Klaus P. Jantke
and Rainer Knauf
Fraunhofer IDMT, Children’s Media Department, KinderMedienZentrum, Erick-K¨astner-Str. 1a, 99094 Erfurt, Germany
Ilmenau University of Technology, Department of Artificial Intelligence, P.O. Box 10 05 65, 98693 Ilmenau, Germany
Game-based Learning, Serious Games, Games Taxonomies, Storyboarding, Situated Learning, Context.
The design and employment of digital games for serious purposes such as learning has several prerequisites.
Designing a game that affects human players effectively requires the anticipation of particular human game
playing experiences. Recent digital games taxonomies provide the WHAT and storyboarding is the technology
for determining the HOW of planning the manifold of potential affective experiences in digital game playing.
Game-based learning needs storyboarding and storyboarding needs concepts of digital games taxonomies. The
appropriate consolidation of taxonomies and storyboarding results in explicit media didactics in context.
This paper aims at advocating the authors’ position on
inevitable preliminaries of game-based learning:
P1 Game-based learning bears promising potentials
due to the attractiveness of game playing to young
learners and because of the extra motivation it is
bringing with it.
P2 Playing serious games may affect human learners
by what they experience when playing the game.
P3 Serious games do not work per se, but require
elaborate contexts of employment for learning.
P4 Storyboarding is the anticipation and organization
of human experience.
P5 Digital games taxonomies explicate peculiarities
of game playing relevant to affective experiences.
P6 Appropriate taxonomic concepts specify contexts
in which playful learning experiences may affect
human learners effectively.
Particular emphasis is put on the propagation of
C1 concepts of storyboarding in serious game design,
C2 concepts of games and game playing taxonomies.
Besides the systematic theoretical development,
the authors’ position is illustrated by means of some
real-life case study. The case study itself is based on
a certain original game concept, its implementation,
and its qualitative evaluation. These preliminaries are
published in the first author’s conference publications
(Jantke, 2006b) and (Jantke, 2010b).
In contrast to earlier critical assessments such as,
e.g., (Jantke, 2006a), (Seelhammer and Niegemann,
2009), and others, the authors feel encouraged by
recent reports on successful serious games projects
from (Chaffin and Barnes, 2010), (Cooper et al.,
2010) and (Thomas and DeRosier, 2010) to (Jenson
et al., 2011).
Besides mastery of the domain topics, the design,
the implementation, and the employment of digital
games for serious purposes have numerous prereq-
uisites. Designers and developers need to anticipate
the particular human activities expected to affect the
players effectively. Storyboarding
is the anticipation
of human experience (Jantke and Knauf, 2005).
Comprehensive work like (Fullerton et al., 2004)
reflects iterative approaches to find ways of provok-
ing effective human players’ activities. Having game
based learning in mind, this work illuminates the need
to anticipate more than just playing a certain game.
Metastudies such as (Dondlinger, 2007) reveal
that the necessary prerequisites of playing which may
have an intended desirable impact are still extremely
vague and cover elements such as “narrative context,
rules, goals, rewards, multisensory cues, and interac-
tivity” (ibid., p. 28). From insights of such a general-
ity one can hardly derive any game design decision.
The authors want to be considerably more precise.
It is a frequent misconception to see storyboarding as
the organization of learning materials such as PDF sources.
Jantke K. and Knauf R..
DOI: 10.5220/0003947904010409
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 401-409
ISBN: 978-989-8565-07-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
This paper is based on two widely independent areas
of research: storyboarding for e-learning (Jantke and
Knauf, 2005) and games taxonomies (Jantke, 2010c).
For reasons of space, this introduction is kept short.
The following three sections from 4 to 5, in particular,
are dedicated to some consolidation of storyboarding
and taxonomies. Section 6 is surveying the case study.
3.1 Storyboarding for e-Learning
Design and development of digital systems intended
to support human learning processes need some care-
ful a priori specification. What the authors are aim-
ing at is much more than just system specification
as known from conventional software engineering.
The processes of human learning are rather involved
and need a certain firm scientific foundation. Be-
sides educational psychology, in general, and particu-
lar aspects like motivation (from (Malone, 1981) to
(Hoffman and Nadelson, 2010; Paas et al., 2005)),
mental effort (from (Salomon, 1983) to (Paas et al.,
2005)), and cognitive load (from (Sweller, 1988) to
(Kalyuga, 2009; Mayer and Moreno, 2003), there
are many lessons learned from recent applications
like (Callaghan et al., 2010; Chaffin and Barnes,
2010; Cooper et al., 2010; De Castell et al., 2007;
Hawlitschek, 2009; Jenson et al., 2011; Shelton and
Scoresby, 2011; Thomas and DeRosier, 2010).
From the two present authors’ constructivist point
of view
, learning needs the learner’s activity. And ef-
fective learning is usually best supported by affective
learning experiences. Storyboarding is the organiza-
tion of experience ((Jantke and Knauf, 2005), p. 25).
For the operationalization of this educational per-
spective, the authors have introduced storyboards as
hierarchically structured graphs. Composite nodes of
such a graph may be substituted by other graphs deter-
mining the concerning human activity in more detail.
They are named episodes. Atomic nodes, in contrast,
are named scenes representing elementary learner ac-
tivities or services of the IT system.
For illustration, an atomic node may describe just
a media file (text, picture, animation, audio, video)
presenting learning content, an exercise, a particular
communication event (talking to a co-learner, asking
somebody for information, ...) or any off-line action.
An in-depth discussion of positions of constructivism,
unfortunately, is quite far beyond the limits of the present
paper. Interested readers are directed to sources such as,
e.g., the collection of chapters edited by Sigmund Tobias
and Thomas M. Duffy entitled Constructivist Instruction:
Success or Failure?, by Routledge, 2009.
3.2 Digital Games Taxonomies
Digital games taxonomies provide conceptualizations
for systematizing the extremely heterogeneous and
dynamic field in which innovative ideas and those that
appear innovative, at least, come and go frequently.
Some approaches like the one called the Ilmenau
Taxonomy (Jantke, 2010c) are canonical and apply to
every digital game. Refinements such as the so-called
Erfurt Taxonomy (Jantke, 2010c) introduce particular
concepts (Jantke, 2010a) which apply only in some
conditions. Furthermore, there are highly interesting
specialized taxonomies focusing only a few specific
phenomena such as (Lewis et al., 2010), e.g., in which
the authors systematize video game bugs.
Taxonomies, in general, are frequently seen as
multi-dimensional spaces in which every object of
interest–in the present investigation always a game–
can be characterized by its values according to the
dimensions of the space. In the most simple case, a
game is characterized by a point in the space. But
in contrast to conventional mathematics, dimensions
can not be assumed to be orthogonal. Consequently,
certain games are better imagined as clouds sitting
somewhere in the space. The mutual interdependence
of taxonomic dimensions is discussed in some detail
elsewhere (Jantke, 2010a; Jantke, 2010c).
Let us investigate a few taxonomic dimensions in
more detail. To every digital game, it applies that
the game is a computer program,
the game is entertainment media,
in computer science and in entertainment media,
there is nothing more interactive than games.
Consequently, there are 3 canonical dimension along
which every digital game G may be described in some
reasonable detail. What are the characteristics of G
seen as a computer program? What are the charac-
teristics of G seen as entertainment media like, e.g.,
film? What characterizes human behavior when play-
ing the game? In other words, what does a human
being experience when playing G? To answer these
three questions is, indeed, canonical (Jantke, 2010c).
The idea of the Erfurt Taxonomy (Jantke, 2010c)
is to systematize–beyond the canonical dimensions of
the Ilmenau Taxonomy–all the aspects that may be
relevant to the one digital game, but completely ir-
relevant to another one.
For illustration, music is playing a crucial role in
several interesting digital games. In contrast, there are
numerous other digital games that need no sound at
all. Therefore, ‘the role of music’ or, simply, ‘music’
is a typical dimension of digital games taxonomies
beyond the canonical minimum.
The variety of taxonomic dimensions for games
is overwhelmingly rich. Among others, there is the
dimension of ‘contemporary politics’, the dimension
of ‘erotics’, and the dimension of ‘humor’. Readers
may immediately imagine several refinements.
Other interesting dimensions refer to issues of
gender, of language, of culture, and so on. Many of
them are rather involved. For illustration, think of ref-
erences from a particular digital game to other media
products and pieces of art such as literature, motion
picture, and the fine arts. To a certain audience, these
references are a source of enjoyment and satisfaction,
whereas they miss some other audience completely.
Here is an illustration. The cartoon point & click
adventure CLEVER & SMART is rather humorous and
full of references. When playing this game, you con-
trol alternatingly one of two secret service agents.
The agents’ boss in the games’ virtual secret service
hierarchy is named “L”. Don’t you immediately think
of Judi Dench starring as “M” ...?
The ‘role of time’ is a another particularly interest-
ing dimension which should be divided into a larger
number of suitable sub-dimensions. Prominent games
in which mutually varying time phenomena play a
crucial role are, e.g., BRAID, PRINCE OF PERSIA:
SANDS OF TIME, and the point & click adventure
The discussion of time leads to questions of the
evolution of a game story, an interesting issue which,
unfortunately, is beyond the limits of this paper.
Callaghan et al. describe a game-based learning
approach in which activities beyond the limits of the
virtual world are essential (Callaghan et al., 2010).
The present authors call those taxonomic concepts
‘extra game play’ and ‘meta game play’, as sketched
in (Jantke, 2010c) and (Jantke and Gaudl, 2010).
Digital games are bringing with them properties
with respect to taxonomic dimensions. Vice versa,
digital games may be classified by means of taxo-
nomic concepts. For illustration, there are games that
require a certain physical activity of the player which
goes beyond the limits of controlling game playing
via standard interfaces such as keyboards, game con-
trollers, joystick, and steering wheels. Games of this
sort are nowadays usually called exergames. Exer-
games as studied in (Lucht and Gundermann, 2009),
(Park et al., 2010), (Sinclair et al., 2010), (Yang et al.,
2010a), and (Yang et al., 2010b) have peculiarities
which lead to a variety of further taxonomic concepts.
Though those concepts are surely of interest in story-
boarding and of a particular interest from a didactic
point of view taking aspects of health care, e.g., into
account, these issues are also beyond the limits of the
present short conference contribution.
As briefly mentioned above, constructivism–
according to the present authors’ understanding, at
least–leads to emphasis on the learners’ experiences.
Jenson et al. (Jenson et al., 2011), for instance, are
“shifting the focus [...] from
figuring out what
people know
to investigating questions “more like,
what did you experience
” (ibid., p. 30).
Here, the authors’ storyboarding approach comes
into play. When designing a digital game for certain
learning purposes, it seems highly desirable to expli-
cate the intended playing experiences of the human
learner. When should she laugh? When and why
should she be surprised? When and how to scare the
learner? In which conditionsshould some learner face
a certain conflict situation? And how to find a way
out? There are infinitely many potential experiences
to be set up with some educational purpose in mind.
Some experiences go beyond the limits of game
playing itself. When, why and how should a learner
interrupt game playing for initiating a certain conver-
sation with other co-learners? When, why and how
should a learner lean back and take time to contem-
plate the game playing experience so far? Should
learners be encouraged to play repeatedly and should
those cycles of repeated game playing be dovetailed
with other experiences?
The answers to those and other similar questions
need some representation within game development.
According to (Jantke and Knauf, 2005), representa-
tions of anticipated experiences may be effectively
written down as paths through storyboards.
In this vein, some didactic ideas and principles are
getting different graphical representations on varying
levels of granularity. Didactics becomes visible.
For illustration, imagine that studying a certain
content needs a number of repeated exercises. Thus,
suitable graphical representations, accordingly, might
show certain cycles. There may be a main cycle, but
there might also be several cycles distributed over the
whole game playing experience.
As another illustration, imagine a field of stud-
ies in which collaborative learning is assumed to be
highly advisable. Learners should talk to each other.
A related storyboard for a serious game in this field
has to embed game playing into human conversation.
Storyboarding is no longer only storyboarding of the
game itself, but specifies game playing within a more
comprehensive context of learner activities.
Modeling didactic knowledge by storyboarding
may go even further (Knauf et al., 2010) and take
more complicated curricular processes into account–
another exciting issue beyond the limits of this paper.
One may take any of the numerous taxonomic con-
cepts for pondering its usefulness for didactic design.
For illustration, think of manipulations of time for the
purpose of realizing repeated exercises of a certain
type. Even the taxonomic concept of bullet time’
known from shooter games
might be especially ex-
ploited for the set-up of training situations. Bullet
time may help some users who have difficulties with a
certain task to try it again under simplified conditions.
The way of presenting content clearly affects the
way of perception (Mayer, 2002), so what about ways
beyond play in game-based learning
Managing cognitive load has to be taken seriously
(Kalyuga, 2009). Load problems are surely relevant
to game-based learning (Mayer and Moreno, 2003),
but rarely mentioned explicitly, as playful learning
seems so overwhelmingly promising. Assessment of
cognitive load, as one might expect, is known to be
involved (Br¨unken et al., 2003), even if digital games
are still out of scope. Certain earlier work such as
(Leacock and Nesbit, 2007) does not seem to apply.
To sum up very briefly, it is not sufficient simply
to provide a particular game for game-based learning.
Every digital game is bringing with it a certain
game-specific load, because players have to master
the game mechanics and need to focus both overall
goals and current quests.
There is abundant evidence for the need to specify
context conditions in which intended learning effects
are likely to occur.
Certain concepts of digital games taxonomies are
helpful for the a priori specification of game playing
experiences. There are, in particular, several concepts
describing phenomena beyond the limits of a single
game playing session (Jantke, 2010a). For the sake of
illustration within the present paper, the authors focus
on ‘extra game play’ and ‘meta game play’.
The taxonomic dimension of ‘extra game play’
subsumes all phenomena of intentionally interrupting
game play for getting engaged in certain extra-game
activities such as communication, e.g.
Bullet time means the feature that allows for playing an
action–in particular the player’s shooting of an adversary–in
slow motion. Besides the clear advantage to shooting in real
time, bullet time is appreciated as a feature that allows for
enjoyment of graphically attractive actions such as jumping
and shooting at the same time.
The taxonomic dimension of ‘meta game play’
subsumes all phenomena on a meta-level w.r.t. single
game play sessions such as, e.g., comparing effects in
dependence on certain game parameter settings.
Reflective thinking is playing a rather prominent role
in technology-enhanced learning (Hong and Choi,
2011). This section is presenting the present authors’
case study in game-based learning in which a certain
type of the learner’s reflective thinking is decisive.
Taxonomic concepts and their particular appearance
in storyboarding encode, so to speak, the authors’
actual didactic approach. Didactics becomes visible.
6.1 From Jostle to Gorge
There is a particularly simple game named JOSTLE
(Jantke, 2006b)
for between one and four players.
Some of them or even all may be computer programs;
the latter makes sense in case a player wants to inspect
the mutual interaction of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
strategies. JOSTLE is a simple turn-based path game.
Every player regardless of whether being human or
AI is controlling some team of robots. These robots
are heading for some target area where they can score
points according to some simple rule. On their way,
the robots are jostling each other.
The game has been developed as a research tool
to allow for the comparison of different strategies–
human or AI.
AI strategies can be tuned by the human player;
this makes particular sense if the player is a learner
dealing with particular questions and phenomena of
Artificial Intelligence.
At this point, it becomes understandable that even
the extreme case of setting up 4 computer programs
of different character like, e.g., the good, the bad and
the ugly (Gaudl et al., 2009) and let them play with
and against each other makes sense. Human learners
may study AI by tuning AI agents, watching them,
re-tuning them, continue watching them, and so on.
But the players’ number of choices in JOSTLE
is quite limited. There are not many opportunities
to reveal an AI agent’s character. For this reason,
the concepts of JOSTLE have been enriched toward
a more flexible game named GORGE (Jantke, 2010b).
This paper has been winning a best paper award on the
CSIT 2006 conference in Amman, Jordan.
The crucial new feature of GORGE are gorges, i.e.,
interrupts of the paths. Crossing the gorges needs a
specific form of collaboration of at least two different
robots (see (Jantke, 2010b) for more details). This
gives rise to a variety of agents’ behaviors such that
players regardless of being human or AI may reveal
some character, so to speak, ranging from a helper or
a wimp to a freeloader or a quarreler.
6.2 Learning Goals and Didactics
GORGE is, very much like JOSTLE, more a research
tool than a game. However, the game is sufficiently
interesting to be played several times.
The educational potential of the game lies in the
opportunity to easily control the characteristics of
programmed players and, subsequently, to investigate
the effects of varying settings.
Figure 1: Setting up some programmed AI behavior.
Humans can set up the programmed adversaries’
preferences according to four dimensions: the desire
for jostling others (left upper parameter in figure 1),
the willingness to cooperate for crossing any gorge
(left lower parameter), the willingness to step down
into a gorge by himself (right upper parameter), and
the engagement for salvaging others from a gorge
(right lower parameter). This allows for a surprisingly
large number of perceivably different AI characters”.
Based on the potentials of the, so to speak, serious
game GORGE, some learning goals are set:
G1 Learners shall understand how setting parameters
results in system behaviors that appear somehow
intelligent or human-like.
G2 Learners shall appreciate the importance of AI to
an interesting and flexibly varying experience of
digital game playing.
G3 Learners shall enjoy the power of being in control
of AI and shall develop some confidence in being
able to control computer technology.
To achieve the goals above, the authors rely on
exploratory learning which is largely self-directed,
which involves a high degree of learner activity, and
which is essentially playful and really a lot of fun.
Reflective thinking is inevitable for general insights.
These are the authors’ key didactic principles to
be implemented by means of taxonomic concepts in
storyboards–didactics will show in the design below.
6.3 Didactics and Taxonomic Concepts
Studies suitable to achieve goal G1 surely need some
investigation of several varying settings of the NPCs
preferences. It is highly unlikely that unexperienced
players find immediately two sufficiently interesting
and sufficiently different settings of NPC parameters.
There is some need for employment of the taxonomic
concept of extra game play–players should be allowed
to leave some current game play for modifying the
settings on the fly. Successfully tuning parameters
during game playing may contribute to achieving G3
as well.
Figure 2 shows some typical situation in which a
human player might wish to interrupt the game for
changing settings. His robots on the upper path on
the right are about to win the game without much of
the NPCs’ resistance who currently waste their energy
in restless jostling on the other path.
Figure 2: Game playing scenery giving rise for an interrupt.
Goals G2 and/or G3 may be achieved if a human
player has opportunities of experiencing human-like
or, at least, believable NPC behavior. But behavior as
a whole does only unfold throughout complete game
play. For a substantial comparison of varying NPC
characters, one needs to play several times–an issue
of the taxonomic concept of meta game play.
NPC is short for non-player character in a digital game.
Is it really true that playing GORGE is only fun if
at least one of the (NPC) adversaries plays somehow
aggressively? You can hardly tell from playing only
once. Suppose you have equipped some NPC with
an aggressive behavior by, say, setting the preference
of jostling to a maximum and, in addition, setting the
preference of collaboration to a minimum. It might
possibly happen within a certain game play that, by
chance, there are not sufficiently many opportunities
for the evil to show. Hence, one should play again.
6.4 Taxonomy-based Storyboarding
Storyboarding of game-based learning means more
than storyboarding the game play as can be seen in
figure 3. In particular, the two feedback arrows re-
present taxonomic concepts such as extra game play
(the inner loop) and meta game play (the outer loop).
Figure 3: Top level storyboard of playful learning with
GORGE within a context of reflecting playing experience.
Recall that every node (rectangular box) is an episode
which may be expanded by some graph substitution to
specify details of the anticipated e-learning process.
The figure 4 shows part of a larger graph refining the
“playing the game ...” episode of figure 3 above.
After observing robots getting stuck in intensive
jostling, there are foreseen three variants of learner
behavior. The role of storyboarding is to explicate
several needs such as, for instance, opportunities for
players’ communication about observed phenomena.
Figure 4: Cutout from some episode expansion.
6.5 Evaluation of Game-playing Impact
The authors have undertaken several qualitative
and quantitative evaluations of the didactic design
sketched in the section 6.4 before (left column of this
page). Setting up evaluation experiments, performing
evaluations, processing the data, and finally publish-
ing the results is a field of scientific work in its own
right clearly going beyond the limits of the present
position paper. Nevertheless, the authors would like
to inform the audience about a few typical evaluation
activities and about a few characteristic results.
Game playing experiences as anticipated and
specified by means of storyboarding as in section
6.4 have been taking place on several exhibitions
and fairs based on different implementations of the
game GORGE ranging from stand-alone executables
through a Silverlight browser game implementation
to some touchscreen version based on Unity.
There have been young players of an age ranging
from 10 to 20 years and adults including groups of
teachers from different school types. Subjects playing
the game in an evaluation session have been playing
individually or came in groups of varying size. There
have been groups of students and groups of teachers
as well.
To sum up briefly, the experimental settings lead
to results demonstrating that the game-based learning
didactics implemented according to the storyboards
sketched in section 6.4 achieve the goals G1, G2, and
G3, in general.
Furthermore, there is some variety of additional
insights. Identical experiments in two different larger
cities with groups of students of an age between 13
and 20 years provided almost identical results like the
following one.
First of all, the subjects have been introduced
to the game and its peculiarities. Next, they have
been asked to set up three NPC characters such that–
according to their own (unspecified) expectations–
other students of their age would most likely consider
the experience of playing GORGE as entertaining as
possible. Interestingly, all the subjects–without any
single exception–havebeen setting up one of the NPC
characters to be highly aggressive. In a subsequent
qualitative analysis, they explained unisono that some
degree of the in-game adversaries’ strength including
aggression is considered inevitable to make a game
challenging and, thus, enjoyable.
Another interesting result of these two particular
experiments is that all subjects have chosen settings
between the extreme values for at least one of the
other NPCs. The reason is a desire for NPCs not so
easy to see through–players have high ambitions.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the cooperation
with a larger number of scientists and engineers in-
cluding interns and students who contributed to the
design and implementation of several serious games.
Furthermore, they gratefully acknowledge the
support by colleagues who has been striving to bring
the games into application, to train teachers, to set up
game playing and playful learning experiments, and
to perform qualitative and/or quantitative evaluations.
The first author’s work on games taxonomies has
been partially supported for three years from 2008
until 2011 by the Thuringian Ministry for Education,
Science, and Culture (TMBWK) within the project
iCycle under code PE-004-2-1
By their very nature, storyboards are usually a bit
larger than the cutouts shown on the preceding pages.
Therefore, the authors decided to offer a few slightly
larger examples in an appendix below.
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Society Games Innovation Conference, pages 19–26.
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De Castell, S., Jenson, J., and Taylor, N. (2007). Digital
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Gaudl, S., Jantke, K. P., and Woelfert, C. (2009). The good,
the bad and the ugly: Short stories in short game play.
In Iurgel, I., Zagalo, N., and Petta, P., editors, Pro-
ceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Dig-
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133. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009.
Hawlitschek, A. (2009). Spielend lernen, aber wie?
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itors, Lernen im Digitalen Zeitalter. Workshop-Band.
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flective thinking in solving design problems: A con-
ceptual model. Education Technology Research and
Development, 59(5):687–710.
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analysis. Diskussionsbeitr¨age 22, Ilmenau University
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Jantke, K. P. (2006b). Knowledge evolution in game de-
sign just for fun. In Issa, G., Qaddoura, E., Al-
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The following figures show a few more storyboards
from the case study discussed in section 6 of the con-
Figure 5: Storyboard of some potential experience of fooling the player’s adversaries by luring robots into the wrong direction;
a game playing experience relevant to the learning goals G2 and G3, in particular, enjoyed for feeling the player’s superiority.
Figure 6: Storyboard of cooperation with some NPC at some gorge for forming a roped party and crossing the gorge to-
gether; a game playing experience relevant to learning goal G2 and, furthermore, providing a good basis for the discussion of
Figure 7: Storyboard of a learning activity in which a learner is asked to simulate a certaion human-like playing behavior;
the first scene specifies a teacher activity whereas the next scene on the right specifies some human communication, perhaps,
among several learners or in some student-teacher dialogue; the branching between ‘game play’ and ‘observation’ mean
simultaneous actions (in contrast to all the other branching points on display here which specify alternative player activities).