cepts disallow describing SP architectures,thus, we
had extended SPEM metamodel by introducing the
required architectural concepts. The ontology was
generated by transformation model techniques; to
achieve this aim, we use ATL (Atlantique Transfor-
mation Language).
SPEMOntology must store different kinds of
knowledge: The used know-how, the SP architec-
ture knowledge and a reference vocabulary, in addi-
tion, it must do a correspondence between these kinds
of knowledge. To this aim, we exploit the SPEM
structure (organized into packages) to store separately
these kinds of knowledge. We add adequate proper-
ties to have to keep the knowledge coherence.
Actually we are working on defining inference
rules to infer tow kinds of knowledge: ”equivalent SP
configuration” to identify the SP configurations that
can replace the required configuration and ”equiva-
lent SP components” to identify the components that
can replace the required SP component. We are also
working on retrieving SP architectures, the hole algo-
rithm is defined, good results are obtained but must
refined before their publishing.
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