A Pilot Panel Study in User-centered Design and Evaluation of
Real-time Adaptable Emotional Virtual Environments
Valeria Carofiglio, Nicola Gallo and Fabio Abbattista
Dipartimento di Informatica, Universita’ di Bari, Bari, Italy
Keywords: Brain-computer Interface, Emotional Adaptable Virtual Environments.
Abstract: User-centered evaluation (UCE) is an essential component of developing any interactive application.
Usability, perceived usefulness and appropriateness of adaptation are the three most commonly assessed
variables of the users' experience. However, in order to validate a design, the new interaction paradigms
encourage to explore new variables for accounting the users' need and preferences. This is especially
important for applications as complex and innovative as Adaptable Virtual Environments (AVE). In this
context, a good design should manage the user’s emotional level as a UCE activity, to obtain a more
engaging overall user’s experience. In this work we overcome the weaknesses of traditional methods by
employing a Brain Computer Interface (BCI) to collect additional information on user’s needs and
preferences. A pilot study is conducted for determining if (i) the BCI is a suitable technique to evaluate the
emotional experience of AVE’s users and (ii) the contents of a given AVE could be improved in order to
result in high subject agreement in terms of elicited emotion.
User-based evaluation is an essential component of
developing any interactive application and it is
especially important for applications as Adaptable
Virtual Environments (AVE). Classical usability
studies are based on functional task, we focus on
fostering a more engaging overall experience by
exploiting the user’s emotional level as powerful
engine in the interaction experience (Emotional
Adaptable Virtual Environment – EAVE).
Traditional methods for assessing the user
experience, such as self-report or interviews, are not
ideal within EAVE because they rely either on
sampling approaches or the users' perception of the
environment. Also methods for capturing the
interaction experience in an unconscious and
continuous approach (e.g. log experience) may be
troublesome, as they do not collect subjective
feedback from (potential) users. The field of Brain
Computer Interface (BCI) (van Gerven et al., 2009)
has recently witnessed an explosion of systems for
studying human emotion by the acquisition and
processing of physiological signals(Bang and Kim,
2004). A BCI is a direct communication pathway
between the brain and an external device. Several
researchers (Murugappan et al., 2007), (Bos, 2006)
have shown that it is possible to extract emotional
cues from electroencephalography (EEG)
measurements, which become a way to investigate
the emotional activity of a subject beyond his
conscious and controllable behaviours. An important
distinction is made between two dimensions of
emotion: The valence (from negative to positive)
and the arousal (from calm to excited) (Russell,
2003). Researchers have investigated how changes
along these two dimensions modulate the EEG
signals and have determined that the position of an
emotion in this two dimensional planes can be
derived from EEG data (Chanel et al., 2006), (Heller
et al., 1997).
By viewing serious games as one of the most
representative examples of EAVE, but also as
elicitors of complex user emotion synthesis, we
explore on going research on successful realization
of affective loop, in which “the system should
involve users in an emotional, physical interactional
process” (Leite et al., 2010). To achieve a good
design, the phases of emotion elicitation, affective
detection and modeling and affect driven system
adaptation are critical. In this view, we propose a
user centered approach to design and support the
emotional user experience within EAVE, which will
be based on standard BCI. The expected result is a
Carofiglio V., Gallo N. and Abbattista F..
A Pilot Panel Study in User-centered Design and Evaluation of Real-time Adaptable Emotional Virtual Environments.
DOI: 10.5220/0003975500670071
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 67-71
ISBN: 978-989-8565-12-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
dynamic increase of the interaction's customization
and therefore an improvement of the user's
engagement, focusing on how self-induced emotions
could be utilized in a BCI paradigm (real-time data
In this view, the real-time acquisition of
information about the emotional state of the user
provided by the system should be used to adapt the
characteristics of the interaction: That should give
the chance of better reaching the intended emotional
effects on each individual user. In this paper we
conduct a BCI-based pilot study for determining if
the contents of a given AVE (see section 4 for more
details) could result in high subject agreement in
terms of elicited emotion.
Emotions are a really complex phenomenon, so
there is no universal method to measure them.
Methods may be categorized into subjective and
objective ones. Questionnaires or picture tools (Self-
Assessment Mainkin (SAM) (Bradley and Lang,
1994) or the Affect grid (Russell et al., 1989)) could
be used as self-report instruments. Objective
methods use physiological cues derived from the
theories of emotions which define universal pattern
of autonomic and central nervous system responses
related to the experience of emotions. Other
modalities used for measuring emotions include
blood pressure, heart rate, respiration. This paper
exploits emotion assessment via EEG.
A BCI records human activity in form of
electrical potentials (EPs), through multiple
electrodes that are placed on the scalp. Depending
on the brain activity, distinctive known patterns in
the EEG appear. To account for user emotional state
during BCI operation, most of the literature suggests
an exhaustive training of the BCI classification
algorithm under various emotional states: In the
general approach the user is exposed to an opportune
affective stimulation. The type of mental activity
elicited is then processed to obtain features that
could be grouped into features vectors. Such features
vectors are then used to train the BCI classification
algorithm, which can then recognize the relevant
brain activity.
If a passive BCI is employed, as in our case,
active user involvement is not required. The
interpretation of his/her mental state could be a
source of control to the automatic system adaptation
(from the application interface to the virtual
environment), for example in order to motivate and
involve him/her by the application feedback.
BY Emotiv
Epoc (http://www.emotiv.com), is a high-
resolution, low-cost, easy to use neuroheadset
developed for games. Based on the International 10-
20 locations, it captures neural activity using 14 dry
electrodes (AF3, F7, F3, FC5, T7, P7, O1, O2, P8,
T8, FC6, F4, F8, AF4) plus CMS/DRL references,
P3/P4 locations). The headset samples all channels
at 128Hz, each sample being a 14 bit value
corresponding to the voltage of a single electrode.
Directly based on the user's brain activity,
Epoc reads different emotion-related
measures. Among the other, the Instantaneous
Excitement (IE) and the Long term Excitement
(LTE). The first is experienced as an awareness or
feeling of physiological arousal with a positive
value. It is tuned to provide output scores that more
accurately reflect short-term changes in excitement
over time periods as short as several seconds; LTE is
experienced and defined in the same way as IE, but
the detection is designed and tuned to be more
accurate when measuring changes in excitement
over longer time periods, typically measured in
minutes. Both these measures are time-independent:
At each arousal variation the IE and LTE are
Some application require detection of and
management of user's emotions to provide an
appropriate user experience or even to avoid
psychological harm. As main example of this kind of
application, we consider a Nazi extermination camp.
Moreover, sooner the only way to preserve the
remembrance of that terrible historical period will
entrusted on indirect documentation in the form of
videos, images and texts reporting interviews to last
witnesses. A way to maintaining alive the dramatic
meaning of that experience could be to reconstruct a
3D virtual environment of one of those camps, such
as Auschwitz.
In our VE a digital character representing a
prisoner guides users through different parts of the
camp. During the navigation, the VE activates links
to videos, photos documenting the Jewish and
Gipsy's lifestyle in the 1940-1945 period, or plays
songs that some prisoners composed during their
permanence. By means of the BCI we aim at
capturing the user' reaction to presented contents in
order to allow the virtual prisoner to dynamically
adapt the visit to the user profile, choosing to avoid
some media judged too upsetting for the users
sensibility or visiting only some zones of the entire
virtual world, in order to maintain the current user's
emotive state or to induce a desired one. In this way
users could be guided along well defined emotional
and informative paths.
Our virtual environment has been interfaced with
the Emotiv
Epoc headset (see Figure 1). The
headset detect the EEG signal of the user and pre-
process them, by means of some C# script:
- A script manages the connection between the
headset and the virtual environment.
- Another script receives and saves user’s affective
values, i.e. long-term excitement and instantaneous
- A third script detects user’s head movements to
adjust the camera perspective.
Figure 1: Functional model of the employed BCI.
As stated, in choosing the scenario we avoided
scenes that could objectively induce psychological
harm. As a consequence, in order to avoid the lack
of reaction to the selected scenes, the subject who
took part to the experiments were chosen on the base
of their knowledge about the domain, avoiding
people who reported a strong knowledge of the
domain. Moreover, all subjects were preventively
informed about the details of the experiment, and
only those who have deliberately declared its
intention to participate in the experiment were taken
into account.
Eight different subjects interacted with the 3D
environment (50% males and 50% females).
Concerning the age distribution, 25% ranged
between 18 and 25 years old; 12,5% ranged between
26 and 35 years old and 62% aged more than 46
years old. Each experimental session lasted about 13
The environment includes 8 different scenes;
among these, six scenes contain historical
multimedia documentation; the remaining two
include only the 3D reconstruction of the camp. At
the end of the interaction each user answered a self-
assessment questionnaire (see Appendix).
The goals of the experiment were to evaluate
several different factors concerning the emotional
experience of users interacting with our 3D
1. How much the 3D environment is inherently
emotive. For each user, we measured the global
emotional response due to the whole interaction
process, by:
- A subjective evaluation: Analysis of the user
response to the questionnaire;
- An objective evaluation: Analysis of the
recorded user EEG signal;
- Comparing the two previous analysis to
evaluate their consistency;
2. How much each scene contributes to the inherent
emotional level of the 3D environment, by analyzing
the EEG signals of each user for each scene and by
measuring the average IE and LTE;
3. How much the multimedia content of each scene
contributes to the emotional response with respect to
the scenes not enriched with multimedia contents.
Concerning the first question, experimental data
show that 75% of the users claimed they felt
different levels of sadness, while 25% felt both
anger and fear (see Table 1). The values are
moderately low but the coherency between both IE
and LTE values indicates that a user emotional
response actually occurred.
What about the contribution of each scene?
From Figures 2 and 3, it could be noted that the
scene with higher average IE value is the scene 6, a
scene lacking multimedia content, but the scene 7
has the higher average LTE value, and this means
that users were very involved during all (or most of)
the scene.
Table 1: Average IE and LTE values wrt. users’ declared
Avg IE
User Emotional
Response (as
User 1 0.343 0.338 Sadness (4)
User 2 0.543 0.535 Sadness (4)
User 3 0.411 0.402 Sadness (3)
User 4 0.368 0.360 Sadness (6)
User 5 0.467 0.458 Anger (5)
User 6 0.369 0.375 Sadness (4)
User 7 0.463 0.458 Fear (5)
User 8 0.447 0.438 Sadness (5)
Figure 2: Minimum and maximum average IE values for
each scene.
Figure 3: Minimum and maximum average LTE values for
each scene.
Finally, we tried to discover if the multimedia
contents contribute to the emotional response of the
users. Tables 2 shows, for each user, the scene(s)
with, respectively, IE and LTE greater than the two
scenes with no multimedia contents. The EEG
signals detected indicate that 62.5% of the users
consider the scenes with multimedia contents more
emotionally engaging than the other two scenes
(Table 2.a); for 85% of the users the emotional
engagement of the scenes with multimedia contents
has a longer duration (Table 2.b).
Table 2: Number of scene with multimedia content with
greater IE value (a) and greater LTE value (b) wrt the two
scene without multimedia content (A zero in the cell
indicates that the scene corresponding to the column has
an higher IE/LTE value).
(a) Scene 4 Scene 6
User 1 0 5
User 2 0 0
User 3 3 3
User 4 6 2
User 5 4 2
User 6 0 0
User 7 4 6
User 8 4 0
(b) Scene 4 Scene 6
User 1 0 6
User 2 4 5
User 3 3 2
User 4 5 3
User 5 1 1
User 6 3 3
User 7 4 5
User 8 2 0
The main idea behind this research was that a good
design should manage the user’s emotional level as a
UCE activity, to obtain a more engaging overall
user’s experience. To this aim, we employed a BCI
to collect additional information on user’s needs and
preferences without questioning the user itself. This
enables a faster collection process avoiding mistakes
due to the user misbehaviour. Preliminary results
show that our method allows to identify which
application’s contents do not induce an appropriate
emotional response. In this way the designer could
delete scenes or multimedia contents if they result in
low subject agreement in terms of elicited emotion
and replace them with more engaging contents.
However, widening the number of experimental
subjects or choosing them with given personal
characteristics is necessary.
Concurrently, the design and building of the
adaptive virtual environment module should be
considered. The expected application should be able
to choose the proper multimedia content by avoiding
some media judged too upsetting for the users
sensibility and/or by hiding some zones of the
virtual world, in order to induce a desired user’s
emotional state. In this way users could be implicitly
guided along well defined emotional and
informative paths.
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The figure below shows the timeline of each
experimental session. The environment includes 8
different scenes; among these, six scenes contain
historical multimedia documentation; the remaining
two include only the 3D reconstruction of the camp.
At the end of the interaction each user answered a
self-assessment questionnaire.