Multiagent Model of Stabilizing of Petroleum Products Market
Leonid Galchinsky
Department of Management and Marketing, National
Technical Universiry of Ukrain, Peremohy 37 Street, Kyiv, Ukrain
Keywords: Multi-Agent Models, Oligopolistic Market, Asymmetry in Prices, Tacit Collusion, Petroleum Products,
Price Stabilization.
Abstract: The problem of developing of multi-agent models of stability in market prices of petroleum products is
presented. The problem of price stabilization occurs due to external factors: the result of sudden changes of
crude oil on world markets or exchange rate changes. In addition the market price dynamics is also
influenced by internal factors such tacit collusion sellers. Shown the theoretical possibility to reduce of
asymmetry in prices through the use stabilization fund of petroleum products, which the public body can use
at the moment when there is a of price jump through the sale of petroleum products by stable prices.
The behavior of fuel prices has a global impact on
the whole economy of a particular country. Increases
in fuel prices automatically lead to higher prices of
commodities with high demand and transportation
services. The result is the decrease in purchasing
power and reduction in profitability of companies,
especially those with energy-intensive production.
The expenses for petroleum products are
involved in the consumer market prices;
transportation costs also affect the prices of all
goods of consumer market.
This question is particularly important in
emerging economies, especially in such countries as
Ukraine, where practically immediate reaction of all
industries to changing prices occurs. This factor
affects not only the economy, but also the social
situation of the general public and political processes
in it.
The modern market of oil products in Ukraine is
characterized by the large number of economic
entities, acting alone or co-operating, in conditions
dissimilar to classical equilibrium markets. In this
market the main sources of equilibrium disturbance
are external factors, primarily world prices of crude
oil and exchange rates. Due to non-stationarity of
these factors and cooperative actions of market
agents, prices of petroleum products, including retail
gasoline prices, are changing daily.
Retail gasoline prices in Ukraine depend on
many factors; the main ones are the national
currency fluctuations, changes in world oil prices,
the activities of oil producing and refining
companies, oil traders, government policy etc. Thus,
the problem of finding the mechanism for stabilizing
oil prices arises. The ways of price stabilization –
from direct administrative methods to the market-
based approaches – have long been known. This
paper deals with the mechanism for smoothing oil
price shocks through targeted interventions of oil
products, provided by the state, in moments of
disturbance in fuel prices threatening to destabilize
the market.
The intensive research of price dynamics in the oil
market as well as research of multi-agent approach
to modeling price competition in oligopolistic
markets was held over the last 20 years. The
asymmetry of prices for petroleum markets in
different countries was studied in (Bacon, 1991),
(Borenstein et al., 1992); (Matt Lewis, 2003),
(Veremenko and Galchinsky, 2010); (García, 2010).
In (Kephart et al., 2000); (Tsvesovat and Carley,
2002); (Happenstall et al., 2004); (Levin et al.,
2009); (Ramezani et al., 2011) the possibilities and
properties of applying multi-agent approach to
modeling the competition in oligopolistic markets
were explored.
Galchinsky L..
Multiagent Model of Stabilizing of Petroleum Products Market.
DOI: 10.5220/0003972203140317
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 314-317
ISBN: 978-989-8565-10-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In oligopolistic markets, the decisions of each firm
don’t only affect their own profit but also the profit
of their competitors. Therefore, firms react to the
actions of their competitors and in every decision the
companies consider not only the direct impact on
their income, but also the reaction effects of
competitors. This so-called oligopolistic
interdependence lays the foundation in modeling the
market behavior as a multi-agent system. There are
several reasons for choosing the multi-agent
approach, although the game theory was about to be
chosen as the theoretical basis. However, for games
with more than two players the results of the game
theory approach are far from building a constructive
design scheme. Even in games with no coalitions
there is no exact algorithm for finding equilibrium in
general, because it is very difficult to consider the
real constraints on the strategy of all players
analytically. For coalition games claim the existence
of equilibrium was not even proven, so we will find
the solution of the problem in another way, with the
agent modeling method.
Let us determine the following factors in the
- Consumer - a vehicle with the driver. It is
characterized by the type of fuel being used and fuel
tanks capacity, the use of fuel per 100 km, the
frequency and range of travel, the propensity to
traveling and saving money.
- Gas Station - a gas station that provides services
to consumers and the companies, which buy fuel for
their vehicles. It is characterized by the volume of
containers for storage, type of fuel, its availability,
and geographical location.
- Refinery station, which is characterized by type
of fuel it produces, volumes of containers for
storage, fuel prices.
- Country is an agent that displays activity of the
state and sets a number of rules for the market
functioning and import-export operations.
- Trader is a mediator between refineries and gas
stations. Sells fuel in bulk, making transportation to
the appropriate object. Characterized by means of
transportation and storage facilities for fuel.
The environment also holds information about the
concentration and location of agents in the country,
the transport grid, grid with railroad connections.
Each agent has its own program behavior based
on finite-state machines, which describes its
condition and the conditions of transition from one
state to another.
Each agent can communicate with any other
agent through the messaging mechanism. Thus the
«consumer», that is within visibility range of certain
agent of a «station» will be able to receive notice of
the price on its fuel. Similarly «station» agents will
be able to receive data available in the region traders
and their prices. Also, each agent has a specific set
of actions with which he manipulates the state of the
environment. For example, for the «consumer»
agents they are: go (move around the environment),
refuel and wait. In case of failure of any agent to act
in the market (the agent goes bankrupt) he is
removed from the model. Similarly, agents may also
enter the model. Inputs for the model are:
- For purchases of fuel by network S in t
- The original retail price of network m;
- The location of station k of network m;
- Number of consumers of fuel in the square
with coordinates (i,j);
- The number of retail networks;
The main mechanism for the distribution of fuel
consumed is the function of demand, taking into
account not only for a particular network, but also
the maximum possible demand.
Bp C p
The model of agents’ behavior relies on rule-based
algorithm, proposed in [1]. Variables and logical
conditions were added in the implemented algorithm
to model collusion between the agents. The
collusion is valid until significant changes happen in
the agent’s input parameters.
In account of this it is possible to make an algorithm
for the agent:
1. Set the price specified in the preceding period
2. Collect data for neighbors
3. Get prices for fuel
4. Get on the environment of consumers for the
current period
5. Determine the cost of 1 liter fuel, taking the fixed
costs into account
6. Forecast fuel demand, given the cost of fuel, the
current price and the price of neighboring agents to
forecast demand for fuel
7. Check messages from neighboring agents for
available collusion suggestions.
8. Decide on pricing, using a set of rules.
9. Put the price set in the next period.
The printed form should be completed and signed by
one author on behalf of all the other authors, and
sent on to the secretariat either by normal mail, e-
mail or fax.
The basis of the algorithm is the set of rules for
changing prices, which also contains rules for
checking the usefulness of the collusion. The main
indicator, appearing in the rules is
is price of agent i in the neighborhood,
is the distance between this agent and the i-th
The numerical constants for price change rates
were determined basing on real data in the studied
region and on the characteristics of prices
asymmetry. For this purpose the initial values based
on expert judgments were taken and then specified
through minimizing the residual function with the
help of Nelder-Mead method on a set of historical
data in Kyiv region for the period 2010-2011.
Figure 1: The class diagram in UML notation.
The diagram of classes shows, that the main
class which provides the entire program is the class
TSim. It is a kind of the experimental abstraction,
and it includes instances of the agent model classes.
Agent model is represented by two classes: MAzsAg
and MEnvironment. According to the paradigm of
agent modeling, MAzsAg is a software agent which
can receive messages, react to the environment
changes and interact with other agents through the
environment. MEnvironment class is the agents’
environment which provides their identification,
messaging and performs a mechanism for interaction
between agents and between agent and environment.
Since the agent-based model relies on the interaction
between retailing petroleum products networks, it is
firstly needed to consider the opportunity for the
state to intervene in the retail market in order to
prevent collusions between the agents. Thus, the
state petroleum retail network can be considered as
such regulator. Taking into account, that the
oligopolists have significant market shares, the state-
owned market share, sufficient for the desired effect
on the market, must be determined.
Figure 2: Dependence of the length of the return prices to
normal levels of the market share of the state regulator.
As you can see, the effect is noticeable when the
market share exceeds 15-20%. Further increase in
market share slightly increases this effect. In respect
that that the cost of a public network can be quite
high (the cost of building a gas station is estimated
at 0.5 million.), the regulator may be too expensive.
Analysts estimate the total costs could reach up to $2
billion. These costs are currently estimated as too
high in order to implement.
Due to the fact that it is difficult to enact the
above-mentioned type of controller, government can
bring such regulator to the wholesale market. Given
that during the jump in prices some retailers do not
have enough fuel, the state can sell their stocks to
reduce the effects of the shock. Thus, signing
contracts with the network stations and having their
margin on the sale of petroleum products restricted,
is a way to indirectly affect the price situation in the
Figure 3: The behavior of the gasoline prices with
regulation and without.
So the state can enter the wholesale market with
stabilization reserve during the prices’ jumps and
sell fuel under contracts to station networks, which
have demand for fuel. The need for profitability of
such fund should be taken into account. To evaluate
the effectiveness of control, the scheme, rearranged
in Figure 3, can be used. The comparison of price
without regulator and with the presence of the
regulator clearly indicates the effect of stabilization.
The results indicate that basing on the proposed
multi-agent model, the implementation of the
regulator, which can effectively reduce the level of
asymmetry in oil prices, is possible in principle. The
state agency, acting not administratively, but
through market-based control methods, might play a
role of such regulator. Further research in this area
should be aimed at clarifying the mechanism of
influence on prices by the state regulator.
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