Ivan Madjarov and Omar Boucelma
Aix-Marseille Univ, LSIS, Avenue Escadrille Normandie-Niemen, 13397 Marseille, France
Cloud-based Content Adaptation, m-Learning, Web Services, Software as a Service.
As a typical Internet application, an m-learning system is an innovative approach for delivering well-designed,
learner-centred, interactive and facilitated learning environments to anyone, anywhere at any time. Cloud
computing is a technology and a business model that allows access to an extensible set of storage and com-
puting facilities with a provision and pay as you go model. This position paper discusses the problem of
content adaptation for mobile devices in a cloud context. A device independent model is presented in order
to achieve automatic adaptation of the content based on its semantics and the capabilities of the target device.
An m-learning software as a service cloud framework is presented for adapting, displaying and manipulating
learning documents on smart devices. Some aspects of services integration in the cloud for m-learning are
also discussed.
Cloud computing is a technology and business model
that follows a provision/pay-as-you go model for
the delivery of computing resources. With the vast
amount of available resources (data and services), the
cloud paradigm together with mobile computing en-
ables services that are scalable on demand and im-
plemented on virtualized resources over the Inter-
net (Keng, 2011). Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is
cloud service layer which delivers a single applica-
tion through the Web browser to thousands of desktop
or mobile learners. Mobile learning (m-learning) is
a time constrained activity performed usually on-the-
fly. Mobile technologies tent to restrict significantly
presentation features.
Most learning resources already in use in desktop-
based learning course management systems (LCMS)
cannot be simply ported to mobile devices. Hence,
this necessary to develop context-aware learning tools
for mobile environments. In this paper, we advocate
an e-learning-software-as-a-service (eLSaaS) model
to handle scalability over distributed learning content.
The objective is to provide accessibility over a wide
variety of mobile devices.
We believe that a new cloud-based e-learning sys-
tem should comprise a set of independent but coop-
erating non-monolithic Web services-based applica-
tions that integrate pedagogical data between com-
mon LCMS. For instance, in opposition to the re-
stricted LMS learner’s access, a content adaptation
method can be developed for cloud users. Our claim
is to make a device-independent m-learning SaaS
gateway between different mobile devices and the
plethora of learning objects (LOs) (LOM, 2002) that
are available on various LCMS.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 surveys some related work, and in Section 3
the cloud-based approach for m-learning systems is
discussed. Section 4 details our SaaS solution for m-
learning as well as design issues and implementation
details. Conclusion and future work are presented in
Section 5.
Currently there are on-going projects that propose the
usage of cloud computing as a basis for modern e-
learning applications and systems. As an example, the
CloudIA project (Doelitzscher, 2011) demonstrates
the feasibility of a private cloud infrastructure for e-
learning. This project addresses functionalities for
enabling an e-learning system in the cloud, such as
authentication and integration with existing IT infras-
tructures, and the creation of customized on-demand
virtual machines. The authors make a choice for pri-
vate resources. However, their choice is not compared
Madjarov I. and Boucelma O..
DOI: 10.5220/0003958102760281
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 276-281
ISBN: 978-989-8565-06-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
with the features and capabilities of those available in
the public domain.
A similar architectural system has been adopted
in BlueSky (Dong, 2009). This cloud framework en-
ables physical machines to be virtualized and allo-
cated on demand for e-learning systems. However,
the security layer for this cloud-based framework is
not addressed.
In Casquero (2008) and Al-Zoube (2009) simi-
lar cloud frameworks, based on iGoogle with gadgets
related to Google Apps infrastructure for the devel-
opment of a corporative e-learning network, are pre-
sented. The authors discuss the integration of insti-
tutional and external services in order to provide a
personalized support. Google App Engine provides a
Java Web framework (Jetty), a servlet container, and
BigTable for data storage. However, the process of
data and application integration with Google Apps is
not covered by the authors.
In Madjarov (2010) features of a personalized m-
learning approach are presented including context-
based adaptation and portability of LOs on several
mobile Web browsers. Also discussed are the hierar-
chical display of multimedia units with index extrac-
tion and content summarization.
Finally, in Madjarov (2011), a service-based so-
lution is described that overcomes the limitations of
mobile devices in combining textual content adapta-
tion with alternate audio transcoding to better fulfil
student needs.
3.1 Cloud Computing Architecture
The cloud can be seen as a unique access point for
all the requests coming from the world wide spread
clients. Cloud computing provides dynamically scal-
able infrastructure supplying computation, storage
and communication capabilities as services (Hossain,
2011). In this infrastructure the coupling between re-
sources and applications is facilitated. Cloud com-
puting is the promising infrastructure which can pro-
vide information and application interoperability to
e-learning systems. Figure 1 shows how to build e-
learning systems through cloud services in a simple
Cloud computing comprises three layers as pre-
sented in Figure 2 (Creeger, 2009):
1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS);
2. Platform as a Service (PaaS);
3. Software as a Service (SaaS).
Figure 1: Cloud computing and e-learning cloud-based ar-
Figure 2: e-Learning cloud architecture layers.
3.1.1 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
IT infrastructure is deployed in a provider’s data cen-
tre as virtual machines, i.e., the virtualized hardware
resources are deployed as a service. IaaS comprises
the layer of storage, hardware, servers and network-
ing components. Architecture scalability is achieved
through virtualization, such that multiple systems or
operating systems can be run at the same time on a
virtual machine or across multiple machines. A user
can access the server, network and storage equipment,
only through Internet. Also, he or she can install one’s
own application system.
3.1.2 Platform as a Service (PaaS)
The concept of PaaS remains invisible to the user as it
provides the necessary operating platforms for the vir-
tually provided applications (hardware and software
as service). It offers an application platform for the
Internet programming interface and the operating en-
vironment, in which users can structure and deploy
the domain specific applications. PaaS allows soft-
ware and service development without downloading
tools and software to client machines. Using the PaaS
concept, large and complicated software packages can
be developed, tested and disseminated. Thus, the
PaaS concept supports virtualization and scalability.
3.1.3 Software as a Service (SaaS)
This is a software delivery model in which software
and its associated data are hosted centrally and are ac-
cessed by users using a Web browserover the Internet.
Web 2.0 is the main technology behind the realization
of SaaS (Cortez, 2010). SaaS has become a common
deliverymodel for most business applications, includ-
ing accounting, customer relationship management
(CRM), enterprise resource planning (ERP), and re-
cently e-learning LCMS. Clients access software ser-
vices such as email, word processing, spreadsheets,
quizzes, exercises, simulations, etc. from the cloud
instead of running these applications directly on their
client computers.
3.2 Cloud e-Learning
There is a growing interest in cloud computing for e-
learning practitioners. Greater connectivity between
centralized cloud-side applications, in combination
with low cost, and low processor capacity of mo-
bile devices could provide better access, more con-
trol, and greater freedom for mobile learners. At the
same time, mobile devices significantly differ from
each other in their characteristics. An ultimate chal-
lenge facing m-learning is the creation of pedagogical
learning models to handle the specificity of mobile
pedagogical processes and the inherent constraints of
mobile devices (Keng, 2011). To overcome the limita-
tions of lightweight devices, distributed client-server
architecture using Web services can be employed. To
handle scalability over large-sized learning content
sources, and also to provide accessibility over wide
variety of mobile devices, a SaaS m-learning model
can be deployed. In a cloud infrastructure, Web pages
are generally designed for desktop screens making it
difficult to visualize on mobile phones. To overcome
this constraint a scalable adaptation process for a wide
variety of mobile units is needed.
The SaaS approach is perfect for e-learning and
m-learning because it can be implemented quickly
and it is easy to maintain. Thus, clients can receive
the latest updates and features without any extra finan-
cial obligation. Another advantage with SaaS is that
it helps authors to share pedagogical resources with a
simple ”click”, using Web 2.0 technology. All aspects
of an e-learning or m-learning solution can be deliv-
ered using the SaaS model, including LMS, LCMS,
courseware content, authoring tools, and synchronous
collaboration tools like webcasting and white board-
ing (Basal, 2010). To visualize this relationship, refer
to the service layer in Figure 2.
This section presents a solution for building a virtual
and personalized learning environment which utilizes
a cloud-based technology to create a service-oriented
model for m-learning application service providers
and learners. The concept of eLSaaS has introduced
as a software distribution model in which applications
are hosted by a service provider and distributed via the
Web. Our contribution is as follows:
demonstration of a Web service-based architec-
ture to an integrated Web-based learning and m-
learning environment;
design of a service-based framework, as part of
an e-learning SaaS cloud, that uses hierarchical
displaying multimedia units with index extraction
and content summarization;
description of a SaaS-based e-learning system ar-
chitecture to provide a flexible integration model
in which all the learning components and applica-
tions are well defined and loosely connected;
deployment of multimedia services and especially
the presentation of multimedia content on mobile
One major drawback of existing e-learning sys-
tems is that they are content-centric. Many course au-
thors simply move all their learning materials to the
LMS. The pedagogical materials are presented uni-
formly to all learners regardless of their background,
learning styles and preferences. In the same time,
some efforts of content providers and course instruc-
tors in pedagogical content organization in function
of LMS’s branching capabilities helps to overcome
partially these constraints. Despite all this nowadays,
we need a suitable context-aware pedagogical content
adapted to learning preferences, profiles and require-
ments, i.e., a learner-centric content.
In the proposed eLSaaS environment we can eas-
ily combine semi-structured data, stored in a Native
XML Database (NXDB), with structured data stored
in a Relational Database (RDB) through Web ser-
vices (WS). The objective is to provide direct data
and application integration, located at distributed sites
in order to improve the achievement of learning out-
comes. This approach promotes a device-independent
m-learning gateway between different mobile units
and the huge number of learning resources available
on a plethora of LMSs. It becomes possible by com-
bining our Web-based Open Semantic Editor Suite
(WOSES) (Madjarov, 2010) with a set of additional
services to allow different mobile units a direct ac-
cess to LOs customarily designed for desktop Web
browsers. A semantic content adaptation service is
plugged for content standardization. This tool uses
templates to automatically and efficiently adapt con-
tent for mobile Web browsers. An alternative service
is available for a speech solution, which allows learn-
ers to turn any written text into natural speech files,
when using standard voices. This approach allows the
generation and the progressive downloading of text
and audio based learning material dynamically for m-
learning and ubiquitous access.
4.1 m-Learning Content Model
4.1.1 m-Learning Advantages and Challenges
M-Learning focuses on the mobility of the learner,
interacting with portable technologies, and presents
several advantages:
Ability to access learning everywhere and any-
time e.g. down time can be leveraged for learning;
Ability to access learning at the point of need;
Flexibility for mobile development as video, pre-
sentations, podcasts, and quizzes are all potential
outputs to mobile devices;
Creativity with a huge potential for location-based
and context-based learning.
At the same time, we can list several challenges
(disadvantages) of m-learning delivery and develop-
The choice of a mobile device which can techno-
logically meet learners needs best is often difficult
and expensive;
The course interface size and richness seems criti-
cal to the engagementfactor of a learner in a learn-
Mobile device potentially is never disconnected
and ensures permanent access to an abundance
of information that requires time for incubation,
critical thinking, and reflection for learning. This
can be critical for the learner’s success due to the
”fast” (mobile) learning;
Challenges of initial cost threshold of mobile ap-
plications development.
As SaaS is delivered over the Internet through
Web browsers, in our approach to overcome some
m-learning disadvantages and to produce device-
independent Web-accessible information that can be
browsed in a readable and effective way on different
smart devices and software platforms we use mobile
Web browser and methods for effective mobile device
recognition, and mobile Web browsers functionalities
4.1.2 m-Learning Multimodal Portability
For an effective Mobile Device Recognition Method
(MDRM) we use the header field in the HTTP proto-
col. To prove the multimodal portability on mobile
browsers we conducted a series of tests that repre-
sent some of the common design types that are in use,
and like most real Web pages, not all of them are de-
signed to work with small screens. We tested several
mobile Web browsers on different models of PDAs,
smartphones and cell phones in order to identify their
compatibility with desktop Web browsers. Analysis
of the test results (Madjarov 2010) showed that multi-
media pedagogical content is suitable for mobile Web
browsers such as Opera Mobile, Safari, and Firefox
Mobile. The main problem to address is to how to tai-
lor the multimedia presentation for the small-screen
of a mobile devices. Thus, the main problem is not
focused on the complexity of pedagogical hyperme-
dia content.
4.1.3 m-Learning Mash-up
Another way to mitigate the previously cited disad-
vantages consists of a flexible architecture enabling
learners to mash-up heterogeneous set of services that
support different learning activities such as produc-
tion, distribution, reflection, and discussion. A mash-
up is an application that uses, combines and aggre-
gates data or functionality from more than one source
to create a new service. The idea is that combining
various applications into one will help to present data
in a more useful way to meet the m-learning spe-
cific needs. These applications are usually hosted
in the cloud and diffused as Web services. Mash-
ups can be a very effective approach to overcome
challenges of distributed services and to solve prob-
lems related to devices heterogeneity. Using mash-
ups in an m-learning environment can help to con-
nect resources and applications in one environment
customized to the needs of suitable Web service-
based content-adaptationtechnique that we developed
(Madjarov, 2011). On the other hand, application
mash-ups can be achieved by implementing the appli-
cations as widgets (Al-Zoube, 2009). This portable
application is typically implemented using HTML
5.0, JavaScript and CSS3, and can be run on a wide
range of platforms and recent versions of mobile Web
browsers as showed by our tests. A widget performs
a specific function, usually obtaining content from
one website and displays it on another website (W3C,
2011). In this case, we suggest the use of Web ser-
vices technologies that can be involved through the
Ajax technique to manage the client-server commu-
nication asynchronously. In our concept, we recom-
mend the use of a thin mobile client instead of heavy
clients installed in smart devices for client-to-cloud
4.1.4 m-Learning Content Presentation
The device context presents a decisive factor for ap-
propriate presentation of multimedia learning content
in connection with m-learning. Besides the choice of
learning content and appropriate methods of interac-
tion, the input-output modality plays a central role for
optimal use of m-learning in different context, scenar-
ios and situations. M-learning content can be given
in the form of a visual presentation as text, pictures,
and tables or can be given as sound data in the form
of an acoustic presentation. The speech synthesis or
text-to-speech (TTS) combines previously-recorded
words, or produced synthetically by linking the small-
est linguistic units. In order to create a naturally-
sounding result, one must consider the length and tone
of the individual components. To build the speech-
production service in our eLSaaS framework, we in-
voked the proper SOAP methods that will enable the
Web service to send text and generate speech files on
the Cloud server.
4.2 Implementation Scenario
Figure 3 highlights the WOSES cloud-based applica-
tion integration with a Web-based LCMS. The inter-
connection is carried out by a Web Services Manage-
ment System (WSMS). As illustrated, the learning-
centric data and the management-centric data are
clearly separated. Pedagogical documents are devel-
oped in the WOSES section of the eLSaaS-based Xe-
sop system and thereafter are stored in a NXDB. The
information relevant to learner personal data, learner
profiles, course maps, LOs sequencing, data presen-
tation and general user data is stored in the RDB of
LCMS. The publication process of learning content
is carried out by WSMS. This allows integration into
existing LCMS systems as a cloud-based service. In
the discussed case, Web service-based content mod-
ules make the bridge from e-learning to m-learning
system in a simple and effective way through Apache
Libcloud (Apache, 2011), an open source library that
provides a system-neutral interface to cloud provider
APIs. The Java version supports Amazon EC2.
Figure 3: e-Learning software as a service solution.
For system deployment, we used eCUME
(Moodle-based) e-Learning system deployed at Aix-
Marseille University (eCUME, 2012). Our system is
based on the Apache containers suite for data stor-
age and service management. We integrated the PHP-
based LCMS interface via Web services. For ser-
vices deployment we used Apache Axis. For stor-
ing and managing LOs, we used eXist (Native XML
database) running in the Apache Tomcat Servlet en-
gine as a Web application and invoked via REST-
style Web services API. To integrate with other e-
learning and/or m-learning systems we implemented
an Apache jUDDI registry.
In this paper, we advocate and illustrate a cloud-based
m-learning solution that may leverage both existing e-
learning services, cloud computing provision/pay-as-
you-go models and mobile devices. This solution is
clearly needed because:
Many mobile applications are based on cloud ser-
vices such as location service and messaging ser-
Cloud services promote the use of mobile Web
browsers instead of mobile applications since the
cell phones are not powerful or fast enough;
SaaS enables a speech-productionservice where a
method sends a text and generates speech files on
the speech cloud server.
The solution we propose shows clearly how to
combine existing individual systems into a virtual
one, availableas a SaaS unit. We receivedpositiveini-
tial feedback from users who tested our system. Our
approach is consistent with cloud-based solutions that
are being proposed for LMS such as Moodle.
For future work, we plan to use mash-ups in a
context-awarecontent adapted interface to connect re-
sources and applications that are customized to the
needs of individual users. We also plan to work on
different scenarios where it will be possible to ex-
change both data and applications among different
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