An Ontological Knowledge-base System for Composing
Project Team Members
Yu-Liang Chi
Dept. of Information Management, Chung Yuan Christian University, 200 Chung-Pei Rd.,
Chung-Li, Taiwan 320, Republic of China
Keywords: Team Member Composition, Knowledge-based System, Ontology, Semantic Rules.
Abstract: In teamwork-based projects, human play a critical role in achieving project success. This study utilizes
ontological approaches to build project teaming models into ontology. It helps to develop a set of logic rules
for identifying semantic relationships between individuals. By following a knowledge base creation process,
the factual data of project, workers, and teaming factors can be inserted into ontological knowledge base.
Based on knowledge inference, reliable knowledge bases are established for selecting project team members
in runtime. A case study is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design.
Collaboration is a major feature of teamwork-based
projects, which are frequently implemented by high
performance project teams. Effective project
teaming thus has become essential in human-side
project management. In project management, project
teaming refers to managing a project team with
assignment of project tasks and roles (Beranek et al.,
2005), and the appropriate composition of the
development or workplace team that performs ad-
hoc project tasks. Industry experts and academic
researchers continue to work on identifying factors
and composition approaches for effective project
teaming. While current methods and considerations
are presented mostly as predefined and syntactic
criteria, further consideration of the effect of derived
semantic relations and facts should also be carried
out. The characteristics typically considered in
composing a quality team include team size,
personal commitment, current workload of the
individual, leadership, skill competence, years of
experience, communications skill, and so on (Chen
and Lin, 2004). A need for cross-functional
composition with regard to the skill backgrounds of
team members is recognized in projects and is multi-
disciplinary in nature. Configurational and task-
oriented approaches to project teaming require the
composition of a team to depend on tasks of the
project work (Coates et al., 2007). Such tasks
contribute to the technical and explicit foundations
of a software project team.
A solid technical foundation alone does not
guarantee a quality composition of the project team.
For example, Krishnan (1998) reported that the
effects of three team-related measures include not
only the domain and language experience of the
team, but also the capabilities of the team personnel
with regard to information system product costs and
quality. This is particularly true when it is
recognized that culture and human or “soft” factors,
for example differences in individual characteristics
of preferences, also contribute to team success
(Gorla and Lam, 2004). Regarding personality, the
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator has been widely
employed to assess software engineer personality
types (Stewart et al., 2005), as well as to assess the
influence of team member personality namely
Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion,
Neuroticism, and Openness to experience, also
known as the “big-five personality factors” on
individual role, social role and task accomplishment.
Thus, the human-side of project management should
be integrated into technological project management
methods and tools.
Project team knowledge has numerous sources and
different aspects. To build the knowledge model of
Chi Y..
An Ontological Knowledge-base System for Composing Project Team Members.
DOI: 10.5220/0003950602970300
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 297-300
ISBN: 978-989-8565-10-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
project teaming, his study refers to the discipline of
knowledge engineering (KE) proposed by Guarino
(1995). Typical KE includes expertise gathering,
knowledge model building, and knowledge
representation. Detailed steps are described as the
Expertise Gathering: Expertise gathering is the
focus of identifying critical elements of project
teaming. Observation of project teaming events
identifies three primary subjects including Project,
Worker and Teaming factors. Further expertise
gathering are also implemented, including
elicitation, analysis, and transformation are
Property elicitation. Over 100 properties are
gathered during this stage. For example, the
collected properties of projects are basic
features such as project’s budget and skill
Analysis. A total of 35 properties are identified.
New or subordinate subjects are generated by
either separating existing subjects or
assembling relevant subjects. For example, the
subjects Project_Type, Title, Skills and
Personality are subordinate to the
Teaming_Factors subject.
Transformation. This step transforms subjects
and their dependent properties into an
ontological representation. The representation
is formed by a formatted expression written as
{Concept: Property list}. Examples are
presented below.
{Project: Project_Description, PM, Budget,
Number_of_HR, Skill_Need, PM_Skill_Need,
Length_of_Time, has_Type, Qualified_Basic_Worker,
Watch_List, … }
{Worker: Age, Gender, Seniority, Salary, has_Title,
has_Skill, member_of, Hostile_to,
has_Experience, …}
Building Knowledge Model: A knowledge model
is based on an abstract view of the task domain, and
can be used as an intermediary between the real
world and information systems. Two type of
relations including “is-a” and “has-a” are developed.
The “is-a” denotes an inheritance relationship
between two concepts. For example, the
Teaming_factors concept has sub-concepts such as
Title, Skills and Personality. The “has-a” denotes
the “part-of” relation between two concepts. These
properties stipulate a schema for describing the
concepts. Users can employ these properties to
contribute their factual knowledge to the knowledge
base or to obtain implicit knowledge via inference
Furthermore, two types of property’s content
including “Asserted property” and “Inferred
property” need to be defined during model building.
The asserted properties provide the basis of
inference engine to deduce new knowledge. On the
other hand, the content of inferred property is
implicit, but can be obtained by inferring factual
knowledge via a reasoned. The inferred property
plays a critical role for rule-based reasoning.
Knowledge Representation: This study employs
Web Ontology Language (OWL) as the notation and
formalism for representing the knowledge to be
stored in ontology. After constructing the team
composition model, OWL is utilized for knowledge
representation. OWL is highly appropriate for
representing structured knowledge using classes and
properties organized in taxonomies.
Horrocks and Patel-Schneider (2004) have reported
several limitations and issues of OWL in syntax and
computation, particularly in relationships between
roles chains using rules, causing indeductibility,
logical undecidability, by embedding the word
problem in inferences. The rules apply the syntax
Antecedent Consequent”. Both antecedent and
consequent are conjunctions of atoms of the form
.. atom
, where a variable is indicated by
a question mark (e.g., ?x). The semantic rules are
used to extend the power of the ontological approach
to identify semantic relationships between instances.
This study utilizes the Project_Type concept to
manage characteristics of typical historical projects
as best practices. Several properties used in rules
development are detailed below. The PT_Skill_Need
and PT_PM_Skill_Need properties are used to
indicate the skills needed by workers and project
managers, respectively. Furthermore, the
PT_Personality_Need property describes preferred
personality types for performing the project. These
properties can be used to develop rules to connect
other concepts such as Worker to obtain candidate
members for a project team. The following five rules
are examples developed in this study.
Rule-1 is used to identify qualified team
members with reference to best practice. Rule-2
helps identify candidate project manager(s) based on
the qualified workers with reference to best
practices. Rule-3 is applied to group senior workers
as candidate team members. Rule-4 adds the
PT_Personality_Need property to deduce whether
the qualified workers possess the preferred
personalities. Rule-5 examines whether a qualified
worker is hostile to someone then both of them will
be inserted into the Watch_List property of the
Rule-1: Project(?x) has_Type(?x, ?y)
PT_Skill_Need(?y, ?z) Same_Skill_Worker(?z, ?a)
Qualified_Basic_Worker(?x, ?a)
Rule-2: Project(?x) has_Type(?x, ?y)
PT_PM_Skill_Need(?y, ?z) Same_Skill_Worker(?z,
?a) has_Title(?a, Project_Manager) PM(?x, ?a)
Rule-3: Project(?x) has_Type(?x, ?y)
PT_Skill_Need(?y, ?z) Same_Skill_Worker(?z, ?a)
Seniority(?a, ?b) swrlb:greaterThan(?b, 5)
Qualified_Advanced_Worker(?x, ?a)
Rule-4: Project(?x) has_Type(?x, ?y)
PT_Skill_Need(?y, ?z) Same_Skill_Worker(?z, ?a)
PT_Personality_Need(?y, ?b) has_Personality(?a,
?b) Quality_Intensive_Worker(?x, ?a)
Rule-5: Project(?x) has_Type(?x, ?y)
PT_Skill_Need(?y, ?z) Same_Skill_Worker(?z, ?a)
Hostile_to(?a, ?b) Watch_List(?x, ?b)
Before implementing this case study, known facts
(instances) of concepts must be identified. For
example, instances about workers, including age,
salary, and skill, must be given into the asserted
properties. Some instances regarding the example
scenario are detailed below. Table 1 lists known
instances of the Project_Type concept. Each instance
involves three known property values, such as skills
required of the project manager, skills required of
workers, and the personalities preferred by the
project. These instances are considered to represent
the best practices for future projects.
Table 1: Instance samples of the Project_Type.
Type PM Skills* Member Skills* Personalities**
High_A; High_E
ERP PC; PMC; PP BM; CUT High_C; High_E
HRM PP QA; TR Low_N; High_C
MES PMC; PP; RD; TR; SAD High_A; High_E
PLM PP; CM BM; CM; CUT High_O; High_C
*Skills. BM: business modeling; CM: configuration management;
CUT: coding and unit test; DP: deployment; PC: project closure;
PMC: project monitor and control; PP: project planning; and etc.
**Personalities. A: Agreeableness; C: Conscientiousness; E:
Extraversion; N: Neuroticism; O: Openness
Table 2 lists partial instances of the Worker
concept. The row headings indicate the property
names for each instance. A worker comprises eight
known property such as title and gender. The
has_Skill property presents a list of skill items. The
symbol ‘×’ indicates that a worker has this
corresponding skill. In the Personality property, the
symbols N, A, C, E, and O denote Neuroticism,
Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion and
Openness respectively. Furthermore, the symbol ‘+’
represents positive psychological power, while the ‘-
’ indicates negative psychological power. Total 17
persons are identified for the following experiments.
Table 2: Instance samples of the Worker.
ame Allen Alvin Cindy Eric Leon Mavis Phil Stan Ted
Gender M M F M M F M M M
Salary 48k 52k 40k 70k 160k 50k 120k 67k 70k
Seniority 7 3 2 2 3 8 5 8 7
BM × ×
CM ×
UAT × ×
Hostile_to - Ian - Flying - Jeff Stan
Phil Phil
The first case uses instances of Project_Type as a
reference for best project practices. For example,
when a project is newly created, the decision makers
identify the project has having typical features like
the BPM. As shown in Figure 1, a user selects the
BPM as a known fact in the has_Type property. This
property value is initially the only factual knowledge
associated with the new project. After firing the
JESS rule engine, the project obtained five inference
results as presented within inferred properties. The
rules engine utilizes known facts of the BPM to
provide for the computational needs of Rule-1 to 5.
For example, Rule-1 is applied to identify qualified
workers using the instances in the PT_Skill_Need
property of the BPM, including BM, CM, SAD and
DP. A total of nine workers were inferred into the
Qualified_Basic_Worker property. Rule-2 deduced
two qualified project managers such as Eric and
Leon for this new project. Rule-3 deduced four
candidate workers for Qualified_Advanced_Worker
property. These workers are all highly qualified and
each had over 5 years of working experience. Rule-4
treats preferred personalities as noted criteria in the
property of the BPM. A total two workers were
recommended inside the Quality_Intensive_Worker
property. These workers have at least one
personality item conforming to Agreeableness,
Extraversion, or both. Finally, Rule-5 contributed
five workers to the Watch_List property. These
workers may have interpersonal relationship issues
based on the record of the Hostile_to property of the
Figure 1: Using the instance of Project_Type as a
reference to infer candidate team members.
This study employs OWL as the notation for
representing knowledge to be stored in the ontology.
SWRL rules are applied to infer semantic
relationships of instances. Once ontology and rules
are used for knowledge representation, it is possible
to stipulate practical facts as factual knowledge. The
experimental results demonstrate that the proposed
design can support the system for identifying
appropriate project teams. Additionally, the
proposed design stresses that the system can be
continually maintained by factual knowledge
providers rather than system developers. The
inference mechanism then helps establish a new and
complete knowledge base for maintaining system
reliability. Consequently, the combination of
semantic rules and ontologies can manage intricate
information such as the project teaming problem
mentioned in this study.
The author would like to thank the National Science
Council of the ROC for financially supporting this
research under Contract No. NSC 99-2410-H-033 -
028 -MY3.
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