Control of a Computer with Natural Head Movements
Kornél Bertók and Attila Fazekas
University of Debrecen, Faculty of Informatics, P.O.Box 12, 4010 Debrecen, Hungary
Keywords: Gesture Recognition, Head Pose Estimation, Facial Feature Extraction, Head Gestures.
Abstract. The topic of this article is a basic research considering a human-computer interaction. The system is still
under construction, however its basis – facial features tracking and head pose estimation – is ready to use,
thus it could bring a head gesture controlled system into reality. We present an approach to control applica-
tions with head movements. We construct an Active Appearance Model (AAM) for facial feature extraction.
Based on the landmarks of AAM shape, the head pose is modelled in the three-dimensional space by three
Euler angles of rotation around the three axes orthogonal to each other, and three orthogonal translation di-
rections. Regarding all the above mentioned facts, we are capable of recognizing gestures like head point-
ing, nodding, and shaking, blinking, opening and closing mouth.
As I have mentioned before, the article details a
basic research considering a human-computer inte-
raction. It describes the funds of a head gesture con-
trolled system put into effect. This system is still
under construction, however its basis is ready to use
and it is also capable of opening new ways to our
Varied interaction with humans requires accurate
perception and tracking of their body parts to recog-
nize nonverbal signals of attention and intention.
Estimating head pose is critical – in order to deter-
mine the joint focus of attention – since it is usually
fall in with the gaze direction. Furthermore, head
pose estimation is also essential for analyzing com-
plex meaningful gestures such as pointing gestures
or head nodding and shaking.
In this paper, we present an approach to control
Bing Maps (Microsoft Corporation: Bing Maps,
2011) with head movements. This problem is based
on facial features tracking and head pose estimation.
The head pose is modelled in the three-dimensional
space by three Euler angles of rotation around three
axes orthogonal to each other, and three orthogonal
translation directions. Accordingly our system pro-
vides continuous head pose estimation in all three
rotation-, and translation directions. We propose a
method which is based on distinctive facial features
such as corners of eyes, nose, mouth, etc. Our ap-
proach proceeds in a hierarchical structure. Starting
with face detection and following with extraction of
distinctive facial features within the bounding box of
the detected face. Finally, the head pose estimation
has the fund of the positions of facial features. By
using a few local features instead of the whole face
image, we achieve a compact representation that
allows a computationally efficient estimation for
We construct an Active Appearance Model
(AAM) (Edwards et al., 2001) for facial feature
extraction. As we show in our experiments, this
AAM accurately locates the distinctive facial fea-
tures. Based on the position of facial features, we
use the POSIT algorithm (DeMenthon and Davis,
1995) to estimate the three rotation and translation
vector of the head. This paper is organized as fol-
lows: the next section details the applied approaches
for facial feature detection, tracking and head pose
estimation. In addition, Section 3. presents the expe-
rimental results and conclusions for the previously
defined approaches connected as the base system.
As we explained earlier in the previous section,
estimating head gestures is composed of several well
or less known image processing methods. In this
section these will be shortly summarized and de-
Bertók K. and Fazekas A..
GESTURE RECOGNITION - Control of a Computer with Natural Head Movements.
DOI: 10.5220/0003943105270530
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP-2012), pages 527-530
ISBN: 978-989-8565-02-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
scribed. In the last few years, many researches have
been focused on head pose estimation based on low-
resolution images. Existing methods can be catego-
rized as appearance-based and model-based me-
thods. Appearance-based techniques use the whole
sub-image containing the face. Most of them con-
centrate on face detection and consider the pose
estimation as a classification problem (Meynet et al.,
Model-based approaches for head pose estima-
tion use a pre-defined geometric face model. Most of
them extract a set of facial features such as eyes,
mouth, nose and map them onto the 3D model space
using a perspective projection (Dornaika and Ahl-
berg, 2004). Our head pose estimation system pre-
sented in this paper, combines these two ideas.
2.1 Facial Feature Detection
In most cases, the retrieval and reconstruction of a
3D object from any of its 2D view projections re-
quires the parametrization of its shape structure and
surface reflectance properties. In our system a mod-
el-based approach was used to establish correspon-
dences between a small set of determinative feature
points. In addition, the correspondences between
other image points are then approximated by inter-
polating between the determinative feature points,
such as corners of the eyes, nose and mouth.
An Active appearance model (AAM) is used in
our system for facial feature detection. It is proposed
by Cootes et al. (Edwards et al., 2001) and it is one
of the most effective model-based algorithms. It can
be traced back to the active contour model (Kass et
al., 1988) and active shape model (ASM) (Cootes et
al., 1995). Particularly, AAM create separately the
shape and the texture model of an object, and it is
able to generate similar instances.
AAM Modeling. AAM creates separately two mod-
els from every object: one shape and one texture
model. The shape is a vector formed by concatenat-
ing the position elements of the labelled landmarks,
while the texture means the intensities of pixels.
Furthermore, a training set of images with the cor-
respondent labelled landmarks is required for model
training. First of all, the shape is modelled based on
the labelled landmarks. The shapes are then norma-
lized by the Procrustes analysis (Goodall, 1991) and
projected onto the shape subspace by PCA:
s = s
+ P
denotes the mean shape,
scribes the modes of variations derived from training
set, and
include the shape parameters in the shape
subspace. Subsequently, based on the corresponding
points, images in the training set are warped to the
mean shape to produce so-called “shape-free
Secondly, based on the shape-free patch, the tex-
ture model is generated. The texture can be raster
scanned into a vector . Then the texture is linearly
normalized. The texture is similarly projected onto
the texture subspace by PCA:
where g
denotes the mean texture,
scribes the modes of variation derived from training
set, and
includes the texture parameters in the
texture subspace.
Finally, the joined relationship between the
shape and texture model is analyzed by one other
PCA – to create the appearance subspace. After
some additional transformation, the shape and the
texture model can be described as follows:
·c, = g
+ Q
where is a vector of appearance parameters, con-
trolling both the shape and texture, as well as Q
are matrices for describing the modes of varia-
tion derived from the training set.
Figure 1: (Red circles) represent the landmarks of the
fitted AAM shape over the face region. The (upper green
point) is the centroid of the landmarks, and the (lower) one
is the focus of attention. Nine directions can be separated
by the current system, which are represented by nine
pieces of (rectangles).
Model Fitting. Since the model is created, then it
can be fitted over new images, which is essential to
find the approximate parameters of the model for an
object. However, the task is an unconstrained opti-
mization problem, which is quite hard to solve. In
most cases, it can be solved by the gradient descent
GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
2.2 Facial Feature Tracking
Once the facial feature points are extracted, their
trajectory is found with a comparison between the
real image and its prediction, based on the previous
history. This tracking process predicts the trajectory
based on the centroid of facial feature points and it is
implemented by the Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi (KLT)
Feature Tracker to adaptively adjust the weights of
the predictor filter. If we know the target location at
times , − 1, − 2, then the location where the
target will be at time +1 can be predicted. The
KLT feature tracker is based on two papers: (Lucas
and Kanade, 1981); (Tomasi and Kanade, 1991).
In our case, the facial feature points are found by
AAM, and tracked by KLT Tracker. During the
tracking procedure, an affine transformation fits
between the image of the currently tracked feature
and its image from a non-consecutive previous
frame. If the affine compensated image is too dissi-
milar, then the feature is dropped. If a feature point
is lost in a subsequent frame, then the system auto-
matically requests the AAM procedure to create
another fitting step again to keep the number of
features constant. Facial feature points tracking
results better and more delicacy procedure as AAM
fitting over every subsequent frame because in this
way, small changes do not occur in any of facial
feature points, and they later will not appear as glob-
al results.
2.3 Head Pose Estimation
Computation of the position and orientation of an
object (object pose) using feature points when their
geometry on the object is known has the following
possible important applications, such as calibration,
cartography, tracking and object recognition. In this
section, we describe a method for estimating the
head pose from a single image. We assume that we
can detect and match in the image four or more non-
coplanar feature points (i.e. the landmarks of AAM
shape) on faces, in addition we also know their rela-
tive geometry.
The POSIT algorithm is used in our system to es-
timate the all three continuous rotation angles and
the translation vector of head pose. It is proposed by
DeMenthon (DeMenthon and Davis, 1995) and it is
one of the most effective feature-based algorithm.
POS Algorithm. The method combines two algo-
rithms; the first is the POS (Pose from Orthography
and Scaling). It approximates the perspective projec-
tion with a scaled orthographic projection and finds
the rotation matrix and translation vector of the head
by solving a linear system.
POSIT Algorithm. The second algorithm is the
POSIT (POS with ITerations). It uses the approx-
imate pose (result of POS) in its iteration loop, in
order to compute better the scaled orthographic
projections of the feature points, and then applies
POS again to these projections. The next iterations
apply exactly the same calculations, but with the
corrected image points. The process shifts the fea-
ture points of the object in the pose just found, to the
lines of sight (where they would belong if the pose
would be correct) and obtains a scaled orthographic
projection of these shifted points.
POSIT converges to accurate pose measurements
in a few iterations, POSIT can be used with many
feature points at once for added insensitivity to mea-
surement errors and image noise. Compared to clas-
sic approaches like the Newton's method, POSIT
does not require starting from an initial guess, and
computes the pose using fewer floating point opera-
tions. So therefore, it may be a useful alternative for
real-time operation. (Fig. 2. shows the result of
Figure 2: Visualizing head pose with (two perpendicular
planes). The distance between a camera sensor and the
user is represented by the (red line) at the bottom of the
image. This one is not a measurement, because we use
only one camera. However, we can recognize if the user
bends forward, or sits back.
Because the development is not finished yet, we
could not make a full performance test, but we used
a face database with 50 images for evaluation of the
pose estimation. We experienced that the head pose
seen on the pictures, corresponds to all intents and
purposes more than 90% with the head pose that
computes the application. The only limitation of the
GESTURE RECOGNITION - Control of a Computer with Natural Head Movements
algorithm is that the near-profile poses are not ap-
proximated with high accuracy, because we use only
a face detector for frontal faces. Additionally, we
will perform qualitative experiments to evaluate the
capability of our approach to estimate the head pose
in real-time. Using a standard webcam with a resolu-
tion of 640×480 pixels, we currently achieve a rate
of 15 fps on a standard PC.
For demonstration purposes we made a gesture
controlled map application based on the determined
facial features and head pose. For gesture controlling
we need to estimate the intersection of head direc-
tion and monitor plane. This one is an easy task,
because only the position of a reference point (the
focus of attention) is to be multiplied by the rotation
matrix and then shifted by the translation vector (so
by the result of POSIT). Choosing the reference
point can affect the delicacy of controlling. The best
way is if its position depends on the current distance
between the user and camera. This reference point is
represented by the lower green point on Fig. 1. The
upper one is the centroid of the landmarks. Nine
directions can be separated by the current system,
which are represented by nine pieces of rectangles.
At last but not least, the map should be displaced to
the direction of the appropriate rectangle which
includes the reference point.
Finally it is important to emphasize, that this
process can be considered as a simple head pointing
gesture recognition and control. In the future, with
the help of the previously shown base system, fur-
ther gestures will be extracted. For presentation of
functioning, we made a simple C# application based
on Bing Maps access. The camera handling and
image processing part is done by a C++ application
using the OpenCV library (Willow Garage:
OpenCV, 2010). The communication between these
two program units happens over TCP/IP. On the
basis of the reached achievements, it can be declared
that the system worths further developments and
Microsoft Corporation: Bing Maps. In: Bing Maps. (Ac-
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GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications