ment becomes equivalent to perform the following:
(1) delegate the execution of incompatible operations
to an intelligent component, and (2) provide a stan-
dard and compatible interface that allows the user to
interact with services and rich content and receives an
adapted form of the service’s output. The application
of this approach will be validated in the Digital Liv-
ing Network Alliance (DLNA) environment (DLNA,
2007). DLNA represents an ideal context that rep-
resents heterogeneity regarding the content, servers,
services and terminals that can aim to access the home
network services and content. The framework of Uni-
versally, that we present in this paper, is discussed
regarding the provided Web interface and its compli-
ance with the W3C recommendations and the content
fragmentation (Web pagination and media segmenta-
The objective of DLNA technology is to distribute
digital content from a source to all the compatible de-
vices (DLNA, 2007; DLNA, 2006). The key func-
tions of DLNA are: connectivity and networking, de-
vice discovery and control, media management, me-
dia formats and media transport (Fig. 1). Connectiv-
ity and networking use the existing network platform
at home. Device discovery and control is based on the
UPnP Device Architecture (DA) 1.0 (UPNP FORUM,
2008b). Media management is based on the UPnP
AV (UPNP FORUM, 2008a). Media formats are de-
fined as a set of required and optional format profiles.
The media transport in DLNA is done overHTTP. The
RTP protocol is introduced recently and still optional
(DLNA, 2007; DLNA, 2006).
Three entities are specified: devices, services and
control points (CPs). Services are functions provided
by a device, found and invoked by a CP. The main
functions of a UPnP device are: IP addressing, dis-
covery (periodic advertisement of services), descrip-
tion of services and capabilities, control in response
of CPs requests, eventing to notify registered CPs
and presentation in HTML to possibly monitor the
device. This depends on the specific capabilities of
the presentation page and device and if the device
has a presentation’s URL. SSDP messages are sent
over HTTPMU (HTTP Multicast over UDP) in order
to discover resources in the network (UPNP FORUM,
2008b). SOAP allows to specify available operations.
In the audio video (AV) digital home, the three main
entities are: the media server (MS) that offers me-
dia content, the media renderer that plays content and
CPs that control what and how contents are played.
Figure 1: DLNA framework.
MS provides three services: Content Directory Ser-
vice (CDS), Connection Manager Service (CMS) and
AV Transport Service (AVT) (Fig. 1). A media ren-
derer provides the Rendering Control Service (RCS),
the CMS and AVT services. CDS provides actions
for CPs in order to list media items and relative meta-
data. RCS provides actions for a CP to control the
rendering of a media resource. CMS handles con-
nections with a device and AVT controls the player
actions (play, seek, etc.). DLNA defines two main en-
tities: Digital Media Server (DMS) and Digital Media
Player (DMP). DMS is a UPnP/AV CDS device that
provides media resources. DMP is a UPnP/AV CDS
control point that can discover resources and render
In a DLNA/UPnP environment, the number, na-
ture (UDP and multicast) and the periodicity of UPnP
advertisements can be inconvenient. Also, in order to
render a media resource, several messages and steps
must be achieved. A mobile device, used in the dig-
ital home, has to support the multicast, UPnP Tem-
plate Langugae parsing, SOAP protocol and the un-
reliable nature of UDP especially over a wireless ac-
cess. Moreover, there is no guarantee that the origi-
nal format and profile of the requested media resource
will be supported. This situation is not adapted to het-
erogeneous environments where rendering capabili-
ties, delivery and access technology, bandwidth, con-
gestion probability and power consumption are not
the same for all the existing devices.
The aim of our proposition is to enable and optimize
the access and control of existing media resources
in home for heterogeneous and mobile devices with
limited access and rendering capabilities. To do so,
we propose Universally: a new component that can
be easily integrated into the digital home architec-
ture and provide a universal access in a heterogeneous
environment. The modular architecture of Univer-