role in establishing effective cooperation among dis-
tributed Internet application participants.
In this paper we presented a game theoretic trust-
based recommendation system. Our approach is
based on the adoption of trust information in recom-
mendation system in order to improve the quality of
suggestions, thus identifying the best strategy for the
game model proposed. To sum up, the main con-
tributions of this paper are: (i) the representation of
e-Commerce interactions by means of a game the-
ory model, (ii) the proposal of the best strategy by
means of the adoption of trust information, and (iii)
the modeling of a trust-aware recommendation sys-
tem by means of an integration between similarity,
which is evaluated according the customer profile of
interest, and the proposed trust metrics.
In future, we aim at investigating two main direc-
tions. The first is to extend the approach presented
here in order to find the experimentalevidencethat the
proposed model can provide benefits (e.g., increased
profits for merchants or increase customer surplus) in
a large real dataset of Poste Italiane. Furthermore,
user information regarding age, sex, occupation, and
geographical information with the provided feedback
related to some products are available so that exper-
imenting deeper the different trust model could con-
firm the benefits of the proposed approach.
The second direction will examine how to find
out multi-player scenario, indeed in e-Commerce do-
main online shopping is becoming more and more
widespread and represents an everyday activity for
many. In this actual scenario, we will analyze the pro-
posed game model when it is executed with different
players, several customers and several merchants at
the same time. Moreover, we will highlight new aris-
ing issues and investigate the best strategy.
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