.
We call this combination Next Generation Mashups
(NGM). To achieve this, we define a user-centric ap-
proach to create NGMs based on W2AC (Wishful and
Wisdom Aware Composing), a composition paradigm
that aims at determining what ordinary users really
want (Wishes) from a request in natural language, to
finally deliver them the best solution that meets their
needs (without requiring programming or technical
skills). To do this, we define two meta-models, one
to describe the user’s request and another to represent
the NGMs. Currently we have implemented the mod-
ule that generates the LMM described previously. The
next step of this work is to study and define new fea-
tures that extend the NGM meta-model.
The authors would like to thank Universidad del
Cauca, COLCIENCIAS and TelComp2.0 Project for
supporting the Research of the M.Sc. Student Luis
Javier Suarez.
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