Towards Security Risks Aware SLA Management
Katerina Stamou
, Jean-Henry Morin
, Benjamin Gateau
and Jocelyn Aubert
Institute of Services Science, University of Geneva - CUI, Geneva, Switzerland
Centre de Recherche Public Henri Tudor (CRPHT), Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Cloud Computing, Service Level Agreement (SLA), Risk Management, Security, SLAaaS, Service Level
Objective (SLO).
Cloud computing has matured to become a valuable on demand alternative to traditional ownership models for
the provisioning of services, platforms and infrastructure. However, this raises many issues for Governance,
Risk and Compliance (GRC) and in particular in terms of Information Systems Security Risk Management
(ISSRM). Considering such issues lack attention and knowledge, particularly for small and medium sized en-
terprises (SMEs), and that cloud computing Service Level Agreements (SLA) provide very limited support
outside of basic Quality of Service (QoS) parameters, this paper argues that SLAs for cloud computing ser-
vices should be more customer oriented and aware of security and risk management. A design is proposed
where the SLA process, from context initialization to negotiation and agreement is decoupled from the actual
cloud service provisioning and itself turned into a Service : SLA as a Service (SLAaaS). This should provide
customers with much more customized and fine-grained agreements compared with the ones currently offered.
The cloud computing model allows easy, on-demand,
internet-based access to computing resources. NIST
(Mell and Grance, 2011) defines the following types
of cloud deployments: private, community, public, in-
cluding hybrid combinations of these. Each of them
involves different sharing modes (Jansen and Grance,
Provision of service offerings in cloud computing
is instant, requires only network access and minimal
client-provider interaction. Service level agreements
(SLAs) represent a form of such interaction, as guar-
antees between a service provider (SP) and a service
SLAs provide assurances on the expected or mutu-
ally agreed service level on behalf of a SP to a service
consumer (Dan et al., 2003). They define a multi-
tude of business and technical Service Level Objec-
tives (SLOs), including metrics that reflect such ob-
Still, current public cloud service offerings lack
the use of security risk management (RM), as well as
governance and compliance aspects in their provided
guarantees. We perceive RM as an important factor
to assist the fine-tuning of an SLA according to cus-
tomer defined objectives.
This paper advocates that SLAs for cloud com-
puting services should be more customer centric and
aware of customer risk requirements. We envisage a
holistic SLA process from context initialization to ne-
gotiation and agreement as a service that can provide
a customer with a much more tailored final agreement
compared to the ones currently offered.
Section 2 presents the motivationbehind this work
and provides a high level summary of recent research
projects on cloud computing dealing with SLA man-
agement. We have identified some representative is-
sues regarding SLAs and their management. We also
briefly discuss several derived SLA parameters and
management aspects.
Section 3 proposes a high-level SLA decomposi-
tion and clause classification. This classification has
helped conceptualize our approach and a model in a
research project on Cloud Computing SLA Risk Man-
agement (CLOVIS, for which a first study was done
in (Morin et al., 2012)).
Section 4 discusses the importance of combining
RM with SLA management while decoupling it from
the actual provisioning of the service. We propose
a model and approach where SLA is provided as a
Service thereforeopening newopportunities for better
Stamou K., Morin J., Gateau B. and Aubert J..
SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENTS AS A SERVICE - Towards Security Risks Aware SLA Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0003966006630669
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CloudSecGov-2012), pages 663-669
ISBN: 978-989-8565-05-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
management of SLAs and consequently RM in cloud
services. We argue, such an approach may be partic-
ularly useful for SMEs having limited resources and
knowledge to assess such risks. We conclude with
on-going and future work.
2.1 Motivation
Cloud computing SLAs do not lack technical objec-
tives in terms of service levels. Undoubtedly, their
management lacks several technical attributes such as
machine-readability, automation etc. But most impor-
tantly, they lack risk management objectivesand more
generally GRC concerns that can be better addressed
with a more customer aware orientation.
Research approaches on SLA management intro-
duce important aspects like automation and dynamic-
ity, yet are deprived of RM objectives that are often
crucial to a customer’s internal planning. Although
commonly found SLA terms semantically relate to
GRC management, it is not clear how they relate to
SMEs’ needs and internal assessments.
Due to lack of experience, many SMEs and start-
up companies are not able to evaluate their risks and
often do not have a risk management plan. Typically,
their size and lack of financial strength prohibits them
from doing so. Additionally, many SMEs primarily
look into public cloud service offerings, since they
cannot afford some other cloud deployment type.
Independently of the service layer, public clouds
provide SLAs that typically do not address small or-
ganizations’ security concerns. Thus, such agree-
ments impose even greater risks for SMEs that do
not have internal risk assessments. Moreover, pub-
lic cloud SLAs do not adjust their pricing according
to evaluation of specific risks, but apply massive, one-
size-fits-all pricing models.
In (Potoczny-Jones, 2011) the offering of Secu-
rity Risk Agreements (SRAs) is proposed. Cloud SPs
offer such SRAs to SMEs customers as tailored SLAs
that include all necessary security information regard-
ing an offered service. An SME can then evaluate if
the offered service reflects its security requirements
or not. It is suggested that such agreements will in-
crease the level of trust between SPs and customers,
and consequently motivate them to adopt public cloud
services. Moreover, in (Kaliski et al., 2010) they pro-
pose the idea of Risk Assessment as a Service.
There is no doubt that the higher the mutual trust
between service provider and service consumer, the
easier the adoption of new offered services.
2.2 Related Work
We have conducted a thorough literature review to in-
vestigate state of the art approaches related to SLA
management for cloud computing services. Table 1
provides a high-level overview of recent research ini-
tiatives in cloud computing. Many initiatives are EU
FP7 funded projects and, as Table 1 illustrates, are fo-
cused on different cloud layers, with the exception of
(SLA@SOI, 2011) and (IRMOS, 2009) that follow a
more vertical approach across all layers.
Table 1: Research projects focused on different cloud com-
puting layers.
Project/cloud layer IaaS PaaS SaaS
Optimis x
Contrail x x
SLA@SOI x x x
IRMOS x x x
Cloud4SOA x
Most studied SLA frameworks are platform spe-
cific, in that every research approach implements
its own system architecture and accommodates soft-
ware modules and tools. Such platforms typically in-
clude a multitude of software components to assist
fine-grained interoperation of different services like
workflow (job) monitoring, resource discovery and
accounting. SLA management modules usually in-
clude active as well as template SLA repositories and
communicate with user and task management compo-
Automation of SLA management is a desirable
feature. Still, there is the assumption that at some
point human intervention is necessary. Depending on
the platform, layer and application specifics, some ap-
proaches implement a single type of SLA templates,
while others combine different types (IRMOS, 2009).
In CLOVIS, the goal is to define, design and de-
velop a service-level framework that integrates RM
and SLA capabilities. The focus is to improve gov-
ernance, risk management and compliance (GRC) as-
pects for cloud computing services while introducing
enhanced levels of managed flexibility through excep-
tion management (Morin, 2008) features.
2.3 SLA Issues
Based on our review of related work, we have tried to
summarize important problems of currently provided
Morfeo 4CaaSt,
SLAs. Undoubtedly, wide adoption of the cloud com-
puting model and increased interest about its offer-
ings by companies worldwide is leading to novel ser-
vice oriented economic models, that require more effi-
cient, flexible and automated SLA management (But-
ler et al., 2011).
Traditionally, SLAs are defined exclusively by
SPs. The same SLA template is offered to all cus-
tomers of the same service, regardless of the specific
needs of customers. Such SLA approaches tend to ig-
nore that each customer weighs SLA defined metrics
Offered SLAs focus on service level objectives
(SLOs) that deal with technical guarantees like up-
time, bandwidth availability, etc. Such SLOs are and
should be included in any service level agreement,
since they constitute the very basics of such an agree-
ment. On the other hand, such SLAs are monolithic
in the sense that no customer specific needs are taken
into account and their customization depends on man-
ual and time-consuming interventions between the
two involved parties.
In public clouds, SLAs do not address properly
important security aspects such as data privacy and
clearly lack negotiation opportunities between SPs
and customers. Provided SLAs are usually in non
machine-readable formats and are delivered as static
agreements, not considering dynamic demand on ser-
vice levels.
Moreover, it is commonly accepted that there is
a lack of unified standards for public cloud comput-
ing services (mOSAIC, 2011) and (Mell and Grance,
2009). The definition of standards can be very help-
ful for the establishment of common requirements and
provide an extra safety layer for SMEs.
Research efforts on SLA management for cloud
computing introduce important aspects like automa-
tion and dynamicity. They lack however risk man-
agement objectives that are crucial to a customer’s re-
2.4 Important Aspects Regarding
Context and Management of SLAs
Our review of related cloud computing initiatives has
helped in aggregating important points considering
parameters and management of SLAs:
Machine-readable SLAs. Typically, most cloud of-
ferings for public cloud services offer static, non
machine-readable SLAs. All research approaches in-
dicate the necessity to offer machine-readable agree-
ments. This feature allows for automated negotiation
modules (SLA@SOI, 2011) as well as translation of
high-level QoS parameters into low-level ones (IR-
MOS, 2009).
Digitalization of SLAs construction and manage-
ment is a mature research topic. IBM’s research
on utility computing resulted in the definition of the
(WSLA, 2003) specification language. The grid com-
puting community has also contributed much into
SLAs initiation and management for distributed in-
frastructures. The definition of the WS-Agreement
specification language (Andrieux et al., 2005) as well
as the implementation of protocols related to SLA ne-
gotiation, resource allocation and monitoring (Cza-
jkowski et al., 2002) designate some grid-oriented
accomplishments that are currently reused by many
cloud computing activities.
Automation. Many research efforts highlightthe need
to automate as many SLA management parameters
as possible. Such automation is necessary to al-
low for vertical or multi-layered SLA management
(SLA@SOI, 2011). Moreover, it simplifies the inter-
action of an SLA module with other system compo-
nents (monitoring, accounting etc) for the better or-
chestration of the whole SLA life cycle (Cloud4SOA,
Risk. (Optimis, 2011) refers to risk as a central con-
cept that has to be taken into account throughout the
full life cycle of the service. The Cloud Security Al-
liance provides a GRC Stack toolkit (CSA, 2010) that
integrates their initiatives for efficient cloud auditing,
security assessments and critical compliance require-
Many SLA defined terms and parameters are de-
rived, at least semantically, from RM techniques and
SLA Management Activity Duration. Proposed SLA
frameworks and design approaches suggest that ac-
tivities related to SLA management should follow a
whole service life cycle. This feature enables dy-
namic management of SLAs by allowing their pos-
sible modification during the run time of a service
(mOSAIC, 2011). Dynamic deviation of client de-
mands justifies this requirement. Moreover, SLA ac-
tive duration affects other SLA management parame-
ters like pricing, a customers risk management plan-
ning, trust, etc.
Negotiation. Negotiation is a process that typically
takes place prior to the run time activity of the ser-
vice. (Optimis, 2011) highlights the need to negotiate
SLAs with different autonomous providers. (IRMOS,
2009) defines SLA renegotiation as negotiation dur-
ing the execution time of a service and describes it
as a process that takes place in order to solve issues
about to cause or having caused SLA violations.
Customization of SLA Related Terms and Parame-
ters. The (mOSAIC, 2011) project advocates the need
for user-centric, customer specific SLAs. Moreover,
(Contrail, 2011) categorizes SLA related terms into
quality of service and quality of protection parame-
ters. Such approaches indicate the need for differen-
tiated SLA offerings, depending on the specific needs
of a company, customized to express useful metrics.
Geographic Location, Inter/National Laws. The ge-
ographic location of data-centres in relation to the na-
tional and/or international laws is an important crite-
rion for many companies that want to invest into cloud
based solutions. It is commonly accepted that such
options should be included in, if not determine, an
SLA. As highlighted by NIST in (Mell and Grance,
2009) and other initiatives, currently there is a lack
of unified standards for cloud computing. The estab-
lishment of standards may assist in dealing with geo-
graphic and legally binding parameters.
Digital Signatures. In (IRMOS, 2009) they refer to
the eligibility of signing contracts using digital signa-
tures. They describe how they added signatures as an
extension to an agreement’s structure, which is based
on the WS-Agreement specification (Andrieux et al.,
Regulation of Penalties. In (Contrail, 2011) they in-
vestigate a possible differentiation of penalties, based
on partial or complete fulfillment of SLA objectives.
They discuss penalties or rewards for violating or sat-
isfying an objective. Penalties can be imposed in
the form of monetary compensation that is the cur-
rent case in most public cloud service offerings or by
means of reputation track mechanisms (Rana et al.,
In SLA Management Handbook Volume 2 (ITU,
2005), the authors define a method for classifying ser-
vice parameters to be used within an SLA. They clas-
sify parameters based on technology specific, service
specific and technology/service independent parame-
ters. Motivated by this methodology we have tried to
classify SLA clauses and context parameters by de-
composing an abstract SLA schema.
As core SLA clauses we have selected to use main
risk categories as identified in (ENISA, 2009). Such
a decomposition is very helpful to understand where
and how the RM factor can possibly be integrated
into an SLA. Additionally, it eases the process of rec-
ognizing particular needs and requirements that the
cloud computing model imposes. Moreover this de-
composition is quite practical for the realization of the
SLA model in CLOVIS.
Figure 1: SLA clause classification.
Initially, our conceptual schema organizes SLA
clauses into technical, legal and policy organizational
elements. All such categories include sub-clauses that
derived from business opportunities
service related or
defined by external requirements and standards
A subsequent layer follows where penalties are
defined and regulated within an SLA.
This schema allows better mapping of companies
identified risks and easier service level updates –if
updates are allowed– during an agreement life cycle.
The holistic SLA process from construction to initial-
ization and management can be viewed as a modu-
lar procedure that introduces more customer oriented
The dynamic nature of the cloud computingmodel
substantiates the assumption that there is a tremen-
dous need for more customer oriented, risk man-
agement aware SLAs, combined with automated and
more flexible characteristics. The proposed decom-
position illustrates a high level path towards the first
part of such goals.
4.1 Proposed Design
A risk management tool coupled with an SLA man-
agement framework is likely to provide a valuable so-
lution for both customers and SPs. The SLA clause
decomposition and arrangement of Section 3 has in-
spired an abstract model that is illustrated in Figure
2. Both RM and SLA management are to be consid-
ered as provided ”as a Service”, hence the RMaaS and
Figure 2: RM and SLA coupling.
Decoupling these components from the actual
cloud service provisioning as shown in Figure 3 has
many advantages. First and foremost it accounts for
a much needed separation of concern between ser-
vice provisioning and the conditions under which the
service is to be provided including monitoring. In
doing so, SLA management could be considered as
a Trusted Third Party (TTP) between SPs and cus-
tomers in a similar way Certification Authorities are
now well recognized in similar trust roles. Moreover,
this may open a whole new area of expertise allowing
SLAaaS providers to become new marketplaces for
SLA management. One could even imagine indus-
try or service type specific SLA providers with tem-
plates tuned to specific needs. For example, a com-
pany working in the finance industry and requiring
a cloud storage service might be subject to specific
rules with respect to where the data physically resides.
In such a case, a Financial Services SLAaaS provider
could be a good choice for the company and addi-
tional peace of mind when contracting cloud based
storage services.
Figure 3: SLAaas decoupling from actual cloud service.
Our model assumes the existence of an appropri-
ate RM tool, which can provide a customer with an
adequate risk assessment according to a customer’s
service criteria. Theoretically, such criteria may de-
scribe service preferences from a single cloud layer
or from hybrid service combinations. The derived
assessment can subsequently be fed into a semi-
automated process that will map such information
into concrete SLOs.
It is not easy to automate a risk assessment pro-
cess, since every company and potential SLA cus-
tomer has unique and rather subjective requirements
regarding its risks and internal needs. Still, it is possi-
ble to use the output of a proper risk assessment pro-
cess and treat it as input for the orchestration of a cus-
tomer oriented SLA.
4.2 Service Usage Scenario
Let’s now consider the following basic service usage
scenario, described in abstract terms:
A customer (e.g., an SME), with or without an in-
ternal ISSRM plan, wants to invest into a suitable IaaS
solution. The customer is provided with a RM tool
that can help towards risk assessment.
The customer submits its risk assessment in raw
format along with its service preferences for the de-
sired service level guarantee (what type of service,
duration, IaaS common technical requirements). Our
SLAaaS framework receives as input the raw format
data and produces as output structured information
data in an interoperable format.
Such data represent the initial assessment, contex-
tualised into SLA clauses. These clauses are depicted
as SLOs. In (ITU, 2005) SLOs are defined as internal
forms of SLAs that exist between business functions.
SLOs are less formal than SLAs.
Our output is not intended to produce a concrete
SLA, but rather context clauses that can directly be in-
tegrated in or affect a final SLA output. It is merely an
attempt to assist the process of producing RM aware
and more customer oriented SLAs.
The processed output may then submitted to an
open registry that is accessible by SPs. SPs evaluate
the submitted objectives, adjust their own SLOs based
on their SLA templates and send their offers. Sent of-
fers are displayed back to the customer. The customer
may select or reject among the displayed offers.
4.3 Discussion
The Service usage scenario described above, assumes
several technical requirements. First of all, machine
readability of all involved information is an essen-
tial prerequisite. Information should be processed and
utilized in a well-used, interoperable format. A pro-
cessed SLO output should be able to fit in most SLA
management frameworks, be editable and easily up-
In our current design, we are focused on the IaaS
layer. An initial part of our work will involve adapting
a selected RM tool into IaaS related risks. The report
provided in (ENISA, 2009) will support this effort.
Our hosting platform will include a web interface
for the customer (user) - service interaction as well as
a negotiation module for a possible customer-provider
interaction. Still, the envisioned service has also to
interact with several modules that are running on dif-
ferent platforms and assist services like monitoring,
accounting, etc.
Additionally, security is a major concern for our
framework since it has to process, move and regularly
update context sensitive, private data. Thus, our de-
sign will include the orchestration of the necessary
mechanisms to ensure data confidentiality and secure
service transactions.
Moreover, a generalization of our envisaged ser-
vice equally applies to services of all cloud layers and
any hybrid combinations. We anticipate that the re-
alization of our model at the IaaS layer will generate
useful test cases and results that can be extended to
any cloud service approaches.
Our tentative roadmap attempts to couple RM with
SLA management for offered cloud services. We plan
to validate our results using real case studies in collab-
oration with vendors who provide business resilience
solutions utilizing holistically the cloud computing
model. As mentioned, our produced case studies will
initially be applied to the IaaS layer.
The envisioned framework has to provide SLA
management capabilities as well as be compatible
with and pluggable into external platforms that may
integrate their own SLA management framework.
Compatibility will allow feeding of existing SLA
frameworks with RM parameters and metrics, so
that provided SLAs depict more precisely customers’
The produced SLA will be customer centric, tak-
ing into account and adjusting service level and pric-
ing parameters to a company’s identified risks and se-
curity concerns. This may lead to public cloud service
offerings that capture more thoroughly customers ob-
jectives while also being compliant with standards.
Currently the design process of our prospective
framework is initiated. We are in the process of se-
lecting and adjusting an appropriate RM tool to our
service scope. The next phase of our work will in-
clude the definition of a method that receives as in-
put a risk assessment output and maps it into potential
SLA clauses in a semi-automated manner.
Throughout this procedure we will use and refine
the SLA decomposition schema of Section 3. Such an
arrangement can help with the desired SLA context
mapping as indicator of how to integrate and adapt
given risk assessment results. Additionally, we will
have to ensure that our method will allow for frequent
iterations and updates of the generated SLOs, since
the RM process is by essence dynamic.
The service we are building could possibly be
classified at the SaaS layer, since an end user would
ideally interact with the service through a web in-
terface. Still, inevitably the success and viability of
our proposed service depends on orchestrating com-
ponents and modules from lower layers of the cloud
computing stack.
We have provided an SLA decomposition and clause
classification schema utilizing a method for service
parameter classification that is provided in (ITU,
2005) and identified risk categories as identified by
(ENISA, 2009). Although abstract, such a classifica-
tion may contribute as a first step towards a unified
conception on SLAs construction, initiation and man-
agement for RM aware SLAs. Our assumption is that
more customer oriented, risk aware SLAs will assist
the integration of SMEs into the emerging cloud com-
puting economy.
Security concerns and often absence or negli-
gence of risk management operations are some of the
major obstacles that currently prohibit many SMEs
from engaging in and using cloud computing ser-
vices. Existing SLAs do not address such concerns.
Consequently, SMEs cannot estimate precisely their
needs regarding service level expectations and service
providers’ guarantees.
We have described our proposed design for the
SLAaaS framework. It will exhibit both risk and SLA
management attributes. A service-oriented frame-
work that addresses risk and generally GRC aspects
can lead to efficient, more flexible SLAs and be highly
valuable for many potential cloud service customers.
Finally, it can also be a very useful tool for service
providers to better adjust their pricing models and of-
fer negotiable, customer centric services.
This work is supported by the CLOVIS project jointly
funded by the Swiss SNF and Luxembourg FNR
Lead Agency agreement; under Swiss National Sci-
ence Foundation grant number 200021E-136316/1
and Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR)
grant number INTER/SNSF/10/02. K.Stamou would
like to thank N.Mayer for external discussions and
valuable input in this effort.
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