formula, which are stored in the OLAP Server and
then visualized in the SOLAP client. These
formulas, when executed, inform user about the
quality of query results. For each Query IC type we
have defined an MDX template. The templates are
fulfilled using a Java method (UML2MDX) that
parses the XMI files associated to the Query IC.
Different visual policies are associated with different
combinations of members from these sets to be
displayed in the SOLAP client tier: green colour for
valid cells, yellow colour for aggregated cells that
include valid and invalid cells and red colour for
invalid cells. Figure 8 shows an example of OLAP
query where these visual policies are applied
according the MDX formula implementing the
Query IC of Figure 6: valid cells such as those
combining USSR with dates before 1991-12-26 (e.g.
1991-12-01) are displayed with green colour; invalid
cells that involve for example USSR and dates after
1991-12-26 (e.g. 1991-12-27, 2010-1, 2010) are
displayed with red colour, other cells are displayed
with yellow colour, such as 1991-12 with USSR
because it is the aggregation of valid (e.g. 1991-12-
01 with USSR) and invalid cells (e.g. 1991-12-27
with USSR).
Figure 8: Query IC visualization of Example 4.
In this paper, we first show that the SOLAP analysis
goodness depends on 3 quality types: data,
aggregation and query qualities. Thus, we (i) extend
the concept of integrity constraints to consider all
these quality types; (ii) propose a framework based
on a UML profile and Spatial OCL to express these
SOLAP IC at the conceptual level; and (iii) show
their automated implementations in a typical
ROLAP architecture. Our current work is on
improving the UML2MDX tool by integrating
Spatial MDX expressions and defining cartographic-
related visualization policies in order to implement
spatial query IC.
As in our current automatic implementation only
considers the snowflake schema SDW
implementations, we are working on the
consideration of the star-schema implementations.
Finally, we will work on the formal validation of the
completeness of our classification, and the
expressiveness of our conceptual framework.
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