voltage variation, when the tap of the transformer
changes from 1.05 pu to 1.025 pu. The reduction in
the reference voltage set-point (ΔV
=–0.025 pu) is
necessary because overvoltages are expected to
occur in this situation. As before, two elasticities
were considered.
Figure 10: Maximum and minimum bus voltage variation,
when the tap of the transformer changes from 1.05 pu to
1.025 pu; load elasticity: 2 (top) and 0 (bottom); case-
study 2.
From Figure 10, the following conclusions can
be undertaken:
• Regardless of the load type, the maximum bus
voltage reduction is always smaller than the
transformer reference voltage variation.
• For loads with elasticity of 2, the minimum bus
voltage variation follows closely the maximum bus
voltage variation.
• For loads with zero elasticity, the minimum bus
voltage variation is higher than the transformer
voltage variation.
The results of cases 1 and 2 allow the conclusion
that, in LV networks, changes in the transformer tap
may impact the feeder voltages in a way that is hard
to predict. The impact in minimum voltages can be
either amplified or reduced significantly depending
on the elasticity being small or large. This, together
with the need to regulate for both high voltages in
off-peak periods and low voltage in peak periods,
makes tap changing voltage regulation a difficult
approach to voltage control in LV networks.
Up to now, it is common knowledge that voltage
decreases along the feeders in LV networks, due to
the effect of the loads. However, this might not be
the case nowadays, with the increasing penetration
of small PV generators directly connected to the LV
grids. It is expected that the voltage rises in the
daylight, when the load is low and the generation is
high. The traditional voltage control method trough
proper management of reactive power flow is
ineffective, due to the high resistive characteristics
of the LV cables/lines. Therefore, active power
control is required and the disconnection of PV
microgeneration is the straightforward solution. This
paper tries to demonstrate that this drastic measure
may be avoided, if the PVs are able to receive
commands specifying the maximum power
generation level, when the voltage is out of its
acceptable operation range. In most cases, partial
generation shedding may prove effective to control
the voltage.
The issue of proper regulation of the taps of the
MV/LV transformer is also an important one. This is
hard to achieve because it must comply with a
twofold conflicting objective: on one hand, it must
mitigate the undervoltages during peak load periods
and, on the other hand, to control the overvoltages
during off-peak load periods. Furthermore, it has
been shown in the paper that transformer tap
changes effects are difficult to predict because they
depend on the load elasticity. This makes tap
changing voltage regulation a difficult approach to
voltage control in LV networks.
This work was partially supported by EDP
Distribuição via the InovGrid project.
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