prosumerization, whereby any stakeholder can
autonomously produce, consume, import and/or
export power. Since the classical centralized and
top-down organized power system cannot efficiently
and sustainably handle the new scenario, a new
optimal way of structuring the system is essential.
We have presented an optimal alternative
architecture using the concepts of holons and
holarchy. Our architecture organizes the system
bottom-up from autonomous prosumers that are
recursively clustered at various aggregation layers
allowing dynamic reconfiguration. The proposed
architecture is generic allowing it to accommodate
the heterogeneous composition of the power grid. A
corresponding control architecture is also presented
together with a service oriented architecture (SOA)
based framework that models the holonic control
architecture. Currently, we are working on
formulating the details of the proposed holonic
control architecture, aiming at defining the relevant
control functions and designing the appropriate
protocols for their interaction with each other as well
as with their environment.
The proposed architecture is in line with the
trends in prosumerization of the power system.
Moreover, it is generic and is capable of
accommodating the potentially heterogeneous types
of networks in the smart grid. Its implementation
poses several requirements though. The physical
infrastructures need to be enhanced to accommodate
the required level of flexibility. Intelligent solutions
are required to enable bidirectional power flows, to
easily connect and island prosumers, and to maintain
system stability under these circumstances. Further,
the prosumer holons need intelligent units that can
exchange information across communication
infrastructures, process information and make
Further, modelling the behaviours of the
autonomous prosumers is essential to propose
coordination mechanisms for optimal system-wide
behaviour. On the other hand, an in-depth
investigation of the relevant legal issues is essential
to design relevant regulations that accommodate the
envisioned system.
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