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tending OBDBs offering meta-modeling capabilities
together with their exploitation languages in order to
support the representation of ontologies NCCs. Our
objective was to express the behavioral semantics of
these NCCs through operators dynamically defined
inside or outside the OBDB. In this direction, we
firstly raised lack of OBDB systems to express the
behavioral semantics of NCCs, then we extended the
OntoDB/OntoQL system in order to take into account
the representation of ontologies NCCs by defining ex-
ternal programs (defined outside the database). These
programs serve as operators, which can be invoked in
OntoQL statements. Indeed, we have shown how we
extended the meta-schema part of OntoDB in order to
take into account operations invocations, and we ex-
tended the OntoQL exploitation language in order to
make operations calls. Finally, as an implementation
of our approach, we gave the representation of OWL
ontology model in OntoDB and we proved the sup-
port of the OWL ontologies NCCs. As perspectives
of our work, we expect to exploit meta-modeling ca-
pabilities of OntoDB/OntoQLsystem in order to per-
form model transformations and process web services
orchestrations in database.
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