models. Wang (Wang et al., 2008) also did some per-
formance related research. Nevertheless, there is no
discussion about mutual influences of non-database
and database related concepts.
Besides that, a number of publications associated
with performance and resource optimization (Fehling
et al., 2010), (Lin et al., 2009) exist.
In this paper we defined the concept of multi-tenancy
from a vendor’s point of view as sharing an appli-
cation instance for several customers with their own
private view onto it and motivated the approach by
increased efficiency. Furthermore, we provided an
overview and a discussion of concepts and architec-
tural concerns of interest. In particular, these are
performance-isolation, persistency, QoS differentia-
tion and customizability. We presented a classifica-
tion schema within each of these topics and added the
discussion of different affinities. Based on the defini-
tion of these concepts we show, how these concepts
how the different aspects are related.
The research leading to these results has re-
ceived funding from the European Unions Seventh
Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant
agreement N
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