A Study in User-centric Data Integration
Heiner Stuckenschmidt
, Jan Noessner
and Faraz Fallahi
School of Business Informatics and Mathematics, University of Mannheim, 68159 Mannheim, Germany
Institute for Enterprise Systems (InES), L 15, 1-6, 68131 Mannheim, Germany
ontoprise GmbH, An der RaumFabrik 33a, 76227 Karlsruhe, Germany
Data Integration, User Study, Software Tools, Usability.
Data integration is a central problem in information systems. While the problem of data integration has
been studied intensively from a technical point of view, less attention has been paid to user aspects of data
integration. In this work, we present a user-centric approach to data integration that supports the user in finding
and validating mapping rules between heterogeneous data sources. The results of our report underline that the
user-centric approach leads to better integration results and is perceived as being more intuitive, especially for
users with little or no technical knowledge.
The problem of information integration is om-
nipresent in information systems and can be seen as
one of the major challenges, both, on the technical
and the organizational level. In this paper, we fo-
cus on the problem of transferring complex data from
one into another representation in order to support ex-
change between different systems, also referred to as
data integration.
The problem of data integration has been studied
intensively on a technical level in different areas of
computer science (Halevy et al., 2006; Euzenat and
Shvaiko, 2007). Researchers have investigated the au-
tomatic identification of semantic relations between
different datasets (Euzenat and Shvaiko, 2007) as well
as the representation and use of identified relations for
data transfer and query answering (Bellahsene et al.,
2011). A prominent line of research investigates the
use of ontologies - formal representations of the con-
ceptual structure of an application domain - as a basis
for both, identifying and using semantic relations.
In contrast to this work, we are more interested in
data integration as a task and in how we can empower
the user to solve this task more efficiently and effec-
tively. A successful solution to this problem would
have significant implications for data integration in
industrial practice. Traditionally, data integration is
done by computer science experts of an enterprise or
even outsourced to a service provider specialized in
solving data integration problems. The fundamental
problem of this approach is the fact, that the integra-
tion experts are often not experts with respect to the
data that is to be integrated. This means that their
ability to identify conceptual errors within the inte-
grated data is limited. As a consequence, errors are
often found by the user when the data has already
been migrated. Fixing such problems at this point
typically requires intensive communication between
the user and the integration expert and causes over-
head. This efficiency loss could be avoided if the user,
who knows the data, but not necessarily the underly-
ing technology, would be able to identify and fix inte-
gration problems directly.
Following the design science approach (Von Alan
et al., 2004), we designed and implemented a user-
centric data integration tool called MappingAssis-
tant(Noessner et al., 2011; Fallahi et al., 2011)
. This
tool allows the user to specify and validate semantic
mappings between two datasets following an interac-
tive process model: after specifying a semantic map-
ping, the system automatically translates data using
the specified mapping and presents selected results of
this translation to the user, who can then mark individ-
ual results as correct or incorrect. Based on this user
input, the system identifies mistakes in the semantic
mappings by asking the user about the correctness of
The interested reader is referred to
appingassistant/ for further information. An illustrative
video is available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72
abBBTfl E.
Stuckenschmidt H., Noessner J. and Fallahi F..
A Study in User-centric Data Integration.
DOI: 10.5220/0003971700050014
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 5-14
ISBN: 978-989-8565-12-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
certain statements dealing with the conceptual model
of the data.
In this paper we report the results of a user study
that compared the user-centric integration method im-
plemented in the MappingAssistant tool with the use
of a pure mapping editor that does not interact with
the user. We show that the use of the MappingAssis-
tant approach significantly improves the performance
of human users and that the method is especially
suited for supporting users with few technical skills.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2
we discuss the concept of user-centric data integration
and briefly review related work on the topic. Section 3
briefly introduces the MappingAssistant tool that we
created. The user study evaluating the MappingAs-
sistant tool, which is the main topic of this paper, is
described in Section 4. We present our research hy-
potheses, define the experimental setting and the used
datasets. Section 5 presents and discusses the results
of the study. The paper closes with some conclusions
in Section 6.
Studying data integration from a user point of view is
a relatively new field of investigation. Traditionally,
user studies have rather focused on the problem of
personal information management. Data integration
can be seen as an important aspect of personal infor-
mation management (Teevan et al., 2006), however,
research has focused on other aspects like the orga-
nization of emails or documents. In a recent study,
Gass and Maedche have investigated the problem of
data integration in the context of personal informa-
tion management from a user-centric point of view
(Gass and Maedche, 2011). The scenario addressed
in their work, however, focuses on the integration of
rather simple data schemas, in that case personal data
where the task is mainly to map properties describ-
ing a person (e.g. name or bank account number). In
many data integration scenarios like product data inte-
gration or computer aided design and manufacturing
we face much more complex conceptual models and
mapping rules.
Recently, researchers in ontology and schema
matching have recognized the need for user support in
aligning complex conceptual models (Falconer, 2009;
Falconer and Storey, 2007). Most approaches are
based on advanced visualization of the models to
be integrated and the mappings created by the user
(Granitzer et al., 2010). While the appropriate use of
visualizations is known to be a key aspect for success-
Figure 1: The cognitive support model for data integration
by Falconer (Falconer and Noy, 2011).
ful manual data integration, visualizations quickly
reach their limits in the presence of very complex or
very large models.
As a result, recent work tries to go beyond pure
visualization support and tries to include cognitively
efficient interaction strategies to support the user (Fal-
coner and Noy, 2011). Falconer proposes an interac-
tive strategy for data integration where the integration
task is distributed between the user and the tool (com-
pare Figure 1).
3 THE MappingAssistant TOOL
In data integration much work has been invested in
producing data integration rules with ontology match-
ing systems automatically (Euzenat, J. and Ferrara,
A. and Hollink, L. and Isaac, A. and Joslyn, C. and
e, V. and Meilicke, C. and Nikolov, A. and
Pane, J. and Sabou, M. and others, 2010). However,
these rules are still error-prone and, therefore, need to
be supervised by a human domain expert. This su-
pervision should be effectively supported by applica-
Existing applications like AgreementMaker (Cruz
et al., 2009) present the generated data integration
rules directly to the user. Although these tools try
to visualize complex data integration rules in an easy
understandable way, the evaluation of these rules still
requires a significant amount of expert knowledge.
Furthermore, in real-world scenarios users are usually
confronted with ill-labeled concepts, making the anal-
yses even more complex and time-consuming.
The approach of MappingAssistant (Noessner
et al., 2011; Fallahi et al., 2011) simplifies the align-
ment evaluation process by investigating the direct
consequences of the data integration rules. In particu-
lar, the MappingAssistant approach allows to evaluate
the instance data like product numbers or customers
directly, rather than analyzing complex data integra-
tion rules. One of the advantages is that in real-world
scenarios the domain expert often has sophisticated
Figure 2: Modified cognitive support model implemented
in the MappingAssistant Tool.
knowledge about the instance data in his domain.
The MappingAssistant approach implements the
cognitive support model for data integration by Fal-
coner (compare Figure 2). In the decision making
process, the user inspects the data and decides which
concept he wants to examine. In the example shown
in Figure 5 the user selected FamilyCar in the target
schema. In the interaction step, the user identifies
those instances which have been classified incorrectly
and marks them as correct or incorrect. Due to the
amount of instances a user can be faced to diagnose
we utilize different clustering techniques in order to
reach data simplification. Attribute-driven combina-
tions of weighted hierarchical and partial clustering
algorithms, as mostly described in (Hair Jr et al.,
1995), are therefore utilized. In our example of Fig-
ure 5 the MX5 Mieta is a two seated car and, thus, not
a FamilyCar.
In the generation phase a diagnostic algorithm
computes the minimal amount of user questions
which are needed in order to determine wrong rules
or facts. When the user depicts an instance as in-
correct, we generate a proof-tree for the correspond-
ing concept-assertion like FamilyCar(MX5 Mieta)
in our example. Since the user evaluation is correct
by assumption, the prolog-based proof-tree must con-
tain at least one wrong node. In order to determine
this wrong node our approach traverses the proof-tree
in a way that the amount of user questions are mini-
mized for correct as well as for incorrect answers of
the user.
In the representation phase, the MappingAssis-
tant tool generates questions based on the information
it gets from the proof-tree algorithm before. These
questions are represented to the user in natural lan-
guage based sentences in a todo-list, as shown in Fig-
ure 5. If the wrong rule or fact already has been
determined the algorithm terminates. Otherwise the
user is faced with the next question, which was deter-
mined by the diangostic algorithm in the generation
phase. The approach is implemented as an extension
of the OntoStudio Ontology Engineering Workbench
(Maier et al., 2003).
As part of the MappingAssistant project, we carried
out a study in user-centric data integration. The goal
of the study was to show that an interactive approach
to data integration leads to better results than tradi-
tional approaches. In the following we discuss the
goals, the design and the results of this study in more
details. In Subsection 4.1 we first define the hy-
potheses tested in the study in more details, we then
present and justify the experimental design in Subsec-
tion 4.2.1 and present the dataset used in the experi-
ment in Subsection 4.3. Finally, Subsection 4.4 pro-
vides demographic information about our subjects.
4.1 Hypotheses
The user study was carried out to establish the gen-
eral hypotheses of our work, which can be phrased as
The cognitive support model helps users to correctly
and efficiently integrate complex data.
We have to further substantiate this hypothesis in sev-
eral ways to arrive at a useful experimental design. In
particular, we have to be more explicit about the na-
ture of the support model, the kind of users addressed
as well as the integration task to be solved and the
notions of efficiency and correctness. In the follow-
ing, we thus provide more concrete definitions of the
hypotheses to be tested.
4.1.1 Cognitive Support Model
We consider the extended cognitive support model
in the way it is implemented in the MappingAssis-
tant System (Figure 2): The system generates map-
ping hypotheses and executes them. Traditionally,
automatic generation of such mappings are generated
by lexical and/or tree structure based matching algo-
rithms as described in (Euzenat and Shvaiko, 2007).
The results are represented in terms of translated data
instances. The user inspects the translated data and
decides on the correctness of data items thereby pro-
viding feedback to the system. The user thereby trig-
gers a second interaction cycle, where the system asks
questions about the mappings and the underlying con-
ceptual model waiting for the user to answer them.
4.1.2 Propective Users
The motivation for designing the extended cognitive
support model and for implementing the MappingAs-
sistant was to enable users with little or no technical
knowledge in data integration. Thus, our refined hy-
pothesis is that users with limited knowledge in conc-
eptual modeling and data integration show a better
performance when supported by the cognitive support
model. Further, we assume that the positive effect is
stronger for people with very little knowledge than it
is for users with more knowledge in these areas.
4.1.3 Integration Task
We decided to focus on the task of validating an exist-
ing set of mappings rather than creating a new set of
mappings. If each subject is asked to create a new set
of mapping, we would get many different solutions
which might all be correct. Especially when complex
data structures are involved the same integration task
can be solved using different sets of mapping rules.
This makes it extremely difficult to measure the cor-
rectness and completeness of the solution provided by
a user. In contrast to this, identifying errors in an ex-
isting set of mapping rules is a more well-defined task
that has a unique solution, provided the test data is de-
signed in a suitable way.
4.1.4 Quality Criteria
We expect two positive effects of using the cogni-
tive support model. The first one is efficiency, which
means that a user is able to find errors in a set of map-
ping rules in a shorter period of time. The second
one is effectiveness: we assume that a user is able to
find more errors with the MappingAssistant approach,
which would have remained undiscovered without the
support by the system.
In the context of a controlled experiment, it is hard
to distinguish these two effects; our hypothesis is that
users are able to find more errors in a fixed period of
4.2 Experimental Design
In the following, we describe the experimental design
of a user study we carried out to test our hypotheses.
4.2.1 Study Design
The general idea of the experiment is to compare the
MappingAssistant approach to data integration with a
conventional approach that is solely based on the use
of a mapping editor. As a result, the study consists
of two tasks, both concerned with identifying errors
in a set of mapping rules that combines two concep-
tual schemas. In order to control external parameters
of different integration tools, both tasks are carried
out using the OntoStudio knowledge Engineering en-
vironment. OntoStudio contains a mapping editor that
can be used to visually inspect and modify a set of
mapping rules as well as an extension that implements
the MappingAssistant approach.
Based on this technology we created the study de-
sign depicted in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Design of the user study.
Participants have to solve two integration tasks in
a timeframe of 10 minutes each. Before each task, the
participants are briefed about the task. The informa-
tion given to the user consists of an information sheet
explaining the task and instructions by a supervisor
who answers questions about the task without provid-
ing hints towards the expected results. The timeframe
for this instruction phase has been determined indi-
vidually for the two tasks, but is the same for all par-
The order in which the two tasks are carried out is
switched after every subject in order to avoid an effi-
ciency bias for the second task due to a training effect.
Since all participants perform both tasks, we do not
need to divide the users in groups, but can compare
the performance and experience of the users directly.
Furthermore, two different datasets are used,
which are assigned to the two different tasks ran-
domly for the purpose of ruling out a possible bias
due to a different level of difficulty. After a subject
has carried out both tasks, he or she is asked to fill
in a questionnaire on the perceived difficulty and sup-
port by the tool as well as on the level of expertise of
the subject.
Thus, in our study the independent variable is de-
termined by either using the conventional approach
(Integration Task 1) or the MappingAssistant ap-
proach (Integration Task 2). The dependent variable
is the number of errors the subjects found in the re-
spective dataset(Wohlin, 2000).
The following subsections provide more informa-
tion about the two integration tasks, data and subjects
used in the study as well as on the contents of the
Figure 4: Traditional user interface for creating and evalu-
ating semantic mappings.
4.2.2 Integration Task 1 (Conventional
Integration Task 1 consists of using the conventional
user interface of the OntoStudio Mapping Editor to
discover errors in a set of mapping rules. Figure 4
shows the user interface used in this task. It shows
the conceptual model of the source data on the left and
the source model on the right hand side. The models
consist of classes, relations and instances.
The mapping rules connecting the two models are
displayed visually in the middle of the screen. Below
the visual representation of the mappings, specific fil-
ter conditions for mapping rules can be displayed in
the form of pre-selected drop-down menus by click-
ing on a mapping rule.
The task of the user is to inspect the mapping rules
for errors by navigating the conceptual models and the
mapping rules and their filter conditions. This stan-
dard configuration of the tool does not provide spe-
cial functionality for focusing on problematic issues,
meaning that the user has to actively search for errors
without being guided by the tool.
4.2.3 Integration Task 2 (MappingAssistant
The second task consists of solving the same prob-
lem, namely the identification of errors in a set of
mapping rules. However, instead of the conventional
mapping editor, the MappingAssistant plug-in is used.
Its interface also shows the conceptual model of the
source and the target data set and the mappings be-
tween the elements. Instead of the filter conditions
of the rules, however, the interface shows results of
translating data using the mapping rules, as well as
a todo-list with questions generated by the tool that
have to be answered by the user (compare Figure 5).
Additionally, the plug-in allows for utilizing different
clustering techniques in order to reach data simplifi-
cation on the instance level.
The task of the user is again to inspect the map-
pings for errors. This time, however, an interactive
process is used. The user actively selects a class in
the target model and inspects the instances that have
been created by executing the mapping rules. Based
on his or her knowledge of the domain, the user can
mark rows in the data table as incorrect indicating that
they are not mapped coorectly to the selected class in
the target model. His action then triggers a diagnosis
procedure that generates yes/no questions about the
conceptual structure of the data and displays the ques-
tions in the todo-list. The user has to answer these
questions thereby guiding the semi-automatic diag-
nosis process to the errors. Once an error has been
found, the user can select another class in the target
schema and so forth.
4.2.4 Questionaire
The questionnaire that had to be filled in by all par-
ticipants consisted of four parts. All questions except
demographic questions had to be answered on a 1-5
1 definitely disagree,
2 rather disagree,
3 neither agree nor disagree,
4 rather agree,
5 definitely agree.
In the following, the different question categories
are discussed:
Previous Knowledge: this category contained
questions about the knowledge and expertise of
the subject in the areas of data modeling and data
integration. Examples of questions from this area
I am experienced with using complex software
I am used to apply filter rules for selecting data
(e.g. in Microsoft Excel)
I have good knowledge about formal data models
I have good knowledge in data matching and inte-
Task 1: This part of the questionnaire explicitly ad-
dresses the experiences of the subjects with respect to
performing Task 1. The goal was to get a better idea
of the perceived complexity and difficulty of this task.
Examples of questions were:
I was confused by the representation of the map-
ping rules
Figure 5: Interactive user interface of the MappingAssistant data integration tool.
I was able to decide on the basis of the filter ex-
pressions whether a mapping is correct or not
It was easy to work off the mappings without
missing out on something
Task 2: This part focused on the experience of the
subjects with solving task 2 and being supported by
the MappingAssistant tool. The goal was to judge
the level of support provided by the system. Exam-
ple questions were:
It was easy to identify wrong instance data
The presentation of wrong mapping rules by the
system was intuitive
The attributes of translated data items helped me
to identify mistakes
Comparison of Task 1 and Task 2: In order to be
able to compare task 1 and task 2 the following ques-
tion was asked in both tasks:
The handling was intuitive
Demographics: Finally some demographic infor-
mation was asked including age, gender and occupa-
tion of the subjects.
4.3 Datasets
When selecting the datasets for the study, we had to
find a trade-off between the following issues. On the
one hand having a problem that can be understood
and solved within the limited timeframe of the study
and on the other having enough complexity to ade-
quately represent a realistic data integration challenge
and supporting our assumption that our method works
well for complex problems. In order to be able to sat-
isfy these needs we decided to use a combination of
existing data and data that has been created manually
for the study.
4.3.1 Source Dataset
We decided to use a technical domain because of the
typical rich feature-sets and complex definitions. As
it turned out that real world datasets were much too
large and complex to be handled in the study, we
chose an instructional dataset from the car-selling do-
that was automatically converted to fit the data
model of the OntoStudio Tool. The dataset contains
324 data records that are described using more than
100 attributes. In addition the data is organized in
a concept hierarchy containing 91 concepts. This
makes the dataset complex enough to pose a real data
integration challenge, but as we could also confirm
in the study, small enough to be handled in a limited
amount of time.
4.3.2 Target Schema
In order to be able to control the experiment and in-
clude different types of errors in the alignment, we
manually built a target schema to which the records
of the source dataset need to be translated. Building
the schema, we followed established best practices for
conceptual modeling.
The resulting schema consists of a 29 classes or-
ganized in a hierarchy (compare Figure 6) and 20 at-
tributes for describing data records.
Figure 6: Class hierarchy of the manually created target
4.3.3 Mapping Rules
We manually created a set of mapping rules between
the two schemas and validated the correctness of the
mappings with respect to correctly translated data.
Based on this correct mapping set, we created two
mapping sets each of which contain ten errors. We
introduced errors with different level of complexity.
The main task of the participants in the study was
detecting as much of the produced errors as possible
within the limited timeframe.
The simplest type of wrong mapping rules are
rules connecting classes that are not identical. An
example is the mapping rule wheel on engine. We
assume that these kinds of errors are easy to spot even
by inexperienced users. Out of ten errors each dataset
contained four errors of such a kind.
The second type of errors was introduced
by modifying the filter conditions associated
with a correct mapping rule. An example
would be the rule mapping AirCondition to
AutomaticOneZoneAirCondition. The cor-
rect filter conditions for this mapping rule are
hasZoneNumber = 1 and hasAutomatic = true.
In this case we modified the filter conditions to
hasZoneNumber = 2 and hasAutomatic = false.
We assume that these kinds of errors are harder to
identify by the user because it requires a detailed
investigation of the mapping definition. Each of the
two mapping sets contained six out of ten errors of
this type.
4.3.4 Domain Information
Participants were provided with background knowl-
edge about the domain of interest. The knowledge
consisted of information about specific car types and
car equipment. The respective information was pro-
vided in terms of images in combination with short
descriptions. Figures 7 and 8 show examples of such
information for cars and wheels.
Figure 7: Simulated background knowledge about cars.
Figure 8: Simulated background knowledge about wheels.
4.4 Participants
Twenty-two subjects participated in the user study.
Six of the subjects were female and sixteen male.
The average age of the subject was 27.8 year with
the youngest subject being 21 and the oldest over 50.
About half of the subjects (54% of the persons in-
volved in the study) were students.
All participants were used to utilize complex soft-
ware tools (average: 4.91). On average subjects had
medium experience with using filter rules (average:
3.72), conceptual models (average: 3.13), and data
integration (average: 2.72) in the past.
In all three cases, the answers ranged from 1 to 5
providing a good coverage of different levels of ex-
pertise. In particular, the variance of the subjects’ ex-
perience using filter rules was 1.92, using conceptual
models was 2.22, and using data integration was 1.79.
We analyzed the results of the study with respect to
the quality of the results produced by the participants,
the correlation of the results with the level of exper-
tise and the perceived support by the system. Since all
users perform both integration tasks, we can directly
compare the users’ performance on the respective in-
tegration tasks.
The detailed results are presented in the following
5.1 Quality of the Results
We measure the quality of the results for an individual
participant by comparing the errors identified by the
user with the set of errors previously introduced in the
mapping set. We use well known quality measures
from the area of information retrieval, more specifi-
cally precision, recall and F
-measure. Before pre-
senting the results, we briefly recall the definition of
these measures.
Let T P denote the number of true positives, that is
the number of errors that have correctly been identi-
fied by a subject, FP the number of false positives that
is the number of mapping rules that have falsely been
identified by the subject as an error and FN the num-
ber of false negatives, namely the number of errors
that have not been found by the subject. Following
this definition precision (P), recall (R) and F
sure (F
) are defined as follows:
P =
T P + FP
R =
T P + FN
(1 + 2
)P · R
)P + R
5P · R
4P + R
Figure 9 compares precision, recall and F2 mea-
sure that have been achieved by the subjects on aver-
age for the two integration tasks.
The results show that there was no significant
difference between the conventional tool and the
MappingAssistant approach with respect to precision.
Both values are close to 1.0 meaning that subjects al-
most never identify mappings as errors that are actu-
ally correct. We can see however, that there is a sig-
nificant difference with respect to recall. Using con-
ventional technology, the subjects were only able to
find two thirds of the errors on average. In compari-
son to that, using our approach the yielded recall was
much higher than utilizing conventional technology.
In particular, the subjects on average were able to find
Figure 9: Average performance of subjects on the two inte-
gration tasks.
nine out of ten errors within the given time frame of
ten minutes.
The advantage of the MappingAssistant approach
with respect to identifying existing errors more effi-
ciently becomes even more obvious when looking at
Figure 10. It shows that 91% of the subjects found
more errors using MappingAssistant than with the
conventional tool. 9 % of subjects found the same
number of errors and none of the subjects showed a
better performance with the conventional technology.
Figure 10: Comparison of performance on subject level.
The results clearly show that our method helps
users to find more errors in a given period of time
thereby confirming our hypothesis that the method in-
creases efficiency and effectiveness of data integra-
5.2 Correlation with Level of Expertise
In order to test our hypothesis that our method in par-
ticularly supports users with limited technical knowl-
edge, we compared the performance of participants
with their previous knowledge in conceptual model-
ing and data integration. When comparing previous
knowledge in conceptual modeling and data integra-
tion with the overall performance in task 1, we can
see that there is indeed a relation between these two
aspects (compare Figure 11).
Figure 11: Relation between previous knowledge and per-
formance in integration task 1.
We can conclude that for successfully performing
data integration with a conventional tool a high degree
of expertise in conceptual modeling and data integra-
tion is needed. While the trend is not that clear with
respect to previous knowledge in conceptual model-
ing, the result is more conclusive with respect to pre-
vious knowledge in data integration.
Figure 12 shows the relation between the level of
previous knowledge and the performance improve-
ment achieved by using the MappingAssistant ap-
Figure 12: Relation between previous knowledge and per-
formance in integration task 2.
With the MappingAssistant approach the subjects
achieved high F
measure results. The results of the
test persons were independent from the previous de-
gree of expertise in conceptual modeling as well as
data integration.
Although the results are not as clear as for the
quality improvement, we can observe that the per-
formance using the MappingAssistant is independent
from previous knowledge. In summary, these results
confirm our hypothesis that a user-centric interactive
approach to data integration has a stronger positive
effect for people with little technical knowledge com-
pared to the conventional approach.
5.3 Qualitative Results
In addition to the objective results, we were also inter-
ested in how the different tasks were perceived by the
users. In particular, we wanted to find out, how intu-
itive the user interface was and how the users judged
the difficulty and the support by the systems. In the
following we present the answers to several questions
related to the mentioned aspects.
Figure 13 shows the average answer of the users
with respect to task 1 according to the 1-5 scale
where 1 means complete disagreement and 5 com-
plete agreement.
Figure 13: User feedback on task 1.
The results show that users found difficult to com-
plete the task without missing mapping rules. With
respect to the other questions about the difficulty of
the task and the design of the user interface, the users
were rather indifferent. Figure 14 shows the an-
swers of users with respect to task 2. Here we see
that in general there is a much higher agreement of
users with questions concerning the benefits of the
approach. In particular, users considered the Map-
pingAssistant approach to be more intuitive than the
traditional one (3.77 vs. 4.55 average score) support-
ing our hypothesis.
While the results are not directly comparable, we
can still conclude that our assumption about the ben-
efits of the MappingAssistant approach being more
intuitive and easier to follow by the users is shared by
the subjects of our study.
Data integration is a difficult task that typically re-
quires substantial knowledge not only of the data to
Figure 14: User feedback on task 2.
be integrated but also of data integration technolo-
gies. The goal of our research was to enable the peo-
ple with less or no knowledge of these technologies
to integrate their data. We presented a user-centric
approach to data integration that is based on a cogni-
tive support model, which has been implemented in
the MappingAssistant data integration tool. We pre-
sented the results of a user study demonstrating that
the approach empowers users to solve data integra-
tion problems more effectively and efficiently. In par-
ticular, we showed that users were able to find more
errors in mapping rules in a given period of time.
Further, we were able to show that while with con-
ventional mapping technology a high level of exper-
tise in mapping technology is required, the Mappin-
gAssistant approach significantly reduces the perfor-
mance difference of experienced and inexperienced
users. Finally, we could show that users considered
our approach to be more intuitive.
We believe that the user-centric approach to data
integration presented in this paper can have a real
impact on the practice of data integration in enter-
prises. In particular, the approach can help expert
users within an organization to retain more responsi-
bility for data integration. While today, data integra-
tion tasks often either have to be delegated to the IT
department or even be outsourced to specialized com-
panies, our technology can enable users to perform
non critical data integration tasks themselves. This
can save time and money in enterprise data integra-
tion. Furthermore, it can create more options for on
the fly data integration or mesh-ups that can provide
useful information but are not needed on a regular ba-
In future work we will extend the presented di-
agnosis component of the MappingAssistant with an
induction component. This induction component will
provide suggestions for repairing the wrong mapping
rule which has previously been found with the diag-
nosis component.
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