Lee Gillam, Bin Li and John O'Loughlin
Department of Computing, University of Surrey, Guildford, U.K.
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Cloud Brokerage, Service Level Agreement (SLA), Quality of Service (QoS), Cloud
Benchmarking, Cloud Economics.
Abstract: To some the next iteration of Grid and utility computing, Clouds offer capabilities for the high-availability
of a wide range of systems. But it is argued that such systems will only attain acceptance by a larger
audience of commercial end-users if binding Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are provided. In this paper,
we discuss how to measure and use quality of service (QoS) information to be able to predict availability,
quantify risk, and consider liability in case of failure. We explore a set of benchmarks that offer both an
interesting characterisation of resource performance variability, and identify how such information might be
used both directly by a user and indirectly via a Cloud Broker in the automatic construction of SLAs.
Use of Clouds has become a key consideration for
businesses seeking to manage costs transparently,
increase flexibility, and reduce the physical and
environmental footprint of infrastructures. Instead of
purchasing and maintaining hardware and software,
organizations and individuals can rent a variety of
(essentially, shared) computer systems. Under the
Cloud banner, much is rentable – from actual
hardware, to virtualized hardware, through hosted
programming environments, to hosted software.
Rental periods are variable, though not necessarily
flexible, and providers may even bill for actual use
below the hour (indeed, down to three decimal
places), or for months and years in advance. Some
would argue about which of these really
differentiates Cloud from previous hosted/rented/
outsourced approaches, although that is not our
concern here.
The idea that Cloud is somehow generically
cheaper than any owned infrastructure is variously
open to challenge, and certainly there are many
examples of high performance computing (HPC)
researchers showing that Clouds cannot (yet)
provide HPC capabilities of highly-optimized
systems that are closely-coupled via low latency
networks. We would contend that the price
differential is at present more likely to be
advantageous for Cloud where utilization has
significant variability over time – alleviating the
costs of continuous provision just to meet certain
peak loads. Further, it will be only be advantageous
where the incorporated cost of the rented system is
cheaper on the whole than the total cost of internal
ownership (labour, maintenance, energy, and so on)
plus the cost of overcoming reluctance of various
kinds (due to sunk investments, internal politics,
entrenched familiarity, and other organisational
inhibitors). Where Cloud actually ends up being
more expensive, the potential benefit in flexibility
can offset this. Dialling up or down capacity in the
right quantities to meet demand, rapid repurposing,
or near-immediate upgrading (of the software by the
provider, or of the operating system or even the
scale of the virtualized hardware) are just some of
these flexibilities the offer additional value.
At present, however, cost and flexibility only
extends so far. An end user would not be able to run,
say, a specific computational workload with fine
grained control over computational performance at a
given time, to readily obtain the best price or a set of
comparable and re-rankable price offers against this,
or to easily manage the risk of it failing and being
able to re-run within a limited time without suffering
a high cost-of-cure. For some applications, a
particular result may be required at a specific time –
and beyond that, the opportunity is lost and
potentially so is the customer or perhaps the
Gillam L., Li B. and O’Loughlin J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003974406210630
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CloudSecGov-2012), pages 621-630
ISBN: 978-989-8565-05-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
investment opportunity; the former case would relate
to high latency on serving out webpages during short
popular periods, whilst the latter would feature in
high frequency trading applications where
microseconds of latency makes a difference.
Clouds need to emphasize measurement,
validation and specification – and should do so
against commitments in Service Level Agreement
(SLA). Without assurances of availability,
reliability, and, perhaps, liability, there is likely a
limit to the numbers of potential end-users. This is
hardly a new consideration: in the recent past a
number of Grid Economics researchers suggested
that Grids could only attain acceptance by a larger
audience of commercial end-users when binding
SLAs were provided (e.g. Leff et al., 2003; Jeffery,
2004); the notion of Grids in the business sphere
seems long gone now.
Given the need for substantial computation, the
financial sector could be a key market for Clouds for
their pricing models and portfolio risk management
applications. Certainly such applications can fit with
a need for ‘burst’ capability at specific times of the
day. However, the limited commercial adoption
reported of such commoditized infrastructures by the
financial sector, appearing instead to maintain
bespoke internal infrastructures, may suggest either
that those organizations are remaining quiet of the
subject to avoid media concern over the use of such
systems, or are concerned with maximizing their
existing infrastructure investment, or that the lack of
assurances of availability, reliability, security, and
liability is a hindrance.
In our work, we are aiming towards building
liability more coherently into SLAs. We consider
that there is potential for failure on the SLA due
either to performance variability, or due to failure of
a part of, or the whole of, the underlying
infrastructure. We are working towards an
application-specific SLA framework which would
offer a Cloud Broker the potential to present offers
of SLAs for negotiation on the basis of price,
performance, and liability – price can incorporate
the last two, but transparency is likely to be
beneficial to the end user.
The application-specific SLA should necessarily
be machine-readable, rather than requiring clumsy
human interpretation, negotiation, and enforcement,
and the Broker should be able to facilitate autonomic
approaches to reduce the impact of failure and
promote higher utilization.
Following Kenyon and Cheliotis (2002), we are
constructing risk-balanced portfolios of compute
resources that could support a different formulation
of the Cloud Economy. Our initial work in financial
risk was geared towards greater understanding of
risk and its analysis within increasingly complex
financial products and markets, though many of
these products and markets have largely now
Related work on computational risk assessment
using financial models appears to treat the
underlying price as variable. However, Cloud prices
seem quite fixed and stable over long periods with
relatively few exceptions (e.g. the spot prices of
Amazon, which are not particularly volatile but
show certain extremes of variance which could be
quite difficult to model). Our approach makes price
variable in line with performance, so price
volatilities will follow performance volatilities over
time. Additionally, we need to factor in the effect of
failure of the underlying resource, which it is
difficult to account for in traditional risk models
since it is a very rare, and often unseen, event in
price data. The Cloud risk, then, involves the
probability of a partial or complete loss of service,
and the ability to account for that risk somehow in
an offer price which includes it – essentially,
building in an insurance policy.
In this paper, we present our view of how to
incorporate QoS into SLAs and to model the risk
such that it can be factored into pricing. In section 2,
we discuss SLAs at large, and machine-readable
SLAs in particular, to identify the fit. In section 3,
we present results of benchmarks that show
variability in Cloud resource performance – our use
of benchmarks is a means to an end, not an end in
itself. Section 4 addresses price-based variability in
performance, and section 5 offers suggestions for
bringing risk assessment and SLA together. We
conclude the paper, and offer a few future work
2.1 Service Level Agreement (SLA)
A Service Level Agreement (SLA) acts as a contract
between a service provider and a consumer (end-
user), possibly negotiated through a broker. The
SLA should clarify the relationship between, and
especially the obligations on, the parties to the
contract. For the consumer, it should clarify
performance and price, and describe penalties for
under-performance or failure (essentially, liabilities).
Sturm et al. (2000) have highlighted the components
for a common SLA: purpose; parties; validity
period; scope; restrictions; service level objectives;
service level indicators; penalties; optional services;
exclusions and administration. At a high level,
Service Level Agreements can cover such
organisational matters as how promptly a telephone
call will be answered by a human operator. In
computing in general, and in Cloud Computing in
particular, such SLAs are largely concerned with an
overall level of service availability and, indeed, may
detail a number of aspects of the service for which
there is “disagreement”. For instance, at the time of
writing, the following clauses could be found in
specific SLAs readily available on the web: “Google
and partners do not warrant that (i) Google services
will meet your requirements, (ii) Google services
will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free,
(iii) the results ... will be accurate or reliable, ...”;
“Amazon services have no liability to you for any
unauthorized access or use, corruption, deletion,
destruction or loss of Your Content.”.
Such an SLA is non-negotiable, and typically
written to protect and favour the provider.
Negotiable SLAs may also be available, but
negotiation in mainstream provision is likely to be a
drawn out process, require a longer term
commitment – not really geared towards Cloud
provision so much as datacentre rental - and yet still
be at a relatively high level.
Presently, SLA clauses related to liability are
likely to be few and limited to outright failure. In the
event, service credits may be offered – rather than a
refund – and the consumer can either stick with it or
go elsewhere. Standard SLAs for Cloud providers
tend to fit such a description.
AWS only began offering a general SLA in
2008, although some customers had already lost
application data through an outage in Oct 2007.
Amazon CTO, Werner Vogels is often cited as
saying, “Everything fails all the time. We lose whole
datacentres! Those things happen.” However,
Vogels also assures us “let us worry about those
things, not you as a start-up. Focus on your ideas.”
As highlighted in
Table 1, things do indeed fail.
However, there remains a knock-on effect. But it
also becomes apparent that even a slight SLA offers
some form of compensation (compare 2011 to
2007). The specific clause for Service Credits for
AWS suggests that availability must drop below
99.95% based on “the percentage of 5 minute
periods during the Service Year in which Amazon
EC2 was in the state of “Region Unavailable””. It is
unclear, here, whether such periods are cumulative,
so two periods of 4 minutes might count as one
period or might not count at all. In addition, “Region
Unavailable” is some way different to the lack of
availability of a given resource within a region.
Also, such a clause is not applicable to a badly
running instance. Such conditions can impact on
performance of a supported application and so also
have a cost implication. Ideally, commercial systems
would provide more than merely “best effort” or
“commercially reasonable effort” over some long
period, and would be monitored and assure this on
behalf of the consumer. Furthermore, such SLAs
should have negotiable characteristics at the point of
purchase with negotiation mediated through
machine-readable SLAs. We discuss such machine-
readable SLAs in the next section.
2.2 Machine-readable SLAs
The Cloud Computing Use Cases group has
considered the development of Cloud SLAs and
emphasised the importance of service level
management, system redundancy and maintenance,
Table 1: A few AWS outages, and the emergence of use of the SLA.
Cause Description
EC2 [beta]
(Oct, 2007)
Customer instances terminated and application data lost. No SLA yet.
(Feb, 2008)
service capacity
Disruption to S3 requests, and lack of information about service.
Service health dashboard developed.
(June, 2009)
(July, 2009)
Electrical storm,
lightning strike
Offline for over five hours; instances terminated. Loss of one of the 4
U.S. east availability zones. Customers request more transparent
(Apr, 2011)
Network fault
and connection
High profile outage in one of four U.S. East availability zones; servers
re-replicating data volumes, causing data storm. Affected customer
receives more service credits than stated in the SLA.
security and privacy, and monitoring, as well as
machine-readability. In addition, they describe use
of SLAs in relation to Cloud brokers. Machine-
readability will be important in supporting large
numbers of enquiries in a fast moving market, and
two frameworks address machine-readable SLA
specification and monitoring: Web Service
Agreement (WS-Agreement) developed by Open
Grid Forum (OGF) and described by Andrix et al.
(2007), and Web Service Level Agreement (WSLA),
introduced by IBM in 2003. Through WS-
Agreement, an entity can construct an SLA as a
machine-readable and formal contract. The content
specified by WS-Agreement builds on SOA (driven
by agreement), where the service requirement can be
achieved dynamically. In addition, the Service
Negotiation and Acquisition Protocol (SNAP,
Czajkowski et al., 2002) defines a message exchange
protocol between end-user and provider for
negotiating an SLA. It supports the following:
resource acquisition, task submission and
task/resource binding.
Related work in the AssessGrid project (Kerstin
et. al, 2007) uses WS-Agreement in the negotiation
of contracts between entities. This relies on the
creation of a probability of failure (PoF), which
influences price and penalty (liability). The end-user
compares SLA offers and chooses providers from a
ranked list: the end-user has to evaluate the
combination and balance between price, penalty and
PoF. Such an approach gears readily towards Cloud
Brokerage, in which multiple providers are
contracted by the Broker, and it is up to the Broker
to evaluate and factor in the PoF to the SLA. It is
possible, then, that such a Broker may make a range
of different offers which appear to have the same
composition by providers but will vary because of
actual performance and the PoF. For PoF, we may
consider partial and complete failure – where partial
may be a factor of underperformance of one or more
resources, or complete failure of some resources,
within a portfolio of such resources.
As well as PoF and liability, a machine-readable
SLA should also address, at least, service
availability, performance and autonomics:
Service Availability. This denotes responsiveness to
user requests. In most cases, it is represented as a
ratio of the expected service uptime to downtime
during a specific period. It usually appears as a
number of nines - five 9s refers to 99.999%
availability, meaning that the system or service is
expected to be unresponsive for less than 6 minutes
a year. An AppNeta study on the State of Cloud
Based Services, available as one of their white
papers, found that of the 40 largest Cloud providers
the suggested average Cloud service availability in
2010 was 99.948%, equivalent to 273 minutes of
downtime per year. Google (99.9% monthly) and
Azure (99.9%, 99.95% monthly) reportedly failed to
meet their overall SLA, while AWS EC2 (99.95%
yearly) met their SLA but S3 (99.9% monthly) fell
below. However, we do not consider availability to
be the same as performance, which could vary
substantially whilst availability is maintained – put
another way, contactable but impossibly slow.
Performance. According to a survey from IDC in
2009 (Gens, 2009), the performance of a service is
the third major concern following security and
availability. Websites such as CloudSleuth and
CloudHarmony offer some information about
performance of various aspects of Cloud provisions,
however there appear to be just one or two data
samples per benchmark per provider, and so in-
depth performance information is not available, and
further elements of performance such as
provisioning, booting, upgrading, and so on, are not
offered. Performance consideration is vital since it
becomes possible to pay for expected higher
performance yet receive lower – and not to know
this unless performance is being accurately
Autonomics. A Broker’s system may need to adapt
to changes in the setup of the underlying provider
resources in order to continue to satisfy the SLA.
Maintenance and recovery are just two aspects of
such autonomics such that partial or complete failure
is recoverable with a smaller liability than would be
possible otherwise. Large numbers of machine-
readable SLAs will necessitate an autonomic
approach in order to optimize utilization – and
therefore profitability.
Since PoF should be grounded in Performance,
and should offer a better basis for presenting Service
Availability, in the remainder of this paper we focus
primarily on performance. Performance variability
of virtualized hardware will have an impact on
Cloud applications, and we posit that the stated cost
of the resource, typically focussed on by others in
relation to Cloud Economics, is but a distraction –
the performance for that cost is of greater
importance and has greater variability: lower
performance at the same cost is undesirable but
cannot as yet be assured against. To measure
performance variability, we investigate a small set of
benchmarks that allow us to compare performance
both within Cloud instances of a few Cloud
Infrastructure providers, and across them. The
results should offer room to reconsider price
variability as performance variability, and look at
risk on a more dynamic problem.
We selected benchmarks to run on Linux
distributions in 4 infrastructures (AWS, Rackspace,
IBM, and private Openstack) to obtain
measurements for CPU, memory bandwidth, and
storage performance. We also undertook
measurements of network performance for
connectivity to and from providers, and to assess
present performance in relation to HPC type
activities. Literature on Cloud benchmarking already
reports CPU, Disk IO, Memory, network, and so on,
usually involving AWS. Often, such results reveal
performance with respect to the benchmark code for
AWS and possibly contrast it with a second system –
though not always. It becomes the task of an
interested researcher, then, to try to assemble
disparate distributed tests, potentially with numerous
different parameter settings – some revealed, some
not – into a readily understandable form of
comparison. Many may balk at the need for such
efforts simply in order to obtain a sense of what
might be reasonably suitable for their purposes.
What we want to see, quickly, is whether there is an
outright “better” performance, or whether providers’
performance varies due to the underlying physical
We have tested several AWS regions, two
Rackspace regions, the IBM SmartCloud, and a
Surrey installation of OpenStack.
In this paper, we will present results for:
1. STREAM, a standard synthetic benchmark
for the measurement of memory bandwidth
2. Bonnie++, a Disk IO performance
benchmark suite that uses a series of simple
tests for read and write speeds, file seeks,
and metadata operation;
3. LINPACK, which measures the floating
point operations per second (flop/s) for a
set of linear equations.
3.1 Benchmark Results
As shown in
Figure 1
for STREAM copy, there are
significant performance variations among providers
and regions. The average of STREAM copy in AWS
is about 5GB/s across selected regions with 2 Linux
The newest
Figure 1: STREAM (copy) benchmark across four
infrastructures. Labels indicate provider (e.g. aws for
Amazon), region (e.g. useast is Amazon’s US East) and
distribution (u for Ubuntu, R for RHEL).
AWS, Sao Paulo, has a peak at 6GB/s with least
variance. The highest number is obtained in Surrey’s
Openstack at almost 8GB/s, but with the largest
variance. Results in Rackspace look stable in both
regions, though there is no indication of being able
to ‘burst out’ in respect to this benchmark. The
variance shown in
Figure 1
suggests potential issues
either with variability in the underlying hardware,
contention on the same physical system, or
variability through the hypervisor. It also suggests
that other applications as might make demands of a
related nature would suffer from differential
performance on instances that are of the same type.
Figure 2 shows results for Bonnie++ for
sequential creation of files per second (we could not
get results for this from Rackspace UK for some
unknown reason). Our Openstack instances again
show high performance (peak is almost 30k
files/second) but with high variance. The EC2
regions show differing degrees of variance, mostly
with similar lows but quite different highs.
We obtained LINPACK from the Intel website, and
since it is available pre-compiled, we can run it
using the defaults given which test problem size and
leading dimensions from 1000 to 45000. However,
Rackspace use AMD CPUs, so although it would
possible to configure LINPACK for use here, we
decided against this at the time. Results for
Rackspace are therefore absent from Figure 3, and
also for AWS US east region because we assumed
these would be reasonably comparable with other
AWS instances produce largely similar results,
Figure 2: Bonnie++ (sequential create) benchmark across
four infrastructures.
Figure 3: LINPACK (25000 tests) benchmark across
tested infrastructures.
without significant variance. Our OpenStack Cloud
again suffers in performance – perhaps a reflection
on the age of the servers used in this setup.
In contrast to EC2, we have both knowledge of
and control of our private Cloud infrastructure, so
we can readily assess the impact of sizing and
loading and each machine instance can run its own
STREAM, so any impacts due to contention should
become apparent. The approach outlined here might
be helpful in right-sizing a private Cloud, avoiding
under- or over- provisioning.
We provisioned up to 128 m1.tiny (512MB, 1
vCPU, 5GB storage) instances simultaneously
running STREAM on one Openstack compute node.
The purpose of this substantial load is to determine
the impact on the underlying physical system in the
face of additional loading.
Figure 4 below indicates total memory
bandwidth consumed. With only one instance
provisioned, there is plenty of room for further
utilization, but as the number of instances increases
the bandwidth available to each drops. A maximum
is seen at 4 instances, with significant lows at 8 or
16 instances but otherwise a general degradation as
numbers increase. The significant lows are
interesting, since we’d probably want to configure a
scheduler to try to avoid such effects.
Figure 4: STREAM (copy) benchmark stress testing on
Nova compute04, showing diminishing bandwidth per
machine instance as the number of instances increases,
and variability in overall bandwidth.
We have seen that there can be a reasonable extent
of variation amongst instances from the same
provider for these benchmarks, and the range of
results is more informative than simply selecting a
specific best or average result. Applications run on
such systems will also be impacted by such
variation, and yet it is a matter hardly addressed in
Cloud systems. Performance variation is a question
of Quality of Service (QoS), and service level
agreements (SLAs) tend only to offer compensation
when entire services have outages, not when
performance dips. The performance question is, at
present, a value-for-money question. But the
question may come down to whether we were
simply lucky or not in our resource requests.
Variation may be more significant for smaller
machine types as more can be put onto the same
physical machine – larger types may be more closely
aligned with the physical resource leaving no room
for resource sharing. Potentially, we might see more
than double the performance of one Cloud instance
in contrast to another of the same type – and such
considerations are likely to be of interest if we were
introducing, for example, load balancing or
attempting any kind of predictive scheduling. Also,
for the most part, we are not directly able to make
comparisons across many benchmarks and providers
since the existing literature is usually geared to
making one or two comparisons, and since
benchmarks are often considered in relative isolation
– as here, though only because the large number of
results obtained becomes unwieldy.
It should be apparent, however, that a Cloud
Broker could – at a minimum - re-price such
resources according to performance and offer
performance-specific resources to others. However,
the current absence of this leads to a need for the
Cloud Broker to understand and manage the risk of
degradation in performance or outright failure of
some or all of the provided resources.
5.1 Cloud Monitoring
Cloud providers may offer some (typically graph-
based) monitoring capabilities. Principal amongst
these is Amazon’s CloudWatch, which enables
AWS users to set alarms for various metrics such as
CPUUtilization (as a percentage), DiskReadBytes,
DiskWriteBytes, NetworkIn, and NetworkOut,
amongst others. The benchmarks we have explored
are highly related to this set of metrics, and so it is
immediately possible to consider how this would
inform the setting of such alarms – although there
would still be some effort needed in obtaining likely
performance values per machine instance to begin
An alarm can be set when one of these metrics is
above or below a given value for longer than a
specified period of time (in minutes). At present,
unless an AutoScaling policy has been created,
alarms will be sent by email. Further work is needed
to build a better approach to using such alarms.
5.2 Building SLAs
We have investigated the use of WS-Agreement in
the automation of management of SLAs. The latest
WS-Agreement specification (1.0.0) helpfully
separates out the static resource properties – such as
of memory, numbers of CPUs, and so forth
Figure 5: OGF Agreement Monitoring (source: WSAG4J,
Agreement monitoring).
– from the dynamic resource properties – typically,
limited to response times (
Figure 5). The dynamic
properties are those that can vary (continuously)
over the agreement lifetime.
WS-Agreement follows related contractual
principles, allowing for the specification of the
entities involved in the agreement, the work to be
undertaken, and the conditions that relate to the
performance of the contract. Initially, WS-
Agreement consists of two sections: the Context,
which defines properties of the agreement (i.e.
name, date, parties of agreement); and the Terms,
which are divided into Service Description Terms
(SDTs) and Guarantee Terms (GTs). SDTs are used
to identify the work to be done, describing, for
example, the platform upon which the work is to be
done, the software involved, and the set of expected
arguments and input/output resources. GTs provide
assurance between provider and requester on QoS,
and should include the price of the service and,
ideally, the probability of, and penalty for, failure.
Introducing a Cloud Broker adds an element of
complexity, but this may be beneficial. If users
demand detailed SLAs but Cloud providers do not
offer them, there is a clear purpose for the Broker if
they can interpret/interrogate the resources in order
to produce and manage such SLAs. ServiceQoS
offers suggestions for how to add QoS parameters
into SLAs. The principal example is through a Key
Performance Indicator (KPI) Target
(wsag:KPITarget) as a Service Level Objective
(wsag:ServiceLevelObjective), and relates to
Response Time (wsag:KPIName) (Figure 6).
Examples elsewhere use Availability, and a
threshold (e.g. gte 98.5, to indicate greater than or
equal to 98.5%).
//Variable/@Name="ResponseTime" LOWERTHAN
800 ms
<wsag:TimeInterval>1 month</wsag:TimeInterval>
Figure 6: An example WS-Agreement Template (source:
Cloud providers and frameworks supporting this
on a practical level are as yet not apparent, leaving
the direct use of QoS parameters in SLAs for
negotiation via Cloud Brokers very much on our
future trajectory.
5.3 Collateralized Debt Obligations
(CDOs) and Cloud SLAs
In financial analysis there are various techniques that
are used to measure risk in order that it might be
quantified and also diversified within a portfolio to
ensure that a specific event has a reduced impact on
the portfolio as a whole. Previously, Kenyon and
Cheliotis (2002) have identified the similarity
between selection of Grid (computation) resources
and construction of financial portfolios. In our
explorations of financial instruments and portfolios,
we have found credit derivatives, and in particular
collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), to offer an
interest analogy which also offers potential to
quantify the (computational) portfolio risk as a price.
A CDO is a structured transaction that involves a
special purpose vehicle (SPV) in order to sell credit
protection on a range of underlying assets (see, for
example, Tavakoli, 2008. p.1-6). The underlying
assets may be either synthetic or cash. The synthetic
CDO consists of credit default swaps (CDS),
typically including fixed-income assets bonds and
loans. The cash CDO consists of a cash asset
portfolio. A CDO, and other kinds of structured
investments, allows institutions to sell off debt to
release capital. A CDO is priced and associated to
measurements of riskiness that can be protected (for
example, insured against the default on a particular
loan). Protection is offered against specific risk-
identified chunks of the CDO, called tranches. To
obtain protection in each class, a premium is paid
depending on the risk, reported in basis points,
which acts like an insurance policy.
Consider, for example, a typical CDO that
comprises four tranches of securities: senior debt,
mezzanine debt, subordinate debt and equity. Each
tranche is identified as having seniority relative to
those below it; lower tranches are expected to take
losses first up to specified proportions, protecting
those more senior within the portfolio. The most
senior tranche is rated triple-A, with a number of
other possible ratings such as BB reflecting higher
risk below this; the lowest tranche, equity, is
unrated. The lowest rated should have the highest
returns, but incorporates the highest risk. The senior
tranche is protected by the subordinated tranches,
and the equity tranche (first-loss tranche or "toxic
waste") is most vulnerable, and requires higher
compensation for the higher risk.
Correlation is used to describe diversification of
CDOs; that is, the combined risk amongst names
within CDO’s tranches. A default correlation
measures the likelihood that if one name within a
tranche fails another will fail also. However,
incorrect assumptions of correlation could lead to
inaccurate predictions of quality of a CDO.
Structuring means that a few high risk names - with
potentially high returns – can be subsumed amongst
a much larger number of low risk names while
retaining a low risk on the CDO overall.
This notion of default, and the correlation of
default, is initially of interest. The price of a Cloud
resource will only likely drop to zero if the Cloud
provider fails. However, there is a possibility of a
Cloud resource performance dropping to zero. In
addition, as we have seen, there is a risk that the
performance drops below a particular threshold, at
which point it presents a greater risk to the
satisfaction of the SLA. To offer a portfolio of
resources, each of which has an understood
performance rating that can be used to assess its risk
and which can change dynamically, suggests that the
SLA itself should be rated such that it can be
appropriately priced. Our explorations, therefore,
have involved evaluating the applicability of
principles involved with CDOs to Cloud resources,
and this has a strategic fit with autonomous Clouds
(Li, Gillam and O’Loughlin 2010, Li and Gillam
2009a&b) although there is much more work to be
done in this direction.
In this paper we have considered the automatic
construction of Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
that would incorporate expectations over quality of
service (QoS) by reference to benchmarks. Such
SLAs may lead to future markets for Cloud
Computing and offer opportunities for Cloud
Brokers. The CDO model offers some useful
pointers relating to tranches, handling failures, and
offering up a notion of insurance. At large scales,
this could also lead to a market in the resulting
derivatives. We have undertaken a large number of
benchmark experiments, across many regions of
AWS, in Rackspace UK and US, in various
datacenters of IBM’s SmartCloud, and also in an
OpenStack installation at Surrey. A number of
different benchmarks have been used, and a large
number of different machine types for each provider
have been tested. It is not possible to present the
results of findings from all of these benchmark runs
within a paper of this length, and in subsequent work
we intend to extend the breadth and depth of our
benchmarking to obtain further distributions over
time in which it may be possible to obtain more
accurate values for variance and identify trends and
other such features.
In terms of other future work, the existence of
AWS CloudWatch and the ability to create alarms
suggests at minimum the results we have obtained
can be readily fed into a fairly basic set of SLAs and
this will subsequently offer a useful baseline for the
treatment of benchmark data. The emergence of
KPIs in WS-Agreement also offers an opportunity in
this direction, depending on the drive put into its
future development, although benefits are likely less
immediate; a common definition of metrics and their
use will certainly be beneficial. Finally, our use of
CDOs in risk assessment shows promise, and further
experiments which are aimed at demonstrating this
approach are currently under way.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of
the UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences
Council (EPSRC: EP/I034408/1), the UK’s
Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS)
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships scheme and CDO2
Ltd (KTP 1739), and Amazon’s AWS in Education
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