Sandro Reis, Denis Shirnin and Denis Zampunieris
Computer Science and Communication Research Unit, University of Luxembourg
6, rue Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, L-1359, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Technology Enhanced Learning, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Proactive System.
We show in this position paper how we designed Proactive Scenarios for an automatic and enhanced manage-
ment of the online assignments on Moodle
for both student and teacher users, through their implementation
with Proactive Rules to be run on top of our prototype Proactive Engine developed for this LMS. According
to the diversity of issues that arise from the users activity on LMS, Proactive Scenarios are of two main types,
which differ in their main goals, features and complexity. Meta Scenarios are devoted to capture major events
of interest and to trigger off the dedicated Target Scenarios, which will undertake the appropriate actions.
These Proactive Scenarios will thus take care of specifically predefined situations such as notifications, re-
minders, problem prevention, user guiding etc. In our opinion, LMS supplemented by such capabilities could
provide a boosted effect on the students’ learning process as it takes an individual approach for each user and
therefore could be characterized as a type of intelligent tutoring system. However, in order to sustain or mod-
ify the direction of our research activity, we now consider to undertake empirical studies on real-life online
courses using the Enhanced E-learning Platform, which runs our Proactive Scenarios.
Learning Management Systems (LMS) or e-learning
platforms are dedicated software tools intended to
offer a virtual educational and/or training environ-
ment online. Currently available types of LMS are
fundamentally limited tools. Indeed, these systems
have been designed by adapting existing interactive
web-based technologies to deliver learning content on
user’s request, limiting the added value of the LMS to
the users own action and not to the needs of the learn-
ing process.
Proactive Systems, as defined in (Tennenhouse,
2000), adhere to two premises: working on behalf
of, or pro, the user, and acting on their own initia-
tive, without the users explicit command. Proactive
behaviours are intended to cause changes, rather than
just to react to changes.
In (Zampunieris, 2008), we introduced a new
kind of LMS: Proactive LMS, designed to improve
the users online (inter)-actions by providing pro-
grammable, automatic and continuous analysis of the
users behaviours, augmented with appropriate actions
initiated by the LMS itself.
Our Proactive LMS is theoretically able to auto-
matically and continuously help and take care of e-
learners with respect to previously defined procedures
called Proactive Scenarios. Thus, our system is ca-
pable of detecting an “anomalous” behaviour of e-
learner and to communicate the details to concerned
e-teacher; or, the system can check automatically the
awaited behaviours of e-learners, and react if these
actions did not take place. According to particular
contextual characteristics of user’s actions, Proactive
System is able to determine the necessary response
for identified conditions and to launch the appropriate
Target Scenarios. As an example, the system could
trigger the user’s collaborative attribute of his/her on-
line activity by suggestion of using the specific fo-
rums and chat-rooms. In (Coronado and Zampunieris,
2010) we reported the statistical analysis of studies
we conducted in a blended learning environment at
the bachelor level. The idea consisted of comparing
a study-group and a control-group of students in the
same course with respect to their intermediate and fi-
nal results. Students of the study-group were continu-
ously triggered by hand-made online messages to in-
cite them to participate to the lectures and interact via
the LMS. Thus we reported that continuous proactiv-
ity supported by the LMS, has direct and positive im-
pact on the students’ learning process.
In this position paper, we show how we designed
Reis S., Shirnin D. and Zampunieris D..
DOI: 10.5220/0003956302530258
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 253-258
ISBN: 978-989-8565-06-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
various Proactive Scenarios for an automatic and en-
hanced management of the online assignments sub-
system on Moodle
, a free and open source LMS (see, for both student and teacher users.
We explain as well how scenarios are implemented
by means of Proactive Rules and how they are exe-
cuted through the Rules Engine. Finally, we describe
our viewpoints about experimental part of the project
where we expect to collect the feedback in order to
measure the efficiency of the Proactive Scenarios and
thus, to enhance its potential, and to validate the ap-
plied research approaches.
In the variety of most popular educational theories
and learning methods, tutoring approach takes a sta-
ble ground and moreover inspires certain researchers
to take the concept for further development and im-
The statement that learning process is more effec-
tive and it has a great potential in one-to-one way of
learning was made by Bloom during his research on
adapting teaching. His study discloses that the stu-
dents tutored by master were more successful in their
results with a probability of 98% against the students
with instructional type of classroom teaching (Bloom,
1984). The results of this study have opened a variety
of directions where this model could be taken for its
potential application into another type of the related
fields. Thus, the idea of computer assisted instruc-
tional programs has already been on the horizon since
1960 (Larkin and Chabay, 1992). However it still
needed the further contribution of research efforts.
Jaime Carbonell has made the significant change in
early 1970s when in his Ph.D. thesis he has adopted
the human tutor model into the first intelligent tu-
toring program SCHOLAR (Carbonell, 1970a; Car-
bonell, 1970b). The goal of implementation of such
analogy related to human tutor type of learning was
to sustain the reasoning activity of a student basing on
his or her behaviour. In the later years more and more
studies about theories of learning have accentuated
the importance of feedback and practice (Kirschner
et al., 2006). Thus, the research in the field of intel-
ligent tutoring systems through decades has emerged
to the dimension where computer science opened the
doors to the advantage of joined research efforts that
have been built together with the collaborative re-
search in cognitive science (Lesgold et al., 1988).
2.1 E-learning Platforms
Learning Management System or LMS was one of
the products, which emerged as the deviation from
the concept of e-learning and computer assisted in-
structional programs. Fundamentally it represents
an online environment that handles different sides of
blended learning such as administrative management
and organisation of virtual courses, different learning
activities, materials etc. The main goal of e-learning
platforms is to track the student’s process of learning
by facilitating the management of various academic
Taking into consideration all of the advantages of
Learning Management Systems, it could be noticed
however that the LMS misses the essence of proac-
tive type of behaviour, which could in our opinion sig-
nificantly increase the outcomes of students’ learning
2.2 Proactivity as the Tool for Enhanced
The notion of Proactive Systems has been intro-
duced by Tennenhouse. He described its functional-
ity as the mechanism, which interacts with the world
around it, using sensors and actuators (Tennenhouse,
2000). The sensors’ implementation serves as the
perception-center of the system, which is able to cap-
ture and observe an event of interest and perform the
appropriate actions on its own initiative. The original
idea has pushed researchers in computer science to
take this approach to another level for further devel-
opment. Thus, the potential of proactive systems has
found a stable ground in the field of Learning Man-
agement Systems (LMS).
Proactive or Context-aware Learning Manage-
ment Systems (PLMS) basing on users’ activity
and its data analysis are capable of acting semi-
autonomously or without explicit instructions from
the user (Salovaara and Oulasvirta, 2004; Zam-
punieris, 2006; Zampunieris, 2008). Due to advan-
tages of LMS such as integration with other software
solutions, we take it into another level where the or-
dinary e-learning platform will be provided with the
proactive type of behaviour (PLMS).
LMS supplemented by such capabilities in our
opinion could provide a boosted effect on students’
learning process. Considering, on the one hand that
this process is a result of collaborative work, it pro-
vides the best environment for our Proactive System.
On the other hand, PLMS takes an individual ap-
proach for each user (student, teacher, system admin-
istrator) and therefore could be characterised as a type
of tutoring system.
2.3 Proactive System Integration in
The motivation surrounding the enhancement of the
learning progress of the students is not new and with
the new digital age all old ideas change their shapes
into the direction of computerisation. Thus, again,
the question how to improve students’ academic re-
sults has changed to how to help the students in
their learning process, by means of new technologies.
Certainly we get the good results from implement-
ing these computer-based technologies (Regian et al.,
1996). On the other hand what do we get if we com-
bine different types of new computer-based tools with
the objective to enhance its productive ratio, for ex-
ample, in the form of better academic results for the
students or better management of the learning con-
tent and tasks? Combination of proactivity with the
e-learning platform could help or assist user while he
or she performs certain tasks in LMS environment. In
its totality, PLMS represents a groupware tool, which
aims to boost the online academic activity of a student
as well as the effectiveness of their learning process
by providing a variety of Proactive Scenarios, which
potentially covers all possible situations arising from
different activities and tasks.
2.4 Prototype of PLMS on Moodle
This project has a premise that the Proactive Engine
will be embedded into Moodle
, the e-learning plat-
form currently used at the University of Luxembourg.
Such approach allows the research team to focus on
the design and implementation of Proactive Engine,
using existing LMS as a framework.
Figure 1: System architecture.
As shown in the Figure 1, the core of the Proactive
System is the Rules Engine, which is responsible for
the control flow of the rules execution where the rules
represent the implementation of the Proactive Scenar-
ios’ logic. Each rule is implemented in a separate
Java class. The idea of the Rules Engine is to add
the proactive behaviour to the LMS, but not to change
its code or to restrict its execution. Several parame-
ters were introduced in (Zampunieris, 2006) in order
to configure the PLMS system in a way that the main
core functions of LMS and Proactive System don’t
overload the host computer. Hereafter are the exam-
ples of mentioned parameters: (F) - Time frequency
of its activation periods; (N) - The (maximum) num-
ber of rules it runs in an activation period. We also
introduced a third parameter to ensure that our sys-
tem doesn’t interfere with the LMS main process: (P)
- The (minimum) time Proactive System pauses be-
tween two activation periods.
The Rules Engine acts as it was defined in (Zam-
punieris, 2008), where it is responsible for storing the
set of rules. It also stores a second list of rules that
represents the rules generated in the current activation
period. This second list will be added at the end to the
remaining set of rules (in case the system parameter
(N) has been reached), in order to be executed in the
next activation period.
The interaction with Moodle
is done via its
database, where Proactive System checks changes of
its state, relevant to the scenarios’ logic. To that ef-
fect, we developed an abstract database wrapper, with
two implementations: MySQL (with the textual SQL
queries needed to access Moodle’s data) and MySQL
with a cache on top of the first one (applying the
Proxy Design Pattern). We ensure the persistence of
the Rules Engine by using the Hibernate
to store the rules’ queue, the generated messages and
some system statistics, on a specific database schema.
As for interacting with the user, the system sends
emails and/or messages embedded into the LMS sys-
tem, depending on whether the user is online or of-
fline. We are currently developing the Moodle
on, which permits the user to interact with our sys-
tem’s messages. We are working as well on the ad-
ministrator’s interface, which will include such menu
functions as starting/stopping the engine, and chang-
ing the system parameters.
Proactive System is the goal-oriented mechanism,
which entails a set of scenarios with an objective to
provide a help to the user or the tutor according to
their activity on LMS. Scenarios have different areas
of application; it typifies the nature and its main oper-
ational directions. According to the diversity of issues
that arise from the user’s activity on LMS, the scenar-
ios may differ in its features, essence, and complexity.
Two types define the category of Proactive Sce-
narios: type #1 are the Meta Scenarios, and type #2
are the Target Scenarios.
3.1 Type #1: Meta Scenarios
The goal of scenario of type #1 is to provide the sys-
tem with feature of the perception-center. That is, to
capture an event of interest and to undertake the ap-
propriate actions.
In order to activate the specific scenario, which
will correspond to the actual situation of the user’s
activity, the system needs to be aware about the cur-
rent state of the LMS database. As the Target Sce-
narios have not the capability to detect any changes
on LMS but only perform the specific job, this role is
attributed to the so-called Meta Scenarios. The main
functionality of this type of scenario is to be context
aware continuous never-ending rule. As soon as the
Meta Scenario detects the corresponding event on the
LMS, it activates the Target Scenarios, which will do
the predefined actions or in different words the Meta
Scenario will delegate the specific job to the appropri-
ate scenarios.
Basic type of implementation of Meta Scenarios
is the system environment of LMS. It means that this
type of scenario will provide our system with the in-
teractions between user and Proactive System as well
as Proactive System and LMS database. The actions
of Meta Scenario are characterised as inward related.
However, the effect of these actions is mostly oriented
on the outer user’s environment.
3.2 Type #2: Target Scenarios
The goal of scenario of type #2 is to provide the mul-
tiple target responses to each detected by Meta Sce-
nario event or non-event.
In metaphorical perspective, the scenarios of type
#2 are to be the hands of the Proactive System. They
are responsible for the single target actions that have
been initiated by the Meta Scenarios. The type #2
takes care only of specifically predefined situations
such as Notifications that aim to inform a user about
an event, Reminders, Problem prevention, User guid-
ing etc. Taking into the account that all scenarios are
nothing else as the set of rules, after having performed
its individual job each rule becomes dismissed. This
is the radical difference between two types of scenar-
ios. When Meta Scenario is defined to be the never-
ending rule, the Target Scenario simply dies after each
completed task. It permits to optimize our system in
terms of memory usage.
In the similar perspective as for the Meta Scenar-
ios, the Target Scenarios have their own areas of ap-
plication. The basic characteristic of the rules em-
ployment of that type is its outward direction of the
actions. In our case the focus is defined by three
different orientations: system administrator environ-
ment, e-teacher environment, and e-student environ-
ment. Thus, while creating new scenarios and rules
we try to maximize the accuracy of the defined ac-
tions’ outcome of the Proactive System and to better
respond on the detected need arisen from the users ac-
tions. In order to do so, we have to pay an attention on
the cognitive aspect of user’s intentions, objectives,
and actions.
3.3 Use of Joined Approaches
One of the main objectives of the study is to build the
scientific evidence for the outcomes of our research
activity. Thus, we found the combination of two dif-
ferent domains, computer science and cognitive sci-
ence, beneficial.
While working on the Proactive Scenarios we
have to analyse the perspective of different cogni-
tive approaches in the users’ behaviour or, in other
words the specific context related activity in order to
provide the response from our Proactive System with
the accurate actions based on the user-oriented meth-
ods of cognitive expertise. Different cognitive the-
ories, which are outlined below, are applied during
this process. We believe that the results issued from
the joined approaches may provide us with the objec-
tive and accurately grounded scientific evidence for
the further research efforts in this field.
The following brief description of the concept the-
ories used in our research, highlights the main orienta-
tions that we consider currently in the process of plan-
ning and creating the Proactive Scenarios and rules.
Cognitive Approach and Behavioural Science
provide us with possibility to study and to display the
user’s behaviour while working online, to help us to
build the schema of possible users actions in specific
situations and accordingly to implement these aspects
into Proactive Scenarios (Burnes, 2005; Gao et al.,
Theory of Socially Shared Cognition is linked
to the theory of Computer-user Interactions, and
will display the aspects of computer-mediated inter-
actions, synchronous or asynchronous. By taking
the examples from social interactions and studying
them we could find the equivalent type of application
in human-computer interactions (Siler, 2009; Wrede
et al., 2010; Yeh et al., 2007).
Activity Theory is partially linked to the theory of
Socially Shared Cognition and will help us to display
the aspects of how learning takes place basing on the
Higher Mental Functions Theory of Vygotsky (Nardi,
1996; Vygotsky, 1981).
Theory of User’s Identity gives us the picture of
the average user where we define his/her fundamen-
tal behavioural patterns and apply them into Proactive
Scenarios (Rowe, 2010; Zimmerman, 1998).
3.4 Map Representation of Scenarios
Figure 2 provides the visual representation of all sce-
narios connections in the form of a decision tree. It
shows the process of how one Meta Scenario accord-
ing to the captured data from the inward system en-
vironment or outer user environment launches several
Target Scenarios. The hierarchy of Proactive Scenar-
ios is indicated by the specific colour, which distin-
guishes and regroups the similar layers in one cate-
Thus, all Meta Scenarios abbreviated as MTA bas-
ing on specific parameters deploy the appropriate path
of actions though the set of Target Scenarios. As soon
as the subjected task is accomplished, the proactive
process jumps back to the level of Meta Scenarios
where it continues to look for the new data.
Figure 2: Generic representation of scenarios connections.
While creating the new unverified yet technology,
there is a need for the testing and validation of the
ideas, theories, and potential results derived from the
archetypal phase of the research project. Thus, in or-
der to sustain or modify the direction of our research
activity, we consider to undertake the empirical study
and the analysis of the data issued from the upcoming
The sessions of experiments will take place be-
tween February and June of 2012 at the University of
Luxembourg. The participants of the experiment are
the students enrolled in the bachelor program at the
faculty of Computer Science and Communications.
The goals of the experiments are divided into two
modules. The first aims to improve our Proactive
System’s functionality with the particular emphasis
on Queue Manager, User Interface, Messaging Sys-
tem, and elaboration of Proactive Scenarios. For the
second module the objective is to enhance the stu-
dents’ success level in online virtual academic ac-
tivity as well as to boost their learning process. In
order to do so, we divided main goal into the sub-
categories of specific objectives such as students’ e-
learning practice, their cooperative and collaborative
learning skills, learning competences, learning expe-
rience, and learning performance.
Thus, at the present moment we develop the mea-
surement tools, which allow us to test each cate-
gory and subcategory of the defined goals of the ex-
periments. Such measurement tools aim to collect
the feedback from the users whether automatically
through the statistics reports of the system or man-
ually through online surveys, interviews, question-
naires, and live discussions. For some categories of
experiment we will use the similar techniques as in
(Coronado and Zampunieris, 2010).
We assume that this experiment will help us to
detect the potential research gaps and to enhance the
probability of valid and constructive outcomes.
The position paper describes the main concepts of the
Proactive System. Implemented into the Moodle
, it
aims to enhance the capabilities of LMS by enrich-
ing its main functions with the proactive type of be-
haviour. As reported in previous experiments, the fea-
ture of proactivity has positive reflection on e-learning
experience of the students.
According to the diversity of issues that arise from
the users activity on LMS, Proactive Scenarios are of
two main types, which differ in their main goals, fea-
tures and complexity. Meta Scenarios are devoted to
capture major events of interest and to trigger off the
dedicated Target Scenarios, which will undertake the
appropriate actions. Thus, Proactive Scenarios will
take care of specifically predefined situations such as
Notifications, Reminders, Problem prevention, User
guiding etc. In our opinion, LMS supplemented by
such capabilities could provide a boosted effect on
the students’ learning process as the Proactive LMS
takes an individual approach for each user and there-
fore could be characterised as a type of intelligent tu-
toring system. However, in order to sustain or mod-
ify the direction of our research activity, we now con-
sider to undertake empirical studies on real-life on-
line courses using the enhanced e-learning platform,
which runs our Proactive Scenarios. We expect to col-
lect the feedback in order to measure the efficiency of
the Proactive Scenarios and thus, to enhance its poten-
tial, and to validate the applied research approaches.
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