Construction of Fuzzy Sets and Applying Aggregation Operators for
Fuzzy Queries
Miroslav Hudec
and František Sudzina
Institute of Informatics and Statistics, Dubravská cesta 3, Bratislava, Slovakia
School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University, Falstersgade 50, Aarhus, Denmark
Keywords: Fuzzy Queries, Construction of Fuzzy Sets, Aggregation Operators, Database.
Abstract: Flexible query conditions could use linguistic terms described by fuzzy sets. The question is how to
properly construct fuzzy sets for each linguistic term and apply an adequate aggregation function. For
construction of fuzzy sets, the lowest value, the highest value of attribute and the distribution of data inside
its domain are used. The logarithmic transformation of domains appears to be suitable. This way leads to a
balanced distribution of tuples over fuzzy sets. In addition, users’ opinions about linguistic terms as well as
current content in database are merged. The second investigated issue is selection of an adequate
aggregation operator. Usual t-norm functions as well as compensatory γ – operator have been examined.
Finally, the interface for managing these issues has been proposed. A user can obtain an overview about
stored data before running a query; that may reduce empty or overabundant answers.
Users query databases in order to obtain data needed
for analysis or decision making. The common way
how to realise such a query is to formulate a logical
condition. In general, a logical condition consists of
several atomic (elementary) conditions connected
with logical and or or operators. Querying with
imprecision allows users to implement linguistic
terms to better qualify data they wish to obtain. An
example of such a query is select small departments
with high turnover. The linguistic terms clearly
suggest that there is a smooth transition between
acceptable and unacceptable records.
The fuzzy set theory (Zadeh, 1965) is a rational
option which offers the solution. It brings a
paradigm in dealing with the graduation, uncertainty
and ambiguity described by linguistic terms. Main
reasons to use fuzzy logic in queries are discussed in
(Dubois and Prade, 1997) and advocated in
(Kacprzyk and Zadrożny, 2001).
The matching degree critically depends on
constructed membership functions of all linguistic
terms (Klir and Yuan, 1995); (Meier et al., 2005)
and chosen logical aggregation function. The former
issue has been examined in (Kacprzyk and
Zadrożny, 2001); (Tudorie, 2008); (Tudorie, 2009).
There exist many different operators which calculate
conjunctions and disjunctions of membership values
(Zimmermann, 2001). Usually, in practical
realisations, the minimum t-norm is used as an
aggregation function for and operator.
Our paper is focused on these two issues of fuzzy
queries. Section 2 shortly presents basic concepts of
fuzzy queries. Section 3 is devoted to construction of
membership functions of linguistic terms used in
queries. Section 4 is focused on calculation of query
matching degree by aggregation functions. Section 5
presents suggested user interface for managing
examined issues of fuzzy queries. Finally, some
conclusions are drawn in section 6.
Let R be a table or relation of a relational database.
A set of tuples t is then defined as relation on
Cartesian product in the following way:
)}( )(|{
1 n
ADomxxADomttR "
where A
is the database attribute (table column) and
) is its associated domain. In our case,
domains are set of real numbers or its subsets.
In queries based on fuzzy logic, the database
Hudec M. and Sudzina F..
Construction of Fuzzy Sets and Applying Aggregation Operators for Fuzzy Queries.
DOI: 10.5220/0003968802530258
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 253-258
ISBN: 978-989-8565-10-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
record (tuple) can fully or partially satisfy the intent
of a query Q. Let A(Q) be the set of answers to query
Q defined in the following way:
}0)(|))(,{()( >
= tRtttQA
where µ(t) indicates how well the selected tuple t
satisfies a query criterion. It is expressed as a
number from the [0, 1] interval.
Several fuzzy query implementations have been
proposed such as FQUERY (Kacprzyk and
Zadrożny, 1995), SQLf (Bosc and Pivert, 2000),
FQL (Wang et al, 2007), FuzzyKAA (Tudorie,
2009) and fuzzy generalized logical condition
(Hudec, 2009). “Although there are variations
according to the particularities of different
implementations, the answer to a fuzzy query
sentence is generally a list of records, ranked by the
degree of matching” (Branco et al, 2005, p. 21). The
value of matching degree depends on membership
functions constructed for each elementary query
condition and on chosen aggregation function.
If the system uses badly defined membership
functions, it will not work properly. These functions
have to be carefully defined (Galindo, 2008). This
issue has two main aspects. In the first aspect, users
define parameters of membership functions
according to their reasoning and preferences. The
second aspect is devoted to calculation of these
parameters from data stored in a database.
Figure 1: Linguistic and crisp domain.
Let a linguistic domain consists of linguistic
terms {small, medium, high}. Linguistic domain
covers crisp domain of attribute in a way shown in
Figure 1. Let D
and D
be the lowest and the
highest domain values of attribute A i.e. Dom(A) =
, D
]. Let L be the lowest boundary value and
H be the upper boundary value of attribute in current
content of a database; that is, [L, H]
]. In case of attribute number of days with
empty supply shelves, the domain is the [0, 365]
interval of integers. For example, empty shelves for
all spare parts are noticed between 7 and 75 days i.e.
L=5 and H=75.
3.1 Users Create Fuzzy Sets
In this approach, users are required to choose
parameters A, B, C and D (Figure 1) according to
their reasoning and preferences. Therefore, these
parameters are applied in a query realization phase.
Detailed discussion on how to cope with this issue
can be found in (Klir and Yuan, 1995). Users usually
consider their preferences on the whole domain of
attributes. Let’s have the attribute A defined on
domain Dom(A) = [D
, D
]. Let values for all
records be non-uniformly distributed inside domain
in such a way that majority of records are
concentrated near value L whereas few records have
value of the attribute A near the value H (Figure 2).
If a user decide to set parameters C and D for the
condition attribute A is high as is depicted in the
Figure 2 only few records meet the condition.
Figure 2: Fuzzy set high for the attribute A.
If the query is more restrictive (conjunction of
several atomic conditions) and distribution of values
is highly unbalanced, it may easily end up with an
empty answer.
3.2 Fuzzy Sets Construction from the
Current Content of a Database
This problem was initially examined for fuzzy
queries where the second elementary condition
depends on the result of the first elementary
condition. It means that the second elementary
criterion requires taking into account sub domains of
the attributes domains limited by tuples already
selected by the first elementary condition (Tudorie,
2008). Two ways of fuzzy sets construction are
offered: the uniform domain covering method and
the statistical mean based algorithm. In our research,
we have examined these methods for fuzzy queries
where overall query condition consists of atomic
conditions connected by and operator.
3.2.1 Uniform Domain Covering Method
At the beginning, this method requires the values of
L and H. These values are obtained form a database
content. Length of fuzzy set core β and length of
fuzzy set slope α (Figure 1) are created in the
following way (Tudorie, 2008):
LH =
LH =
Consequently, it is easy to calculate required
parameters A, B C and D from values L, H, α and β.
The uniform domain covering method reduces
the issue depicted in Figure 2, if the distribution of
attribute values in the domain is more or less
If it is not the case, the uniform domain coverage
could lead to a highly unbalanced distribution of
tuples over fuzzy sets. It implies that only few tuples
are in one fuzzy set, while majority of tuples is in
another one. It might lead to a conclusion that the
meaning of the linguistic term is far from real data.
Let’s have a query, which looks for sellers with a
high amount of sold items. The query condition has
to consider parameters of each region where sellers
operate. The meaning of the term high differs among
3.2.2 Statistical Mean based Algorithm
A possible solution is adding the statistical mean
into construction of fuzzy sets. The middle of the
medium fuzzy set core is the statistical mean of
attribute. In this approach, cores of all three fuzzy
sets (β) have equal size; lengths of fuzzy sets slopes
are different. Experiments on altitude above sea
level for 2877 municipalities in Slovakia reveal a
limitation of this approach. Many municipalities are
close to the value L, whereas only few municipalities
are close to H. It is similar to the distribution
depicted in Figure 2. Moreover, the value of β is
smaller in comparison with the uniform domain
covering method. This causes that only two
municipalities fully belong to the fuzzy set high. In
order to solve this limitation, we have realised
experiments with a logarithmic transformation.
3.2.3 Logarithmic Transformation
In many cases, values of attributes are close to e.g.
the value L, whereas only few are close to H and
therefore belong to the fuzzy set high or contrary.
An illustrative example is population density of
municipalities where only few big cities have high
population density. This kind of data distribution
where only few tuples highly determine fuzzy set
parameters cannot be properly evaluated by uniform
domain covering method or by the linear
transformation used in (Kacprzyk and Zadrożny,
2001). The logarithmic transformation is a rational
option which might provide a solution. After a
logarithmic transformation, the values of α and β are
not equally long for all fuzzy sets. The interval [L,
H] is transformed into the interval [log(L), log(H)].
Consequently, in this interval, logarithms of α, β and
A, B, C and D are calculated using equations (3) and
(4). Finally, obtained values are delogarithmised into
real values.
The most used operators are t-norm and t-conorm
functions; they are specialized for the aggregation
under uncertainty (Detyniecki, 2001). In this paper,
other aggregation operators are mentioned.
4.1 T-norm Functions
They are generalizations of the two-valued logical
aggregation operators. The associative axiom (Klir
and Yuan, 1995) ensures that all t-norm and t-
conorm functions can be used for and and or
operators respectively. Actually, it is not easy to
aggregate all these functions to arbitrary number of
elementary conditions. The following t-norm
functions can be easily aggregated for cases when
more than two attributes are used (Siler and
Buckley, 2005):
n1,...,i ))(amin((t)
where µ
) denotes the membership degree of the
attribute a
to the i-th fuzzy set.
It is obvious that different t-norm functions
calculate different matching degrees. In addition,
they do not meet all axioms of Boolean logic. It is
consequence of generalization of {0, 1} logic into
many-valued logics (including fuzzy logic) based on
truth functionality. The two-valued logic meets all
axioms of Boolean algebra, namely excluded
middle, contradiction and idempotency whereas in
fuzzy logic it is not the case (Radojević, 2008).
From the above mentioned t-norms, only
minimum (5) is an idempotent t-norm what makes it
the most acceptable for users accustomed to the
crisp logic. On the other hand, this t-norm does not
meet the contradiction axiom. The product t-norm
(6) takes into account all membership degrees and
balances the query truth membership value across
each of elementary conditions. But the query
matching degree could be significantly lower than
the matching degree of the lowest value of
elementary conditions. In addition, this t-norm does
not meet the contradiction and the idempotency
axioms. The Lukasiewicz t-norm (7) is a nilpotent t-
norm. This t-norm satisfies the contradiction axiom
but does not satisfy the idempotency axiom.
Let’s have two records which satisfy the first
elementary condition (A) and the second elementary
condition (B) as is shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Example of matching degrees using t-norms.
tuple A B Min (5) Prod (6) Luk (7)
1 0.11 0.2 0.11 0.02 0
2 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.09 0
It is obvious that the min-t-norm prefers the tuple
1. This contradicts the human decision-making
process. Although the tuple 1 is only slightly better
according to the first elementary condition and
significantly worse according to the second
elementary condition, it is preferred. The product t-
norm prefers the second record with the membership
degree lower than 0.1. Lukasiewicz t-norm
calculates membership degrees of 0 for both records
because they do not significantly satisfy both atomic
4.2 Other Aggregation Functions
“Several authors noticed that t-norms and t-conorms
lack compensational behaviour” (Detyniecki, 2001,
p.28). This issue can be solved using compensatory
operators to model the fuzzy or linguistic and
operator. The compensation of a bad value of one
attribute by a good value of another attribute can be
achieved e.g. by the γ - operator (Zimmermann and
Zynso, 1980) adapted to the fuzzy queries in the
following way:
, other elements have the same
meaning as in (5) – (7). Applying the γ - operator
with the value of 0.5 implies that all attributes are
equally relevant in the calculation of the matching
degree. A short discussion of applicability of γ -
operator can be found in (Werro et al, 2005).
Let’s look at the query containing two
elementary conditions. The matching degrees of all
above mentioned t-norm functions and γ - operator
are presented in Table 2.
Table 2: Matching degrees using t-norms and γ = 0.5.
tuple A B min (5) prod (6) L (7) γ (8)
1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.01 0 0.04
5 0.11 0.2 0.11 0.02 0 0.08
3 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.09 0 0.29
8 0.33 0.42 0.33 0.14 0 0.29
4 0.1 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.32
7 0.2 0.9 0.2 0.18 0.1 0.41
9 0.55 0.45 0.45 0.25 0 0.43
11 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.25 0 0.43
12 0.51 0.55 0.51 0.28 0.06 0.47
10 0.9 0.5 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.65
13 0.85 0.77 0.77 0.65 0.62 0.79
14 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.81 0.8 0.9
15 1 1 1 1 1 1
The product t-norm and the γ – operator give us
the same ranking of records except the records 8 and
4. The γ – operator requires double time in
comparison with the product t-norm. On the other
hand, the product t-norm often gives values which
are significantly lower than ones obtained from the
minimum t-norm. For users, it seems that the
compensation of bad and good values is worse than
the bad value. If a user cares about “which objects
does the system get me first” the product t-norm is a
better solution. In other cases, like data examination
in official statistics “how the system does internally
rate its answers” the γ – operator is more
informative. According to results in Table 2, the γ -
operator is the most appropriate one.
Other aggregation operators could be applied,
such as Choquet integral or Ordered Weighted
Averaging (OWA) operators in order to create more
sophisticated queries. The later one is examined in
(Zadrożny and Kacprzyk, 2009). Prioritized fuzzy
constraint satisfaction problem can be applied in
queries which handle fuzzy conditions. The value
with the biggest priority has the largest impact on
the result given by the priority t-norm (Takači and
Škrbić, 2008).
In (Bordogna and Psaila, 2008), the following
drawback of fuzzy query languages is recognized:
The proposals defined so far usually assume that
fuzzy predicates are defined “a priori” and included
in a query at need. Even when user-defined fuzzy
predicates can be specified, there are not specific
commands in the query language itself to customize
the meaning of terms. One solution to this issue is
examined in (Tudorie, 2009). The FuzzyKAA is able
to assist a user in defining linguistic terms according
the content in database.
A direct user input is an ideal case (Gurský et al,
2008). It assumes that a user has a clear idea what
data he wants to select. Moreover, it reduces
computational burden. This is often not the case and
a user needs some information about stored values
before he creates query conditions.
5.1 Proposed Interface
In order to manage querying across the approach
examined in sections 3 and 4, the interface for
desktop application depicted in Figure 3 is proposed.
The interface is decomposed into three main parts.
The first part deals with the navigation through a list
of query-able attributes (in this case, adapted to
attributes from the municipal database).
The second part is focused on creation of flexible
query conditions. All chosen attributes for the fuzzy
part of a query are situated inside the tab control.
Each tab page contains one indicator. The user can
directly input parameters of linguistic terms (A, B, C
and D) or ask for the suggestion by one of methods
recommended above (the uniform domain covering
method or the logarithmic transformation).
Third part is devoted to selection of aggregation
function (γoperator, minimum and Lukasiewicz)
and presenting results in a tabular form.
Finally, the user request is translated into the
SQL query and processed by the database
management system. At the end of this process, the
answer is presented through the interface.
In the suggested approach, users obtain overview
of stored data before a query realization, so they
have a possibility to adjust parameters of fuzzy sets
inside each elementary condition. The suggested
approach could reduce empty answer and
overabundant answer problems. The empty answer
problem simply means that there is no data matching
the overall query condition. The query Q results in
an empty answer if Q(t) = Ø. (Bosc et al, 2008). The
overabundant answer problem is defined as an
answer where the cardinality of Q(t) is too large
(Bosc et al, 2008).
Figure 3: Proposed interface.
Although fuzzy set theory has been already
established as an adequate framework to deal with
flexible queries, there are still many ways how to
improve fuzzy queries. In our paper, we focused on
the issue of fuzzy sets construction and examination
of adequate aggregation functions.
The first issue can be satisfactorily solved if we
merge a user’s opinion about linguistic terms with
the current content in database. A user can directly
input fuzzy sets parameters or ask for suggestions.
The uniform domain coverage method is appropriate
when attribute values are more or less uniformly
distributed inside its domain. In the other case, a
logarithmic transformation is more suitable. This
information helps to reduce empty or overabundant
answer problem.
For the second issue, t-norm functions used in
fuzzy queries are discussed. As a result, the γ
operator is suggested. This operator takes into
account all membership degrees and compensates a
bad value of one attribute with a good value of
another attribute.
Finally, both above examined issues have been
incorporated into the proposed querying interface.
Integration of approaches of membership
functions construction from current content in
database and selection of appropriate aggregation
operators could bring more sophisticated querying
tool for end users.
The topic for further research is how to recognize
directly from data whether the uniform domain
method is more suitable than the logarithmic
transformation and how to offer most suitable
aggregation operator to meet users' needs.
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