Georgia M. Kapitsaki
Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus, 75 Kallipoleos Street, P.O. Box 20537, CY-1678, Nicosia,Cyprus
Keywords: Web Services, Semantic Web, Context, Context Dependencies.
Abstract: Web Service reuse is embraced both by the industry and the academia. Especially in the field of context-
awareness, where Web Services are usually employed as building blocks for larger applications, the
existence of adequate service descriptions is vital. The semantic Web technologies have assisted in
providing richer descriptions of resources However, elaborated constructs that allow the potential user to
understand the behaviour and relation of the Web Service to context information are missing. In the current
paper context-related information that should form part of the service description is presented in three
categories: context dependencies, context offering and context special handling. The categories are analyzed
to their ingredient elements and incorporated in service descriptions as en extension to the OWL-S ontology
for Web Services demonstrating the preliminary use of the proposed approach.
Reuse at different levels is a main aspect of software
engineering although open research issues remain
(Frakes, 2005). Also in the field of services reuse is
widely promoted. Especially Web Services (WSs)
are often seen and exploited as building blocks for
larger applications that may target desktop, Web or
mobile environments depending on the purpose of
use. Many large software vendors are exploiting the
Web Service technology either in the form of in-
house developed solutions to be integrated in the
company’s products or as reusable software
components that can be acquired through third party
providers as free and open source or purchased
solutions (McKinsey, 2007).
Web Services are also widely employed in the
field of context-aware services and applications
(Dey and Abowd, 2000). Different frameworks that
link WSs and context can be found in the literature
(Keidl and Kemper, 2004). Similarly to the way it is
treated in other domains, the importance of context
information in Web Services is not to be neglected.
Context can assist end-users and software engineers
to infer on the potential use of the service, i.e.,
circumstances under which the service can be
exploited. For instance, a service available in the
United States may require the USD as currency for
any payment performed and can, thus, not be used or
combined with another service targeting European
Nevertheless, the above is not the only case
where the existence of context-related information is
required in WSs to assist their proper use. It is usual
that a WS be dependent on context information. For
example, a WS requiring as an input parameter the
value of the current temperature depends on context
information related to the current weather
conditions. This needs to be specified in the service
description in order to make: 1) potential end-users
of the WS aware that the temperature information
might be requested from them and 2) potential
engineers who want to use the service alone or in
combination with other ones aware that it is their
responsibility to inject the temperature information
to the service, once they decide to use it. Similarly, a
WS may be equipped with mechanisms that retrieve
context information and, thus, be offering context as
output to its operations instead of requiring it, or
include special context handling in its functionality
that should be again communicated to prospective
Although the Web Service Definition Language
(WSDL) specification for the description of WS
interfaces, has been complemented with semantics
through semantic Web technologies, questions that
evolve around context dependencies, offerings and
M. Kapitsaki G..
DOI: 10.5220/0003961102130218
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 213-218
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
special handling remain unanswered in the solutions
available in the bibliography. The WS description
should incorporate answers to questions such as:
What kind of context the service depends on”,
What type of context the service offers”, “How does
the service consider context in its functionality”. The
current paper presents the ongoing work towards
integrating answers to the above questions in the
service description. Specifically, it analyzes the
elements of the answers to the three questions and
proposes an extension to the OWL-S semantic
markup for Web Services (Martin, et al., 2007) with
context-related elements. In the proposed approach
context information is regarded primarily from the
software engineer’s view. The main aim is to assist
in reusing available services
The rest of the paper is structured as follows:
section 2 presents the related literature that
motivated this work. Section 3 analyzes the
identified context categories and their application
use, whereas section 4 introduces OWL-S-CONTX,
the proposed context-related extension to OWL-S.
Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper.
Context-awareness is an issue that has gained
tremendous interest from the research community in
the latest years targeting in many cases pervasive
and mobile computing systems. System architecture
solutions that focus on context-awareness in Web
services addressing how context information can be
employed during WS execution are also available
(Keidl andKemper, 2004; Kapitsaki, Kateros and
Venieris, 2008).
One important issue in context-aware
environments concerns the development of context-
aware applications by reusing already existing
components either as stand-alone and individual
services or as building blocks for larger applications
(Claro, Albers, and Hao, 2006). In order to assist this
process the principles of the Semantic Web, where
resources form part of ontologies using languages
such as Resource Description Framework (RDF) and
Web Ontology Language (OWL), are usually
employed. The use of ontologies is common in
domains, such as pervasive and ubiquitous
environments (Chen et al., 2004; Reichle et al.,
2008). An ontology specific to Web Services has
been recommended under OWL-S (Martin, et al.,
2007). OWL-S consists of three parts:
1. Service Profile: describes the functionality
that the service performs containing
information on inputs required by the service
and the generated output along with
information on preconditions for running the
service and side effects from its execution.
2. Service Process: contains information about
the service processes showing ways of how a
client may interact with the WS.
3. Service Grounding: provides details of how to
access the service and is related to the
traditional WSDL descriptor.
Existing literature works have addressed the
issue of adding context-related information in WS
descriptions. Mrissa et al. (2006) have added context
information as an extension to WSDL making input
and output messages more specific (e.g., to state that
the expected currency in an input message is the
Singapore dollar). Based on this description a
semantic mediator is responsible for performing any
necessary transformations to ensure that composition
between services that do not share the same context
is feasible. In (Madnick, Zhu and Fan, 2009) context
data described in an ontology are added as
annotations in WSDL by extending the Semantic
Annotation for WSDL and XML Schema standard.
An approach that uses OWL-S for describing
context-aware services as part of a wider system, the
myCampus Semantic Web environment, has been
proposed by Sheshagiri, Sadeh and Gandon (2004),
However, no context-related extension is proposed
by the authors. In another work context information
is added as an extension to the Service Profile of
OWL-S (Suraci, Mignanti and Aiuto, 2007). A
context attribute that points to a Uniform Resource
Identifier (URI), where the context is stored in OWL
format, is proposed. This information is maintained
in the Context Manager who is responsible for
administrating context information. An extension to
OWL-S can also be found in (Nayar, Kirsch-
Pinheiro and Souveyet, 2011). In this work the
authors propose an extension consisting of three
parts: one as a new parameter of the Service Profile
that describes the intention associated with the
service (related to user’s goals), one as a new
context attribute in the Profile acting as in (Suraci,
Mignanti and Aiuto, 2007) and one in the Service
Process that captures service variability.
A common observation is that none of the above
works considers the inclusion of context-related
functions in WS descriptions in the way it is
proposed in the current paper. They focus either on
the context of the service execution or the service
requester. This information is important and should
not be neglected, but leaves out the important
aspects of context dependency, offering and special
handling. On the one hand, Web Services should
include information on the context information they
are based on for their functionality and whether they
have an internal mechanism for acquiring this data;
an aspect relevant to context-aware Web Services.
On the other hand, if they can offer this context data
also as output, they need to inform potential users.
All these perspectives can assist in using the service
correctly and even in reusing the service for building
larger applications. The specific uses of the
proposed approach are briefly discussed in a
subsequent section.
3.1 Context Categories and Fields
Based on an extensive study of the existing literature
works on context-awareness and Web Services, the
context information for the enrichment of the WS
descriptions should fall into the following three
1. What context the service needs: in the case
where the WS requires context information for
its functionality this needs to be specified in
the corresponding description. We distinguish
between two context dependency types: 1)
parameter injection and 2) operation selection
that correspond to the first two context
adaptation cases for Web Services discussed
in (Kapitsaki, Kateros and Venieris, 2008).
2. What context the service offers: if the WS
provides context information by acting as a
wrapper for a context source of a raw nature
more details about the kind of information
need to be given (namely context offering).
3. What additional context-related function is
required: this category refers to the case
where the WS contains context-related
functionality internally or if its operations
return response messages that can be context-
treated. Specifically, in the first type (i.e.,
internal functionality) the WS retrieves or
accesses context information as part of its
operations without the requester explicitly
asking for it, whereas the second type (i.e.,
response manipulation) informs about
potential changes that can be performed on the
service response based on context conditions
and corresponds to the third adaptation case of
(Kapitsaki, Kateros and Venieris, 2008).
For instance, in the case of business Web
Services, which require context information for their
proper functionality (e.g., a FlightReservation
service requiring location information on the point
of departure), the first category is utilized. This
information is related to the context dependencies of
the services. On the other hand, it is usual to have
Web Services that have access to context
information via appropriate context sources (e.g.,
environment sensors, database systems). These
services, therefore, expose this information and can
act as context retrieval points hiding any
implementation details from the infrastructure they
depend on for the actual retrieval process. The third
category provides more details on context-related
functions that should be communicated to the
potential service user. Please note that a WS may be
related with more than one category or may contain
multiple types of the same category.
In order to demonstrate the necessity of
importing the proposed aspects in the WS
description, two example services are provided. The
first one refers to a Web Service that provides
information on theaters nearby (a similar service can
be found in the MovieInformation WS offered by
ignyte.com). The TheatersFinder WS depends on
the current user location and the weather conditions
by offering two operations: one for retrieving open
air theaters and one for retrieving indoor theaters.
Since the service delivers a list of theater options,
the requester’s preferences on kind of plays can be
considered. It is, therefore, useful to inform the
potential software engineers that the response list
may be ordered according to these preferences. This
additional information can be captured in three cases
of the aforementioned categories: one parameter
injection, one operation selection and one response
manipulation respectively. The second example is
taken from the IP2Location WS provided by
ws.fraudlabs.com that offers location information by
the IP address. Its detailed description can be
obtained from the service provider. All context
enhancements associated with the services are
depicted in Figure 1.
Figure 1: TheaterFinder and IP2Location examples.
Detailed fields are linked to each category
depending on its specific role. These are presented in
Tables 1 to 4. Table 1 refers to common fields
necessary in all categories.
Table 1: Common fields.
The context name of the dependency
(as presented in Figure 1).
Specifies whether the related context
is atomic or composite (Sheng and
Benatallah, 2005).
Links to the atomic contexts that
make up the composite information
(applicable to composite context
Defines a list of concepts that have a
similar meaning to the main context
(e.g., same concept, hyponyms,
meronyms etc.) as defined in lexical
databases (i.e., WordNet) or
categories taken from classification
systems (e.g., UNSPSC).
Specifies a URI pointing to a more
detailed taxonomy depicting relations
to other concepts (if available).
Specifies a URI pointing to the
context model related to the context
information in question (if available).
The optional Related Model field refers to a URI
pointing to a detailed context information model. This
is proposed in (Suraci, Mignanti and Aiuto, 2007),
where it relates to the context circumstances under
which the service should be executed. However, the
URI proposed differs in the sense that it adheres to the
context category the information refers to. It may link
to an ontology specifying the context information,
such as the works presented in (Bettini et al., 2010), to
a Unified Modelling Language (UML) model
describing context, such as in approaches like (Ayed
and Berbers, 2006), or to a Domain Specific
Language (DSL). Placing this information in the
description as an external URI adds flexibility to the
proposed approach, since the context model may be
updated with a newer version or by an alternate
representation type without affecting the main service
descriptor found in the OWL-S extension.
Table 2: Context Dependency fields and descriptions.
Types Context-related fields
Name of the context-related
input parameter.
Specifies the list of WS
operations whose selection
depends on context data.
Table 3: Context Offering fields and descriptions.
Specifies the source of the context data
(e.g., Database Management System,
sensor, GPS).
Gives more information on the context
source depending on its type. For
instance, for context data retrieved from
a database this may refer to the database
access information, the table and the
columns where the context information
can be found.
If more than one context sources are
considered (in case the first one is
unavailable) this is specified in the same
form as in the previous field.
If an alternate WS offering similar
context data is available it is specified
through a URI pointing to its
Table 4: Context Handling fields and descriptions.
Types Context-related fields
Specifies the type of
manipulation related
to context
information (i.e.,
filtering, ordering,
adding, specific).
Specifies an external
service that may be
exploited in order to
perform the specified
manipulation (if
Type, Context
<Same as in the
Context Offering
Specifies whether
access to additional
information is
required, such as
user-related data.
AccessTo Specifies the
information the
service needs access
to be granted for
(e.g., user email
client for user-related
data, mobile device
sensors for
Specifies any
alternate retrieval
mechanisms that the
service considers in
case the first one is
3.2 Application Uses
The proposed description fields can be exploited in
Web Services for different purposes. Sample uses
can be found in:
Web service searching: software engineers may
need to discover a specific service that treats
internally or offers access to context information
they need in their application.
Web service composition: an application
consisting of multiple WSs linked with context may
be developed using existing services as building
blocks. For instance, a WS may depend on context
information and another WS may offer the necessary
Web Service compatibility check: additional
applications are feasible, when additional properties,
such as security and privacy, are considered. For
instance, if a specific WS requires access to the
user’s location but the software engineer does not
want to allow this access she/he is informed on this
from the WS description and may decide to use an
alternate choice.
The context enhancement is included as an extension
to a semantic Web Service description and
specifically as an extension to OWL-S, referred to as
OWL-S-CONTX. Each part of the OWL-S ontology
has a specific role and, therefore, the information on
context use has been added in different parts.
Information on the input parameters and the
generated output constitute subclasses of the service
parameters in OWL-S. Context-related information
on the input and output is specified in the categories
of parameter injection, response manipulation and
context offering: parameter injection has been added
as a subclass to the &process;#Input, class (renamed
to ContextInjection for semantic purposes), whereas
response manipulation and context offering have
been added as subclasses to the &process;#Output
resource of OWL-S.
Operation selection and internal functionality are
related to the service process part of OWL-S:
internal functionality has been inserted as the object
property ContextFunctionality to the &process;
#SimpleProcess class (which provides more
information on its functionality than &process;
#AtomicProcess), whereas operation selection as a
subclass to the Choice control structure class
contained in the CompositeProcess class union.
The above additions are depicted in a graphical
representation of the Service Process based on
OWL-S version 1.2 (Figure 2). The elements in grey
correspond to the additions.
Figure 2: Context-related extension to OWL-S.
Table 4: Context Handling fields and descriptions (cont.).
In this work the initial concept of enhancing the
OWL-S ontology with information on context
dependencies, context offerings and special context
handling related with a Web Service has been
provided. Such an addition can prove useful for
searching, composing or matchmaking WSs in
different use cases. The introduced categories and
their respective fields have been analyzed and
indicated in OWL-S-CONTX as extension points to
the OWL-S ontology. Currently, we are in the
process of investigating realistic examples by
exploiting semantic Web Services test collections
(semwebcentral.org/projects /owls-tc) for the
evaluation of our work. As future work it will be
interesting to implement a reasoner that exploits the
descriptions in order to draw useful conclusions for
the services and study the combination of the
proposed scheme with existing works that integrate
context information in the description of OWL-S.
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