Vasiliki Simaki
, Sofia Stamou
and Nikos Kirtsis
Computer Engineering and Informatics Department, Patras University, Patras, Greece
Department of Archives and Library Science, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece
Keywords: Genre Detection, Annotation, Human Study.
Abstract: In this paper, we report on a preliminary study we carried out for identifying patterns that characterize the
genre type of Greek texts. In the course of our study, we address four distinct genre types, we record their
observable stylistic elements and we indicate their exploitation for automatic genre-based document classi-
fication. The findings of our study demonstrate that texts contain lexical features with discriminative power
as far as genre is concerned, however modeling those features so that they can be explored by computer-
based applications is still in early stages.
The genre is the totality of characteristics we ob-
serve in a text that gives a unique print. It is an het-
erogeneous categorical principle in that it provides
clues for classifying texts into specific styles. Genre
clues are closer to the field of semantics and unlike
text type that conveys information about the texts'
structure, they give out information about the style
of a text. Genre clues are employed for characteriz-
ing a text as subjective/objective, positive/negative
about the subject it elaborates, opinionated, factual,
etc. They may also be employed for unravelling sty-
listic features reflected within a text's content, with
these ranging from literary content to procedural,
descriptive and so forth.
In this paper, we report on an observatory study
we carried out in which we try to identify structural
and contextual clues within text in order to be able
to characterize its underlying genre accurately. Our
observations verify that there are discrete informa-
tional points within texts that constitute their genre
clues. Based on this finding, we take a step further
and try to mine lexical and syntactic patterns from
text, which may be treated as genre indicators for
automatically classifying texts according to genre
Automatic genre and style detection of texts is an
active field of research over the past years essen-
tially because there are many challenges and thus
yet-unresolved issues associated with it. In this re-
spect, several researchers have proposed various
solutions to the problem of identifying the character-
istics that communicate the genre and the stylistic
print of texts. In particular, Kessler et al. (1997) pro-
posed a theory of genres that compares various sur-
face textual features and they attempted the auto-
matic genre detection via the exploitation of genre
clues in a text's body. The clues they determined are:
structural, lexical, character-level and derivative;
and, despite their surface nature, they are as success-
ful as deep structural cues. Finn et al. (2002) pro-
posed the application of machine learning tech-
niques for the automatic classification of text genres.
They investigated three approaches to automatically
classify text documents by genre, i.e. the bag-of-
words method, part-of-speech statistics and hand-
crafted shallow linguistic features. The application
of their approach to a collection of news articles
revealed that part-of-speech tagging and statistical
analysis of a text's content may effectively contrib-
ute towards genre-based document classification.
Later, Finn and Kushmerick (2003) elaborated on
the details of textual genres and showed how genre
can be distinguished across different texts. Lee and
Myaeng (2004) implemented the so-called ‘devia-
tion-based statistical feature selection’ method and
proved its efficacy in automatically extracting genre-
related features from texts. Santini et al. (2006) pro-
posed a new definition for genre based on the traits
Simaki V., Stamou S. and Kirtsis N..
DOI: 10.5220/0003956207330737
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 733-737
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
of hybridism, individualization and evolution. This
theoretical characterization constitutes the base for
an inferential model that automatically identifies
genres within web pages. Later, Santini (2007) pre-
sented a model based on a scheme performing zero-
to-multi genre assignments. Sharoff (2007) per-
formed experiments to find the best set of features
that delimit a typology useful for classifying web
pages according to their domain and genre. With
respect to Greek, Stamatatos et al. (2000) described
an approach that relies on classification schemes and
natural language processing modules for categoriz-
ing Greek texts according to their genre and author.
The application of their technique to various Greek
corpora proved the feasibility of their proposed
Our text genre detection approach operates upon
pre-determined classes of text types in which it
looks for features that signify the genre of the re-
spective texts. Before delving into the details of our
method, we should point out that we distinguish text
genre from text type in that the former represents the
way in which information is communicated via
texts, whereas the latter represents the type of infor-
mation texts convey. As an example consider the
current paper, whose style might be characterized as
technical or formal and whose type might be charac-
terized as scientific publication or research paper.
Based on the discrimination between style and
type, we propose a method that tries to identify the
genre (i.e. style) of texts that belong to particular
types. To obviate the need for pre-classifying texts
according to their type, we rely on an existing tex-
tual type classification scheme
that defines the fol-
lowing categories of text types: (i) narrative: an
account of events, (ii) expository: text that explains
something, (iii) procedural: text that gives instruc-
tions on how to do something and (iv) descriptive:
text that lists the characteristics of something. Each
of the above category types contains sub-types,
which share common elements in structure and con-
tent with their parental type and with each other, and
at the same time they deliver clues that are unique
and representative of their respective sub-type cate-
gory. As sub-type example categories consider the
following: (i) narrative texts may be sub-categorized
into novels, poetry or short stories, (ii) expository
texts may be sub-categorized into news articles,
travel books and periodicals, (iii) procedural texts
may be sub-categorized into various kinds of guide-
books, e.g. cooking books, manuals, installation
guides and (iv) descriptive texts may be sub-
categorized into encyclopedias, grammars and dic-
tionaries. Given the type and/or sub-type of a text,
our method tries to identify structural and contextual
elements that signify the text's style or else genre. To
ensure the accurate identification of genre, we relied
on a dataset of texts already classified into one of the
above types and after manually inspecting them we
extracted their genre-indicative elements. Manual
inspection of texts was performed by human expert
annotators, i.e. linguistics, to whom we distributed a
number of texts along with their respective type
categories and we asked them to indicate for every
text type the features (both contextual and structural
if feasible) that yield its style. Note that we did not
ask our study participants to directly indicate the
genre of every examined text type, but rather to in-
dicate the elements that shape the stylistic identity of
every examined text. This is because the quest in our
study is to determine the characteristics that distin-
guish the genre of text types from one another rather
than annotate texts with stylistic information. Based
on the above determination, one can employ super-
vised clustering methods for automatically grouping
texts in terms of their common underlying stylistic
elements. Turning back to the description of our
method, we should point out that due to space and
time constraints, we did not examine all the sub-
categories of every text type but rather we relied on
texts categorized under a specific (randomly se-
lected) type sub-category. Thus, for the narrative
category, we relied on texts belonging to the short
stories sub-category, for the expository category we
relied on texts belonging to the news articles sub-
category, for the procedural category we relied on
texts belonging to the cookbooks sub-category and
for the descriptive category we relied on texts be-
longing to the dictionaries sub-category.
The dataset used for each of the above catego-
ries, concerned online texts that we harvested from
suitable websites, i.e. sites containing (i) short sto-
ries, (ii) online newspapers, (iii) sites about recipes
and cooking and (iv) lexicographic sites. In the next
section, we report on the statistics of our collected
dataset. Now, we present the way in which human
annotators assessed our collected data sources in
order to identify their structural and contextual ele-
ments that signify their genre. To carry out our
study, we recruited 5 experienced linguists (3 fe-
male, 2 male), who volunteered to read the texts
collected for every type category and indicate the
elements that they judged as indicative of the texts'
style. The only instruction given to our study par-
ticipants was that their role would not be to indicate
the texts' genre but rather to identify elements that
demonstrate the style. To acquaint our users with
their task, we run a supervised laboratory experi-
ment in which we asked them to experiment with a
number of texts and via the think-aloud protocol to
indicate which elements they deemed as style-
descriptive for each of the test texts. Note also that
our volunteers were aware of the type sub-category
of every text they examined. Finally, we advised our
participants to indicate only elements for which they
felt absolutely confident that they are indicative of
the texts' genre and we did not allow them to com-
municate with each other during their participation
in the survey. The time duration of the study was
five consecutive days, with two 3-hour sessions per
day. At the end of the study, we collected the notes
(in the form of free-style comments) our participants
delivered, we grouped them by text type and we
examined for every text type the genre-indicative
elements that were selected by the majority of our
study participants. Obtained results for each of the
text types considered are presented and discussed in
the following section.
Table 1 summarizes our experimental dataset.
Table 1: Statistical distribution of the examined dataset
across text types.
Documents 853
Short stories (narrative) 157
News articles (expository) 359
Recipes (procedural) 334
Dictionaries (descriptive) 3
Having collected the experimental texts for our
human survey, we grouped them by type and we
asked our study participants to read the texts in
every type and note down the clues they considered
indicative of the respective texts' genre. To facilitate
the work of our volunteers, we asked them to write
down in the form of (self-selected) keywords and/or
short phrases brief descriptions of the clues they
identified. All texts across all four types were exam-
ined by all the participants, thus we received feed-
back for the entire dataset. Based on the user-
selected genre clues for each of the text types con-
sidered, we built an indexing module where we
stored the user-selected genre clues for further proc-
essing. Genre clues processing concerned manual
assessment of the collected feedback to identify re-
current genre identifiers. In our study, we deem a
genre clue as recurrent in the user feedback if at
least three of the participants indicated the same clue
as genre-indicative even if the terms used to verbal-
ize the clue were not identical among their com-
ments. Table 2 gives the statistics of the user-defined
genre clues for each of the types examined.
Table 2: User-selected genre clues for text types.
Text type: short stories
Genre clues selected by more that 3 users 5
Genre clues selected by 3 or less users 9
Text type: news articles
Genre clues selected by more that 3 users 4
Genre clues selected by 3 or less users 9
Text type: recipes
Genre clues selected by more that 3 users 4
Genre clues selected by 3 or less users 6
Text type: dictionaries
Genre clues selected by more that 3 users 3
Genre clues selected by 3 or less users 5
According to the reported data, there are high
levels of user agreement with respect to the elements
that signify the genre of different text types. This
might be due to the fact that all our study partici-
pants were experienced linguistics with a solid
knowledge of what text genre is and how it can be
encapsulated in the structural and lexical elements of
4.1 Analysis of Genre Clue Indicators
Having collected and processed user feedback with
respect to what constitute the indicative characteris-
tics of genre within texts, we proceed with the pres-
entation and analysis of those indicators in an at-
tempt to shed light on the text properties that signify
style. Table 3 reports the stylistic characteristics of
texts belonging to the each of the categories exam-
ined as given by at least 3 of our participants.
As the table shows, there are relatively high lev-
els of repetition among the genre clues that charac-
terize text types. To identify how genre clues are
pronounced into the structural and contextual prop-
erties of their corresponding texts, we relied on the
combined analysis of the texts employed in our
study and the comments our participants delivered
for each of the examined texts and we interpret our
findings as follows.
For the short stories category, the limited text
size and the quick narration are the most frequently
indicated clues of genre. The text size feature ac-
counts to the number of words narrative texts con-
tain, which according to our data ranges between
Table 3: Genre clues for the short stories, new articles, recipes and dictionary categories respectively.
Text type: short stories Text type: news articles
Genre clue Fraction Genre clue Fraction
Limited text size 61.14% Headings 100.00%
Quick narration 57.89% Images, tables 100.00%
Presence of dialogue 47.77% Syntactic coherence 22.31%
Syntactic coherence 44.45% Named entities 13.74%
Recursion 40.25%
Text type: recipes Text type: dictionaries
Genre clue Fraction Genre clue Fraction
Structure replication 100.00% Structure replication 100.00%
Sequential short NPs 25.77% Short, elliptical phrases 98.00%
Precise verbal structures 11.88% Use of abbreviations/symbols 23.00%
Use of command words 10.51%
1,000 and 3,500 terms. The quick narration feature
accounts to the use of descriptive language, the suc-
cession of events (usually in a chronological order),
the use of pronouns and the presence of factual
statements within text. Modeling the characteristic
of quick narration is a quite complex task that re-
quires large volumes of human-annotated data (i.e.
narrative corpora) as well as the availability of so-
phisticated language processing modules. The syn-
tactic coherence feature accounts to the presence of
full syntactic phrases within texts and the recursion
feature accounts to embedding phrases of the same
type within texts. Both of them together with the
dialogue feature are genre descriptive elements for
narrative texts and can be captured after applying
syntactic parsing to the contents of the respective
The genre clues identified for the news articles
category have strong discrimination power as these
are present in the striking majority of journalistic
texts. In particular, we observe that what character-
izes the genre of a text as expository and specifically
as journalistic is the presence of headings, images
and the utilization of named entities in the text con-
tents. Modeling the above features in order to come
up with automated genre detection methods is rela-
tively easy. This is because most of the features that
characterize expository texts and news articles can
be identified within the texts’ structural properties
where the application of shallow parsing would be
sufficient for their detection. For the remaining fea-
tures that serve as indicators of expository texts, we
would need to apply deep syntactic analysis to the
texts’ contents to be able to automatically extract
The genre clues identified for procedural texts
are pretty different from both narrative and exposi-
tory texts with their main differences accounting for
the texts' structural properties. In particular, texts
belonging to the recipes type replicate the same
structural and syntactic patterns, i.e. they begin with
a title/heading, which is followed by a list of sequen-
tial short noun phrases (NPs), which are topically
related to each other. Noun phrases are followed by
short text nuggets, which contain simple and repeti-
tive terminology, command words as well as precise
verbal structures, i.e. verbs in indicative plural. Our
data indicates that we can capture and therefore
model the stylistic features of procedural texts by
relying mainly on the texts' structure and less on
their content. This facilitates the genre characteris-
tics modeling task as it does not require the applica-
tion of deep lexical analysis to the examined texts.
Of course we are aware of the fact that different
types of procedural texts may vary in their structure,
but still one could apply our user-selected features as
a starting base for detecting texts that describe a
process of doing something.
Finally, dictionaries are specialized instances of
text with unique stylistic features. As such, we can
safely determine their genre by relying on the analy-
sis of their structural elements, i.e. by looking for the
pattern: lemma entry + sequences of short elliptical
phrases that may contain abbreviations and/or sym-
bols. Although instances of the above patterns may
vary across different categories of descriptive texts,
still the structure of their contextual elements, i.e.,
lemma entries followed by short descriptions, is
what constitutes their genre print.
We have presented an exploratory study for identify-
ing the features that characterize the genre of differ-
ent text types. Our findings show that there exist
specific structural and contextual elements within
texts that can be modeled as genre clues in order to
be explored by automatic genre classification mod-
ules. In the future, we plan to investigate ways of
semi-automatically assigning texts of particular
types to pre-specified genres.
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