A Topic-Map-based Framework to Enhance Components’ Retrieval
in a Process Control
Sara Bouzid
, Corine Cauvet
and Jacques Pinaton
Laboratory for Information Sciences and Systems, Saint-Jerome University, Marseille, France
STMicroelectronics, ZI De Peynier, Rousset, France
Keywords: Components’ Retrieval, Semantic Description, Process Control, User Requirements, Topic Maps.
Abstract: Controlling a manufacturing process to meet customers’ requirements is crucial for many industrial
companies to remain at the forefront. The control of a manufacturing process requires for each actor
involved in this process to be reactive and effective in monitoring the process in order to meet company
objectives. Enhancing the sharing and the retrieval of the components that support the control of such a
process is necessary to effectively meet actors’ requirements for the accomplishment of their business tasks.
Semantic description with knowledge representation techniques is one of the widely used techniques to
address components’ retrieval. Existing methods focus on describing components according to their
functionalities, thus they don’t really tackle user requirements that the components meet. We propose in this
paper a layered conceptual framework to add semantic description to the components that support the
manufacturing process control starting from the users’ requirements. A Topic-Map-based solution is
proposed to support the implementation of this framework.
Controlling large scale manufacturing processes in
industrial companies is a complex task that requires
a continuous monitoring and analysis of the process
to ensure its achievement. The manufacturing
process control consists of a set of tools and methods
established to guarantee that products meet
customers’ requirements. To that aim, process
control systems and tools enable to extract many
indicators to follow the manufacturing process and
to measure the adherence to company objectives.
We note that an indicator is an aggregate of
measures (Claudepierre, 2010) as known in the
decision engineering field. The main problem in
establishing such a control activity is giving access
to process control tools to all the actors of the
company that have same needs. The used tools are a
set of heterogeneous components such as a software
product, a software component, a database system or
even an information resource. Thus, sharing and
retrieving such components between users without
an organized way and a consistent method is often
difficult. There is a lack today of an efficient method
to manage the sharing and retrieving of the
components that support process-control methods in
industries. The main difficulty in this context resides
in the distance between what a component does (the
what) and which need it addresses (the why). This
distance can entail low-quality search and results
(Lucredito et al., 2004). The goal of our work is to
reduce this gap in order to improve components’
retrieval during the control of a manufacturing
process. We propose a Topic-Map-based framework
to integrate users’ requirements in the components’
description. The conceptual design of the framework
is based on three levels of abstraction: a requirement
level, a functional level and a physical level. The
characteristic of our proposal is that we use the
Topic-Map standard (Pepper, 2009) which is an ISO
semantic web standard to support the integration of
these levels.
The second section in this paper presents an
overview of the conceptual framework. The third
section presents the Topic-Map-based solution
which supports the implementation of the
framework. The proposed framework with its Topic-
Map implementation is illustrated by an example
from STMicroelectronics.
Bouzid S., Cauvet C. and Pinaton J..
A Topic-Map-based Framework to Enhance Components’ Retrieval in a Process Control.
DOI: 10.5220/0003977601460149
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 146-149
ISBN: 978-989-8565-11-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 Overview
Our goal is to define a framework for components’
description to enhance their findability and usability
between users involved in the control of a
manufacturing process. To that aim, we can
distinguish three main types of knowledge
underlying this context: User requirements,
component functions and the components
themselves. We propose then a three layered
framework as follow: Requirements’ level,
Functional level and physical level. Each level is
supported respectively with a meta-model (URM,
FM, PM) to handle the components’ description in
an organized manner.
Figure 1 depicts the proposed layered
framework. The goal of each level is to provide a
semantic description above components driven by
the users’ requirements. In fact, the main difference
between our components’ description and the
existing models proposed by the scientific
community is that our framework is oriented toward
non-expert end-users. Most existing components
description models are proposed for market
components and are usually devoted to address
retrieval issues in the context of software
development. Our proposed framework is rather
devoted to enhance the retrieval of diverse
components related to a specific industrial process.
Figure 1: Overview of the conceptual framework.
The semantic description proposed in this
framework starts from the users’ requirements and
focus on the relevant properties that can guide the
user in the selection of a given component. In
addition, each level is enriched by concepts from the
manufacturing process ontology because these
components are kinds of services supporting the
control of manufacturing processes. Thus, the
proposed framework enables in fact to align
components with the users’ requirements using
semantic-description techniques.
2.2 The Requirement Level
The requirement level enables to capture the users’
requirements in a manufacturing process control. A
user in this context is an actor that can be a person or
an organization from the process control function.
This user has one or many requirements which can
be simple or complex. Each requirement is then
expressed as a goal that can be refined with an
AND/OR graph (Lamsweerde, 2001). A goal at a
low level is measured with one or many indicators.
These indicators enable at the end to respond to the
user requirement because the actor can know
through an indicator if he reached company
objectives. Figure 2 depicts an example of goal
decomposition until the indicators definition from
STMicroelectronics. STMicroelectronics is a
French-Italian company specialized in the
manufacturing of electronics chips. This example is
related to the Wafer-Fab-Yield (WFY). A Wafer is a
silicon plate used as support for the construction of
Figure 2: Example of a Requirement Model.
To reduce WFY loss, the company actors have to
follow two main goals: to reduce scraps and to
prevent them. A scrap is a wafer that is not
compliant to the quality and the reliability
requirements. To reduce scraps, process control
actors need to detect scraps and to monitor them. To
detect scraps, three main indicators are supervised:
the number of accidents, the percentage of lots Out
Of Control (OOC) and the percentage of lots Out Of
Specifications (OOS). These indicators are mainly
based on statistical methods.
2.3 The Functional Level
The functional level describes the what of the
components to enable the user to know what a
component does according to his requirement. In
this level a component is described with its
functionalities and its outputs. The outputs of the
components here are in fact the indicators sought by
the users for the process control. We can add also in
this level some non functional properties. These
properties give information about the quality of
service of the component such as its usability, its
performance or its reliability to help the user in the
selection of a given component.
2.4 The Physical Level
The physical level provides information about the
components themselves as physical entities. It gives
the components with their meta-data to the user. As
kinds of meta-data we can cite the execution
environment of the component, its location and
eventually the used data-sources to generate the
indicators. We note that these components can be
heterogeneous depending on company assets and its
information systems. Some components can be kinds
of decision-support systems - such as reporting tools
and data analysis tools- or artifacts produced with
these systems. Other components can be kinds of
documents and web resources such as dashboards
and web portals referencing process-control
We propose to support the implementation of the
framework with the Topic Map standard which is a
semantic web standard for resources’ annotation and
ontologies’ construction.
Topic Maps are an ISO semantic web standard
(Arroyo et al., 2004) usually used to build semantic
networks of data and concepts linked to
heterogeneous resources. The key concepts of a
Topic Map consist of topics, associations,
occurrences and resources (figure 3). A topic is a
symbolic representation of a subject where a subject
is a concept from a real world (Pepper, 2009). An
association expresses a relationship between topics.
An occurrence is what links an information resource
to a topic and finally a resource is any technological
support that handles information. It could be a
document, a web page, a software product, a
Database, etc.
Figure 3: Core Concepts of the Topic Map Standard.
We chose to use the Topic Map standard mainly
because it enables to describe heterogeneous
resources with high semantic abstraction. A Topic
Map can therefore represent any subject from the
real world with any desired level of granularity by
typing topics and associations. In addition, Topic
Maps are highly oriented towards human users and
are more optimized for findability (Pepper, 2008)
comparing to OWL and RDF which are more
devoted to machines and interoperability between
applications (Arroyo et al. 2004).
According to our purpose, a Topic Map will
enable to structure the way of navigation and search
of components starting from users’ requirements.
Thus we propose to extend the Topic-Map Meta-
Model as depicted in figure 4 to include the
proposed layered description of the framework. The
added concepts are represented with dark color in
figure 4. The standard concepts in Topic Maps
consist of topics, associations, occurrences and other
characteristics of a topic such as topic name that can
have variant names and association role which
indicates the role of each topic in a binary
association. A resource is also a key concept in a
Topic Map, which can be used to represent any kind
of component. According to our proposed
framework, we can distinguish two types of topics
(figure 4): Requirement Topics and Usage Topics. A
Requirement Topic refers to the user requirement. It
can be a goal or an indicator. A Requirement Topic
can be decomposed and refined into sub-topics
according to the complexity of the user requirement.
A Usage Topic is a kind of topic that describes the
components (resources). A Usage Topic can
represent the component name (CName), its
functionality or its output. The physical level is
represented as meta-properties linked to the
occurrences in the Topic-Map Extended Meta-
Figure 4: The Topic-Map Extended Meta-Model.
According to these types of topics we distinguish
three layers in the Topic-Map Extended Meta-
Model: the requirement layer (related to requirement
topics), the usage layer (related to usage topics) and
the resources layer. Figure 5 illustrates an example
of a Topic Map exposing these levels. We take again
the example of the WFY goals.
Figure 5: Graphic view of a Topic Map.
The Wandora tool, a free software environment
for Topic Maps creation and visualization, was used
to implement the Topic Map.
Starting from the goal Reduce WFY loss, the
proposed Topic Map enables a structured navigation
between topics so to discover the set of indicators
required for this complex requirement and to obtain
them with the available components of the company.
For example to detect scraps, the Topic Map shows
that the user needs to obtain the %OOC among other
indicators. This indicator is an output provided by
the control card recipe and is accessible via PC
This paper tackles how to enhance components’
sharing and retrieval in a manufacturing process
control by reducing the gap between the users’
requirements and the components that support the
process control. The study of the users’ requirements
within STMicroelectronics confirms us our findings
and helps us to propose a suitable framework to
address this need for the control of a standard
manufacturing process. Our current works try to
study in detail the concept of indicator in order to
make a classification of the indicators according to
types of requirements. The linking between the main
levels of the framework can be better specified in
this case. A search application based on Topic Maps
is also planned.
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Université Paris I-Pantheon Sorbonne.
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Engineering: a Guided Tour. In the 5th IEEE
International Symposium on Requirements
Engineering, Toronto.
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