Estimating Cognitive Overload in Mobile Applications for Decision
Support within the Medical Domain
Derek Flood
, Panagiotis Germanakos
, Rachel Harrison
Fergal Mc Caffery
and George Samaras
Dundalk Institute of Technology, Dundalk, Ireland
Department of Managements and MIS, University of Nicosia, 46 Makedonitissas Ave.,
P.O. Box 24005, 1700 Nicosia, Cyprus
Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus, CY-1678 Nicosia, Cyprus
Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, U. K.
Keywords: Mobile, Interface Design, Complexity, Human Factors, Ehealth.
Abstract: Mobile applications have the potential to improve the quality of care received by patients from their primary
care physicians (PCP). They can allow doctors to access the information they need when and where they
need it in order to make informed decisions regarding patients’ health. They can also allow patients to better
control conditions such as Diabetes and Gaucher’s disease. However, there are a number of limitations to
these devices, such as small screen sizes and limited processing power, which can produce cognitive
overload which in turn can negatively impact upon the decision making processes. This paper introduces a
new research direction which aims to predict, during the development of mobile health care applications,
when cognitive overload is likely to occur. By identifying the user’s previous level of experience, their
working memory, the complexity of the interface and the level of distraction imposed by the user’s context,
a prediction can be made as to when cognitive overload is likely to occur.
Decision making is a critical component in effective
healthcare. However in order for decisions to be
made effectively within this domain, a large volume
of information is required. Physicians typically have
less than 5 minutes to make life and death decisions
meaning that for them to be effective they require
information to be presented in an efficient manner,
sometimes within remote locations.
The proliferation of mobile devices has allowed
for software applications to be accessed in a variety
of contexts. Within the medical domain, physicians
can use these devices to access patient records,
prescribe medication and monitor patients in
hospital no matter where the physician is. In a
survey carried out by the PriceWaterhouseCoppers
Health Research Institute (HRI)
(PriceWaterhouseCooper, 2010) it was found that
two thirds of physicians said they were using
personal devices for mobile health solutions which
are not connected to their practice or hospital IT
system. Indicatively, 56% of physicians stated that
mobile devices expedite their decision making,
while 39% claimed that the time needed for
administrative tasks is decreased significantly.
Mobile devices impose a number of limitations,
such as small screen size and limited connectivity,
which negatively affect the usability of mobile
applications (Zhang and Adipat, 2005). These
limitations, as well as complex design practices due
to a lack of design guidelines for mobile application
development will further impede decision making
within the medical domain as further cognitive load
will be placed on the user.
To minimise the impact of the user interface on
decision making within the medical domain, this
position paper proposes a method for predicting
when cognitive overload will occur. Using this
approach, application designers can determine,
during mobile application development, if cognitive
overload will occur and can redesign the interface if
necessary. The current method proposes the use of
four factors to estimate cognitive load: user
expertise, working memory, interface complexity
and level of environmental distractions.
Flood D., Germanakos P., Harrison R., Mc Caffery F. and Samaras G..
Estimating Cognitive Overload in Mobile Applications for Decision Support within the Medical Domain.
DOI: 10.5220/0003971501030107
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 103-107
ISBN: 978-989-8565-12-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The aim of this research is to design a cost effective
way for developers to determine if cognitive
overload will occur while using their mobile
application. To accomplish this, it is proposed to
determine the cognitive load of an application based
on a number of factors; the users’ level of expertise
in the area, their working memory, the complexity of
the interface and the level of distraction imposed by
the context in which the application will be used.
The following sections outline each of these factors
in more detail.
2.1 User’s Expertise
The first factor considered is the user’s level of
expertise within the task domain. It is believed that
if a user is experienced within the task domain then
he/she will be able to process more information thus
prolonging the point at which cognitive overload
will occur. In contrast to this, users without any
domain expertise will require additional cognitive
processing to understand the meaning of the
information displayed by the application, thereby
inducing cognitive overload sooner. For the
purposes of this work the user’s level of expertise
will be divided into three categories; Novice,
Intermediate and Expert. The classification of the
expected end user will be determined by the
application developer. However, there are a number
of factors that can help to determine the level of
expertise users have, for example, level of
knowledge of the task domain and experience within
the task domain.
2.2 Working Memory
Incorporating human factors in the interaction
process is always a challenge. For the scope of this
work, Working Memory (WM) has been employed,
since it is considered a vital mechanism of the
cognitive processing efficiency and has a direct
influence on the design of user interfaces. According
to Baddeley (1992), “the term working memory
refers to a brain system that provides temporary
storage and manipulation of the information
necessary for such complex cognitive tasks as
language comprehension, learning, and reasoning”.
Each individual has a specific and restricted memory
span. The aim is to decrease the possibility of
cognitive load in a mobile hypermedia environment
by altering the amount of simultaneously presented
information. This can be achieved with the
manipulation of the link or content structure of a
mobile application to achieve maximization of
comprehension capabilities while users are
performing a cognitive task.
2.3 Interface Complexity
One of the biggest challenges to the work presented
here is defining interface complexity. It is believed
that as the complexity of the interface increases so
too does the cognitive load on the user. The
complexity of the interface could be considered as
the sum of the complexity of the individual
components used. One approach to measuring the
complexity, is to assign each component type a
complexity rating, where simple components, such
as a label or radio button, are given a lower
complexity than more advanced components, such
as a graph or chart. Using these ratings the interface
complexity can then be rated as the sum of all
components on the interface. It is proposed to
determine the complexity rating that should be
assigned to each component through a series of
controlled experiments.
2.4 Distractions
When considering mobile applications, the context
in which the application is used is continually
changing. Zhang and Adipat (2005) suggested that
context is more than just the location of the user. It
also includes their interaction with nearby objects,
and environmental elements that may distract the
user’s attention. Distractions of the user’s attention
can inhibit their ability to process information and
therefore introduce extra cognitive load. The level of
distraction experienced by the user will be divided
into three categories; Low (a quiet area where a user
can concentrate completely on the task), Medium (an
environment in which the user may not be distracted
but will be subjected to some background noise) and
High (a noisy environment where the user will be
distracted by either additional tasks or by other
2.5 Predicting Cognitive Overload
Using the factors identified above, it is believed that
a reliable estimation can be made as to when
cognitive overload is likely to occur. Through
experimentation, outlined below, this work aims to
investigate under each combination of the factors
previously identified when cognitive overload will
occur. A decision table will then be produced as a
reference guide for mobile medical decision support
application developers. When deciding between
different interface designs, the developers can refer
to this decision table to determine if each design will
produce cognitive overload which would reduce the
users’ experience of the application. This approach
will allow developers to determine earlier in the
development cycle, and in a less costly manner, if
the proposed design will provide a usable experience
for the end-user.
In order to validate the above approach a number of
hypotheses are proposed. The first step will be to
determine if each of the factors outlined above do
impact cognitive load. Hypotheses 1 to 4 have been
formulated to investigate this. H1: A user’s expertise
is inversely proportional to cognitive load; H2:
Working memory is correlated to cognitive load;
H3: Cognitive load is proportional to interface
complexity; H4: Cognitive load is proportional to
the level of distraction to the user’s attention. The
next step of this research is to then determine the
impact of cognitive overload on effective decision
making. This is captured through hypothesis 5 – H5:
High cognitive load hinders decision making. Once
these hypotheses have been explored the next step is
to determine the combination of the identified
factors with which cognitive overload will occur.
The following research question will be used to
guide this work – RQ1: When does cognitive
overload occur in terms of User expertise, working
memory, interface complexity and level of
distraction? To test the hypotheses and answer the
research question, a series of controlled experiments
will be conducted.
In order to determine when cognitive overload will
occur, the cognitive load on a user first needs to be
established. The level of cognitive load on a user is
reflected in the time it takes a user to complete a
given task effectively. A longer time to complete a
given task indicates a higher cognitive load. In
addition to this the effectiveness of the user at
completing the task will also be considered. In each
of the experiments presented below the effectiveness
and efficiency of the user to complete the task will
be taken as an indirect measure of cognitive load
(Oviatt, 2006). The point at which cognitive
overload occurs will be determined through a
structured questionnaire that will be provided to
participants at the end of each trial.
4.1 Hypothesis 1: A User’s Expertise is
Inversely Proportional to Cognitive
For the first experiment twenty participants will be
recruited and divided into two groups, Novice and
Expert, based on their expertise with interpreting
blood pressure readings. The participants will be
shown five readings and asked in each case to state
whether the patient has high, low or normal blood
pressure. For each reading the effectiveness
(accuracy of their decisions) and efficiency (time
taken for participants to make a decision) will be
recorded. When the participant has completed all 5
trials they will then be given a questionnaire to
evaluate the perceived level of cognitive load they
experienced during the trial – Dependent Variables:
Effectiveness, efficiency, and perceived cognitive
load. Independent Variables: User Expertise.
4.2 Hypothesis 2: Working Memory is
Correlated to Cognitive Load
All participants will go through a series of WM span
tests (identifying the visual memory and central
executive/verbal storage) using a Web-based
environment. At first, the WMTB-C (Pickering &
Gathercole, 2001) will be used for measuring both
the central executive function and the verbal storage
ability (phonological loop span), providing an
indication of users’ WM ability. Secondly, a WM
test to measure the visuo-spatial sketchpad will be
used. In total, users are classified as “low”,
“normal”, or “high” accordingly, with respect to
their ability, based on a calculated aggregated score
of all tests. Once WM span has been identified, users
will interact with a number of mobile environments
varying in complexity. Navigation time as well as
accuracy on reaching their expected cognitive target
will be measured and calculated along with the value
of their WM levels. – Dependent Variables:
Effectiveness, Decision time. Independent
Variables: Working Memory Span.
4.3 Hypothesis 3: Cognitive Load is
Proportional to Interface
During this experiment the participants will be
subjected to two alternative interfaces, one with high
interface complexity (a graphical representation) and
one with low interface complexity (a textual
representation), displaying a patient’s blood
pressure. The participants will then be asked to
evaluate whether each of the patients has high, low
or average blood pressure. As with previous
experiments, effectiveness and efficiency will be
used to determine the level of cognitive load on the
user. To counter any learning effects that may occur
between trials, participants will be presented the
interfaces in a random order Dependent Variables:
Effectiveness, Decision time, and perceived
cognitive load. Independent Variables: interface
4.4 Hypothesis 4: Cognitive Load is
Proportional to the Level of
Distraction to the User’s Attention
In this experiment each participant will be again
asked to judge whether a patient has high, low or
average blood pressure in each of five cases. In this
experiment however, the participants will be placed
in two environments; a quiet office with no
distractions and an environment with a high level of
distraction. As with previous experiments,
effectiveness and efficiency will be used in
conjunction with a subjective questionnaire to
determine the level of cognitive load on the user. To
counter any learning effects that may occur between
trials, the participants will be presented the
interfaces in a random order Dependent Variables:
Effectiveness, Decision time, and perceived
cognitive load. Independent Variables: level of
4.5 Hypothesis 5: Cognitive Load is
Correlated to Effective Decision
Using the data in each of the previous experiments
the participants’ effectiveness will be evaluated in
terms of the perceived cognitive load. It is believed
that participants’ effectiveness and efficiency will be
reduced as the cognitive load is increased. Statistical
methods, such as Pearson’s correlation test, will then
be used to determine the strength of the relationship
between cognitive load and effectiveness and
efficiency. For each participant in each study, the
number of correct determinations made in addition
to the time taken will be rated against the level of
cognitive load experienced by the participant.
RQ1: When will cognitive overload occur in
terms of User expertise, working memory,
interface complexity and level of distraction?
To answer this research question, a series of
experiments will be conducted which will examine
each combination of the previously identified
factors. In each experiment one instance of each
factor will be combined and the cognitive overload
will be examined. Upon completion of these studies
it will be possible to create a decision table, similar
to the one presented below, estimating when
cognitive overload will occur.
Table 1: Example cognitive overload decision table.
Level of
Expert High Low Low No
Expert Low High High Yes
Decision making is a critical component of health
care. Ineffective decision making can have serious
consequences, sometimes resulting in fatalities. An
important component of effective decision making is
the ability to access relevant information in an
efficient manner. Through the use of mobile
technologies, PCP can access information almost
anywhere when they need it. Mobile applications,
however, suffer from a number of usability issues
which negatively impact a user’s cognitive load,
which will reduce the effectiveness of decisions that
are made with the support of these devices.
This work proposes the development of a
decision table that will support mobile application
developers in predicting if cognitive overload will
occur with a particular application.
This research is supported by the Science
Foundation Ireland (SFI) Stokes Lectureship
Programme, grant number 07/SK/I1299, the SFI
Principal Investigator Programme, grant number
08/IN.1/I2030 (the funding of this project was
awarded by Science Foundation Ireland under a co-
funding initiative by the Irish Government and
European Regional Development Fund), and
supported in part by Lero - the Irish Software
Engineering Research Centre (
grant 03/CE2/I303_1, the EU project CONET
(INFSO-ICT-224053) and by the project smarTag
(Internal funded projects of the University of
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