Ebisa Negeri and Nico Baken
Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
Keywords: Smart Grid, Architecture, Prosumer.
Abstract: The ever increasing concerns for energy security, energy efficiency, and sustainable energy is offering
various challenges for the power grid. With increasing penetration of the distributed generations, the
electricity power system is facing an era of prosumerization, whereby all stakeholders can autonomously
produce, consume, import and/or export power. The classical power grid with top-down organization and
control does not fit this dynamics, hence reorganizing the rather old architecture of the system is
indispensable. In this paper, we propose a generic architecture of the smart grid that fits the new scenario
based on the concepts of holons. The proposed architecture of the system is composed of autonomous
prosumers that are organized bottom-up in a recursive manner involving various aggregation layers,
forming a dynamically reconfigurable system. A corresponding control architecture that employs a holonic
approach to simultaneously capture the autonomy of the prosumers, the recursion and the dynamic
reconfiguration of the proposed system is also proposed. We extend our work by proposing a service
oriented architecture (SOA) framework to support our control architecture.
With the increasing need of enhancing the share of
renewable energy, energy security and efficiency,
distributed sources are increasingly penetrating into
the electricity grid. Consequently, the lower end
points of the grid are “taking power into their own
hands” as they own distributed sources. For instance,
households are evolving from passive consumers to
active prosumers that can generate, store, import or
export power. According to the European
parliament, all new buildings to be built after 2019
will have to produce their own energy on site
European Parliament (2009)). The electric vehicles
and the future fuel cell vehicles could become
mobile power storage and generation elements of the
grid. These trends imply that the power system is
facing an era of prosumerization, whereby all
stakeholders can autonomously produce, consume,
import and/or export power on the grid. In this work,
prosumer is a general term that refers to a system
that autonomously manages its resources and is
capable of bidirectionally exchanging power with its
While prosumers autonomously manage their
own resources, they can join other prosumers whose
profile “complement” their own to exchange power
with them. Further, a group of such prosumers might
constitute a larger prosumer cluster to gain the
power of the collective and bargain with the rest of
the grid as a unit. Yet, a group of prosumer clusters
can form a bigger prosumer cluster to benefit the
power of the bigger collective. In this era of
prosumerization, it seems that the future power
system builds bottom-up. Thus, restructuring the
rather old centralized top-down organized power
system is crucial to accommodate the dynamics.
In this paper, we propose a generic architecture
of the smart grid and its corresponding control
architecture that can efficiently manage the era of
prosumerization. Our proposed architecture employs
holonic approach to organize the system bottom-up
by aggregating the prosumers at different
aggregation layers. The proposed architecture
incorporates dynamic reconfiguration capability
allowing the system to adapt to changes. We have
also proposed a control architecture that well suits
the envisioned system. Further, a service-oriented
architecture (SOA) bases framework that models the
control application of our proposed system is
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
After we present the related background of the topic
in Section 2, we present our proposed architecture of
the system in Section 3. Our holonic control
Negeri E. and Baken N..
DOI: 10.5220/0003952500730078
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems (SMARTGREENS-2012), pages 73-78
ISBN: 978-989-8565-09-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
architecture and its SOA based model are present in
Section 4. In Section 5, we describe the conditions
required to realize the proposed architecture. Finally,
we present the concluding remarks of the paper in
Section 6.
2.1 Recent Concepts in Power System
Recently, various new concepts have been proposed
to manage the new trends in the power system. The
Flexible, Reliable, and Intelligent Electrical eNergy
Delivery System (FRIENDS) (Nara and Hasegawa,
1997) was proposed aiming to create a new
framework for power system that realizes flexible
reconfiguration of the system using switching
operation, multiple menu service to allow customers
to select the quality of power, and demand side
management. The concept of Virtual Power Plants
(VPP) was introduced as a cluster of distributed
power sources which are collectively managed
(Dielmann and van der Velden, 2003). The
Microgrid concept (Hatziargyriou et al., 2006) was
suggested as a low voltage (LV) distribution system
comprising of distributed sources, controlled loads
and storage systems that are coordinated to achieve a
controllable operation either as an island or
connected to the medium voltage (MV) grid.
Another concept is the autonomous network
(AN), which is a part of the system but its behavior
is more or less independent from the rest (Provoost
et al., 2004). AN differs from the microgrid because
AN is larger in size and complexity, as well as its
aim is primarily optimizing its normal operation. In
(van Overbeeke and Roberts, 2002), the active
networks concept is presented where the network is
subdivided into cells that are self managing, but not
necessarily self supplying. This concept involves
interconnection between the cells that provides more
than one power flow paths, and allows rerouting to
avoid congestion and to isolate faults. Further,
system services are traded along the connections
between the cells.
The smart grid concept represents the overall
picture of the future power network that is supported
by intelligent distributed devices and communication
technologies. In (Tsoukalas and Gao, 2008), the
smart grid is modeled as an energy internet
comprising of local area grids (LAGs), that are
demand-based autonomous entities consisting of a
convenient mixture of different customers. The
LAGs interact with the system using their intelligent
agents. The Future Renewable Electric Energy
Delivery and Management (FREEDM) (Huang et
al., 2011) have been proposed as a power
distribution system that interfaces with residential
customers and industry customers having distributed
renewable energy sources and distributed storage
devices. The key technology features of the system
are the plug-and-play interface, energy router, and
open-standard based operating system. The proposed
system relies on a flat and distributed management
A market based control concept, named
PowerMatcher, is suggested for supply and demand
matching in electricity networks with large
penetration of distributed sources (Kok et al., 2005).
In the PowerMatcher, each device uses its agent to
buy or sell power in the electronic market that is
implemented in a distributed manner using a tree
structure. The device agents can also be clustered to
form intermediated aggregator agents. In (Grijalva
and Tariq, 2011), it is argued that each component of
the power system could be considered as a
prosumer, based on which they model the electricity
power system as a flat system composed of
prosumers of different scales. Correspondingly, they
propose a totally flat control architecture of the
Although their scale, complexity and intelligence
varies, all the above concepts and technologies have
their own contributions in managing the distributed
sources. One concept could be more applicable in
some settings than the other, and vice versa.
Moreover, some of the concepts could be combined
since they complement each other. The smart grid
could be an umbrella to appropriately combine the
concepts, thereby achieve a heterogeneous and
intelligent power system that delivers its
expectations. For instance, the FRIENDS, VPP,
microgrid, AN, and active networks could form sub-
networks of the smart grid, while FREEDM
provides the power delivery infrastructure
supporting the sub-networks and PowerMatcher
delivers the transaction services.
In this work, we endeavor to propose a generic
architecture of the smart grid that tends to converge
the various proposed concepts. Our proposed
architecture appropriately accommodates the
heterogeneous composition of the smart grid as well
as provides flexibility, intelligence and autonomy at
all level of the grid as required.
2.2 Holons and Holarchy
The word holon was coined by (Koestler, 1990), and
it refers to a logical entity that is both a whole and a
part. For example, a cell in your body is a holon
because it is a distinct living entity that has a distinct
cell wall defining its interface with the rest of the
world. However, a cell is composed of smaller
holons such as nucleus and chromosome that are
also separate entities. Yet, a group of cell holons
together form a higher aggregation layer tissue
holon, a group of tissue holons form an organ holon,
and so on.
A holon is basically autonomous, cooperative
and recursive. Holons exhibit self-similar recursive
structure and are organized in various aggregation
layers to form a complete holarchy as shown in
Figure 1. In a holarchy, each holon can function
autonomously thereby enabling formation of a
distributed system. While functioning
autonomously, a holon can cooperate with other
holons in the holarchy to achieve mutual goals. In a
dynamic environment, holons can also be
dynamically reorganized thereby making the
holarchy more robust to changes adapting itself to its
environment. Recently, there is a growing interest in
the holonic approach in the development of various
systems (e.g. (Moghadam and Mozayani, 2011) and
(Lai and Qin, 2010)).
Figure 1: A Holarchy: organization of holons.
We model the smart grid as a system formed from
interconnection of prosumers of different types and
complexities. A prosumer could be as simple as a
household that autonomously manages its resources
(appliances, distributed sources, and/or storage
systems). Other systems such as VPP, microgrid,
AN, etc. can also be regarded as prosumers. A
prosumer can have a sub-part that is also a prosumer
in itself. Our proposed architecture reflects a
paradigm shift from a centralized top-down system
to a decentralized bottom-up one where prosumers
recursively join in different aggregation layers to
form the whole power system. The new scenario
entails self-similarity because the prosumers exhibit
the autonomy to produce, consume, import, and/or
export power, irrespective of their aggregation level.
The autonomy, aggregation into layers,
recursiveness (self-similarity), and dynamic
adaptation of a holonic system make it well suited to
model the envisioned smart grid. We model each
prosumer as a holon and the entire power system as
a holarchy. The new power system holarchy has the
following major features.
3.1 Autonomy/Self-Management
The prosumer holons autonomously manage their
own resources and optimize their utilization.
Further, a prosumer holon can choose to be part of a
bigger prosumer holon and exchange power with its
surrounding, or operate as a self-supplying islanded
unit. The autonomy of the prosumer holons aids a
distributed control capability of the system that
would be otherwise very difficult to control
centrally. Autonomy might also increase the
consciousness of the prosumer holon, making it
more cautious about its consumption, which could
increase energy efficiency.
3.2 Bottom-up Organization
The prosumer holons (such as households) at a
lower aggregation level may be self-organized to
constitute a bigger prosumer holon (such as a
neighbourhood energy community) to locally
exchange power with each other and to gain a
collective bargaining power with the rest of the grid.
For the same reasons, the newly formed prosumer
holon can still be connected to its peers in a network
in the next higher aggregation layer to form yet a
bigger prosumer holon. Further bottom-up grouping
of such holons in networks-of-networks continues
recursively in higher aggregation levels and
eventually constitutes the overall holarchy of the
smart grid as shown in Figure 2. Simon (Simon,
1962) has shown that this recursive clustering at
different aggregation layers is inherent behaviour of
all complex systems. The smaller holons that form a
bigger holon are referred to as sub-holons of the
bigger holon on the next aggregation layer, whereas,
the bigger holon on the next aggregation layer that
contains a holon is referred to as its super-holon.
The bottom-up organization at different aggregation
layers provides efficient structure that abstracts and
simplifies the coordination of the system. Moreover,
the aggregation of prosumer holons into super-
holons might increase the reliability of the collective
as the profiles of the individual holons might
complement each other. Further, the local power
exchanges between the prosumer holons reduces
both the transportation losses and the costly
investment costs to upgrade the transmission
capacity to meet the ever increasing demands.
Figure 2: Bottom-up organization of prosumer holons to
form the power holarchy.
3.3 Dynamic Reconfiguration
Over an interval of time, a prosumer holon may be
in the state of either self sufficiency, surplus
production, or excess demands. Thus, the prosumer
holons in our envisioned system can leave one
super-holon to join another one over a period of time
to look for a set of holons that complement their
profiles, thereby optimizing their resource
utilization. It has been shown in (Erol-kantarci et al.,
2011) that a set of microgrids could be dynamically
reorganized during a day into clusters according to
their profiles to optimize the utilization of their
renewable resources. Moreover, prosumer holons
can join a super-holon for some time intervals
during a day and operate in island mode at other
intervals, for example in response to potential faults.
Such flexibilities lead to a dynamic reconfiguration
of the smart grid holarchy over a period of time.
3.4 Intelligence and Communication
A prosumer holon needs to coordinate its
components, as well as coordinate itself with its
surrounding to optimize utilization of resources and
to ensure system stability. This coordination
involves large information flows and require
intelligent information processing units that
constitute the “nerve system” of the “organic” power
system. Accordingly, each prosumer holon requires
communication capabilities and an intelligent device
that makes decisions based on the gathered
Given the nature of the envisioned power system, its
control architecture needs to exhibit the following
properties: 1) sufficient autonomy of each prosumer
holon to manage its own resources; 2) recursive
structure where a prosumer is composed of smaller
prosumers at the lower aggregation layer, and at the
same time be part of a larger prosumer holon at a
higher aggregation layer; 3) layered structure to
facilitate coordination between different aggregation
layers; 4) dynamic reconfiguration to runtime
topology change. The holonic architecture, as
explained before, nicely fits the envisioned system
because it combines distributed control and a layered
coordination structure. It also provides dynamic
reconfiguration and recursive structure that best
model the system.
4.1 Holonic Control Architecture
Our holonic control architecture maintains the
proposed structure in the envisioned power system.
In the control domain, a control-holon represents the
control system of a prosumer holon. Thus, holonic
control units will be recursively organized in a
bottom-up structure to form a complete control-
holarchy of the smart grid. When the prosumer
holon has prosumer sub-holons, its control-holon is
also composed of the corresponding control-sub-
holons (i.e. control systems of sub-holons). The
control-sub-holons can interact with each other, as
well as with their control-holon.
Figure 3 depicts the holonic control architecture.
As shown in the figure, the control-holon could
represent its members in the next aggregation layer
as a member of a control-super-holon. The control
mechanism involves mutual negotiations between
the control-holon and the control-sub-holons. As
part of the negotiations, a control-sub-holon might
agree to submit part of its autonomy to the control-
holon. Once agreements are reached, the control-
holon is responsible to enforce the terms and
conditions. The power transactions and provision of
system services are based on mutual negotiations,
and the control-holon can play a coordinating role to
maintain the desired overall state of the system.
Coordination could be achieved in various ways
such as by providing incentives or through local
electronic markets within the holon.
Figure 3: Control architecture of a prosumer holon.
While the prosumer holons are organized in a
holarchy as in Figure 2, the control-holon
investigates the situations in the external
environment and presents the opportunities and
threats to its control-sub-holons, and corresponding
decisions are made through negotiations. The
control-sub-holons also need to translate the
negotiations to their corresponding control-sub-
holons (if any), and the process continues
recursively in the holarchy. In this manner, the
control-holons at various aggregation layers will be
conscious about the dynamics in the system and
make corresponding optimal decisions through
In the holonic control architecture, the
aggregation level of a control-holon does not
indicate its level of influence. The level of influence
of control-holons are decided through contracts that
involve negotiations. Accordingly, up on joining a
super-holon a control-sub-holon might choose to
retain its full autonomy, or submit its autonomy to
the control-holon of its super-holon partly or fully.
4.2 Service Framework of the Holonic
The proposed control paradigm involves a large
number of autonomous actors that interact with each
other and exchange power. Such a scenario poses
various challenges relater to interoperability,
scalability, discovery, real-time decision making and
others that are best addressed by the Service
Oriented Architecture (SOA) (Pagani and Aiello,
2011). SOA is an architecture that models an
application as a set of loosely coupled, flexible,
reusable and adaptable functional units called
services, whereby the services are interrelated
through well-defined interfaces and contracts. The
main advantages of SOA include platform-
independence of the interfaces that aids
interoperability, the flexibility and reusability of the
services, and its easy adaptation to evolutionary
changes in the application. While SOA can be
implemented using different technologies, the web
services is the most popular one because of the wide
acceptance of its standards. Web service technology
exposes web services, which are sets of operations,
on the web; thereby allowing high degree of
integration among them.
Our proposed service framework of the holonic
control is composed of four major services.
1. Database service - srvDatabase: This web
service takes care of storing, accessing,
updating and maintaining the relevant data of
the prosumer holon. The data could include
topology information, parameter
specifications of the grid and the components,
history of production, demand and storage
profiles, etc.
2. State Evaluation Service -
srvStateEvaluation: This web service takes
care of getting information about the real-
time state of the holon and its environment,
forecasting the profiles over the next
interval(s) of time, and setting appropriate
goals depending on the current state and the
3. Optimization Service - srvOptimization: This
service ensures optimal utilization of
resources. This could involve devising a
coordination mechanism to be proposed to
sub-holons to achieve a desirable profile, and
finding optimal scheduling of the resources,
such as power sources, storage systems, and
4. Transaction Service - srvTransaction: This
service contains operations that support
power transactions between prosumer holons.
For instance, a prosumer holon that wants to
import power can publish its demand, while it
can notify others about its interest to export
its surplus production. Through such
operations the prosumer holons can negotiate
and exchange electric power with each other.
5. Stability Service - srvStability: This service is
a set of operations that guard the stability of
the prosumer holon. It must make sure that
the active and reactive power are balanced,
the power quality is maintained, and faults
are safely recovered.
The electricity power system is facing an era of
prosumerization, whereby any stakeholder can
autonomously produce, consume, import and/or
export power. Since the classical centralized and
top-down organized power system cannot efficiently
and sustainably handle the new scenario, a new
optimal way of structuring the system is essential.
We have presented an optimal alternative
architecture using the concepts of holons and
holarchy. Our architecture organizes the system
bottom-up from autonomous prosumers that are
recursively clustered at various aggregation layers
allowing dynamic reconfiguration. The proposed
architecture is generic allowing it to accommodate
the heterogeneous composition of the power grid. A
corresponding control architecture is also presented
together with a service oriented architecture (SOA)
based framework that models the holonic control
architecture. Currently, we are working on
formulating the details of the proposed holonic
control architecture, aiming at defining the relevant
control functions and designing the appropriate
protocols for their interaction with each other as well
as with their environment.
The proposed architecture is in line with the
trends in prosumerization of the power system.
Moreover, it is generic and is capable of
accommodating the potentially heterogeneous types
of networks in the smart grid. Its implementation
poses several requirements though. The physical
infrastructures need to be enhanced to accommodate
the required level of flexibility. Intelligent solutions
are required to enable bidirectional power flows, to
easily connect and island prosumers, and to maintain
system stability under these circumstances. Further,
the prosumer holons need intelligent units that can
exchange information across communication
infrastructures, process information and make
Further, modelling the behaviours of the
autonomous prosumers is essential to propose
coordination mechanisms for optimal system-wide
behaviour. On the other hand, an in-depth
investigation of the relevant legal issues is essential
to design relevant regulations that accommodate the
envisioned system.
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