The modern IES ААN control system should
provide the solution of the following problems:
Control of IES ААN operation conditions and
Control of settings, parameters and conditions of
active-adaptive devices and technological objects
Control of routing and transmission of the
electricity and power on the basis of active–
adaptive algorithms;
Monitoring of a technical state, operation and
reliability of IES ААN basic objects;
Monitoring of a technical state of auxiliary
technological systems;
Planning and development of an IES ААN
technological complex;
Power quality control;
Provision of technological safety and control of
IES ААN and its objects in emergency
Estimation of situations and forecasting of their
development for decision-making;
Technical support and operation of technical
objects and facilities of IES ААN;
The commercial and technical account of the
electricity and power;
Information interaction in a hierarchical network
of IES AAN dispatching and operating
Information security of a control system.
For the effective solution
of IES ААN control
problems on-line in the conditions of incomplete
information on parameters of EPS and disturbances,
the use of uniform principles of control and
qualitatively new kinds of techniques and
technologies is necessary, including means and
systems of:
Control and regulation of active and reactive
power with application of power electronics;
Limitation of short circuit currents;
Electricity storage;
Forecasting and intelligent analysis of
Support of operative decisions, generation of
recommendations and control actions on
localization and liquidation of failures;
Control and analysis of a technical state and a
residual resource of the technological equipment;
Availability of high-speed, completely
integrated, bilateral technology of
communication and commutations between IES
subjects for interactive interchange of
information, energy, and monetary flows
between them in real time;
The intelligent account of the electricity and
control of power consumption.
The further development of IES ААN provides:
Design and the subsequent application of new
types of power equipment giving active
properties to an electric grid (on the basis of
power semiconductors, new kinds of materials,
including high-temperature superconductivity
and so forth);
Creation of new means and systems of relay
protection, automatic operation and emergency
control devices, and equipment diagnostics;
Creation of new systems and means of
accounting energy resources;
Design of control systems for substations of new
Improvement of existing hierarchical systems for
coordination and control of power flows and
frequency regulation, for automated control of
generation, IES ААN fragments (power
segments), and the integrated control systems of
higher level, as well as design and
implementation of new ones;
Provision of a new quality of monitoring and
protection of networks against external
contingencies (lightning, icing, wind effects,
wires sagging etc.);
Monitoring of parameters of reliability and
quality of electricity transmission services.
Finally creation
of IES ААN should provide a
qualitatively new level of efficiency of electric
power industry development and functioning, raise
system security and, the main thing, quality and
reliability of electricity supply to consumers.
Voropai N. I., 2011. Intellectual electric power systems:
the concept, a condition, prospects//Automation and
IT in power engineering, 2011, №3. With. 11-15. [in