Arto Salminen
Department of Software Systems, Tampere University of Technology, P.O. Box 553, FI-33101, Tampere, Finland
Keywords: Mashups, Web 3.0.
Abstract: Web has developed into a platform where applications live as services. This is referred to as Web 2.0. The
next version, Web 3.0, refers to using the Web in a new way in new domains. In addition to realizing se-
mantic web, Web 3.0 includes other advantageous concepts too. This paper discusses about mashups in
Web 3.0 and describes how mashups will be an integral part of it. Moreover, we will point out some re-
markable technical solutions that enable new kind of mashups and speculate about the time when these
mashups can be fully implemented and realized.
The way the Web is used has gone through signifi-
cant changes. The Web 1.0 was a simple platform
for browsing static documents that were connected
with hyperlinks. Next version, Web 2.0, introduced
user created content in a significant degree as well as
collaboration between users. Communities and so-
cial networks as well as different services that en-
abled sharing videos, images and texts became
popular. Mashups, web applications that integrate
resources — i.e. the content created by users and
enterprises — over the web were developed into a
new breed of software that is widely utilized in dif-
ferent domains including mobile and desktop plat-
forms. Currently, we are experiencing a paradigm
shift towards web-based software (Taivalsaari,
Mikkonen, Anttonen and Salminen, 2011), which
consists of resources that can be located anywhere in
the world and require no installation or manual up-
dates. This has had a great effect not only on how
software is used but also on development and de-
ployment of software (Taivalsaari et al., 2011). In
other words, what used to be a document browsing
platform has become a means of communication
with short messages and live audio, a place for mu-
sic and video entertainment as well as a platform for
full fledged applications such as text and spreadsheet
editors and games. However, the evolution of the
Web has not ceased, and as technical and other bar-
riers are overcome it turns into version 3.0.
There is no clear definition for Web 3.0. Some
use the term as a synonym for semantic web
(Hendler, 2009). Others, however, think that Web
3.0 refers to new ways to use the web, and using it in
new domains (Silva, Saleh, Rahman and El Saddik,
2008). Our perception of Web 3.0 is the latter.
Similarly to Silva et al. (2008), we define Web 3.0
as “tomorrows web” that is ubiquitous and
pervasive, which, in addition to semantic web,
utilizes also other concepts such as ambient
intelligence, smart interfaces and intelligent agents.
In addition to these, in our view the Web 3.0
includes the concept of mashware, software created
as a mashup as described in a technical report by
Taivalsaari (2009). Mashware enables personaliza-
tion and on-fly customization of web applications;
ideally automatically or by the users.
As already pointed out, mashups combine
content from more than one source into an integrated
experience. This ability to aggregate content
leverages the power of the Web to support
worldwide sharing, accessing and reusing resources
from different locations or in different contexts.
Consequently, mashups, as well as mashware,
demonstrate the capability of the Web to act as
global-scale distribution channel for arbitrary
distributed applications.
In this paper we discuss about mashups utilizing
Web 3.0 concepts and technologies and present our
view on what will happen in the future in the domain
of mashups. In addition we describe forthcoming
issues that are related to software mashupping using
new web technologies. To gain better understanding
about how Web 3.0 will benefit mashup developer,
we start with a brief background study about the
Salminen A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003953901890194
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 189-194
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
This paper is structured as follows. In Section 2,
we present the concepts that are included and
discussed about under term “Web 3.0”. In Section 3,
we describe mashups that are enabled by Web 3.0
technologies and present examples of applications
available today. Finally, in Section 4, we conclude
the paper.
We do not use term “Web 3.0” as a synonym for
semantic web. Our perception of Web 3.0 contains
not only the ideas introduced as “semantic web” but
a lot more. Term “semantic web” refers to extending
web documents so that information in them has clear
meaning understandable for machines (Berners-Lee,
Hendler and Lassila, 2001; Shadbolt, Berners-Lee
and Hall, 2006). It can be used to create interoper-
able websites that make information exchange ef-
fortless. For example, semantic web has been suc-
cessful in the domain of scientific publications (Das,
Goetz, Girard and Clark, 2009). In our view, seman-
tic web is an enabler for Web 3.0 applications but
there are other aspects as well.
In the Web 3.0, the connection with the rest of
the world via Internet is pervasive. It is available at
everywhere for everyone at anytime. This has been
achieved already as mobile terminals — that have
become inexpensive enough for everyone to pur-
chase — enable us to be online at all times, without
interruption. However, as new web-enabled devices
have been introduced, web applications can reach
new fields of everyday devices. Game consoles,
televisions and set top boxes already contain web
applications and similar capabilities are spreading
into cars, book reading devices and picture frames,
for instance. Furthermore, progress of ubiquitous
technologies (Weiser, 1991) makes everyday arte-
facts connected to the Internet, thus transforming
their data into resources for applications.
Another interesting development related to per-
vasive computing is ambient intelligence, which is a
slightly different concept. Ambient media or intelli-
gence refers to systems that are unobtrusive, context
aware, personalized, adaptive and anticipatory
(Zelkha, Epstein, Birrell and Dodsworth, 1998). It
emphasizes the ability of devices to communicate
and make decisions independently without user
interaction. Ambient media has been included in
Web 3.0 concept by Silva et al. (2008). This pro-
vides another view to web as a pervasive platform
used for making daily tasks easier.
Our view to Web 3.0 includes the concept of
mashware (Taivalsaari, 2009) as well. In mashware,
the idea of mashups has been expanded into soft-
ware. Mashware is created from software compo-
nents that are retrieved from all over the web and
composed together without static linking or pre-
processing. Realizing mashware in the full extend
would allow really large-scale collaboration between
developers as application components could be
shared and reused without restrictions. Similarly,
what has been achieved with current mashup tools
(see a detailed summary in (Taivalsaari, 2009)),
mashware applications could be developed possibly
by the end-users themselves. Mashware, naturally,
requires well-defined interfaces and we believe that
a lot can be learnt from the work already done in the
domain of semantic web.
Interestingly, Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt de-
scribed ideas similar to mashware when he gave his
definition for Web 3.0 at Seoul Digital Forum in
2007. Schmidt’s definition remarked that Web 3.0
applications will be pieced together, relatively small,
able to be run on any device, fast and customizable,
distributed via social networks and using data stored
in the cloud. Certain characteristics, i.e. “pieced
together”, “fast and customizable” and “using data
stored in the cloud”, are features of mashware as
well. However, according to Taivalsaari (2009),
mashware is not limited to small applications, and
distribution through social connections. Further-
more, mashware does not require universal-scale
cross-platform compatibility even though this can be
achieved with certain technologies.
Mashups rely on web services that are accessed
through APIs. Therefore, mashups benefit greatly
from recent developments called Open Web and
Open API. The term Open Web refers to develop-
ment promoted by Open Web Foundation, which is
founded by major web organizations and aimed at
promoting specifications that are royalty free and
compatible with open licenses. This makes using
different interfaces in co-operation easier. An inter-
face following Open Web recommendations and
available to be used by different parties is referred to
as an Open API.
2.1 Enabling Technologies
Web 3.0 is driven by technological challenges that
include implementing semantic web, expanding web
browser capabilities, having reliable high bandwidth
network connections, and linking physical world
with the Web.
Semantic Web. Giving semantics for data refers to
turning it into information that can be processed
independently by machines. In the domain of the
Web this means giving well-defined structure and
meaning for data stored currently within unstruc-
tured and meaningless web documents. Languages
and frameworks that can be used to achieve this
already exist. RDF (Resource Description Frame-
work), for instance, can be used with OWL (Web
Ontology Language) or XML (eXtensible Markup
Language) to describe the meaning of data within
structured web documents.
In addition, there are solutions that can be used
with the HTML, language currently used to describe
most documents available in the Web. Microformats
and microdata, the former described by the micro-
formats community (
and the latter introduced as part of HTML5 specifi-
cation (Hickson, 2011), can be used to annotate the
content with machine-readable labels. These solu-
tions are lightweight, simple and evolutionary, in
contrast to RDF used with OWL or XML, which can
be described as revolutionary, but more complex and
difficult to understand as well.
Web Browser Capabilities. Web browser perform-
ance has been increasing at unforeseen pace during
last few years. Performance in JavaScript execution
has skyrocketed thanks to development of powerful
engines during ongoing JavaScript engine race
started in 2008 between major browser vendors. In
addition to code execution performance, also docu-
ment rendering speed has evolved.
Two developments, HTML5 and WebGL, have
significantly improved capabilities of web browser
as a next generation application platform. HTML5
specification (originally named Web Applications
1.0) determines features that are typical for desktop
applications and makes them available in browsers
implemented as native features. These features in-
clude support for drag and drop, local data storage
(offline functionality), drawing surface available for
direct access by graphics hardware as well as video
and audio playing capabilities. Even though HTML5
specification is still at the draft stage many features
have already been implemented by browser vendors
and included in stable versions of web browsers.
WebGL is a technology that enables hardware
accelerated 3D graphics in a web browser. This is
remarkable because it allows visually attractive
games and other applications to be created without
browser plug-ins. WebGL can be used for 2D graph-
ics as well, and this enables developers to create
graphics in procedural style without web browsers
document object model (DOM), which is aimed at
presenting static documents. WebGL specification
has reached its first stable version number 1.0. Be-
cause of WebGL is a very low level interface, nu-
merous higher level frameworks and libraries have
been developed to make it easier and faster to create
WebGL applications.
Cross-origin Resource Sharing. One of the signifi-
cant problems in composing mashups has been web
browsers poor capability to communicate across
domains. Because of restricting security model of
web browsers, also known as the Same Origin Pol-
icy, to be able to communicate directly with differ-
ent web services one has need to use some cumber-
some workarounds, such as dynamically inserted
script elements and JSON with padding (JSONP).
These workarounds are typically prone to security
threats. Thanks to a recent specification called
CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing) by W3C,
mashup developers will be able to make cross-
domain requests in similar fashion as the same do-
main requests. However, CORS needs to be imple-
mented by service providers and it is currently sup-
ported by only a few services.
High Bandwidth Connections. High bandwidth
Internet connections are already available for house-
holds and the price of subscribing for a high band-
width connection in western countries has decreased.
However, numerous areas exist where the prices are
still relatively high. In addition to fixed Internet
connections, mobile connections with fixed rate data
plans have rapidly become common in western
countries. According to the OECD’s latest statistics
(December 2011) there are 309 million fixed and
590 million mobile broadband subscriptions. Num-
ber of wireless subscriptions rose 26 % during last
year whereas the number of fixed subscriptions was
increased only by 5.8 %.
In spite of the increase in mobile subscriptions,
mobile Internet is still often unreliable, and it suffers
from different kinds of defects. For instance, mobile
connections typically suffer from long latency times
and issues on handover situations, which can be
major shortcomings with certain types of applica-
tions. Luckily, new cellular broadband technologies
are providing solutions for these and other technical
Linking Physical World with the Web. Linking
the physical world with web capable applications
such as mashups can add a new dimension to the
user experience of a mashup. Location-awareness
has already been proven successful in mobile games,
in which it has been found to be a very attractive
feature (Korhonen, Saarenpää and Paavilainen,
2008). In addition to player location, physical arte-
facts have been incorporated into games as well
(Reid, 2008). Similar idea would benefit mashups as
well. However, linking not only location but also
physical items into the mashup requires some infra-
structure to be built. The infrastructure, however,
does not need to be high-end technology, but simple
2D bar codes containing small amount of necessary
information of the linkage may be enough.
Mashups will take advantage on developing web
technologies and concepts introduced along Web
3.0. In the following, we discuss about how mashups
benefit from Web 3.0 technologies today, in near
and in distant future.
3.1 Mashups Today
Mobile Mashups. Most successful mobile mashups
today are those used for communication with multi-
ple instant messaging services. These are available
for all mobile operating systems and used quite
widely. Reasons behind this success of instant mes-
saging mashups are, first the obvious need for appli-
cations of this kind caused by rivalling instant mes-
saging service providers, and second the fact that
mobile devices suit particularly well for communi-
cating with other people. Another type of a success-
ful mobile mashup is map-based mashups. Typi-
cally, these mashups show some additional location-
related information on top of a map, for instance
some mashups show other user locations on a map.
Pervasive Mashups. Mashups can be found in eve-
ryday devices as well. Some televisions, for in-
stance, include media front-end applications that
have capabilities to present videos from multiple
web services. Furthermore, mashup for presenting
weather information is another popular application
in this kind of device.
HTML5 Mashups. Utilizing HTML5 in mashups is
already possible. With HTML5 creating mashups is
more straightforward. It enables using video and
audio elements in mashups without the need for
plug-ins. With HTML5’s WebSockets it is possible
to create real-time collaborative mashups, as they
can be used for low latency bi-directional communi-
cation without the overhead caused by HTTP, which
is used before for applications of this kind.
Using W3C’s Geolocation API it is possible to
create location-aware mashups. This enables some
context-awareness such as location dependent
searches and filtering. However, location accuracy
gained with this technology is sometimes very poor.
For instance, when travelling with a train and con-
necting to the web with the internal WLAN of the
train, Geolocation usually points to one of the sta-
tions that may be on the other side of the country.
As HTML5 specification and other new APIs are
relatively new and still at draft stage, it is necessary
to create fallback mechanisms if it is desired to be
sure that mashups relying on these techniques work
for all users. This adds complexity of mashup archi-
tectures and implementations.
3.2 Mashups in Near Future
Some Web 3.0 technologies are already available
outside research laboratories in commercial devices.
We anticipate that mashups relying on such tech-
nologies will be available in the near future. In the
following, we discuss about mashups that are built
on these technologies.
WebGL Mashups. WebGL specification enables
hardware accelerated 3D graphics in a web browser.
This technology has not been yet utilized in mash-
ups. 3D graphics could be well fitted into social
mashups which would be used to communicate with
other users in virtual spaces. Another way to use
WebGL in mashups could be creating new visualiza-
tions for services, for instance video and picture
services. Furthermore, 3D enables new ways to
present complex data. For instance, a stock mashup
that tries to compress enormous amount of informa-
tion in one screen could benefit from using WebGL
graphics to make the information easier to interpret.
Mashups Accessing Arbitrary Mobile Peripher-
als. Mashups with access to mobile device peripher-
als will become common in the near future. One
domain of such mashups is augmented reality.
Augmented reality mashup could access the camera
of the device and add information related to the
context of the user on top of the real time video. The
information would be retrieved from web services,
for instance a mashup could use a visual search
service to provide photos and details of an unidenti-
fied plant or access Wikipedia to provide additional
information about sights located around the user.
Mashups of this kind would rely on accurate infor-
mation about user location as well as device orienta-
Ambient Mashups. With ambient media, there are
possibilities for even more advanced mashups. Us-
ing a mobile terminal to have effortless access to
content relevant to the user context, and combining
this context with the resources of the Web, can be
very valuable for the user, especially if the mashup
could work autonomously without explicit user
input. Furthermore, if the mashup allows user col-
laboration, even richer user experiences can be pro-
Mashware. Another development in the near future
will be the first fully mashware applications. Mash-
ware will be combined from multiple components
according to user’s needs. For instance, a mashware
video player could be constructed from components
that are added according to which services the user
would like to access, what types of videos are played
and what type of device the player is executed on. If,
for instance, YouTube (
and Vimeo ( services were used,
the application would include interfaces only for
those services and exclude interfacing components
for Qik ( and Yahoo Video
( The player could add the
rendering component according to the video types so
that opening a video in Ogg Theora, H.264 and
Adobe Flash format would result in adding a corre-
sponding component to the application. Further-
more, the user interface of the player would be
added as a component so that a living room media
centre would have different look and feel than a
mobile version of the same application. These appli-
cation components could be downloaded over the
web from different services following a common
interface specification. Naturally it is possible to
provide a closed repository of components as well.
High-bandwidth Mashups. As mobile network
connections get faster it will be possible to develop
mashup applications that combine resources that
require a lot of bandwidth. This can be for instance a
high quality real time mobile television combined
with related web content.
Mashups Embedded in Everyday Devices. In
addition to televisions, other devices will have
mashup applications as well. Mashups will be in-
cluded in devices such as vehicles and game con-
soles. For instance a car navigator with a web con-
nection could show live weather information and
web camera images in addition to driving instruc-
tions. Furthermore, games can use mashups to add
changing content into the game worlds. These
mashups embedded in everyday devices will turn
more advanced as well when the full potential of
these specialized platforms is combined with web
resources in imaginative ways.
Mashups in Games. In the future, mashups will be
implemented within games as well. Web content
from different sources can elaborate games in nu-
merous ways. Dynamic content has already proven
to be successful in games (Vanhatupa, 2009). For
instance, game character’s presence could be added
with images and messages from players account on
social networking services. Game worlds could
include content from the real world, for example
news casts could be played and real weather condi-
tions could be reflected. Furthermore, games that are
relying on user context, such as location-aware and
augmented reality games, could naturally include
some web content that would complement the ex-
Mashups Utilizing Microformats. Microformats,
i.e. small details of information embedded in exist-
ing HTML documents, will be used in mashups as
well. These lightweight semantics are already widely
available, and using them in mashups is only a mat-
ter of time. Microformats are currently used by
search engines to annotate search results. In mash-
ups microformats could be used as an input when
requesting relevant content. Another option where
microformats are useful is content filtering.
3.3 Mashups in Distant Future
Some Web 3.0 technologies are not yet deployed in
public, or they have some technical issues that need
to be overcome before using them more widely. We
anticipate that it will take some time for mashups
relying on such technologies to emerge. In the fol-
lowing, we discuss about mashups that will be avail-
able in distant future as technical barriers are broken.
3D Mashware. As 3D web technologies have just
reached somewhat stable stage, it will take a while
for the first 3D mashware applications to become
existence. Adding third dimension to graphics re-
quires a new approach to user interface development
and therefore existing user interface frameworks
cannot be used. Furthermore, as the WebGL is a
rather low level interface, creating mashware de-
mands much attention to details. However, it is
likely that existing higher level libraries and frame-
works build for WebGL can be used as a stepping
stone. Yet another technical restriction is the inabil-
ity to use canvas element to render content formatted
in HTML. This makes it hard to reuse the existing
visual elements of the web that rely on Document
Object Model (DOM).
Mashups Relying on Semantic Web. The full-
fledged semantic web is still around the corner.
Utilizing semantic web’s full power in mashware
will result in mashups that are capable of including
new services and content types automatically.
Mashups could benefit from semantic web’s knowl-
edge about relations of artefacts (and users) in the
web and use it to provide information that is most
relevant to the user.
Mashups Utilizing Large-scale Physical Infra-
structure. Mashups that take advantage of physical
infrastructure build in everyday devices will eventu-
ally be available, but because of required installa-
tions of hardware, this is not possible in the near
future. However, mashups utilizing such physical
connection can be really innovative and useful. For
instance, Near-Field Communication (NFC) tags
installed into a retail store could be used as an input
for mashup providing price comparison information
as well as other information about products such as
possible use scenarios.
In this paper, we argued that mashups and mashware
are at the core of what is known as Web 3.0, the next
version of the web. Some mashups that utilize Web
3.0 technologies are already available and in wide
use. In addition to describing some examples of
today’s Web 3.0 mashups we pointed out mashups
and mashware applications that will likely be avail-
able in the near future. Furthermore, we discussed
some more advantageous ideas that will take some-
what longer to appear.
From software engineering point of view mash-
ups set an interesting challenge. Mashup design has
been previously considered as ad hoc activity with
minimal relation to software engineering practices,
architecting or disciplined development (Hartmann,
Doorley and Klemmer, 2008). However, our re-
search has been focused on describing disciplined
guidelines for mashup development (Salminen,
Nyrhinen, Mikkonen and Taivalsaari, 2010) as well
as general architecture for mashups (Mikkonen and
Salminen, 2011).
As technical issues are being solved in accelerat-
ing pace, our position is that mashups and mashware
will play an important role in how we will be using
the Internet in Web 3.0 era.
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