The Improved SSR Electromagnetic Simulation Model
and Its Comparison with Field Measurements
Xiaorong Xie
, Yipeng Dong
, Kai Bai
, Xun Gao
and Ping Liu
State Key Lab. of Power System, Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
North China Electric Power Research Institute Co., Ltd, Xicheng District, Beijing 100045, China
North China Grid Co., Ltd, Power Dispatch Center, Xicheng District, Beijing 100053, China
Keywords: Subsynchronous Resonance, Electromagnetic Simulation, Series Compensation.
Abstract: Electromagnetic simulation (EMS) plays an important role in the evaluation of subsynchronous resonance
(SSR). To meet the requirement of practical engineering, this paper discusses how to improve the modeling
method of SSR-EMS in three important aspects, i.e., the shaft system of turbine generator, the series
compensation and the supplementary excitation damping controller (SEDC). Thus a systematically
improved EMS model was put forward, which includes a lumped mass-spring model with adjustable and
non-linear mechanical damping, a series compensation model incorporating MOV with the gap protection
logic and an engineering model of SEDC to reflect the dynamics of the power-electronic exciter. The
developed model overcomes the shortage of the traditional one and is applicable to the accurate analysis on
SSR stability, transient torque and fatigue expenditure when the system experiences large disturbances. The
proposed method is then used for the simulation of a real SSR event caused by a short-circuit fault in the
Shangdu series-compensated power system. The simulation results are compared with the field
measurements and a good consistence is found. Consequently, the improved EMS model is proved to be
applicable, accurate and effective for SSR analysis in practical engineering.
With the wide application of series compensation in
power systems, the SSR issue attracts more and
more attentions (SSR W.G., 1992). SSR analysis
plays an important role in evaluating its risks and
selecting countermeasures. Currently, such methods
as frequency-scanning, complex torque coefficient,
eigenvalue analysis and electromagnetic simulation
(EMS) are widely applied (Yu et al., 2006; Canay,
1982; Hara et al., 1994). Among these methods, the
time-domain EMS, despite of its complicated
modeling and heavy computation, possesses obvious
advantages as follows:
1) Capable of modeling system nonlinearities;
2) Applicable to the analysis of multi-mode
torsional oscillation in multi-machine systems;
3) Able to analyze either large or small
disturbances, and to provide dynamic response and
output in the sense of electromagnetic transients;
4) Suitable for the evaluation of various
SSR-damping devices, such as the supplementary
excitation damping control (SEDC).
Therefore, EMS becomes an indispensible tool
for SSR analysis in engineering application.
Currently, this analysis method is mainly depend on
commercial software like PSCAD/EMTDC
(Kajoijilertsakul et al., 2011), which can provide the
basic models and numerical method required by
SSR analysis and meet the general analysis demand.
However, there are some problems requiring
attention and improvement. To meet the requirement
of practical engineering, this paper mainly focuses
on the modeling improvement in three aspects:
1) The mechanical damping of the T-G shaft
system, assumed in many studies to be a fixed value,
should be modeled as a function of the T-G’s
working condition (Xie and Zhang et al., 2011).
2) The nonlinearities of the metal oxide varistor
(MOV), the gap and other protective devices should
be incorporated for accurate modeling of a
real-world series compensation.
3) The power-electronic circuit of the excitation
system is regarded as an “instantly” established
circuit during electromechanical transients. However,
there is a time-delay, which will affect the dynamics
Xie X., Dong Y., Bai K., Gao X. and Liu P..
The Improved SSR Electromagnetic Simulation Model and Its Comparison with Field Measurements.
DOI: 10.5220/0003973704190424
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH-2012),
pages 419-424
ISBN: 978-989-8565-20-4
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)