Unleashing Personal Data into the Wild
Giuseppe Ciaccio and Marina Ribaudo
DISI, Universit`a di Genova, Via Dodecaneso 35, Genova, Italy
Open Data, Open API, Government 2.0, OAuth.
In these years the public administration is undergoing a deep transformation, driven by a greater demand
for transparency and efficiency in a participative framework involving nonprofit organizations, businesses,
and citizens, with the modern network infrastructures as a common medium. The Open Data movement is
considered to be one of the keys of this change. In this position paper we argue that the work done so far in the
Open Data field, i.e. offering massive public datasets, is just a preliminary answer. We argue that a few open
standards concerning online authorization, access control, and data exportation, are emerging; these standards,
if adopted by the public administration (but also business companies and any other organization), will trigger
the release of a much wider and more useful wave of open data, able to sustain a new generation of helpful
online personalized services, based on personal data whose ownership is given back to individual people.
The past 15 years have seen a fundamental transition
from the ”traditional” web to the so called Web 2.0 (T.
O’Reilly, 2005), showing the power of the users in
co-creating new content and adding value to already
existing knowledge. Web 2.0 suggestions and the idea
of “Web-as-participation-platform”have changed dif-
ferent aspects of our everyday life. We recall, for
instance, the educational context where the term e-
learning 2.0 has been coined to stress the need of
changes in the pedagogical models for the students of
the new millennium, or in the media sector where so-
cial networking and media-sharing websites, and the
increasing prevalence of mobile devices, have made
news available to people almost in real time all over
the world.
Also the public administrationis not immune from
this participatory scenario and terms like e-democracy
or Government 2.0 have been coined aiming for a
broader and more active citizen participation in to-
day’s representative democracy. The memorandum
on Trasparency and Open Government signed by
President Obama (Obama, 2009) has fostered a new
era for the public sector in which transparency, par-
ticipation, and collaboration should become central
in the democratic decision process. An example is the
bottom-up approach in which government agencies
place high value on the collaboration with citizens,
supporting the learning from the crowds (Surowiecki,
2005). One term used in this case is citizen-sourcing
and we refer to (Nam, 2012) for a discussion of this
The use of open standards to foster innovation, the
proposal of simple solutions that can autonomously
evolve thanks to the community of developers, the
design for participation, the disclosure of information
that the public can easily access, all of these issues are
currently being discussed. Open Data, in particular,
is considered the coin of the Internet business model
and the public sector should produce data, making
it available to the private sector and to citizens who
have the economic interest, the technical competen-
cies, and the creativity to show how different data can
be put in use to build new applications and services.
Several public administrations have started releas-
ing massive datasets as Open Data on their websites.
The first catalog of Open Data has been published
in May 2009 by the United States Government
, fol-
lowed by the experience of the British Government
with the release of its national portal in September
2009. Some Open Data portals have been launched
in Italy too. We mention here the case of the admin-
istration of the Piedmont region, Italy, and its portal
offering political data, traffic and local transportation
Ciaccio G. and Ribaudo M..
OPEN DATA FOR THE MASSES - Unleashing Personal Data into the Wild.
DOI: 10.5220/0003960502010206
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 201-206
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
data, touristic and cultural data, cartographic maps,
mostly in the form of comma-separated values or
geospatial vector data in the case of geographic in-
formation. To the best of our knowledge, the datasets
made available at the portal have static character (that
is, they will not reflect changes occurred after the re-
lease date) and are of two kinds, namely: aggregated
and anonymized data (e.g. number of children for
each school in the region); and identification data of
public entities (e.g. names and addresses of restau-
rants in the region). We believe this is a general is-
sue affecting the whole current generation of Open
Data. Indeed no data concerning individual people
may been released, because of obvious privacy rea-
sons. On the other hand, data of public entities (e.g.
list of restaurants) are already available on the web,
although possibly not in an organized form. Thus, the
only new thing in the current wave of Open Data is
the massive release of aggregated anonymized data,
which can be of great interest for statistical reasons
but of limited use for building services. In our opin-
ion, the lack of data concerning individual people,
along with the static nature of the datasets, are weak-
ness points of the current generation Open Data; with-
out personal data and without “freshness”, it is indeed
impossible to build useful services tailored to the ac-
tual needs of a given individual at a given time
At this point, we wondered about what would be
a useful complement to the Open Data idea. Personal
and sensitive data cannot be released without access
control and online permission by the individual. If we
need data that are always “fresh”, we need to abandon
the concept of dataset being released once for ever. It
would then make much more sense to leave the data
where they are, namely, the back ends of the numer-
ous websites, and let the webservers export them to
the web using some sort of accepted standard at the
front end. As we will discuss in this position paper,
we do not need to devise anything really new: it is
just a matter of leveraging existing technologies and
standards, and then the massive amount of personal
and even sensitive data concerning individuals would
become open, thus available for a new wave of in-
novative and personalized services, yet preserving an
acceptable degree of privacy.
The key point is that there now exist standard tech-
nologies for online authorization, by which an indi-
vidual can exert access control over personal data re-
gardless of the physical location where the data are
actually stored and managed; it is only necessary that
It is not by chance, that the Apps For Italy developer
contest (http:/, calling for interesting
Open Data applications, has shifted the currently open sub-
mission deadline from February 10th to April 30th, 2012.
the manager of data (a public administration dealing
with citizen data, but also a business company manag-
ing client data) conforms to these authorization tech-
nologies and APIs. Another point is that there now
exist mature technologies for representing and export-
ing data items (e.g. records of a back end database).
A third point is that there would be no need to change
the internal organization of data at the back ends, so
no need for coordination among the many entities that
currently manage our personal data. Just glue these
pieces together, and get what we call the “Open Data
for the masses”.
Last but not least, with these technologies each in-
dividual would regain ownership on personal data, af-
ter decades in which “the owner” could only be the
same as “the manager”; this is very important for a
true ecosystem of online services to grow, free from
the monopolistic control of data managers improperly
acting as owners.
This position paper is structured as follows. Sec-
tion 2 briefly summarizes the current standard ingre-
dients of the Web 2.0. Section 3 describes the new
emerging standards and technologies for data exporta-
tion, authorization and access control; access control
by user permission, based on cryptographic creden-
tials, is the ingredient the lack of which whould make
it impossible to safely export personal data to the web.
Finally, in Section 5 the paper concludes suggesting
what we consider the open points to be addressed by
near-term research in order for the proposed approach
to become effective.
Data Formats, Web API. In order to go over the
HTML page building block, new and more generic
languages to model structured data, independently
from their future usage, such as XML and JSON, have
been standardised. Using HTTP as a communication
protocol, each website can nowadays export its data
and services by offering its own set of web APIs, ac-
cessible to other software developers.
SOA, REST. The interaction of different applica-
tions, possibly running on heterogeneous architec-
tures, has led at the beginning of the 2000 to the de-
velopment of the so-called Service-Oriented Architec-
ture (SOA), Amazon Web Services
being the first
case of success with the introduction of its cloud com-
puting platform in which e-commerce applications
are built by means of separate cooperating services.
A lightweight alternative to SOA is the REST archi-
tectural style (Fielding, 2000) that has been developed
in parallel with the version 1.1 of the HTTP protocol
and it is therefore deeply influenced from the archi-
tecture of the web.
Mashup. The availability of web APIs has had a
strong impact on the creation and fruition of new in-
formation following a mashup approach. On the one
hand, we have assisted to the growth of websites built
by software developers easily integrating data com-
ing from different sources instead of building them
by themselves. On the other hand, by exploiting third
parties APIs new applications have emerged. We re-
call here Facebook applications which can be exe-
cuted on remote servers or directly on the clients (e.g.,
in form of Java applets or iPhone and Android apps).
Towards Web 3.0. Quoting (T. O’Reilly, 2005)
“Data is the Next Intel Inside”, we live in the era of
the big data, datasets that grow so large and are so
hetereogeneous that it becomes difficult to work with
them using traditional database management tools.
Massively parallel software running on tens, hun-
dreds, or even thousands of servers can be used to
cope with the size of the available datasets. More-
over, “intelligent” techniques are required to move
beyond a mere syntactic use of this volume of data,
not necessarily stored in searchable databases. The
web is (slowly) evolving towards the so called Se-
mantic Web whose resources (HTML pages, files of
different formats, services) have an associated seman-
tics defined via explicit metadata. Emerging tech-
nologies in this context are the Resource Descrip-
tion Framework (RDF, nd), a standard model for data
interchange on the web, with the associated query
language (SPARQL, 2004), the Web Ontology Lan-
guage (OWL, 2004), and the Linked Data (Berners-
Lee, 2006) describing a method of publishing struc-
tured data so that it can be interlinked and become
more useful.
Standardizing the web APIs being offered by websites
seems to be infeasible as a goal. A lesser goal, which
has partly been achieved, concerns the standardiza-
tion of a typical subset of any web API, namely, the
API subset for data access. Experience in the field
of web application shows that, like with any informa-
tion system, it is almost always necessary that a web
APIs for data access supports the following basic op-
erations: read a subset of data items that match a rule
given as a simple logical expression, read only some
attributes from a given subset of data items, replace
a given data item with a modified version of itself,
modify some attributes of a given data item, delete a
given data item. Data items may be represented by
one of the languages now established as a standard in
the field and, basically, they are XML documents or
JSON objects.
But this is not enough: each data item must be
given a unique “name”, if we want to give meaning to
operations like “delete a given data item”. Following
the REST approach, item names should be URIs in
the same way as any other resource name on the web.
3.1 Google GData and Microsoft OData
Among the various options for associating a URI
with an XML document, an interesting approach is
the one already in use for representing RSS or Atom
feeds (RSS, nd; ATOM, 2005). These feeds are brief
summaries of fresh items recently appeared on a web-
site. Each feed appears as an XML document ex-
ported by a website; it contains a brief summary of
a fresh item appeared on the website plus the URI
where the full item can be accessed. Modern browsers
read feeds from websites selected by the user; in this
way, the user will get the latest news appeared on her
preferred websites without explicitly searching them.
Feeds may also be imported from other websites, so
that they can cite an item appeared elsewhere and
point the original website for the full item, an activity
known as syndication.
In 2007 Google created a web API, inspired to
Atom, aimed at exporting, querying, and modifying
data items; such an API has been then integrated into
the web APIs of many Google’s services (Google Cal-
endar, Google Analytics, Google Maps, Picasa, and
others). This web API is known as Google Data Pro-
tocol (GData, 2007).
With GData it is possible to represent structured
data with XML or JSON, associate a unique URI to
each data item, select items by substring match and
extract them in full or in part, create new data items,
replace/modify/delete items identified by URI
Google has also created useful documentation for
GData developers, plus a set of library stubs for the
main web programming frameworks. A GData mod-
ule for the Drupal CMS exists as well (M. Cotterell,
2008). GData is currently used by Google services
The usage example reported at
apis/gdata/docs/2.0/basics.html is very illustrative of the ba-
sic GData features.
but the specification has been released under a licence
that grants free use to anybody (GDataLicence, nd);
the goal seems thus to push towards establishing an
open standard of general use on the web.
In 2010 Microsoft (E. Minardi, 2010) has pro-
posed the Open Data Protocol, a web API conceptu-
ally similar to GData
, whose specification is publicly
available for implementation under a license called
“Microsoft Open Specification Promise” (ODataLi-
cence, nd). In this case too it seems that the goal is
to contribute to some kind of standard web API for
data access.
3.2 Data Access Upon Authorization
Read access to data classified as “sensitive” or even
just “personal” raises obious privacy concerns; access
in write mode to whatever kind of data poses addi-
tional security issues, related to integrity of informa-
tion stored in the back end. All these concerns have
greatly hampered exporting data of this kind to the
web so far.
Most of the fear surrounding the exportation of
personal or sensitive data by web servers is rooted in a
poor knowledge of the existing cryptographical tools
and algorithms which, if properly implemented and
used, allow to attain a security level comparable to
the one of a system disconnected from the network.
The privacy and security requirements, indeed, can
be fulfilled by submitting suitable credentials for ac-
cess control along with data requests, and using ses-
sion encryption against eavesdropping and man-in-
the-middle attacks.
Session encryption is performed routinely by
HTTPS. Access credential can be implemented by
means of cryptographic tokens issued by an autho-
rization server, and carrying unforgeable grants valid
for accessing a given resource within a possibly lim-
ited time span. The authorization technology is now
mature and there are indeed some standardization at-
tempts. Google, for example, has chosen to conform
to the OAuth authorization protocol (OAuth, 2006;
OAuth2.0, 2010; E. Hammer-Lahav, 2010; OAuthEx-
ample, nd; GDataOAuth, nd), thus showing an in-
terest in establishing OAuth as an open authorization
standard. Facebook is another such example.
With OAuth 2.0, the authorization server is logi-
cally distinct from the server providing the web API
for data access. An application that needs to query
a data server must first have registered itself with the
data server, then it has to digitally sign any request
A sufficiently clear example of usage is reported at
to that server’s web API and provide, along the re-
quest, an authorization token valid for that server and
the specific data resource being queried; such a token
must have previously been obtained by the authoriza-
tion server, which may release it upon verification of
the (permanent, or one-time) permission by the party
who the data (in this case, sensitive or personal data)
refer to. It is thus possible to separate the data man-
ager (e.g. the administrator of the data server) from
the data owner (e.g. a person, citizen, business en-
terprise or client). The owner can give permission
for specific applications to access given data items
on given data servers for a given amount of time and
according to specified access patterns (e.g. only for
read, or read/modify, or full access) without revealing
any authentication credential (like username or pass-
word) to the application or the data manager. Only the
authorization server needs to get authentication cre-
dential from the user, in order to assess the validity of
the permissions.
More authorization servers may exist, of course,
under control of as many independent administration
domains, but they could coexist within a single feder-
ated authentication domain by means of the OpenID
standard (OpenID, nd; OpenIDGoogle, nd) or Single
Sign-On approaches.
3.3 Open Data for the Masses
The separation between data manager and data owner
allows to extend the realm of Open Data to the huge
domain of personal, and even sensitive, data items;
such data can well become Open without becoming
“Public” because, thanks to an authorization server,
there may exist an owner who ultimately grants or
denies access permission to the data items selectively,
and independently of the possibly many administra-
tion domains where the data are physically stored and
logically managed.
Some innovative use cases become suddenly fea-
sible. For instance, let us consider individual medical
data, also known as electronic health records (EHR),
whose adoption is currently being strongly promoted
by the Obama Administration in the United States
By implementing EHRs as Open Data with autho-
rization, a person may grant access permission for
her own EHR to applications run by public hospi-
tals while denying permission to insurance compa-
nies. Another use case might be found the domain
of income and taxation, where it would be very use-
ful to have an application for automatic statement of
income. Ideally, data items concerning income of a
citizen could be exported by the employer, from a
server of his own as well as a third party data centre;
data items concerning, say, real estate or other proper-
ties owned by the citizen and subject to taxation could
be exported by a public registry; and, say, data items
concerning deductible medical expenses could be ex-
ported by the respective hospitals or specialists who
provided the healthcare service or medical interven-
tion. All of these items could be exported as Open
Data subject to access permission by the owner (the
citizen, and a few public authorities). With the one-
time consent of the citizen, an application run by the
citizen herself or by an accountant of her choice could
access these data and help building a statement of in-
come for the citizen. The same data could also be
exploited for auditing purposes by the public tax au-
thority, who could be just one of the owners of the
data items in addition to the citizen. Final income
data, once submitted to the office of tax and revenue,
could be in turn exported as Open Data by the office
of tax itself and exploited for computing the due bal-
ance of those social services whose fare depends on
the stated income of the citizen.
To sum up, by coupling an Open Data approach
with a suitable authorization technique, it would be
possible to deploy personalized and thus much more
helpful online services that need, or make only sense
with, personal and sensitive data of individual users.
This would open to supporting a great number of
routinary tasks of various kinds (bureauocratic, com-
mercial, informational, or merely recreational), even
involving a number of distinct and independent par-
ties. The only effort required to each party is to over-
come any unmotivated security/privacy anxiety and
unleash data items “into the wild”, adhering to a stan-
dard web API and a standard authorization scheme
(like GData and OAuth). The back end organization
of data need not be changed in any way; this is another
point of strenght of this approach, as the various data
managers would keep their reciprocal independency.
In the public administration domain we could not
find proposals similar to our for delivering services
built upon personal or sensitive data and using already
available open standards.
The work in (Wallis et al., 2011) proposes the
separation of data (personal information and user-
generated content) from the web applications willing
to use them. This is made possible thanks to the in-
troduction of a model of a distributed online data stor-
age. The application domain is that of Web 2.0 appli-
cations: instead of filling multiple user profile forms
to grant access to different services, users should
store their personal data onto a possibly distributed
data storage, responsible of maintaining a single fresh
copy of the data. Upon authorization of data owner,
this storage service can provide access grant to web
applications following a publish/subscribe paradigm
and thanks to the definition of an API offered (1) to
users to store/modify their data and (2) to web appli-
cations to access (in read mode) to the same data upon
authorization, as specified by specific policyrules that
define what a given web application can do with given
user data. Differently from our proposal, this ap-
proach does not take advantage of the already existing
standards, despite the authors themselves recognize
that For the DDS model to become widely utilised
the DDS API will need to be adopted as a standard
(p. 58).
The approach we propose is very similar to the
vision of the Data Portability Project
launched in
2008, as written on the associated website:
“Data portability is a new approach, where it
is easier to use and deliver services. This fric-
tionless movement through the network of ser-
vices fosters stronger relationships between
people and services providers and helps build
a healthy networked ecosystem.
Unfortunately, we could not find examples of appli-
cations developed having this goal in mind. The tech-
nology to enable data portability does exist but open-
ing up data to build helpful and competing services
still seems unsafe.
Indeed, the first short-term goal is to identify a num-
ber of simple use cases and try to develop prototype
applications that make use of exported data subject
to user authorization. But there are a number of as-
pects that need to be investigated in order for our
proposed approach to become effective and cover a
broader range of use cases.
One of the open points is related to distributed ac-
tivities that may incur unpredictable delays before de-
livering an answer to the user; as an easy example,
think at an online bureaucratic task requiring some
kind of permission or signature by a human officer
in order to proceed. A naive application would re-
main idle, waiting for an unpredictable time, and this
would not be acceptable from the user side. In these
cases the API should support some sort of state transi-
tion for the application, so that it could be put in a sort
of stand-by mode, with the possibility of sending an
asynchronous notification to the user (by SMS, email,
or other messaging) whenever the application is ready
to proceed.
A more complexscenario where some research ef-
fort could be necessary, concerns tasks that require
reservation of multiple resources in an all-or-nothing
fashion, or, in other words, distributed transactions. It
would be easy to draw a number of use cases where
a distributed transaction is in order; think of, for in-
stance, the usual example where a guy wants to make
reservations for his holiday time, and must match the
availability of a seat on a flight with the availability
of a room in a hotel, the choice of location depending
on the very possibility to find both resources in the re-
quired dates. Distributed transaction is an established
topics of research in the field of distributed comput-
, but the community seems not to have reached
a consensus on whether could distributed transaction
be implemented in a REST style (Little, 2009; Mus-
grove, 2009; Marinos et al., 2009; Carlyle, 2009), yet
REST is the style of all the web APIs discussed in
Section 3.
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