Multi-layered Enterprise Modelling and Its Challenges in Business
and IT Alignment
Tomasz Kaczmarek
, Ulf Seigerroth
and Nikolay Shilov
Poznan University of Economic, Department of Information Systems, Os. B. Chrobrego, 14/28 60-681, Poznan, Poland
School of Engineering at Jönköping University, P.O. Box 1026, 55111 Jönköping, Sweden
St.Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
39, 14 Line, 199178, St. Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: Business and IT Alignment, Enterprise Modelling, Multi-layered Framework, Ontology Support.
Abstract: In this article we have presented different challenges that need to be handled during enterprise modelling if
we want to achieve business and IT alignment. The over all research question in the paper is: What are the
challenges within and between the levels in a multi-layered model for business and IT alignment? In
relation to this research question we have addressed what consequences these challenges will have on our
view on and use of enterprise models as a mean to achieve business and IT alignment. The aim with the
paper is also to give guidance about how to deal with these challenges. Our recommendations for how to
deal with these challenges are summarised in five conclusions about, 1) the use and support from
ontologies, 2) change as driving force during modelling (AS-IS – TO-BE). 3) the dependencies within and
between layers must be clarified, 4) create balance between degree of formalism, degree of details, and
degree of accuracy, and 5) guidelines and best practices about how to deal with these types challenges
during enterprise modelling to create business and IT alignment.
A model is usually an abstraction and a
representation of a phenomenon for a certain
purpose (Matthews, 2007) and modelling is the
activity of creating and manifesting the model as a
tangible artefact. Models are used for different
purposes and in the context of this paper we focus
on models and modelling as a mean to deal with the
gap between organizational context and technology.
We are therefore concerned with how to deal with
different challenges related to models and business
and IT alignment. Based on this we have identified
the following challenges:
How to deal with different abstraction levels of
an enterprise?
How to deal with the transformation from AS-IS
to TO-BE models?
How to deal with different aspects (focal areas)
of an enterprise, both within and between
different abstraction levels?
How to deal with the degree of formalism on
different abstraction levels?
How to deal with degree of details on different
abstraction levels?
How to deal with degree of accuracy on
different abstraction levels?
How to deal with the mutual traceability
between different abstraction levels?
Enterprise models are to be regarded as tangible
descriptions of patterns addressing different aspects
and constructs of an enterprise where people are
acting often supported by artefacts, within and
between enterprises (Lundqvist et al., 2011).
To arrive at business aligned IS/IT solutions we
need to understand and to be able to handle the
complexity that exists in terms of different aspects
or conceptual domains of an enterprise (Langefors,
1973); (Vernadat, 2002). Lankhorst (2005)
exemplify these multiple enterprise aspects with five
heterogeneous architectural domains (Information
architecture, Process architecture, Product
Kaczmarek T., Seigerroth U. and Shilov N..
Multi-layered Enterprise Modelling and Its Challenges in Business and IT Alignment.
DOI: 10.5220/0003972002570260
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 257-260
ISBN: 978-989-8565-12-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
architecture, Application architecture and Technical
architecture), which are related to each other and
need to be integrated in the alignment process.
One way to deal with business and IT alignment
in this context is through a three level framework
(Seigerroth, 2011), which also has served as a
foundation for this paper, see figure below.
Figure 1: Levels in enterprise architecture (Seigerroth,
This conceptualization depicts conceptual areas
that we need to deal with in the area of business and
IT alignment. In this conceptualization enterprise
architecture is divided into three levels: 1) strategies
& business models, 2) processes & practices, and
3) IS/IT structures and how they are related to each
other. Enterprise modelling is also depicted in the
figure where enterprise models will serve as the
prime tool for addressing business and IT alignment
during transformation (AS-IS to TO-BE). This
conceptualization conveys our belief in the power of
enterprise modelling and enterprise models as
artefacts for coherent descriptions, evaluation, and
design of the three levels in Figure 1 above.
Ontological models is in this context used to
solve heterogeneity problems of models and
different enterprise elements. It provides the
common semantics for interoperability, information
reuse & sharing between disparate modelling
methods, paradigms, languages and software tools
(Uschold and Grüninger, 1996). Ontology
engineering is based on an ontology hierarchy.
Three levels of ontologies have been pointed out
(e.g., Guarino, 1998).
The top-level ontology is the "shared ontology"
for domain independent representation of the
problem set. This type of ontology is needed to
describe an abstract model using common
knowledge model representation. Such ontologies
describe very general concepts like time, matter,
object, action, etc., which are independent of a
particular problem or domain.
Domain ontologies and task ontologies describe
vocabularies related to a generic domain (like
production, or automobiles) by specializing the
terms introduced in the top-level ontology.
Task Ontologies are oriented to solving specific
problems and consist of ontologies of tasks and
methods. A task ontology includes all the concepts
necessary to describe the inferential process, from
the very abstract concepts related to the inference
scheme to more specialized concepts specific for
single methods.
Application Ontologies describe concepts depending
both on a particular domain and task, which are
often specializations of both related ontologies. The
purposes of an application ontology is (1) remove
the gap between domain ontologies and task
ontologies joining them into one application
ontology; (2) enable domain experts to use the
language which is applied in application they work
with, and which may differ from the language used
in the domain and task ontologies.
Degree of Formalism has to do with how formal the
notation rules for a certain type of model are. There
exist modelling notations that span from very formal
machine interpretable languages to very informal
rich pictures.
Selecting formalism has profound consequences
as it defines the expressivity and thus sets
boundaries to what can, and what cannot be
expressed in the model. The difficult question to
answer before starting the modelling is: what will be
left behind as a result of the decision regarding the
formalism to model in, and whether it will be vital
for the task or not. This question essentially can't be
answered for a given case (as one has only vague
idea of what is to be modelled before engaging into
the exercise), it can only be answered based on
previous modelling experiences.
Degree of Detail is about deciding how many things
we put into a model at different layers of enterprise
modelling in order to describe a certain situation.
There is a certain tension between the formality,
and the number of details of the model required by
IT perspective, and the usefulness of the model to
the business perspective. On the other hand the great
number of details (often technical ones) does not
concern modellers at the business level.
Unfortunately, the details have to be added
somehow anyway during the transformation of
design models into the real IT system. There are two
problems connected with that - the process of adding
the details is often unspecified, and second, the
modelling tools are not designed to support this. It is
usually unclear who adds the necessary details.
Formalisms in models are most of the time
inflexible - it is often not possible to model in a
given formalism with “less” detail and “more”
detail, or if it is possible, then essentially separate
models have to be created without explicit
connection between them. For example it is possible
to model a business process in a general way (just
specify a single chain of tasks to be performed in the
organization) or in a detailed way (specifying
conversations or message exchange protocols
between process participants as well as message
exchange formats and semantics), but there is little
connection between the general and detailed models
of the same process. Consequently it is usually
impossible to abstract from details in a systematic
way and see a simplified model.
Accuracy of the View is a challenge of selecting the
right point of view when modelling.
Multi aspect representations stems from the
inherent characteristic of different focal areas. First
it is hard to keep the multi aspects in sync. Models
evolve over time and maintaining multi aspect
models is even harder than maintaining a single
view one. Second, it seems, that when implementing
an IT solution it is hard to sustain all the aspects and
specific views on the modelled objects or situations
that has to be selected. This problem result in
information systems that usually adopt one view (or
approach, or method), which from the business point
of view makes them less flexible, constrained and
eventually may lead to the need to change the
system. If we accept this, then the question is how to
make educated decisions on which view would suit
best the goals set for an enterprise, the processes that
should be supported or the strategy to be
implemented. There is a deficiency in many models
and modelling approaches, because they don't give
straightforward answers to what will be the impact
on other parts of the model if we select certain
approach or view on some distant part of the model.
Change and Model Dependencies refer to the fact
that modelling usually is done in a constantly
changing environment.
Regarding the dynamic aspect of modelling - the
transition from AS-IS to TO-BE, the need for
transition may arise in two ways. Either the business
drives the need for change in the IT/IS layer, or that
the technology drives the change - which gives new
opportunities or creates certain restrictions for the
processes that are supported by IT solutions.
Assuming that we use modelling as approach to the
problem, and all the layers have their respective
models, the model of TO-BE differs from the model
of AS-IS. It is usually not a problem to identify the
differences in the models of a single layer. The
question is how the differences should propagate to
other layers. It is not entirely sure at this stage
whether such clues can be delivered automatically.
But the even modest support for noting these
changes and the consequences of changes (how did
change in the model X influenced the change in the
model Y) would be certainly beneficial to make
sense of the whole business / IT infrastructure
evolution process. Currently no tools or other
instrumental support exist to record this evolution
even in a single layer, therefore the challenge is even
greater for the multi-layered enterprise modelling.
The discussion of challenges and their consequences
to enterprise modelling leads to several conclusions
on how to deal with the challenges or what is still
necessary in enterprise modelling in order for it to be
able to ensure a better business and IT alignment.
It seems that ontologies applied at and between
different levels of enterprise modelling, despite their
inherent problems, would allow to build connections
between these levels and aid in creating coherent
multilevel models spanning across different focal
areas. The challenge in this will be to create a
working relations between the four types of
ontologies that has been presented in this article,
top-level ontology, domain ontology, task ontology,
and application ontology.
Secondly, current modelling approaches lack the
notion of model evolution or change, in the sense
that they do not adopt the change as the main driving
force in modelling. As indicated previously,
modelling transition from AS-IS to TO-BE might be
the key to show the mutual influences between the
business and IT layers of the enterprise. Currently,
there is little correspondence between the different
subsequent versions of the model of a given focal
area, except from the obvious one (e.g. “this object
is the same as in the previous version of the model”).
Since there is no explicit notion of change and
linkage between subsequent model versions, there is
no way to specify why certain changes were
introduced, and what might be their consequences
on the other parts of the model.
The third conclusion is that changes in the model
on one layer might influence other layers (e.g. a
change in the business layer might influence
necessary technological transitions in the IT layer).
If multilayer, ontologized models are available, and
there is a way to explicitly model changes and their
influence on different model parts, it would be
possible also to model the influences of changes on
different layers of the model. The dependencies
between the layers are the key to aligning the
business with IT and giving them the dynamic
aspect might contribute to better understanding of
the whole enterprise and its evolution over time.
The fourth conclusion is that there is a need to
strike a balance between degree of formalism,
degree of details, and accuracy of the view in
different enterprise models on different levels. In
many cases these dimensions will be determined
based on situated criteria’s and therefore it will be
important to be able to capture such criteria’s and to
translate them into the actual models.
A fifth conclusion is that based on the four
conclusions above there is a need for more
developed guidelines and best practices about how
to deal with these types challenges during enterprise
modelling to create business and IT alignment.
This paper is due to the project COBIT sponsored by
the Swedish Foundation for International
Cooperation in Research and Higher Education.
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