ager serves as the orchestrator of the whole monitor-
ing process by controlling it and providing the needed
interfaces to add or to consume monitoring informa-
tion. In this approach, an aggregator is responsible of
aggregating and storing the collected data.
Almost all of these approaches expect monitoring
just for monitorable components and don’t suppose
the case where components are not designed to be
monitored. Moreover, in these works, the monitoring
system can form a bottleneck in the application since
they use just one component as a channel for send-
ing monitoring information (buse, channel, integrator,
etc). In contrast, in our approach, we provide transfor-
mations to apply on components to render them mon-
itorable even if they where not designed with moni-
toring facilities. Furthermore, in our work, we are not
limited to one channel since we propose a flexible so-
lution to use one channel for all micro-containers or
to use one channel per micro-container.
In this paper, we addressed the issue of monitoring in
Cloud environments. In this direction, we proposed
the architecture and the implementation of a scalable
micro-container that enables monitoring capabilities
avoiding bottlenecks problems. Our solution, pro-
vides needed mechanisms to monitor services. In fact,
we provided a framework that allows to add non func-
tional services of monitoring to the functional inter-
faces of components. The framework that we pro-
posed, chooses the needed components to generate
the micro-container that enables a scalable execution
of a service with monitoring capabilities. In our future
work, we will start by experimenting our architecture
in a Cloud environment using OpenNebula IaaS man-
ager to see the overhead of monitoring mechanisms
on our micro-container. Indeed we want to prove,
by experiments, the efficiency of our approach even
with complex applications. Then, we aim at adding
the needed mechanisms for monitoring capabilities in
micro-containers at their runtime and not only at de-
ployment time.
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