Antigoni Polychroniadou
, Konstantinos Chalkias
and George Stepanides
Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, U.K.
University of Macedonia, Egnatia 156, 54006, Thessaloniki, Greece
Compatibility, Identity-based Encryption, Certificateless Encryption, Protocol Classification, Efficiency
Comparison, Compatible Implementation.
In this paper we put into practice the concept of compatibility and we present a classification of two IBE-related
schemes, the Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) and the Certificate-Less Encryption (CLE). An innovative im-
plementation of a compatible IBE and CLE system was developed in order to support different encryptions
on-the-fly based on the user’s needs at a specific moment. Motivated from the fact that there are numerous
theoretically efficient IBE-related schemes in the literature overshadowing the benefits of traditional public
key encryption (PKI) schemes, they did not, in any important way implemented into practice, as the widely-
used PKI. The question is why this is the case since IBE solves a number of problems associated with PKI.
Therefore, the controversial issue concerning the widespread use of IBE schemes into practice and the issue
of compatibility between IBE and CLE are discussed in this paper. These real problems hinder the wide use of
IBE. However, it cannot be denied that IBE, which can be extended to support a plethora of encryption models,
gains widespread adoption day by day as it solves problems within conventional public key schemes and it
results in a simplified key management, making it much more lightweight to deploy. Based on the fact that a
number of different encryption schemes stemmed from IBE, an implementation of an IBE-related compatible
system is important. Our approach categorizes known concrete constructions from two IBE-related types into
classes and analyzes similarities concerning public settings, used keys, protocol structures and provided model
of provable security.
Traditional RSA (or similar) encryption is still con-
sidered the first option for e-commerce transactions
and key exchange. This is based on the fact that cur-
rent security infrastructure in the web is mainly based
on RSA digital certificates. On the other hand, ellip-
tic curve cryptography (ECC) is considered to offer
the same level of security with RSA but with smaller
key-sizes. Unfortunately, although ECC has been pro-
posed years ago as an RSA alternative,currently, ECC
is mostly used in constrained devices and thus ac-
tual web transactions are mostly based on RSA en-
cryption and signatures. Moreover, there is no doubt
that for a new product or an idea to be applied in the
real world, compatibility with already established ap-
proaches plays the most important role, as history has
shown in the case of passing from DES to 3DES (be-
fore moving to AES) for backward compatibility rea-
sons. Therefore, we issue the compatibility between
schemes stemmed from ECC such as the flexible as
well as versatile IBE schemes.
To circumvent some of the problems of conven-
tional asymmetric encryption, including the complex-
ity and the maintenance cost arised from the use
of digital certificates, the concept of IBE was pro-
posed by Shamir (Shamir, 1985) in 1984. How-
ever, it took almost twenty years for an IBE scheme
to be proposed by Boneh and Franklin (Boneh and
Franklin, 2003) in 2001. Since then, a couple of
breakthroughs have been achieved leading to new
asymmetric encryption schemes. IBE can be ex-
tended to support a plethora of encryption models
and applications including Hirerachical IBE (HIBE),
Certificateless Encryption (CLE) (Al-riyami and Pa-
terson, 2003), Certificate-Based Encryption (CBE),
Fuzzy IBE (FIBE), Timed-Release Encryption (TRE)
to name just a few. Hence, there are numerous the-
oretically efficient IBE-related models in the litera-
ture which offer different advantages and properties.
On the other hand, the commercial use of IBE is not
’growing’ as fast as someone would expect and we
Polychroniadou A., Chalkias K. and Stephanides G..
DOI: 10.5220/0003975302250230
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 225-230
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
suppose that both the compatibility issue and the lack
of a complete ECC parameter standardization (includ-
ing pairing-friendly curves) are the main reasons hin-
dering the wide use of IBE. The latter is due to the
fact that the most efficient and practical IBE schemes
are currently based on bilinear pairings over elliptic
curve groups for which pairing-friendly elliptic curve
groups have been proposed. The first companies have
already started to exploit IBE commercially. Some
of them are Voltage, Trend Micro, Mitsubishi and
Noretech Microsoft etc. All in all, due to the chal-
lenges that appear in asymmetric encryption, the issue
of moving from one model to another requires much
more attention in order for new schemes, with various
interesting properties, to be widely adopted.
From the aforementioned encryption models,
CLE owns some interesting properties making it a
strong candidate to be the ‘connector’ between tradi-
tional public key encryption and IBE. In fact, a CLE
scheme could be characterized as a mixed scheme
which shares properties from both encryption mod-
els, conventional and IBE. As far as CLE and IBE are
concerned, after a thorough research we found that
there are currently at least 35 different concrete IBE
schemes and 30 concrete CLE schemes in the liter-
ature. There are also generic CLE schemes that can
be derived from IBE. Moreover, some of the existing
protocols are independent (Sun et al., 2007), (Cocks,
2001), but some of them share certain features which
allow us to put the concept of compatibility into prac-
tice. So in the following sections, we propose specific
protocols exploring IBE and CLE concepts.
We focus on practicality issues rather than techni-
cal and security details. We identified eight, competi-
tive or not, classes of IBE and eight classes of CLE. A
plethora of CLE frameworks are found to be compat-
ible with IBE frameworks. As a result, the concept of
compatibility is easier to be deployed. On the other
hand, there are classes from one model (e.g. (Baek
et al., 2005) in CLE) for which a related compatible
class does not seem to exist. Moreover, we recom-
mend the best combination of IBE and CLE for the
concept of compatibility and we offer an implemen-
tation. However, we emphasize on the fact that a key
relation and a similar construction between IBE and
CLE schemes does not automatically implies a fully
secure compatible system between them and in some
cases further security proofs are required in order to
implement a parallel encryption system with both IBE
and CLE support. Under some circumstances, the co-
existence of IBE and CLE gives an adversary more
capabilities than in a single-mode CLE.
1.1 IBE and CLE Concepts
The concept of an IBE scheme simplifies the key
management, because the receiver’s unique identity,
such as an email address or a phone number, is used
to easily construct the receiver’s public key without
contacting the KGC or the receiver. When a sender
sends an encrypted message he/she merely derives re-
ceiver’s public key PK1 directly from receiver’s iden-
tity ID (usually PK1 = H(ID)), where H is a Map-
to-Point hash function. Thus, the automatic genera-
tion of public keys by everyone is considered to be
the main advantage of IBE. According to this, there
is no need for public key queries, explicit certificates
and transition of public keys. However, the receiver’s
private key d
is not generated by the receiver as in
conventional cryptography, but it is securely provided
by the KGC. The KGC owns a master secret key and
using an algorithm that takes as input a user’s ID it
outputs a private keys d
for each user. As for IBE
implementations, current IBE approaches either rely
on bilinear pairings over elliptic curve groups or on
the quadratic residue assumption and recently on Lat-
tices’ problems.
Regarding the disadvantages of IBE, they are
arisen by the fact that KGCs can generate the private
keys for each of their users. As a result, a KGC is ca-
pable of decrypting any messages. Accordingly, the
private key escrow becomes an inherent problem in
IBE. Another important problem is that IBE private
keys must be sent to the users over secure channels,
which is solved in practice using RSA-based SSL.
In order to overcome the drawback of IBE, the
essence of CLE was proposed by Al-Riyami and Pa-
terson (Al-riyami and Paterson, 2003) in 2003. CLE
retains the desirable properties of IBE without the in-
herent key escrow problem. In such a scheme the
receiver independently generates his public key PK2
and secret key x as in the case of conventional Public
Key Infrastracrure (PKI). Similarly to IBE, the KGC
computes the partial private key d
using its master
secret key and the receiver’s ID. Contrary to IBE’s
private key, receiver’s private key is a combination of
his/her secret key x and d
. As a result, the key es-
crow problem is solved since messages can only be
decrypted by the receiver (both private key parts are
required). Under some circumstances, the full private
key is just the pair (x, d
) while, in some other cases,
a more complex combination is used. When it comes
to the sender, he/she has to generate PK1 from re-
ceiver’s ID and ask for receiver’s public key PK2 in
order to encrypt a message. Bearing in mind the com-
munication between the KGC and the user during the
key generation, some classes of CLE extend IBE
schemes. Current CLE schemes that evolved from
IBE depend on Bilinear Pairings. However some oth-
ers do not derive from an existing IBE scheme, such
as (Baek et al., 2005) and (Lai et al., 2009).
This article focuses on CLE schemes derived from an
IBE variant, because our aim is to combine both tech-
nologies. What appears to be interesting when con-
sidering the above schemes is how we can connect or
modify the keys in order to make compatible imple-
mentations using a single KGC. In both schemes the
KGC provides the receiver with the d
which is used
as the receiver’s private key in IBE and as a part of
the receiver’s private key in CLE. Secondly, the pub-
lic key PK1 = H(ID) is computed in the same way in
both schemes. Hence, the partial private and the pub-
lic key of IBE schemes are generated in the same way
as in CLE. Generally speaking, all pairing-based IBE-
related schemes (CLE, TRE, HIBE) indirectly include
the ‘pure’ IBE scheme. This fact can be used in order
to achieve compatibility.
In our approach, one scenario we need to solve
is the case when a user, who uses CLE, receives a
message from a sender who used IBE for encryption.
Is it possible for a CLE-capable receiver to decrypt a
message derived from an IBE scheme? This can be
achieved by decrypting the message with the compat-
ible IBE part of the CLE, using the partial private key.
Furthermore, in case where CLE and IBE schemes
are compatible, the user is provided with the opportu-
nity to use different IBE-related schemes in parallel.
More specifically, the user can choose which encryp-
tion to use depending on the features that he expects
from a scheme (need more privacy against KGC or
not?). Emphasizing on the fact that the concept of
compatibility can be implemented in a company, it
can be somehow’ compared to a HIBE scheme. More
specifically, using only one KGC with a compatible
system we offer two categories per user. The first
category enables the KGC to check/decrypt a user’s
message decrypted using IBE encryption. The second
category achieves user’s privacy due to the fact that
the message can be encrypted using CLE encryption.
Therefore, in a company if a user needs more privacy
he/she can encrypt a message using CLE. On the other
hand, in some circumstances where the administra-
tion (KGC) needs to decrypt messages from specific
users, it allows them to encrypt using IBE encryption.
Contrary to a HIBE scheme, the proposed compatible
systems do not offer hierarchy and the user can select
which of the above aforementioned categories needs
to implement any time. Contrary to our approach, in
a Hierarchical HIBE scheme the top level user (e.g.
KGC) can decrypt all the messages from all the users
due to the hierarchy. Moreover, such a scheme de-
mands more complex keys, contrary to our compati-
ble systems. We are currently dealing with the con-
cept of a scalable compatible system without signifi-
cant additional cost. In order to achieve compatibility
between IBE and CLE, we studied the key generation
algorithms of the majority of IBE and CLE concrete
schemes. Needless to say that we had to pay attention
to the mathematical problems on which the security
of every scheme depends on. Bearing in mind that if
two schemes have closely similar keys, but the prob-
lems that they depend on are different, the transfer of
a key from one scheme to another may lead to the dis-
closure of the key. Furthermore, we considered the
communication between the KGC and the user dur-
ing the key generation phase. The only compatible
schemes that we underline are based on the concept
that the user’s public key is independent of the par-
tial private key generation (e.g. BF and AP classes
etc.). The CLE schemes that are not compatible with
any IBE class are those in which the user’s public key
can only be generated after receiving the partial pri-
vate key or after a protocol interaction with the KGC
(e.g. BSS (Baek et al., 2005) class and (Lai and Kou,
2007)). Regarding the security models, as CLE im-
plies IBE, probably the security proofs are included
in the security model of CLE. Therefore, almost all
security models for CLE protect against a disclosure
of the IBE-part of the CLE private key. However, in
some cases further security proofs are required to im-
plement a parallel encryption system for both IBE and
CLE support
as the co-existence of IBE and CLE
gives an adversary more capabilities than in a single-
mode CLE. For example, the partial private key can-
not be divulged if the CLE attacker has replaced the
public key.
2.1 Classification
Taking into consideration the similarities, as well
as the differences of numerous IBE and CLE pro-
posals, we tried to organize them into classes.
As a result, eight IBE classes have been mod-
eled which are the BF(Boneh and Franklin, 2003),
the COCKS(Cocks, 2001), the SK(Kasahara, 2003),
the KW(Katz and Wang, 2003), the Waters(Waters,
2005), the Gentry(Gentry, 2006), the BB1(Boneh
and Boyen, 2004)(a) and the BB2(Boneh and Boyen,
2004)(b) classes. Note that the classes can be
In fact, changes in the security proofs of CLE are re-
quired as they typically extend IBE, but not vice versa.
generalized into less classes since Gentry, SK and
BB2 classes belong to the Exponent-inversion fam-
ily. Moreover, Waters and BB1 classes derive from
the commutative-blinding framework and KW class
stems from a full-domain-hash IBE. We pointed out
which of them are useful or not. The representative
scheme of each class is the first proposed scheme in
the literature. Therefore, the names of the classes de-
rived from the corresponding authors’ names of the
initial paper of each approach which does not auto-
matically mean that these schemes are or are not the
best performed paradigms in their class. This clas-
sification depends on the structure of the keys. Fur-
thermore, we had to pay attention to the mathemat-
ical problems (security assumptions) on which the
security of every scheme depends on. In addition,
in an attempt to standardize the closely related CLE
with IBE proposals we classify the CLE schemes
into eight classes which are the AP03(Al-riyami and
Paterson, 2003), the AP05(Al-riyami and Paterson,
2005), the LQ(Libert and jacques Quisquater, 2006),
the CCLC(Cheng et al., 2007)(a), the BSS(Baek et al.,
2005), the PCHL(Park et al., 2007), the DLP(Dent
et al., 2008) and the LDLK(Lai et al., 2009) classes.
In Tables 1 and 2, we can see the representative
classes of schemes belonged to BF or AP05 classes
where Msk is the master secret key of KGC, Pub is
the user’s public key, Priv is the user’s private key and
Gener is a specified generator. Our implementation
is a compact compatible system based on these two
classes. We will see later why we chose these two
compatible classes.
2.2 Compatibility
Considering the structure of the keys derived from
CLE classes we set the IBE compatible classes. Table
3 shows the CLE classes corresponding to their IBE
compatible class. By taking into consideration the
competitive and compatible useful classes, the com-
patibility can be put into practice. If the Random Or-
acle Model and of course the Weak-Types of Adver-
sarial Security Models are considered practically se-
cure, according to our performance analysis, the SK
(Kasahara, 2003) class has the best efficiency perfor-
mance, followed by BB2 and Gentry classes which
are proven secure in the standard model. In CLE,
among the useful classes, the best performed class
is the LQ(Libert and jacques Quisquater, 2006) class,
followed by AP05 and CCLC classes. The LQ(Libert
and jacques Quisquater, 2006) class is compatible
with SK-IBE class. Depending on their keys and on
the security assumptions they lead to a mixed CLE-
IBE system. Both classes support the simplest im-
Table 1: CLE Classes.
AP05(Al-riyami and Paterson, 2005)
Msk: s
, P
= sP G
Secret: x Z
Pub: P
= xP G
,ID {0, 1}
Partial: d
= sQ
= H
(ID) G
Priv: s
= (d
, x) G
× Z
Gener: P G
Table 2: IBE Classes.
BF(Boneh and Franklin, 2003)
Msk: s
, P
= sP G
Pub: ID {0, 1}
Priv: d
= sQ
= H
(ID) G
Gener: P G
The used hash function is modeled as: H
: {0, 1}
Table 3: Compatible Classes.
CLE Classes compatible with IBE Classes
AP03 and AP05 BF
DLP Waters
PCHL Gentry
- BB2
- KW
plementations. A drawback of these classes is that
the security depends on a strongest q-BDHI assump-
tion compared to other classes. We highlight though
that our measurements took under consideration the
case of a single KGC, otherwise some other pairing-
based classes could be benefited from the bilinearity
property when multiple KGCs are to be used. We are
currently investigate the case of multiple KGCs and
its effect on the compatibility and on the performance
of IBE and CLE schemes. In a multiple KGCs ap-
proach, we need to split the master secret key into ad-
ditive or polynomial shares to avoid single points of
failure. On the other hand, a less time efficient com-
mutative blinding BB1 scheme is extremely flexible
as well as versatile to implement extensions of IBE
followed by BF schemes. Thus, another mixed CLE-
IBE system could be derived from BB1 and CCLC
classes sacrificing some of its efficiency. The combi-
nation of BF and AP classes are quiet efficient but a
practical drawback in terms of security is their high
dependency on random hash functions. Therefore,
based on the fact that the majority of companies that
use IBE, such as Voltage, implement the BF scheme,
we constructed compatible systems companying BF
and AP05 compatible classes. Using the IBECrypto
library(Anastasios Kihidis, 2010) which is an open
source implementation of BF scheme we can success-
fully implement a compatible scheme in which users
as well as administrators choose whether they want to
use IBE or CLE on-the-fly.
This article raises the importance of compatibility
between IBE-related schemes in order to exploit all
aspects from each IBE-related scheme (CLE, Time-
released, hierarchical IBE, etc) since IBE can offer
a lot of extensions. More specifically, we consider
compatibility as the ability to use different asymmet-
ric encryption constructions in parallel. If someone
uses an IBE scheme and someone else uses another
scheme (e.g. CLE) derived from this specific IBE
scheme, under certain circumstances, they can com-
municate to each other. Our focus is on CLE due
to the fact that it is theoretically the most general
scheme, in which the structure of its keys shares prop-
erties from both IBE and conventional PKI. For this
reason we conducted an extended and analytical sur-
vey of the majority, if not all, existing concrete IBE
as well as CLE schemes. We constructed eight, com-
patible or not, classes of IBE and CLE in order to
achievecompatibility. Then we identified the compat-
ible classes, from which we can benefit from utilizing
IBE and CLE in a whole compatible system with a
single KGC. The categorization in classes allowed us
to specify a compatible system for example in a com-
pany where the users are provided with the opportu-
nity to select between CLE(privacy) and IBE(no pri-
vacy) encryptions depending on the needs of the com-
pany. With the concept of compatibility and its im-
plementation we can achieve some intresting proper-
ties. We can use only one KGC for both encryptions,
increase the security of an IBE scheme at any time
by using a secret key as in CLE. In addition, we can
decrypt an IBE message using the IBE part of CLE,
bearing in mind that it is impossible to achieve this
if the user’s public key in CLE is certified in the par-
tial private key. The concept of a compatible system
firstly reduces the problems of PKI avoiding the use
of digital certificates, and secondly it offers the best
aspects of both CLE and IBE schemes. Even better,
although it comes in contrast with the characteriza-
tion certificateless, the user’s public key PK2 could
in some schemes be signed, for backward compati-
bility with traditional PKI. Under this assumption, a
CLE user would be able to encrypt in IBE, CLE and
traditional PKI settings in an ideal system. In addi-
tion, considering other IBE-related encryptions such
as the TRE, the Role-based Access, the HIBE, the
Fuzzy IBE and the Attribute-based Encryption, we
can develop a ’global’ compatible system supported
numerous IBE-related concepts in which a user will
be provided with the opportunity to choose between
the desired IBE-related encryption on-the-fly.
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