We presented in this work a new tool to enhance
simulations conducted with NS-2. This new tool
named TRAFIL aims at offering an easy to use
interface in which users can load and store
simulation trace files in order to facilitate the
analysis procedure. We used simulation trace files to
produce measurements, statistics and charts in an
effort to help students and researchers when running
simulations with NS-2. TRAFIL was written in the
JAVA programming language and is platform
independent. The main benefit of TRAFIL apart
from the production of ready to use metrics and
charts is the reduced time it consumes for the whole
trace file analysis procedure; firstly by minimizing
the time to open and use a trace file and secondly by
enabling the user to store each trace file in a
database for easy access and future use. That was
something that was missing all previous years in the
NS-2 simulation environment. It also gives the
opportunity to extract all the information that is
stored or produced to a text or Excel file when it
comes to the trace file, simulation metrics and
information or jpeg for the charts. Finally, TRAFIL
can be extended to support a variety of trace files
and not only NS-2 trace files with great ease due to
the use of Metafiles and Sub Metafiles.
In our future work we plan to extent TRAFIL
with useful tools for simulating video transmission
scenarios. The idea is to fully automate the whole
simulation and analysis procedure. In addition to
automating the simulation process we plan to offer
the opportunity to perform SQL queries directly to
the database and returning the results to the user.
This way a user can retrieve all the different
combinations of values contained in a trace file.
TRAFIL is publicly available at (TRAFIL
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TRAFIL download: http://ru6.cti.gr/ru6/research_tools.
DCNET 2012 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking