of pixel i, i , may be modeled as a polynomial
surface. To estimate the polynomial surface, a least
squared fitting is employed to minimize the cost
if pixel i is in the foreground region
if pixel i is in the background region.
yxf , where ),( yxf is a
polynomial function of order n. In this study, n is
set to 6.
Forty-nine breast sonograms with intensity
inhomogeneity acquired from 1996 – 2004, each
from a different subject, were randomly selected
from the ultrasound image database in a teaching
hospital in Taiwan. The assessment is performed
based on the mean manually-delineated boundary of
each lesion in a breast sonogram. Each lesion was
demarcated by two graduate students and confirmed
by two experienced radiologists with 10- and 28-
year experience, respectively.
The mean distance between the lesion boundaries
attained by the proposed algorithm and the
corresponding manually delineated boundaries
defined by two radiologists is 1.571±0.513 pixels.
(Assessing Chan and Vese level set method for
intensity inhomogeneity-correction segmentation in
the same way, the mean distance error is
3.299±1.203 pixels, for the 49 images).
Figure 1 results of the proposed segmentation
approach and Chan and Vese level set method
applied on the intensity inhomogeneity image. Fig. 1
(a) shows the mean manually-delineated boundary
of the sonographic breast lesion given in Fig. 1 (c),
i.e., the original image.
Fig. 1(b) gives the intensity inhomogeneity field
and Fig. 1(f) shows the inhomogeneity-corrected
breast sonogram. The weak edge at the upper-right
portion of the lesion boundary becomes manifested
in the inhomogeneity-corrected breast sonogram.
The boundary derived by the Chan and Vese level
set method of the intensity inhomogeneity image and
intensity inhomogeneity-corrected image are shown
as Fig. 1 (e) and Fig. 1 (h), respectively. The Chan
and Vese level set method fails to capture the upper-
right portion of the lesion boundary which is a weak
edge caused by the intensity inhomogeneity. Fig. 1
(d) and Fig. 1 (g) show the cells (i.e., the prominent
components) derived by the FCC algorithm in the
intensity inhomogeneity image and intensity
inhomogeneity-corrected image, respectively. The
cell structures play the role of offering the feature
vectors to Gibbs-weighted K-means segmentation
algorithm, and the clustering result is shown as Fig.
1 (i). The boundary derived by Gibbs-weighted K-
means segmentation algorithm is shown as Fig. 1 (j).
(a) (b)
(c) (d) (e)
(f) (g) (h)
(i) (j)
Figure 1: The proposed algorithm segmentation results
compare with Chan and Vese level set method.
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VISAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications