direct information on familiar topics and daily
routines; Can describe features of his/her
surroundings and topics related to his/her general
interest. Students will be evaluated of each level by
means of 5 exams that will cover the most relevant
communicative and cultural goals presented along
the units. Using authentic situations will help to
engage students in authentic cultural experiences, so
the units address first steps such as learning about
the most important Spanish institutions. In addition,
students face issues such as applying for the
universal health care card, to register at the local
town hall, to send money home, to enroll children at
school, to understand the job sections of local
newspapers, to be able to post an add on a
newspaper, to do a first interview etc.
4.2 Modes of ICT Delivery
Computer technology, used to try to overcome the
challenges of distance learning, provides learners
with new and varied options for language learning
through interactive tasks delivered through CD-
ROMs, Web pages, online platforms, virtual
environments and communications software on the
Internet. However, as the widespread and underlying
access to information and computational resources
becomes more pervasive, the existing ICT teaching
models need to be thoughtfully reconsidered to
decide in which ICT, the degree of ubiquity,
application and tools can define the types of learning
activities and resources available. In this sense, the
course presents a wide variety of technological tools
adapted to specific and explicit learning purposes.
The course is offered on a CD format with offline
Access to language and cultural content. This system
leads students to using different tools depending on
the didactic goal. When it comes the time to work
together with other students, collaborate and interact
with them and the teacher, the course introduces not
only Moodle, but Tools for Student-Student and
Student-Teacher Communication, Tools for
Collaborative Work and LMS. To carry out and
enhance theoretical leaning the course also provides
with an authoring tools called FMI. Second Life also
helps students and teachers simulate real language
situation. In that sense, the course breaks
geographical and schedule limitations of
conventional courses.
We present a multimedia level A1 and A2 language
training program specifically customized to cover
formative needs in foreign language for selected
working collectives. This course is delivered through
the ICTs and designed using a huge visual
component. It aims to facilitate adult students with
limited literacy skills to overcome literacy
challenges and improve literacy skills. By using CD,
Moodle and Second Life, together with authoring
tools such as FMI (which includes hotpot helps
create Activity and Task Types, Individual study
etc.), Tools for Student-Student and Student-Teacher
Communication, Tools for Collaborative Work and
LMS, we aim to overcome illiteracy and on the other
hand, to be able to target a wide audience with
different cultural background and languages
“Aulas Interactivas 2.0: Plataforma de e-learning
para la enseñanza de idiomas ocupacionales”
supported by Gobierno de Extremadura (Code
Chapelle, Carol A. 2008. Technology and second language
acquisition. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics,
Volume 27, March 2007, pp. 98-114. doi:
10.1017/S0267190508070050, Published online by
Cambridge University Press 28 Mar 2008.
Delicado Puerto, Gemma, Silva, Paula Ferreira Da,
Domínguez Gómez, Eva M. 2009. English E-learning,
e-culture, e-literature within a virtual learning context:
Secondlife.com. Computer supported education. In
INSTICC: Institute for Systems and Technologies of
information control and communication, vol. 1, 2009.
Lisboa, pp. 339-345.
Krasner, I. 1999. The role of culture in language teaching.
Dialog on Language Instruction, 13(1-2), 79-88.
Munteanu, C., Lumsden, J., Fournier, H., Leung, R.,
D’Amours, D., McDonald, D., and Maitland, J. 2010.
ALEX: Mobile language assistant for low-literacy
adults. In Proceedings of MobileHCI 2010, pp. 427-
Pemberton, L., Winter, M. & S. Fallahkhair.2009. A User
Created Content Approach to Mobile Knowledge
Sharing for Advanced Language Learners. In
Proceedings of mLearn 2009, Orlando, Florida, pp.
Rico Mercedes, Gemma Delicado Puerto, Paula C. Ferreira
da Silva, Eva Domínguez .2009. Second Lives and
Newer Islands: Language, Culture and Identity through
Migration literature. Tejuelo, Revista de Didáctica de la
Lengua y la Literatura, 5, pp. 140- 167.