offers a rule-based clustering approach to location-
based grouping for learning (Tan et al. 2009; Tan et
al. 2010). The work presented on MVC focuses on
the current location of a learner and learning interest
and style. The novelty of our work is the use of the
L-factor paired with knowledge of the learner’s
interests for group formation or clustering.
Clustering is an exploratory process of organizing
objects into groups based on two or more variables
(Finch 2005). In LearNet, we cluster based on a
learner’s location patterns and their learning
Karimi et al. (2009) developed a special purpose
location-based social network (LBSN) for
navigation experience sharing, called SoNavNet
(i.e., social navigation network). The focus of
SoNavNet is on personalized navigation information
sharing. SoNavNet can support location-based
collaboration among learners. Building on the initial
description of SoNavNet, Karimi et al. (2011)
provide a model for sharing navigation experiences
using a concept called ‘L-factor’. The users of
SoNavNet are assigned an L-factor for each of their
visited locations, and their familiarity with each
location decays as the distance from a visited
location increases. The more a user visits a location,
the larger the L-factor for that location will be and
the strength of their knowledge extends further out
from the location. The L-factor can assist in
location-based grouping and pairing of learners for
collaborative learning activities because it can group
learners based on their location patterns.
Anwar et al. (2011) present a methodology,
designed for SoNavNet, for supporting
collaboration. This methodology, called OnLocEd
(Online Location-based Education), facilitates
recommendations of resources and peers to learners.
The authors emphasize two learning situations,
location-based learning and location-aware learning,
both are supported by the combination of online
social networks, location-based services (LBS), and
mobile technologies, which can result in experiential
and authentic learning activities. The authors
demonstrate that OnLocEd can be used for sharing
learning resources. LearNet serves as a core model
for the OnLocEd methodology utilized in
3 LearNet
LearNet is a methodology for location-based
collaboration within a network of learners and
resources. LearNet uses this network to support the
R3 methodology of OnLocEd. This section provides
a description of LearNet parameters.
We describe the LearNet graph G as:
where M and E are two finite sets of nodes and links.
In LearNet, nodes and links represent learners and
resources; a node represents an entity such as a
learner p or a location-dependent resource r (e.g.,
learning artefact or event). Each node is either a
learner or a resource:
where M
is the set of all learners and M
, is the set
of all resources. In LearNet, a link can connect a
learner to another learner pp, or a learner to a
resource pr. The links are of two types: learner-to-
learner and learner-to-resource:
where E
is the set of all learner-to-learner links and
is the set of all learner-to-resource links. The
attributes of a learner node are referred henceforth as
a portfolio:
=(Ω,, ,X,C,)
where U is the learner portfolio containing Ω, the
user profile from SoNavNet, Z, the academic
information shared by the learner, Lf
a set of L-
factors for the learner, X, the context information, C,
the completed and active courses, I, and the learner
interests. The profile, Ω, includes a user’s name,
unique ID, home address, contact information, and
account credentials. The academic information
shared by the user includes highest level of
education and degree/program information. The L-
factor in SoNavNet measures the location
knowledge of a user based on their interaction with
the system and is viewed as a learner’s past context.
The set of L-factors in a learner’s profile is:
is the L-factor of a single location and
where L
is the name of the location; L
is the
coordinate pair for the location; r is a range from
the location; A is the strength of knowledge about
the location; and n is the magnitude of the L-factor
(see Karimi et al. 2011). Current context information