domains, its runtime kernel, a set of tools that help
to complete the knowledge models required by the
runtime kernel (also known as knowledge
acquisition process), and a monitoring tool that
provides the instructors with visual information
about the students activity. The paper begins
briefing some other relevant related works in the
field of Intelligent Tutoring Systems which have
inspired our work. After that, the learning platform
is described and, next, an example of the knowledge
acquisition process provided by OLYMPUS’ expert
tool for a top-of-the-range truck driving IILS is
presented. Finally the main conclusions are stated
and some of our current lines of reasearch are
The area of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education
has followed different paradigms of development
throughout history. Among them, during the 80s and
90s, Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) started to
emerge. ITSs are computer systems for intelligent
tutoring which provide many of the benefits of one-
on-one instruction without requiring a tutor for every
student (Bloom, 1984). These systems have also
been integrated with ISs, allowing the students to
“learn by doing” in real world contexts. Since the
first ITSs, three important approaches have been
established: model-tracing tutors (Anderson and
Pelletier, 1991), constraint based tutors (Mitrovic et
al., 2009) and example based tutors (Aleven, 2005).
Constraint based tutors and example based tutors
were developed to reduce the cost of the process of
building an ITS, although it still requires substantial
expertise in AI and programming, and that is why
ITSs are difficult and expensive to build. In order to
avoid this obstacle, authoring systems have been
shown as a successful solutions. Some of them can
build tutors that integrate simulators, but their
simulation capabilities are quite limited. XAIDA
(Wenzel et al., 1999), RIDES (Munro et al., 1997),
VIVIDS (Munro and Pizzini, 1998) and SIMQUEST
(Joolingen and Jong, 1996) can be placed in this
Remolina´s flight training simulator (Remolina,
2004) is a more sophisticated ITS authoring tool. It
is designed for non-programmers so it offers a GUI
to edit task-principles, exercises and student models.
Further, tasks are described by finite state machines
where the situations that the students are going to
face are defined. These state machines are related to
students’ activity, so they are able to discern if the
previously defined learning objectives have been
achieved. Depending on the skills acquired by the
students, the student model will be modified.
Although these features are quite powerful, they
require some programming skills. In addition, the
relation between the authoring tool and the simulator
is high, which involves representing low level
information, and hence, it increases the probability
of generating an incomplete domain model. A
similar approach is followed by The Operator
Machine Interface Assistant (OMIA) (Richards,
2002), which includes a scenario generator tool and
an ITS. The scenarios are edited using a visual
authoring tool, where elements of the simulation are
defined so they can be detected later in the
simulation. It also allows for configuring some
parameters for the ITS. OMIA is capable of
providing automatic diagnosis and, depending on the
exercise definition, it provides students with
enhancements and simulates different discussions
with other crew members.
In recent years, more ITS authoring tools have
been proposed, which address more efficiently the
problems involved on ITS development. CTAT
(Aleven et al., 2006) is composed of a set of
authoring tools that allow creating Example-Tracing
tutors. For this kind of tutor, the author carries out
demonstrations of how the students should solve a
particular problem. CTAT offers tools to implement
student interfaces and to add correct and incorrect
examples of solutions. Using these authoring tools
implies defining each solution separately, which can
be time consuming as the number of possible
solutions increases (eg. environments with a high
grade of unpredictability). With the aim of reducing
the tutor development time, SimStudent (Matsuda et
al., 2007) generalizes authors’ demonstrations, so
not all the possible solutions need to be defined.
ASPIRE (Mitrovic et al., 2009) is another authoring
system for both procedural and non procedural tasks.
The system allows creating domain independent
constraint based ITSs. To achieve this, it provides a
workspace to generate the domain ontology, which
is the base for the author to define the solutions of
the tasks that are going to be learned. These
solutions are defined using constraints, and one of
the advantages of ASPIRE is that it can generate the
constraints automatically. Another domain
independent ITS framework is ASTUS (Paquette et
al., 2010), which focuses its efforts on knowledge
representation. Among its strengths are the capacity
of recognizing the composition of errors made by
the students, the generation of feedback for specific
errors, and the generation of hints and
GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications