Initiating a Smartphone-based Audience Response System as a Student Project
Linus Feiten, Manuel Buehrer, Sebastian Sester and Bernd Becker
Chair for Computer Architecture, University of Freiburg, Georges-Koehler-Allee 51, 79110 Freiburg, Germany
Audience Response System, Smartphone, Academic Lecture.
In this position paper we are presenting the recent progress in developing our audience response system,
SMILE, whose aim is to bring more interactivity into academic lectures. Development started in December
2010 with a programming task force of undergraduate Computing Science students. The constant integration
of students as developers is a main concept of SMILE. A first prototype included a multiple-choice quiz
module and a slider-based real-time feedback module. The client runs as a native Android-smartphone/tablet
app or as a JavaScript web-browser application on any platform. In the winter semester 2011/2012 we have
been applying the prototype permanently in a first year Computing Science lecture with approx. 90 attending
students. This has been accompanied by a formative evaluation in cooperation with learning psychologists.
Final results of the evaluation will be subject to a later publication later. Here we are sharing first tendencies
already observable and details of the conception and the ongoing development phases.
The idea for an audience response system (ARS) like
SMILE emerges from an experience well known to
every student in higher education: lectures are often
visited by a great number of students; 100 and above.
During the lecture all students are sitting in an audito-
rium listening to a lecturer giving the talk at the black
board or in front of the white board with presenta-
tion slides. The students remain passive for most of
the time unless they get to ask the lecturer a question.
This, however, requires the lecturer to give the word
to the students which in turn requires the students to
make themselves noticeable first.
From our experience students are very reluctant to
ask questions in mass lectures. We hypothesised that
this is mainly due to the fact that in large audiences it
is difficult to judge whether it is just yourself having a
question or whether a question is shared by the major-
ity. It is most natural that somebody hesitates to inter-
rupt the flow of a lecture if his question might turn out
to be just interesting for himself but not for his 100 or
more fellow students. Thus, he might let the moment
pass in which his question occurred, which might in
turn lead to him not understanding the rest of what the
lecturer is putting forward. If the lecturer then stops
at a later point to explicitly asks if there are still any
questions, our reluctant student is already left so far
behind in understanding that he would not even know
where to begin his question. Furthermore, he might
want to spare himself the moment of being exposed
before his peers and the lecturer, if he still does not
know whether it is just himself - and maybe the per-
son sitting next to him who he has discussed with -
but not the rest of the audience having the question.
Figure 1: The first prototype of SMILE in action.
As a consequence the lecturer too can only guess or
must trust his intuition about whether the students un-
derstood and approved of the lecture or whether they
were merely physically present most of the time and
are taking home the frustration of not having under-
stood much while not being noticed.
An obvious way to overcome such drawback
Feiten L., Buehrer M., Sester S. and Becker B..
SMILE - SMARTPHONES IN LECTURES - Initiating a Smartphone-based Audience Response System as a Student Project.
DOI: 10.5220/0003958802880293
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 288-293
ISBN: 978-989-8565-06-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
would be to decrease the size of classes and get rid of
anonymous teaching events like mass lectures, such
that a more direct and personal contact could be es-
tablished both among students and between those and
the lecturer. This would naturally be the favourable
approach. But decreasing the size of classes would
imply to accept less students for higher education or
to employ more personnel. Society seems to agree
that the former is not desirable, still the latter - which
means more capital investment into education - has
always been difficult to convey.
Hence, given the situation that mass lectures ap-
pear to be a necessary phenomenon in today’s higher
education, one might go on to think about how to
overcome the aforementioned drawback while keep-
ing the lecture setting as it is. In an age of com-
puterisation, where electronic media and communi-
cation devices are ubiquitous, the idea for an ARS
like SMILE emerges. It envisions a scenario in which
all students are equipped with mobile computer de-
vices enabling them to interactively share their current
state of understanding among each other and with the
lecturer. Further applications to intersperse the peri-
ods of passive listening with more activating tasks are
Such approaches have been made (Kopf et al.,
2005) and taken up by group of first years Computing
Science students in December 2010 in a study project
involving the programming of smartphones. This was
the beginning of the SMILE project. In this position
paper we are sharing details from the process of de-
velopment, what questions we were facing and which
decisions we took (Section 2). We describe the func-
tionalities of our first SMILE prototype in Section
3 before giving initial reports about our experiences
from an ongoing field test of SMILE in a first year
Computing Science lecture with approx. 90 students
in Section 4. This field test includes a formative eval-
uation which was conceived and is carried through
in cooperation with learning psychologists. Section
4 includes descriptions about this evaluation as well
as first tendencies observable from preliminary eval-
uation results. Section 5 concludes the paper with a
summary and outlines our plans for future develop-
As described in Section 1, the desire for an electronic
ARS can emerge naturally from the everyday expe-
rience of students. In earlier times German students
knew how to anonymously utter their discontent with
the lecturer by loudly shuffling their feet under the
tables. This custom, however, has today mostly dissi-
pated. Anyway, one would wish for more elaborated
ways of giving the lecturer feedback, just as an open-
minded lecturer wishes to get constructive feedback
from his otherwise mostly anonymous audience.
The problem of sitting in a lecture and not know-
ing what the lecturer is talking about might be a prob-
lem more typical for mathematical and natural scien-
tific lectures than for the humanities, because in the
former it seems more likely that the lack of under-
standing of one concept drastically hampers the un-
derstanding of following concepts. This - and the fact
that Computing Sciences students and researchers are
said to be rather adventurous when it comes to the
application of new technologies - might have led to
one of the first academic electronic ARSs emerging
at a Computing Science faculty (Kopf et al., 2005).
The authors developed WIL/MA, which was the main
source of inspiration for SMILE. Kopf et al. evalu-
atied WIL/MA by splitting up a class for one semester
giving the same lecture to three groups: one without
the ARS and two with differently specified versions
of it. Although WIL/MA was well received by the
students, the exam results of the three groups did not
significantly differ, and eventually the project was dis-
In December 2010 a group of first year students
at our chair was given the opportunity to do a student
project as part of their syllabus in which they should
investigate the potentials of applying smartphones
and tablet computers in academic teaching. When
confronted with the idea of developing an ARS, the
group was quickly convinced that their learning expe-
rience would benefit from such a system. Thus, the
development began and the project was later named
SMILE for SMartphones In LEctures. As research
staff it was our priority to give the students as much
freedom as possible in their design decisions, because
we supposed that they were most likely to implement
SMILE in a way which would be acceptable from
a student’s perspective. Furthermore, it turned out
that the students’ enthusiasm and motivation was at
a maximum when they were able to follow their own
ideas and initiatives.
We were well aware that from an educational sci-
entific point of view we were merely repeating the
experiments of Kopf et al. But their work was done
seven years ago when PDAs or programmable cell-
phones were still a curiosity, whereas today almost
every student is equipped with a smartphone or tablet
computer. We thus decided to give the idea another
chance to prove itself.
To implement SMILE, we first needed a concept
for a client/server architecture. The SMILE server
would be permanently running on a university com-
puter. As operating system for the virtual machine we
took Debian 6 and the SMILE developer students got
full remote access with their university user accounts.
As programming language for the SMILE server PHP
5 was chosen, executed by the Apache HTTP server
and optimised with mod pagespeed. The database is
MySQL 5.
The communication between the SMILE server
and the SMILE clients - both student and lecturer
clients - was designed to take place over the internet
via TCP, exchanging messages including JSON ob-
jects. Every communication between the server and
a client is securely encrypted through an implementa-
tion of the Kerberos
protocol. This encryption pro-
tocol was chosen because it allows for anonymous lo-
gins. We will come back to this difficult issue in Sec-
tion 4.1.
The SMILE client should be implemented both as
a web application to run within a browser on any plat-
form and as a native smartphone app. The web ap-
plication was programmed with JavaScript using the
libraries jQuery and jqPlot. The choice for the smart-
phone platform was made in favour of Google’s An-
droid operating system, as it is not restrictive with
installing self-made apps unlike its big competitor
iOS, which only allows checked software by regis-
tered developers to be installed. To become a regis-
tered iOS developer, Apple demands an annual fee.
Notice though, that all software used for the develop-
ment of SMILE is free!
It turned out that the students quickly and mostly
autodidactically learned how to find and use the soft-
ware they needed by means of online tutorials and
help forums. The programming of the Android app
was done with the Android plug-in
for the integrated
development environment Eclipse. Eclipse also al-
lowed for the seamless integration of SVN version
control via the plug-in subclipse. The SVN repository
was hosted on a university server.
The software architecture of both the SMILE
client and server was conceived in a modular way,
such that a main component - we called the backbone
- handled all basic operations like user authentica-
tion, session management and securing the communi-
cation. The actual ARS functionalities would be han-
dled by extra software modules which would interact
with the backbone via a uniform interface. This was
done to easily allow the extension of SMILE with new
functionalities (modules) without having to change its
whole architecture every time. Thus, a lecturer can
also customize SMILE for her needs by adding or re-
moving the modules she would like to use.
Thanks to the talent and dedication of our SMILE de-
veloper students, we had a first prototype ready and
running by summer 2011, which we presented to the
public at a stall of the university’s Science Fair. Its
ARS functionalities comprised a real-time feedback
module and a multiple-choice quiz module, which
are both conceptually adopted from WIL/MA (Kopf
et al., 2005).
We also had a forum module programmed, which
was inspired by ActiveClass (Ratto et al., 2003). It
allows users to post short messages in a forum-like
manner. A message is part of a thread whose topic is
defined by the user posting its first message. Users
can add messages and cast their vote on a thread
showing that they find its topic relevant. Such a vot-
ing system allows to filter all threads by relevance.
The lecturer and students can thus easily see which is-
sue is shared by the majority and should be discussed.
We decided though not to promote its use in the field
test (Section 4) because we saw a high risk in distrac-
tion from the actual lecture and wanted to evaluate the
other two modules separately, first. Hence, we will
also not explain this module in more detail here. A
later version of SMILE will pick up the forum con-
cept again (Section 5).
Real-time Feedback. The real-time feedback mod-
ule of SMILE gives students the opportunity to make
themselves noticeable during the lecture without ex-
plicitly interrupting its flow. When the module is se-
lected in a student’s client, the graphical user interface
(GUI) shows a slider bar with a text label indicating
the dimension this slider is rating. The left and right
end of the slider are labelled indicating what the ex-
tremes of its scale mean. Figure 2 shows such a slider
as seen within the native Android client of SMILE.
Its label is ”Verstaendnis” (understanding) and its ex-
treme positions mean ”I lost track!” and ”Everything
clear!” respectively. The top line shows the name of
the current lecture and is part of the Android client’s
navigation scheme. Figure 3 shows the same slider as
it is displayed in the SMILE web client running in a
browser window. The tabs above the slider are part
of the web client’s navigation scheme. The designs
of the Android client and the web client differ signif-
icantly but their functionalities are equivalent.
The user administration of SMILE allows different
user roles. This makes it possible that students and
lecturers use the same client software to log in but
Figure 2: Feedback slider in the students’ Android client.
Figure 3: Feedback slider in the students’ web client.
get access to different functionalities. Thus, when a
lecturer views the real-time feedback module in the
web client, she can access the live results of the feed-
back. These are visualised as a bar diagram as shown
in figure 4. Each bar represents the percentage of par-
ticipating students who have set their slider to the cor-
responding position. The number of bars can be ad-
justed. As the students’ sliders are stepless, each bar
of the result view subsumes the slider positions in its
adjacency until the adjacency of a neighbouring bar
Figure 4: Feedback live results in the lecturer’s web client.
A slider for ”understanding” is just one possibility.
Slider bars can be created and edited arbitrarily by
the lecturer. If more than one slider is created, the
sliders and results are shown one below the other. We
will talk about the possibilities of several sliders in
Section 4.1 as well as about the hypothesised effects
of the module.
Multiple-choice Quiz. The multiple-choice quiz
module is - just as the feedback module - adopted
from WIL/MA (Kopf et al., 2005). It enables the lec-
turer to create a question with different answer possi-
bilities, which she can present to the students at an
appropriate time of the lecture. In SMILE a quiz
question can either have one possible answer (radio-
buttons) or several (check-boxes). Figure 5 and 6
show the students’ view of an open question in the
Android client and in the web client respectively. As
for the feedback module the designs differ, but the
functionalities are the same. The shown question has
several answer possibilities and asks which of the
three given equations (taken from set theory) are true.
Figure 5: Multiple-choice in the students’ Android client.
Figure 6: Multiple-choice in the students’ web client.
The lecturer can open, close, show or hide questions
at any time. If a question is hidden, it cannot be seen
by a student user. In order to accept votes for a ques-
tion it must be opened and not hidden. Every user is
only allowed one vote per question and the number of
received votes is displayed in the lecturer’s web client
view. As the lecturer sees fit, she can close the ques-
tion which leads to no further answers being accepted.
Now, the results can be viewed both on the lec-
turer’s and on the students’ clients. Questions with
one answer possibility are visualised as a pie chart,
questions with several as a bar diagram. Figure 7
shows the results for the above question. It was not
too difficult: most students got it right, that only an-
swer 1 and 3 are correct. But three students fell for the
little trap of answer 2. A good quiz question always
has typical misconceptions as some of its answer pos-
When we presented the SMILE prototype at the uni-
Figure 7: Multiple-choice results in the web client.
versity’s Science Fair in summer 2011, reactions were
mostly positive. People liked the idea but some where
also sceptical about the practicability. Would the ARS
not be more a distraction than a benefit? Our an-
swer was that this would have to be empirically eval-
uated. And so in the winter semester 2011/2012 we
were given the chance to utilise SMILE in a first year
Computing Science lecture on ”Computer Engineer-
ing”. As the students’ attendance is not compulsory
for the lecture, the number of participants differs but
in average there have been around 90 students in each
lecture, which takes place twice a week for two hours.
4.1 Setup
In the first session of the lecture we introduced
SMILE to the first semester students with a short pre-
sentation and demonstration. This was done by the
lecturer, the responsible research assistants but mainly
by the SMILE developer students, because we wanted
to authentically convey that SMILE is a project by
students for students. We also introduced the accom-
panying evaluation (see Section 4.2).
A difficult issue was how to achieve anonymity
within SMILE while at the same time avoid abuse. It
is understood that some students like to be anonymous
when giving their real-time feedback or multiple-
choice answers. Otherwise they might fear SMILE
could accumulate their data to see for example which
student always puts his slider to ”I lost track!”. But
on the other hand, if we have no user authentication, it
would be possible for one person (or malicious script)
to log in multiple times and thus tamper with the feed-
back or quiz results.
As mentioned in Section 2 we implemented the
Kerberos encryption protocol because it allows for
anonymous user authentication. This is however only
possible when the service (SMILE) is not cooperat-
ing with another separated authentication server. So it
would theoretically be possible to use the university’s
user account administration for authentication, such
that the SMILE server would only know that some-
body is authenticated but not who the actual person is.
But from the student’s point of view he would have to
read and understand his SMILE client’s source code
to confirm that his user data is only sent to the user
administration and not to the SMILE server. And
even then he would not be sure that the people behind
SMILE are not secretly cooperating with the former.
This is still an unresolved question. So for our
field test we did the following workaround. We cre-
ated a fixed number of random user names and corre-
sponding initial passwords and printed them on pa-
per sheets which were handed out randomly to the
students in the lecture. The password could later be
changed by the students. Thus, each student could
only login once, but it could not be known which per-
son is behind which user name.
Our hypothesis was that students will feel more en-
couraged to ask questions in the lecture when they
know that is it not just themselves having difficulties.
Thus, it would be necessary to let them see the lec-
turer’s view of the live-feedback results all the time.
This is achieved by running the lecturer’s SMILE
web client in the browser of an extra laptop computer
whose screen is projected on a separate big screen
next to the actual white board, as seen on the photo
in figure 1. The screen of the extra computer is facing
the lecturer such that he can observe the live results
too while facing the students.
Kopf et al. had two feedback sliders for their ex-
periments with WIL/MA: one for the lecture’s com-
plexity (too high too easy) and one for its speed
(too fast too slow). We decided to only use one
slider for understanding (”I lost track!” – ”Everything
clear!”) as described in Section 3. Thus, our slider’s
desired position is on the far right; unlike those used
in WIL/MA whose desired positions were in the mid-
The feedback live results are visible for the whole
lecture on the extra screen. When a multiple-choice
quiz happens, the lecturer switches the view in his
SMILE web client so that the students see it as well
on the extra screen. The question and answer pos-
sibilities are read aloud followed by a period of 2-5
minutes during which the students can send their an-
swers. Then, the results are viewed and discussed be-
fore the lecture continues and the extra screen goes
back to showing the feedback live results. On average
we have 1-2 quizzes per 2 hour lecture.
4.2 Evaluation
In summer 2011 we showed our first prototype to
learning psychologist, who agreed to assist us in a
formative evaluation accompanying the planned field
utilisation of SMILE. Our main aim was to find out if
students experience SMILE as a benefit or not. An
electronic questionnaire with 22 items was created
to assess possible developments in the students opin-
ion. We implemented the questionnaire as an addi-
tional SMILE module called ”Evaluation”, which al-
lows students to answer the questionnaire once be-
tween two consecutive lecture sessions.
Most items are questions which can be answered
via a 5-step slider ranging from ”agree” to ”not
agree”. Abstaining from answering a question is pos-
sible via a corresponding check-box which is acti-
vated by default and automatically deactivated when
the slider is moved. A more detailed description of
the evaluation setup and results will be subject to a
later publication. For now we can share the following
Students seem to appreciate the multiple-choice
module more than the real-time feedback and would
wish that there are more than just 1-2 quizzes per
lecture. The number of students participating in the
quizzes is approx. 50% of the attending students. The
feedback is only constantly used by approx. 15%.
This seems primarily due to technical difficulties we
have had with the wireless LAN in the lecture hall.
Glitches in the students’ internet connections lead to
frequent automatic logouts making the constant us-
age of the feedback module a nuisance. Further-
more, many students have the security functionalities
of their smartphones enabled which requires them to
enter a password or gesture each time after the device
has been shortly inactive.
We also realised that the percentage of students
taking part in the evaluation questionnaire regularly
has been low. We therefore conducted another eval-
uation via paper questionnaire with items aiming at
these issues as well. The results will be subject to the
later publication explaining the whole field testing pe-
riod in detail.
We were able to show that it is possible for a group of
talented undergraduate students to autonomously im-
plement and maintain a complex system like SMILE
using university hardware and contemporary free
software and online resources. The development is
in ongoing progress. At the moment we are in discus-
sion with a group of new students, who have taken
part in the ”Computer Engineering” lecture where
SMILE is tested and want to join the development
team. With some of the former SMILE developers
leaving the team, SMILE might thus be passed down
from year to year and from students to students.
A next development would be to get rid of the ex-
tra screen in the lecture hall and transform the lec-
turer’s SMILE client into an expandable toolbar be-
low the whiteboard slides. Furthermore, we are tak-
ing up the forum idea again, thus implementing a
backchannel as recently suggested by (Gehlen-Baum
et al., 2011). Aiming at devices with larger screens
(i.e. tablet or laptop computers), forum entries could
be associated to positions in the lecture slides as sug-
gested by (Anderson et al., 2003).
Beside various modifications to improve the us-
ability of SMILE, we are particularly thinking about
integrating the multiple-choice quizzes more seam-
lessly into the lecture slides. A perfect way to do this
has recently been demonstrated by Thrun and Norvig
in their online with several thousand
participants worldwide. Concepts like
might eventually more and more replace the classical
lecture model. With a project like SMILE we hope to
make it still worthwhile for larger crowds of students
and lecturers to physically meet from time to time.
Anderson, R. J., Anderson, R., VanDeGrift, T., Wolfman,
S. A., and Yasuhara, K. (2003). Promoting interaction
in large classes with computer-mediated feedback. In
Proceedings of CSCL’03: the International Confer-
ence on Computer Support for Collaborative Learn-
ing, pages 119–123, Bergen, Norway. Kluwer.
Gehlen-Baum, V., Pohl, A., and Bry, F. (2011). Assessing
Backstage–A Backchannel for Collaborative Learning
in Large Classes. In Proceedings of the 14th Interna-
tional Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learn-
ing (ICL 2011), pages 154–160, Piestany, Slovakia.
Kopf, S., Scheele, N., and Effelsberg, W. (2005). The inter-
active lecture: Teaching and learning technologies for
large classrooms. Technical Report TR-05-001, Math-
ematics and Computer Science Department, Univer-
sity of Mannheim.
Ratto, M., Shapiro, R. B., Truong, T. M., and Griswold, W.
(2003). The activeclass project: Experiments in en-
couraging classroom participation. Computer Support
for Collaborative Learning 2003.