Effects of the Placement of Diverse Items in Recommendation Lists
Mouzhi Ge
, Dietmar Jannach
, Fatih Gedikli
Martin Hepp
Universität der Bundeswehr Munich, Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39, Neubiberg, Germany
Technische Universität Dortmund, Joseph-von-Fraunhofer 23, Dortmund, Germany
Keywords: Recommender System, Evaluation, Diversity, Item Ranking, User Satisfaction.
Abstract: Over the last fifteen years, a large amount of research in recommender systems was devoted to the
development of algorithms that focus on improving the accuracy of recommendations. More recently, it has
been proposed that accuracy is not the only factor that contributes to the quality of recommender systems.
Among others, the diversity of recommendation lists has been considered as one of the additionally relevant
factors. Therefore a number of algorithms were proposed to generate recommendations lists containing a
diverse set of items. However, limited research has been done regarding how to position those diverse items
in the list. In this paper we therefore investigate how to organize the diverse items to achieve a higher
perceived quality. The results of an experimental study show that the perceived diversity of a
recommendation list depends on the placement of the diverse items. Placing the diverse items dispersedly or
together at the bottom of the list can increase the perceived diversity. In addition, we found that in the movie
domain including diverse items in the recommendation list does not hurt user satisfaction, which means that
recommender system providers have some flexibility to add some extra items to the lists, for example to
increase the serendipity of the recommendations.
Recommender systems are developed to help users
find relevant products that may interest them. The
goal of recommender systems is to support the
human user with information processing task and to
provide personalized recommendations for users.
Over the last decade, recommender systems have
been widely applied in e-commerce, for example,
book recommendation on Amazon or movie
recommendation on Netflix (Jannach et al. 2010).
Moreover, some case studies have stated that the use
of recommender systems can both increase user
satisfaction and produce added value to the business
(Dias et al., 2008); (Jannach and Hegelich, 2009);
(Zanker et al., 2006).
As there is a growing popularity of using
recommender systems in e-commerce, a variety of
recommender algorithms have been proposed over
the last fifteen years. Most of these algorithms focus
on improving recommendation accuracy.
Accordingly, the performance of recommender
systems was evaluated by accuracy metrics such as
Mean Absolute Error (MAE) or Precision and
Recall. However, some researchers have proposed
that being accurate alone is not enough (McNee et
al., 2006). Additional and complementary metrics,
including diversity, novelty and serendipity could be
used to evaluate the quality of recommender systems
(Castells et al., 2011); (Herlocker et al., 2004).
Among the proposed metrics, diversity has been
widely discussed and considered to be a factor that is
equally important as accuracy (Smyth and McClave
2001); (Fleder and Hosanagar, 2007).
The concept of diversity in recommender system
research can be generally divided into inherent
diversity and perceived diversity. Inherent diversity
considers diversity from an objective view and is
often measured by the dissimilarity among the
recommended items (Zhang and Hurley, 2008);
(Ziegler et al., 2005). The set of recommended items
can either refer to a single list of recommendations
for a single user or the set of overall
recommendations from the whole system. Thus the
concept of inherent diversity comprises intra-list
diversity as defined by (Ziegler et al., 2005) and
aggregate diversity as proposed by (Adomavicius
and Kwon, 2011a). While intra-list diversity means
the diversity inside a particular recommendation list,
aggregate diversity refers to the diversity among the
recommendations across all users.
Perceived diversity, in contrast, defines diversity
Ge M., Jannach D., Gedikli F. and Hepp M..
Effects of the Placement of Diverse Items in Recommendation Lists.
DOI: 10.5220/0003974802010208
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 201-208
ISBN: 978-989-8565-11-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
from a subjective perspective and can only be
determined through a user evaluation. The advantage
of focusing on perceived diversity is that we can
directly capture the users’ opinions. Lathia et al.
(2010) found that perceived diversity is positively
related to user satisfaction in the long term when
using a recommender system. Regarding the
importance of perceived diversity, this paper will
analyze how end users perceive the diversity-
increasing items in recommendation lists. Our
experimental study will use movie recommendations
as an example. The diversity will be varied by
adding movies from different genres.
One factor that may affect the perceived
diversity but has not been analyzed in research so
far, is the placement of diversity-increasing items in
the recommendation list. Suppose we have several
diverse items that we can include in a
recommendation list. We can place these items
dispersedly within the list, for example, by randomly
positioning the diverse items at different places in
the list. On the other hand, the diverse items can be
placed together in one block in the list. A block
means that one section of the recommendation list
contains only diverse items. Users may perceive the
recommendation list with a block of diverse items to
be more diversified than a list with dispersedly
placed diverse items since it can be easier for users
to discover the block of diverse items. Furthermore,
the position of the diverse items may also affect a
recommender system's overall perceived quality. For
example, if the diverse items are placed together on
the top of the list, users may get the impression that
the recommender system's predicting ability is poor
and therefore they may lose the trust in the system
and stop using it in the future (Lathia et al., 2010).
To the best of our knowledge, how to place
diverse items in a recommendation list has not been
explored so far in recommender system research.
Considering the possible effects of differently
positioning the diverse items, we believe that the
question of how to arrange the diverse items is an
important research topic in recommender systems.
In order to tackle this problem, the aim of this
paper is to investigate how to place the diverse items
in a recommendation list and analyze the effects of
different item placements on the perceived diversity,
on serendipity, and on user satisfaction. As a final
goal, we want to develop a set of guidelines of how
to arrange diverse items so as to improve
recommender system's overall perceived quality.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows. In Section 2 we propose a set of hypotheses
about the placement of diverse recommendations
and their potential effects. In order to validate the
hypotheses, in Section 3, we design an experiment to
study the effects of the different placements of the
diverse items. Next, we carry out a data analysis and
summarize our results in Section 4. We conclude
this paper by discussing our findings and providing
indications how to better arrange the items in a
recommendation list.
Sakai (2011) pointed out that balancing relevance
and diversity has been considered as a challenge in
document retrieval (Clarke et al., 2011). This trade-
off has been also noticed in the recommender system
community. Adomavicius and Kwon (2011a) stated
that increasing diversity in a recommender system
can result in decreasing its accuracy and vice versa.
Thus a number of recommender algorithms focus on
combining diversity and accuracy (Smyth and
McClave, 2001); (Ziegler et al., 2005) or increasing
diversity with a minimal loss of accuracy
(Adomavicius and Kwon, 2011a); (Zhou et al.,
2010); (Zhang and Hurley, 2008).
The concept of diversity used in the papers above
refers to inherent diversity, which is often measured
by the dissimilarity between all pairs of
recommended items. Therefore, inherent diversity
does not depend on the order of the items and
changing the order of diverse items in a
recommendation list will not affect inherent
diversity. Ziegler et al. (2005) therefore argued that
rearranging the positions of the items in a
recommendation list would not affect inherent
diversity. However, as we discussed in the
introduction, it may affect the perceived diversity.
Specifically, it might be easier for users to discover
diverse items when they are arranged in a block than
dispersedly placed. We therefore propose the
following hypothesis.
H1: A Recommendation List Containing a Block
of Diverse Items is perceived to be more Diverse
than one with Dispersedly Placed Diverse Items.
Changing the order of diverse items may also affect
the serendipity of a recommendation list. Serendipity
is considered to be an important factor to attract
users to use recommender systems (Ge et al., 2010).
McNee et al. (2006) propose to define it as the
experience by the user who received an unexpected
and fortuitous recommendation. Thus serendipity
can be measured by the extent to which the
recommendations are both attractive and surprising
to the user (Herlocker et al., 2004). Moreover, Ge et
al. (2010) found two essential aspects of serendipity:
unexpectedness and usefulness. While unexpected
recommendations refer to those recommendations
that are significantly distant from the user’s
expectations, usefulness means the highest level of
utility to the user. Diverse items are considered to
play an important role in generating unexpected
recommendations (Adamopoulos and Tuzhilin,
Intuitively, we assume that users are to some
extent surprised when they see diverse
recommendations. For example, users may be
surprised when seeing a romantic movie within a list
of action movie recommendations. Thus, if several
diverse items are dispersedly placed in the
recommendation list, users can regularly find
unexpected items and may experience more
“surprise times” than in the case that the diverse
items are placed together in a block. We therefore
establish hypothesis H2 as follows.
H2: A Recommendation List with Dispersedly
Placed Diverse Items is perceived to be more
Unexpected than the One Containing a Block of
Diverse Items. Our review above indicates that
previous research has realized the potential value of
diversity and serendipity in recommender systems.
Adomavicius and Kwon (2011b) argue that
increasing diversity can lead to an increase in sales
diversity and user satisfaction. Also, as Ge et al.
(2010) discussed, surprising and serendipitous
recommendations can increase the user's interest in
using a recommender system, and in turn lead to
higher user satisfaction. Therefore maintaining a
certain level of diversity and serendipity in a
recommendation list can improve user satisfaction.
According to the discussion when developing
hypothesis H1 and H2, diverse items that are
arranged in a block presumably will result in higher
diversity, whereas diverse items that are dispersedly
arranged will presumably increase serendipity.
Increasing either diversity or serendipity can lead to
a higher level of user satisfaction. We therefore
propose a null hypothesis, H3, as follows.
H3: A Recommendation List Containing a Block
of Diverse Items can Result in the Same User
Satisfaction with a Recommendation List with
Dispersedly Placed Diverse Items. Overall, our
three hypotheses are proposed based on a literature
review and our intuitive conjectures. In order to test
the proposed hypothesis, we designed an experiment
to empirically analyze the effects of different
placements of diverse items, which we describe in
the next section. Furthermore, as we are also
interested in studying whether the presence of
diverse items is beneficial for recommender systems
in general, we will include a treatment without
diverse items in the experiment.
In this section, we will present the experimental
design and measurement technique used in our
study. In addition to studying how to arrange diverse
items in a recommendation list, we also study
whether and to which extent diverse items influence
the user-perceived quality of a recommender system.
In our experiment, we employ a within subjects
design, in which each subject can evaluate and
compare all the treatments used in this user study.
Our experiment is implemented as an online
Web site. There are three phases in the experiment.
The first phase is to instruct the participants about
the different phases of the experiment and how they
can complete the experiment. The second phase is
that subjects interact with a recommender system,
rate items and are presented with movie
recommendations. In the recommendation phase, we
used four movie genres: action movies, romantic
movies, comedy movies and animation movies. For
each movie genre, we have developed two Web
pages. In the first Web page, subjects are provided
with a list of 20 well-known movies of one specific
genre. Figure 1 shows an example snapshot in
which a list of 20 action movies is presented to the
subjects. The subjects will be asked to check the
movies they have watched and also liked. After the
subjects finished ticking their preferred movies, they
can click on the “Get Recommendations” button to
obtain recommendations. Then, on the second Web
page, shown as Figure 2, a list of twelve
recommended movies is presented to the subject.
Three options are offered: “I would like to watch
this movie”, “I have watched this movie and liked
it” and “I have watched this movie but I do not like
it”. Subjects can tick one of the options to report
their opinions towards the recommendations. It is
however not mandatory for subjects to tick an option
for each recommendation. In order to support the
subjects in the decision process, the plot of each
recommended movie is also given by the system
(refer to Figure 2). The movie plot and three options
were used to let users carefully consider the
It is important to know that in our experiment we
do not use any recommender algorithm to compute
Figure 1: Screen 1 - Acquiring user preferences for action movies.
Figure 2: Screen 2 - Displaying recommended action movie recommendations to users.
the recommendations. Instead, we manually create a
static list of recommended movies for each genre
and present it to users. Therefore each subject will
obtain exactly the same set of recommendations. We
can thus eliminate possible effects from
recommender algorithms. In order to give the user
an impression that there is a recommender system
running in the background, we not only ask the users
about their preferences but also show a message that
the recommendations are being computed for two
seconds after the subject clicks the “Get
Recommendations” button.
In our experiment, we determine diverse movie
recommendations based on differences with respect
to the movie genre. For example, among the
recommended action movies, an animation movie,
Toy Story 3, is considered as a diverse item. In the
experiment, each recommendation list contains
twelve items. Four of them are diverse items. For
example, in Figure 2, there is a list of twelve
recommendations. The four diverse
recommendations are placed at the bottom of the list.
We use a round grey shadow to highlight the four
diverse items in Figure 2. Note that this shadow was
of course not visible during the study.
We designed the different placements of diverse
items as follows. In the list of action movie
recommendations, the four diverse items are
organized together in one block at the end of the list.
For romantic movie recommendations, the four
diverse items are arranged in the middle block of the
list. Among the comedy movie recommendations,
the four diverse items are respectively placed at
positions 3, 6, 9, and 12. We suppose that diverse
items are dispersedly placed in this list. In addition,
we use the recommended animation movies as our
control group, which contains no diverse items.
After the subjects have gone through every
recommendation list, in the last phase they are again
presented all the four manually designed
recommendation lists. Subjects are then asked to
evaluate each list on a five point Likert scale. The
evaluation is based on the following questions,
which are designed to test our proposed hypotheses.
Do you think this recommendation list is
(1: not at all, 5: very diversified)
Does this recommendation list surprise you?
(1: not at all, 5: very surprised)
Are you satisfied with the movie
(1: not satisfied, 5: very satisfied)
In the end of the evaluation, the system also displays
a textbox where the subjects can leave a feedback
regarding the recommendations. After finishing the
evaluation, the subject needs to click the “Submit”
button to complete the experiment. The whole
experiment procedure is supervised in case the
subjects need an explanation about system functions
or the meanings of some terms. During the
experiment there is no interaction between the
A total of 52 subjects were involved in the
experiment. All the subjects were researchers or
students from the computer science department at
the Technical University of Dortmund. 35% of the
subjects were female and 65% were male. The
average age of subjects was 29. For each subject, it
took on average about 15 minutes to finish the whole
As our experiment used a Likert scale, the data
collected from the experiment were ordinal data. We
therefore choose a non-parametric test to analyze our
collected data. Since the same subjects have
participated in all the experimental treatments, the
Friedman Test is used to test, whether or not there is
any difference among the experimental treatments.
Once a significant difference is found, the Wilcoxon
Signed-Rank Test would be performed to find where
the differences actually occur. SPSS 19.0 was used
for data analysis and all the tests were done at a 95%
confidence level. We report the analysis results in
the following.
As a first step, we performed a Friedman test on
perceived diversity. In the test, there are four
buckets of data, which are named “Dispersedly”,
“Bottom”, “Middle” and “Without”. “Dispersedly”,
“Bottom” and “Middle” denote recommendation
lists where the diverse items are placed dispersedly,
at the bottom, or in the middle respectively.
“Without” stands for our control group that contains
no diverse items. This naming scheme is also
applied in all the following tests. The results of the
Friedman test are shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Friedman test for perceived diversity.
Mean Ranks
Bottom 3.13
Dispersedly 2.64
Without 2.56
Test Statistics
N 52
Chi-Square 30.890
df 3
Asymp. Sig.
In Table 1 we can see that there was a significant
difference in perceived diversity depending on the
placement of diverse items (χ
(3) = 30.890, p <
0.05). This means that different placements of the
diverse items significantly affected the perceived
diversity of the recommendation list. Thus we
arranged the mean ranks in descending order and
further performed the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test to
find which group caused the significant difference.
The result of the Wilcoxon test for perceived
diversity is shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test for perceived
Dispersedly &
Middle &
Without &
Asymp. Sig.
Middle &
Without &
Without &
Asymp. Sig.
Based on negative ranks
Based on positive ranks
In order to interpret our Wilcoxon test result, a
Bonferroni correction was accordingly applied and
thus all the effects are reported at a p < 0.008 level
of significance.
The result show that it appears that placing the
diverse items dispersedly in the recommendation
lists is perceived to be more diverse than in the case
where the diverse items are placed in the middle (Z
= -3.980, p < 0.008). H1 is therefore rejected and
placing the diverse items, for example, in the middle
of the recommendation list, does not lead to a higher
level of perceived diversity. However, there was no
significant difference between placing diverse items
dispersedly and at the bottom (Z = -1.950, p =
0.051). We therefore found that a recommendation
list with dispersedly placed diverse items can
achieve equal or higher perceived diversity than the
one containing a block of diverse items.
Regarding the issue of whether or not including
diverse items will increase the perceived diversity,
our analysis showed that including diverse items in a
recommendation list can both increase and
sometimes even decrease the perceived diversity. It
depends on how to arrange the diverse items. If the
diverse items are placed together in the bottom of a
list, the perceived diversity is significantly higher
than the list without diverse items (Z = -2.856, p =
0.004). However, when we place the diverse items in
the middle of the recommendation list, the list’s
perceived diversity is even significantly lower than
the one without diverse items (Z = -3.541, p <
0.008). One possible explanation is that users may
stop reading the recommendation list when they
meet diverse items in the middle. However they may
have inspected the whole list without any diverse
items and thus found it to be more diverse than the
one with diverse items placed in the middle.
In order to examine H2, we performed a
Friedman test on the perceived surprise level. The
result of the analysis is shown in Table 3.
Table 3: Friedman test for the surprise level of the
recommendation list.
Mean Ranks
Dispersedly 2.83
Bottom 2.58
Without 2.53
Middle 2.06
Test Statistics
N 52
Chi-Square 8.817
df 3
Asymp. Sig. .032
Table 3 shows that there was a significant
difference among the four experimental treatments
(3) = 8.817, p = 0.032), indicating that different
placements of diverse items perform differently in
surprising the users. Therefore we further used the
Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test to find the details
regarding this significant difference. The result of
this Wilcoxon test is shown in Table 4.
Similar to the analysis for perceived diversity,
the Wilcoxon Test was conducted with a Bonferroni
correction, resulting in a significance level at p <
0.008. The analysis shows that placing the diverse
items in a recommendation list dispersedly can lead
to a higher surprise level than the in the case where
the diverse items are placed in the middle of the list
(Z = -2.755, p = 0.006). There was no significant
difference in surprising users when the diverse items
are placed dispersedly or at the bottom (Z = -0.426,
p = 0.670). Therefore H2 is partially supported.
Interestingly, we found that including diverse items
does not significantly increase the surprise level of
the recommendation list. This indicates that
including diverse items in a recommendation list to
the extent we did in our experiment will not increase
the surprise level independent of the placement of
these items.
Table 4: Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test for user satisfaction.
Dispersedly &
Middle &
Without &
Asymp. Sig.
Middle &
Without &
Asymp. Sig.
Based on negative ranks
Based on positive ranks
Finally, we carried out a Friedman test on user
satisfaction. The analysis result can be found in
Table 5.
Table 5: Friedman test for user satisfaction.
Mean Ranks
Without 2.68
Middle 2.61
Dispersedly 2.50
Bottom 2.21
Test Statistics
N 52
Chi-Square 3.359
df 3
Asymp. Sig. . 340
Surprisingly, we found no significant differences
among the four experimental treatments (χ
(3) =
3.359, p = 0.340). This indicates that placing the
diverse items in a recommendation list dispersedly,
at the bottom, in the middle or without diverse items
results in the same level of user satisfaction. We
therefore fail to reject the null hypothesis H3. That
means we found there exists the possibility that all
of our experimental treatments result in the same
level of user satisfaction. Because there is no
significant difference found in the Friedman test,
there is no need to carry out the Wilcoxon Signed-
Rank test for user satisfaction. As a practical
consequence, we are able to add a certain number of
diverse items in the recommendation list without
hurting user satisfaction. This implies that in
practice we can add some extra items to promote
certain products or increase sales diversity.
A number of algorithms have been proposed to
increase diversity or generate diverse items in the
recommendation list (Zhang and Hurley, 2008);
(Ziegler et al., 2005). However, the issue of how to
place the diverse items is still not in the focus of
recommender system research. We propose in this
work that the question of how to place diverse items
is an important issue because differently placing the
diverse items can affect perceived diversity and the
level of serendipity. Based on our findings, if the
goal of recommender systems is to increase the
perceived diversity, we suggest positioning the
diverse items dispersedly or together in the bottom
of the list. It is also important to note that placing the
diverse items in the middle of the recommendation
list may even reduce the perceived diversity.
Furthermore, as we can use the placement of the
diverse items to control the perceived diversity, our
result might be used to manipulate perceived
diversity in future experiment such as in factorial
Additionally, we found that in the movie domain
including a certain amount of diverse items in the
recommendation list does not surprise the users too
much. When investigating the role of serendipity in
recommender systems, we therefore suggest that
further studies should focus on the cross-domain
product recommendations. Also, the possibility of
improving serendipity might be increased when
recommending products from different domains.
A number of studies are based on the assumption
that increasing diversity will lead to higher user
satisfaction. We therefore tried to analyze whether
increasing diversity results in higher user
satisfaction. However, we found that there was no
significant difference between the groups that
received diverse recommendations and the group
whose list was more monotonous. One possible
explanation is that in the movie domain users
usually have a strong or relatively fixed movie
preference. Therefore the diverse movies might have
been of limited interest to the users. In other
domains such as tourism, users might however be
interested to see quite different travel destinations.
Thus we argue that this can be seen as a domain
specific problem and our conclusions are limited to
the movie domain.
While we see our work as a further step toward a
better understanding of the role of diversity and
serendipity of recommendation lists, we are aware of
some limitations of our work. First, there might be
an effect related to the different movie genres in the
experiment. Different movie genres might for
example influence the user's evaluation of the
system. In order to minimize the effect of different
genres, we clearly instructed the subjects that in the
experiment the four movie genres are four different
scenarios. In a future study, we will further improve
the design of the experiment and focus on a single
movie genre so as to eliminate the effects of genres.
Second, user preference is an external factor that
may influence the experiment. User satisfaction
might not only depend on the position of diverse
item, but also on their personal preference. We tried
to avoid this influence by using only very popular
and well-known movies in the experiment. Note that
users have selected the movies they have watched
and also liked in the experiment. Considering this
data, we have excluded the subjects with strong
movie preferences. In the future, we will further
conduct an experiment with the subjects who have
similar movie preferences.
In addition, our future work will further
investigate user’s personal valuation of diversity in
the results, for example, the subject's degree of
knowledge of a particular topic, the certainty in what
he or she is looking for and the objective fitness
criteria of objects for the searcher's purpose.
Parts of the work presented in this paper have been
supported by the German Federal Ministry of
Research (BMBF) by a grant under the KMU
Innovativ program as part of the Intelligent Match
project (FKZ 01IS10022B).
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